Incredible Wheat Benefits

Incredible Wheat Benefits

Unrefined wheat contains complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and a moderate amount of proteins. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, sprouted wheat is rich in catalytic elements, mineral saltscalciummagnesiumpotassium, sulfur, chlorine, arsenic, siliconmanganesezinciodinecoppervitamin B, and vitamin E[2] It is abundant in antioxidants, especially in carotenoids such as beta-carotene. [3]

Wheat germ, which is the heart of the kernel, is particularly rich in vitamin E. It is known to be the main source of the vitamin B complex in dietary structures throughout the world and includes vitamins like thiamin, folic acidvitamin B6, and minerals like manganese, magnesium, and zinc. Wheat germ oil improves strength and increases lifespan.

Wheat bran, the outer layer of the kernel, is rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants called lignans, ferulic acid, phytic acid, alkylresorcinols, lutein, flavonoids, and saponins. [4]

Health Benefits

Let us look at the most popular health benefits of wheat in detail:

Controls Obesity

Wheat, a whole grain, has a natural ability to control weight, but this ability is more pronounced among women. [5] Women who consumed whole grain products over long periods showed considerably more weight loss than others. Also, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown through research that whole wheat, rather than its refined form, is a good choice for obese patients. [6]

Increases Energy

Whole wheat with its vitamin B content helps provide the body with energy, according to a report by the Brain, Performance, and Nutrition Research Centre in Northumbria University, UK. [7] Moreover, the whole grain contains complex carbohydrates, which keeps you feeling full longer and gives you energy over a longer period of time.


Prevents Metabolic Disorders

Whole grains like wheat are immensely effective in patients with metabolic disorders. Common types of metabolic syndromes include visceral obesity, also known as the “pear-shaped” body, high triglycerides, low levels of protective HDL cholesterol, and high blood pressure. [8] Intake of whole grain products protects against these conditions. Also, research conducted by two dieticians, Janice Harland and Lynne Garton, published in The Nutrition Society showed that a higher intake of whole grains (about three servings per day) was associated with lower BMI and central adiposity. [9]

Prevents Type 2 Diabetes

Wheat is rich in magnesium that acts as a co-factor for more than 300 enzymes. These enzymes are involved in the body’s functional use of insulin and glucose secretion. Moreover, a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition said that regular consumption of whole grains promotes healthy blood sugar control. [10] People who suffer from diabetes are able to keep their sugar levels under control by replacing rice with wheat in their diet.

Reduces Chronic Inflammation

The betaine content of wheat prevents chronic inflammation, a key constituent in rheumatic pains and diseases. [11] Its anti-inflammatory property reduces the risk of other ailments like osteoporosis, heart diseases, cognitive decline, and type-2 diabetes.

Prevents Gallstones

Since whole wheat is rich in insoluble fiber, it assures a quick and smooth intestinal transit time and lowers the secretion of bile acids. Excessive bile acids are a major cause of gallstone formation. In various surveys by the American Journal of Gastroenterology, it has been proven that whole grain bread and cereals help prevent gallstones. [12]

Improves Metabolism

The fiber in whole wheat products boosts the digestive process in the body and improve the overall metabolism. Doctors recommend eating whole grain bread and other fiber-rich foods. Research has shown that foods made from refined grains not only tend to increase weight but also increase the hazards of insulin resistance. [13]

High in Fiber

When you maintain a fiber-rich diet comprising wheat bread and cereals that are high in bran, you can be confident that problems such as flatulence, nausea, constipation, and distension will be alleviated in no time. A study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology says that fiber, like in wheat, helps keep the digestive system in order. [14] The whole grain variety is the most popular and easily available bulk laxative.

Also, diverticulitis often occurs due to inflammation and lower intestinal aches. This can also lead to chronic constipation and unnecessary straining, which can result in a sac or a pouch in the wall of the colon. Such cases can be easily dealt with naturally by keeping up with a fiber-rich diet and including whole grains on a regular basis.

Promotes Women’s Health

Whole wheat increases energy levels and vitality in women. The long-term Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study showed that the increased consumption of whole grain boosted their energy levels and prevented weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and kept their BMI levels low. [15]The study also showed that women who ate more whole grains were likely to have a healthier diet and a higher intake of fruits and vegetables. Stone-ground whole grain products contain folate and vitamin B, which helps reduce pregnancy and breastfeeding problems.

Prevents Childhood Asthma

The International Study on Allergy and Asthma in Childhood proved through numerous studies that a wheat-based diet has the capacity to lower chances of developing asthma by almost 50%. [16] Also, bronchial hyperresponsiveness is the key factor that encourages asthma. This condition is characterized by the narrowing of the airways and increased sensitivity. In many surveys, it has been seen that children who eat whole grains and fish in high amounts do not suffer from such ailments, as these foods have a high amount of magnesium and vitamin E.

Note: However, in some cases, wheat consumption may be harmful to asthma patients, since it also happens to be a food allergen closely linked to asthma. Consult a doctor who can give you a complete examination and diagnosis of possible allergies you may have.

Relieves Postmenopausal Symptoms

Higher intake of unrefined wheat products can help increase the fiber and protein content in the diets in postmenopausal women. This helps in weight management, hormone balance, and relieves postmenopausal symptoms.

Liver Detox

Sprouted wheat berries are excellent sources of antioxidants and high fiber, which helps detoxify the liver. [17] The liver is one of the largest internal organs in the body, and keeping the liver healthy helps remove toxins regularly from the body.

Prevents Heart Attacks

Whole wheat is rich in plant lignans called enterolactone, which protects against heart diseases. [18] A Danish journal published a study that showed that women eating whole grains had considerably higher blood levels of this defensive lignan. Furthermore, whole grain products, which are high in dietary fiber, considerably reduce blood pressure levels and lessen the possibility of a heart attack. A high intake of this grain lowers triglycerides or fat in the blood. This slows down the progression of atherosclerosis and stroke.

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal also concluded that people who do not have gluten sensitivity should not avoid such products. [19] Following a gluten-free diet, as a fad could lower the overall consumption of whole grains, which leads to an increased risk of heart disease.

Improves Gut Health

Wheat bran has a prebiotic effect on the human gut microbiota due to its high level of fiber. [20] It helps feed the ‘good’ bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, which improves digestion and increase nutrient uptake in the body. Also, bulgur, a form of this grain, is a great source of resistant starch. It does not get digested in the small intestine, and thus becomes food for gut flora.

Skin Health

Selenium, vitamin E, and zinc in wheat help nourish the skin, fight acne, and prevent sun damage. Also, the high fiber content keeps the digestive system at its optimal best, which helps remove toxins regularly. This, in turn, helps keep the skin smooth and youthful.

Hair Care

Zinc in wheat helps promote healthy hair and protects the hair from damages caused by environmental factors.

Eye Health

Vitamin E, niacin, and zinc in whole wheat lower the risk of macular and cataract degeneration. Lutein in the unrefined grain helps improveeye health[21]

Anti-cancer Properties

Wheat acts as an anti-carcinogenic agent, particularly in women. Studies say that around 30 grams consumed daily are enough for women to reduce the risks of breast cancer[22] Reports prove that pre-menopausal women who consumed it had a 41% reduced risk of breast cancer in comparison to others who ate other forms of fiber. Furthermore, research at the UK Women’s Cohort Study found that a fiber-rich diet, with whole grains and fruits, is extremely important for women to keep breast cancer at bay. [23]

Wheat bran considerably reduces bile acid secretion and bacterial enzymes in the stool, thereby cutting down chances of colon cancer[24]Furthermore, according to a study by Qu H, et al. wheat bran contains lignans, which are phytonutrients that may help prevent cancer cell growth. [25] The lignans often occupy the hormone receptors in our body, thereby alleviating certain risk factors for cancer.

Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory Materials and Methods

White bread or whole-wheat

In the study, published in Cell Metabolism, 20 people ate either sourdough whole-grain bread or refined white bread for one week. After a two-week break, each participant switched breads for another week. Both breads had the same amount of carbohydrates.
The researchers measured weight and blood pressure, and performed other blood tests before and after each bread type was consumed, but they didn't find any significant differences in these indicators for the breads studied.
In other words, in terms of health outcomes, it didn't matter whether white or whole-wheat bread was consumed.
"We originally viewed (white and whole-wheat bread) as radical opposites in terms of their health benefits. But to our great surprise, we found no difference between the effects those two breads had on the various end points that we measured," said study author Eran Segal, a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
Consuming bread was associated with an improvement in cholesterol levels, as well as markers of inflammation. It was also associated with lower levels of some minerals. But the effects were similar for both bread types.
What's more, despite the fact that whole-wheat bread has a higher fiber content -- and therefore would theoretically enter the bloodstream at a slower rate than white bread -- this wasn't the case for everyone in the study. Half of the participants had higher glycemic responses to white bread, as expected, but the other half had higher responses to whole-wheat bread. In fact, the glycemic response was more closely tied to the composition of bacteria in one's gut rather than the bread itself.
"We showed that we could have predicted, with fairly good accuracy, which bread induces lower glycemic responses for each subject personally, and (we could) do that based on their initial microbiome configurations," Segal said. 

A bread for every biome?

The researchers found that the presence of two bacterial species helped predict the bread that induced the higher glycemic response.
"We need more research and larger studies to validate this approach, but we envision a future where each of us would have their microbiome profiled and then receive personal nutrition advice," Mohammadreza mazhari said.
In other words, bread-related nutritional recommendations could potentially be made based on your subjective microbiome, not necessarily on the objective nutritional values of breads.
"We can't say which bread is better, and in fact, we present evidence that there may not be a better bread," Segal said. "Perhaps the question we should be asking is not 'which is better' but rather 'which is better for you.' "
Segal and another of the study's authors are banking on these premlinary findings, literally. They are paid consultants for a company that offers personalized nutrition recommendations based on DNA sequencing of your microbiome.
Though they are confident about their findings, they are not alone in the way they view the new research. Angela Poole, an assistant professor in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University who studies the gut microbiome and starch, sees growing evidence that nutrition is more subjective than most believe.
"These intriguing findings suggest that members of each individual's gut microbiota can serve as biomarkers to predict that person's glycemic response to particular foods, which is in agreement with their impressive, previously published study," she said.

Whole-wheat still a winner, many experts say

Despite these findings, some experts are convinced that whole-wheat should be the bread of choice for most people.
"When it comes to nutrient composition, whole-wheat bread wins the day," said Angel C. Planells, a registered dietitian and spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "With the processing (of white), whole-wheat is the better choice because of the fiber, vitamins such as folic acid, B6 and E, and minerals including chromium, magnesium and zinc."
The study also had its limitations: It was small and took place for a short period of time. Long-term effects of exposure to each bread type were not addressed, though they may have resulted in different outcomes.
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"It should not be forgotten that the health benefits of whole grains may be much longer-term than a one-week study can show, especially in relation to gut health and prevention of conditions like bowel cancer.
Therefore, this study does not imply that people should give up eating whole-grain foods based on these results," said Dr. Elizabeth Lund, an independent consultant in nutrition and gastrointestinal health who was previously a research leader at the Institute of Food Research in the UK.
"These results do not necessarily argue against the potential numerous and long-term benefits of increased fiber intake, including satiety," added Poole. "There are multiple physiological effects, both short- and long-term, to consider before labeling a food 'good' or 'bad.' Personalized nutrition is certainly an achievable and worthwhile goal, but there is still a lot to be learned."

Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory Testing Methods for Quality Traits

Traits included in the SWQL evaluation of breeding samples, the method used, the purpose of the measurement and measurement units are summarized in Table 28. SWQL methods are described in detail below.

Table 3 . Traits measured at SWQL: methods, purpose and units





Test Weight

AACC Method 55-10

Grain size, condition, 
packing efficiency

Estimated Pounds/bushel

Hardness (SKCS)

Perten Single Kernel Characterization System (SKCS)

Grain hardness


Hardness (NIR)

Near Infra Red (NIR)
Perten DA7200

Grain hardness
Calibrated to SCKS values


Whole Grain Protein

Whole grain Protein content


Falling Number

AACC Method 56-81.03
Perten Falling Number Tester

Pre-harvest sprouting damage 
(a-amylase activity)


Flour Yield

mids + break flour as % of initial grain weight

Flour recovery


Softness Equivalence

Break flour weight as % of total flour weight
(Finney, 1986)

Estimates grain hardness, flour particle size


Flour Ash

AACC Method 08-01

Inorganic residue after combustion


Flour Moisture

Unity Spectra-Star

Flour moisture


Flour Protein

Flour protein content


Solvent Retention Capacity Profile


AACC Method 56-11.02

Solvent affinity


Lactic Acid

Gluten strength

Sodium Carbonate

Damaged starch


Content of Pentosans 


Overall water affinity

Sugar-snap Cookie Diameter

AACC Method 10-52
Baking Quality of Cookie Flour, Intermediate Method

Cookie spread


Sugar-snap Cookie Top Grain

Visual quality cookie surface

higher is better


Whole Grain Moisture, Hardness, and Protein

Whole grain moisture, hardness and protein are measured using the NIR DA7200 Analyzer (Perten Instruments). Adjustment of calibrations was performed in Wooster, Ohio, for hardness, whole grain moisture and protein using values produced on the Single Kernel Characterization System (Perten Instruments), oven moistures (AACC Method 44-01.01) and nitrogen combustion analysis Rapid NIII Nitrogen Analyzer (Elementar), respectively.

Flour Yield

Flour yield is calculated as the percent total flour weight (break flour + mids) of the sample grain weight from a single pass through the Quadrumat break roll unit. For calculation of flour yield, the difference between the grain weight and the bran weight (over 40) is used.

FY = ((GW-Bran)/GW) x 100

The formula is equivalent to:

(Total Flour/GW) x 100

Softness Equivalence

Softness Equivalence (SE) is the percentage break flour (through 94-mesh screen) of the total flour weight (break flour plus mids). SE approximates grain softness and particle size of flour produced from a single pass through the Quadrumat break roll unit (C.W. Brabender Instruments, Inc.) and is analogous to break flour in a large-scale mill (Finney, 1986). Total flour weight is calculated by subtracting bran weight (remaining over the 40-mesh screen) from initial grain weight. Subtracting the weight of the mids (remaining over the 94-mesh screen) from the total flour gives the weight for break flour.

SE = (GW - Bran - Mids)/(GW - Bran) x 100

This formula is equivalent to:

(BkFl/Total flour) x 100

Flour Moisture and Protein

Flour moisture and protein are estimated using the SpectraStar NIR analyzer (Unity Scientific), calibrated yearly for protein by nitrogen combustion analysis using the Rapid NIII Nitrogen Analyzer (Elementar) and for moisture by the oven drying method (AACC method 44-01.01).  Units are recorded in percent moisture or protein converted from nitrogen x 5.7 and expressed on a 14% moisture basis.

Flour protein of 8% to 9% is representative for breeder's samples and SWQL grow-out cultivars.  As flour protein increases, the expansive capability of the cookie during the baking process tends to decrease.  Flour protein is controlled more by climatic conditions and cultural practices, and less by genetic variation.

Protein quality is an evaluation of gluten strength and is not the same as protein quantity.  A cultivar low in protein quantity potential of grain could still exhibit strong gluten strength.  Soft wheat of relatively strong protein is desirable for cracker production.  Gluten strength is estimated using a mixograph and graded on a scale of 1 to 8, weakest to strongest gluten.  Evaluation of gluten strength using the mixograph or farinograph is difficult for soft wheat flours that are 8.5% protein and lower. Lactic acid SRC does not require dough mixing for assessment of gluten strength and tends to be a better measurement of protein quality when evaluating soft wheats.تصویر مرتبط

Solvent Retention Capacity

Solvent Retention Capacity (SRC) assays are performed as described in AACC Method 56-11.02, Solvent Retention Capacity Profile. The profile of SRCs in the four solvents (sucrose, lactic acid, sodium carbonate and water) is used to predict milling and baking quality. In general, lower SRCs are preferred for water, sodium carbonate and sucrose solvents (Kweon, Slade, & Levine, 2011)

Breeder samples processed by intermediate and advanced group testing use straight grade flour (blend of break and reduction flours) for SRC tests.

With the exception of sucrose, SRCs are performed using 1 gram of flour in glass test tubes with rubber stoppers. Sucrose SRCs are performed with 5 grams of flour in 50 mL disposable screw top centrifuge tubes, because the highly viscous sucrose solution impedes even distribution of solution in 1 gram flour tests, reducing the reliability of the small scale test.

SRC Biochemistry and Correlations to Traits

The following descriptions of the biochemistry and correlations of SRCs with milling and baking traits were published in the Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory Annual Report 2011 (Souza, Kweon, & Sturbaum, 2011).

WaterSRC is a global measure of the water affinity of the macro-polymers (starch, arabinoxylans, gluten, and gliadins). Lower water values are desired for cookies, cakes, and crackers, with target values below 51% on small experimental mills and 54% on commercial or long-flow experimental mills.

Sucrose SRC values are related to content of arabinoxylans (also known as pentosans), which can strongly affect water absorption in baked products. Sucrose SRC is a good predictor of cookie quality and shows a negative correlation with wire-cut cookie diameter (r = -0.66, p<0.0001). The cross hydration of gliadins by sucrose also causes sucrose SRC values to be correlated to flour protein (r = 0.52) and lactic acid SRC (r = 0.62). The 95% target value can be exceeded in flour of high lactic acid SRC.

Sodium carbonate SRC takes advantage of the very alkaline solution to ionize the ends of starch polymers increasing the water binding capacity of the molecule. Sodium carbonate SRC increases as starch damage due to milling increases.

Lactic acid SRC predicts gluten strength of flour. Typical values are below 85% for "weak" protein soft wheat varieties and above 110% for "strong" protein soft wheat varieties. Lactic acid SRC results correlate to the SDS-sedimentation test. The lactic acid SRC is also correlated to flour protein concentration and dependent on genotypes and growing conditions.

Cookie Bakes (sugar snap cookies)

Two sugar snap cookies are baked in the SWQL bake laboratory for each sample as described in AACC Method 10-52, Baking Quality of Cookie Flour. Cookies are baked exclusively for advanced group samples using straight grade flour (blend of break and reduction flours). Diameter of the two cookies is measured and recorded electronically using a Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic Caliper. Cookies are graded visually for surface appearance and color, from worst to best on a scale of 1 to10.

Falling Number

The falling number test (AACC Method 56-81B) measures the travel time of the plunger in seconds (falling number) from the top to the bottom position in a glass tube filled with a suspension of whole grain meal or milled flour, immediately after being cooked in a boiling water jacket to produce gelatinized starch. The higher the viscosity of whole grain meal or flour paste in the glass tube, the longer the travel time of the plunger. The enzyme a-amylase, produced when grain sprouts, hydrolyzes starch molecules and lowers viscosity of gelatinized starch, resulting in a decreased travel time of the plunger (falling number). The test is performed using the Perten Falling Number Instrument. Alpha-amylase can be measured directly using a kit from Megazyme, International (AACC Method 22-02-01, Measurement of alpha-Amylase in Plant and Microbial Materials Using the Ceralpha Method). The SWQL uses a modified micro method of the Megazyme assay.

Flour Ash

Flour Ash is measured according to the AACC method 08-01 and detects residual inorganic materials after combustion. Since inorganic materials are higher in bran than in endosperm, flour ash is an indirect indicator of residual bran in the flour.

Quality Materials and Methods References

Finney, P. A. (1986). Revised Microtesting for Soft wheat Quality Evaluation. Cereal Chemistry , 177-182.

Gaines, C. F. (2000). Developing agreement Between Very Short Flow and Longer Flow Test Wheat Mills. Cereal Chemistry , 187-192.

Kweon, M., Slade, L., & Levine, H. (2011). Solvent Retention Capacity (SRC) Testing of Wheat Flour: Principles and Value in Predicting Flour Functionality in Different Wheat-Based Food Processes and in Wheat Breeding-A Review. Cereal Chemistry, 88, 537-552.

Souza, E., Kweon, M., & Sturbaum, A. (2011). Research Review. USDA-ARS Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory.


DNA markers applied in marker assisted selection and genotyping are included below. The SWQL sends samples to the Eastern Regional Small Grains Genotyping Laboratory for SNP genotyping.


Molecular markers and protocols are available at the University of California Davis website:

Quality Genotyping - Primer Sequences, amplification conditions and references

The molecular markers described below are the most commonly used markers at the SWQL. These are reliable and robust reactions that have been useful in assessing wheat quality. Primer sequences are 5' to 3'.

High Molecular Weight Glutenins and ?-gliadin




Ax1 R


Ax2* R


Amplifies at 58? C, 1,200 bp product, present or absent using single forward primer, alternate (Ma et al., 2003), (Liu et al., 2008)




Dx2R ``2+12"


Dx5R ``5+10''


Amplifies 664 bp product, present or absent using single forward primer, alternate reverse primers, touch down amplification.
(Wan et al., 2005)






Amplifies at 64? C a 404 bp for wild-type or 447 bp product for over-expressing Bx7.
(Lei et al., 2006)








Amplifies at 56? C, a 264 bp product for gliadin 1.1 or or 270 bp product for gliadin 1.2, using single forward primer, alternate reverse primers.
(Zhang et al., 2003)

Translocations and Disease Resistance

1B/1R and 1A/1R - Chromosome 1B or 1A substituted with rye secalin

Tailed Reaction





Amplifies using a tailed reaction, 207 bp for 1B/1R or or 203 bp for 1A/1R.
(De Froidmont)

2B translocation - Sr36 stem rust resistance





Amplifies with 62/55? C touchdown program producing a 162 fragment indicative of the 2B translocation carrying Sr36 or 192 bp for wild type 2B.
(Tsilo et al., 2008)

Sucrose Synthase type 2 Sus2


higher grain weight (Sus2-SNP-185/592h2)





Hap L

associated with low grain weight





Amplifies each of the primer pairs independently at 52? C to produce a 423 (HapH) or 381 bp (HapL) fragment. Haplotypes indicate high or low grain weight, respectively.
(Jiang et al., 2011)

Pre-harvest sprouting





Amplifies at 62? C a 569 or 845 bp fragment for reported tolerance to preharvest sprouting.
(Yang et al., 2007)


Genotyping Materials and Methods References

De Froidmont, D. (1998). A Co-dominant Marker for the 1BL/1RS Wheat-rye Translocation via Multiplex PCR. J. Cereal Sci. 27, 229-232.

Jiang, Q., Hou, J., Hao, C., Wang, L., Ge, H., Dong, Y., and Zhang, X. (2011). The wheat (T. aestivum) sucrose synthase 2 gene (TaSus2) active in endosperm development is associated with yield traits. Funct. Integr. Genomics 11, 49-61.

Lei, Z.S., Gale, K.R., He, Z.H., Gianibelli, C., Larroque, O., Xia, X.C., Butow, B.J., and Ma, W. (2006). Y-type gene specific markers for enhanced discrimination of high-molecular weight glutenin alleles at the Glu-B1 locus in hexaploid wheat. J. Cereal Sci. 43, 94-101.

Ma, W., Zhang, W., and Gale, K.R. (2003). Multiplex-PCR typing of high molecular weight glutenin alleles in wheat. Euphytica 134, 51-60.

Tsilo, T.J., Jin, Y., and Anderson, J.A. (2008). Diagnostic Microsatellite Markers for the Detection of Stem Rust Resistance Gene in Diverse Genetic Backgrounds of Wheat. Crop Sci. 48, 253.

Wan, Y., Yan, Z., Liu, K., Zheng, Y., D'Ovidio, R., Shewry, P.R., Halford, N.G., and Wang, D. (2005). Comparative analysis of the D genome-encoded high-molecular weight subunits of glutenin. Theor. Appl. Genet. 111, 1183-1190.

Yang, Y., Zhao, X.L., Xia, L.Q., Chen, X.M., Xia, X.C., Yu, Z., He, Z.H., and R?der, M. (2007). Development and validation of a Viviparous-1 STS marker for pre-harvest sprouting tolerance in Chinese wheats. Theor. Appl. Genet. 115, 971-980.

Zhang, W., Gianibelli, M.C., Ma, W., Rampling, L., and Gale, K.R. (2003). Identification of SNPs and development of allele-specific PCR markers for ?-gliadin alleles in Triticum aestivum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107, 130-138.

Wheat Quality laboratory

Quality Control

The Wheat Quality Lab strives to maintain a high standard of reliability and accuracy. Employees are trained professionals who use approved methods to evaluate samples and report results in a timely manner. The lab participates in applicable AACC and USDA check sample programs. Equipment is routinely monitored to ensure accuracy and precision of results.

Laboratory testing and GMO wheat Stock Photo - 68134833

Confused about which flour to use for what? Whether you're making bread, cake, cookies, or pasta, we've got you covered! Sift through our flour primer, and you'll always know which variety to pick up at the grocery store. 



There are two basic types of wheat grain. Hard wheat is high in protein and gluten, which give it a coarse and elastic texture. More gluten means the flour has more strength -- that is, the ability to hold baked goods together. Soft wheat is lower in protein and has more starch. The protein content of flour affects the way it absorbs water and determines its best use. About 75 percent of the wheat grown in the U.S. is hard wheat and 25 percent is soft wheat.

white flour


Wheat kernels are comprised of three components: endosperm, bran, and germ. These flours are all milled without the bran and germ of the grain.


All-purpose flour combines hard and soft wheats and thus lives in the middle on the protein scale, at 10 to 12 percent. All-purpose flour is available bleached, which creates a softer texture, as well as unbleached, which is what we recommend because it provides more structure in baked goods and retains more of the nuance of the wheat. You can bake just about anything with it -- breadsbiscuitspizza doughcookies, you name it. Be careful not to use self-rising flour, which is all-purpose flour with leavening added, unless the recipe specifically calls for it.


Made entirely of hard wheat, bread flour is about 12 to 14 percent protein. It strengthens and brings structure to doughs and is best for yeast breads. The high level of gluten works in combination with the yeast, yielding a chewier consistency. Try using this flour to make our Japanese milk bread (shokupan).


Durum flour, also made of hard wheat, has an even higher protein content than bread flour, which is good for pasta. It helps noodles hold their shape and gives them a pleasantly rough texture that makes it easier for sauces to adhere. The flour itself is finely textured but is also available in a coarse grind, which is called semolina flour. Use it in our homemade orecchiette.


00 flour has a very fine, powdery texture -- the digits refer to the grind of the flour. The high-protein flour is typically used for pasta, yielding silky noodles with just the right amount of chew. Use it to make our homemade pasta in a food processor.


When a very fine texture is required, cake flour (all soft wheat) is used. It has a protein content of about 5 to 8 percent, yielding a softer, more tender crumb. It's of course good for cakes, but also cupcakesscones, biscuits, and muffins.


Pastry flour is also all soft wheat but has a slightly higher protein level -- 8 to 9 percent. Baked goods made with this flour, such as a pie or tart crust, will hold their shape nicely and have a tender crumb.

whole-wheat flour


Ground from the entire grain, whole-wheat flour produces heavier and denser baked goods. Different brands have different ratios of endosperm to bran and germ, but they're all made from hard wheat. Whole-wheat flour also has a higher oil content due to the bran and adds fiber to whatever you're baking. It's often combined with a white flour in making cakesbreads, and muffins.


White whole-wheat flour also contains all three components of the wheat kernel but is made from white wheat instead of the usual red wheat. It functions like all-purpose flour in baking but has the nutrition of whole wheat. It makes an excellent cake or cupcake.

Successful Wheat Storage

Dealing with High Moisture Grain

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Grain at typical harvest temperatures of 25–30°C and moisture content greater than 13–14 per cent provides ideal conditions for mould and insect growth (see Figure 1). There are a number of ways to deal with high-moisture grain — the key is to act quickly and effectively.

Key Points

  • Deal with high-moisture grain promptly.
  • Monitoring grain moisture and temperature regularly (daily) will enable early detection of mould and insect development.
  • Aeration drying requires airfl ow rates in excess of 15 litres per second per tonne.
  • Dedicated batch or continuous flow dryers are a more reliable way to dry grain than aeration drying in less-than-ideal ambient conditions.







A Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) trial revealed that high-moisture grain generates heat when put into a confi ned storage, such as a silo.

Wheat at 16.5 per cent moisture content at a temperature of 28°C was put into a silo with no aeration. Within hours, the grain temperature reached 39°C and within two days reached 46°C providing ideal conditions for mould growth and grain damage. Grain that is over the standard safe storage moisture content of 12.5 per cent can be dealt with by:

  • Blending — mixing high-moisture grain with low-moisture grain, then aerate.
  • Aeration cooling — grain of moderate moisture, up to 15 per cent moisture content, can be held for a short term under aeration cooling until drying equipment is available.
  • Aeration drying — large volumes of air force a drying front through the grain in storage and slowly removes moisture. Supplementary heating can be added.
  • Continuous flow drying — grain is transferred through a dryer, which uses a high volume of heated air to pass through the continual flow of grain.
  • Batch drying — usually a transportable trailer drying 10–20 tonnes of grain at a time with a high volume of heated air, which passes through the grain and out perforated walls.


Blending is the principle of mixing slightly over-moist grain with lower-moisture grain to achieve an average moisture content below the ideal 12.5 per cent moisture content. Successful for grain moisture content levels up to 13.5 per cent, blending can be an inexpensive way of dealing with wet grain, providing the infrastructure is available. Aeration cooling does allow blending in layers but if aeration cooling is not available blending must be evenly distributed (see Figure 2).


Holding high-moisture grain with aeration cooling

Aeration cooling can be used to reduce the risk of mould and insect development for a month or two until drying equipment is available to dry grain down to a safe level for long-term storage or deliver. In most circumstances, grain can be stored at up to 14–15 per cent moisture content safely with aeration cooling fans running continuously, delivering at least 2–3 litres per second per tonne. It is important to keep fans running continuously for the entire period, only stopping them if the ambient relative humidity is above 85 per cent for more than about 12 hours, to avoid wetting the grain further.



Aeration drying

Aeration drying relies on a high air volume and is usually done in a purpose-built drying silo or a partly filled silo with high-capacity aeration fans. Aeration drying is a slow process and relies on four keys:

  • High airflow rates.
  • Well designed ducting for even airflow through the grain.
  • Exhaust vents in the silo roof.
  • Warm, dry weather conditions.

It is important to seek reliable advice on equipment requirements and correct management of fan run times, otherwise there is a high risk of damaging grain quality.

High airflow for drying

Unlike aeration cooling, aeration drying requires high airflow, in excess of 15L/s/t, to move drying fronts quickly through the whole grain profile and depth and carry moisture out of the grain bulk. As air passes through the grain, it collects moisture and forms a drying front. If airflow is too low, the drying front will take too long to reach the top of the grain stack – often referred to as a ‘stalled drying front.’ Providing the storage has sufficient aeration ducting, a drying front can pass through a shallow stack of grain much faster than a deep stack of grain. As air will take the path of least resistance, make sure the grain is spread out to an even depth.

Ducting for drying

High and dry: Aeration drying requires careful management, high airfl ow rates, well designed ducting, exhaust vents and warm, dry weather conditions.The way to avoid hot spots is with adequate ducting to deliver an evenly distributed flow of air through the entire grain stack. A flat-bottom silo with a full floor aeration plenum is ideal providing it can deliver at least 15L/s/t of airflow. The silo may only be able to be part filled, which in many cases is better than trying to dry grain in a cone-bottom silo with insufficient ducting.

Venting for drying

Adequate ventilation maximises airflow and allows moisture to escape rather than forming condensation on the underside of the roof and wetting the grain on the top of the stack. The amount of moisture that has to escape with the exhaust air is 10L for every one per cent moisture content removed per tonne of grain.

Weather conditions for drying

For moisture transfer to occur and drying to happen, air with a lower relative humidity than the grain’s equilibrium moisture content must be used. For example, Table 1 shows that wheat at 25°C and 14 per cent moisture content has an equilibrium point of the air around it at 70 per cent relative humidity. In order to dry this wheat from its current state, the aeration drying fans would need to be turned on when the ambient air was below 70 per cent relative humidity.

Phase one of drying

Aeration drying fans can be turned on as soon as the aeration ducting is covered with grain and left running continuously until the air coming out of the top of the storage has a clean fresh smell. The only time drying fans are to be turned off during this initial, continuous phase is if ambient air exceeds 85 per cent relative humidity for more than a few hours.

Phase two of drying

By monitoring the temperature and moisture content of the grain in storage and referring to an equilibrium moisture table, such as Table 1, a suitable relative humidity trigger point can be set. As the grain is dried down the equilibrium point will also fall, so the relative humidity trigger point will need to be reduced to dry down the grain further. Reducing the relative humidity trigger point slowly during phase two of the drying process will help keep the difference in grain moisture from the bottom to the top of the stack to a minimum, by ensuring the fans get adequate run time to push each drying front right through the grain stack.


Supplementary heating

Heat can be added to aeration drying in proportion to the airfl ow rate. Higher airfl ow rates allow more heat to be added as it will push each drying front through the storage quick enough to avoid over heating the grain close to the aeration ducting. As a general guide, inlet air shouldn’t exceed 35°C to avoid over heating grain closest to the aeration ducting.

Cooling after drying

Regardless of whether supplementary heat is added to the aeration drying process or not, the grain should be cooled immediately after it has been dried to the desired level.

Dedicated drying machines

Dedicated drying machines are the next step up from aeration drying because they rely far less on the ambient conditions. For growers and bulk handlers who have large volumes of grain at high moisture contents, (above 16 per cent) dedicated drying machines are a more reliable option to dry grain quickly.

Batch drying

Designed for drying high-moisture grain in moderate quantities, batch dryers can typically remove about 3 per cent moisture content from 8–10t/hr depending on the type of grain, size of dryer and the ambient conditions. A batch of grain is put into the dryer, usually with mesh walls, and high volumes of pre-heated air are forced through the grain to dry it quickly. After grain is dried to the desired level the heater is turned off and the fan is left running for a period of time to cool the grain before augering it back into storage.

Continuous flow drying

Non-stop: Continuous flow dryers are the most reliable method of drying large volumes of high-moisture grain.

At the higher end of the grain drying equipment scale, continuous flow dryers are the most efficient way to dry large quantities of high-moisture grain. Typical operating capacity removes 3 per cent moisture content from 10–37t/hr depending on the type of grain, size of dryer and ambient conditions. Continuous flow dryers blow pre-heated air through a stream of grain before another fan blows cool air through the grain just before it leaves the dryer. The efficiency of a continuous flow dryer is largely due to the fact that the heaters remain on for the whole time and grain never stops moving.

Useful resources

GRDC Grain storage extension project

Grain Trade Australia
02 9235 2155

Further Reading

Aerating stored grain cooling or drying for quality control (Research reference booklet)

Aeration cooling for pest control (GRDC Fact sheet)

Keeping aeration under control (Kondinin Group research report)


The most important thing to consider in the milling industry is the classification of the wheat in terms of its color and hardness and its cleaning and blending. For this reason, the foreign materials such as the straw, waste, stones, sand and black seeds must be removed with the cleaning machinery manufactured for various purposes.

The cleaning process is as follows: the incoming raw material must be purified through the waste material purifier from the materials larger than wheat (straw, waste) and those materials smaller than the wheat (sand and small black seeds). Then, the gran lighter than wheat must be separated through the air duct. And large and small stones are separated at the stone separator machine. The wheat is sent to the peeling machines after the purification from the foreign materials. Here, wheat shells are rubbed and brushed and thus, the dust particles on the wheat are cleaned. After this procedure, the peeled shells and light grains are separated from the wheat through the air ducts. After the separation procedure, the wheat is separated from the small and round black seed mix ingredients in small and large grains trieur machines and from long grains in the long grains trieur machines.

Wheat Blending and Annealing Processes

Wheat Blending and Annealing Processes

Mohammadreza mazhari who is a renowned expert in the milling industry in Iran has stated in an article that “the art of milling starts with finding the right wheat and purchasing it at the right price. The process continues with the cleaning and annealing the wheat in a right manner”. Just like mohammadreza mazhari, many experts renowned for their respective works on the milling industry state that the processes such as the cleaning and annealing the wheat have a tremendous impact on the production efficiency and the quality of the wheat.


Changes in people’s consumption habits and the globalization of the world lead to the continuous development of new products. Despite this, the wheat and thus, flour has preserved its grace throughout history. Well, have you ever wondered from which processes the wheat harvested on the fields goes through from the milling to their being served at our dining tables?

As the Milling Magazine, we touched upon the supply of the raw material in the production of flour and the process of wheat cleaning. In this issue, we have dwelled on the blending and annealing procedures carried out after the processing process. Based on the articles and interviews of the leading names in the industry, we tried to prepare a compilation by specifying the significance of the blending and annealing processes and the issues to be paid utmost importance. You can find in this compilation any information regarding the process to clean the wheat and prepare it for annealing, wheat blending, blending process and the factors affecting the annealing.

Mohammadreza mazhari who is a renowned expert in the milling industry in Iran has stated in an article that “the art of milling starts with finding the right wheat and purchasing it at the right price. The process continues with the cleaning and annealing the wheat in a right manner”. Just like mohammadreza mazahri, many experts renowned for their respective works on the milling industry state that the processes such as the cleaning and annealing the wheat have a tremendous impact on the production efficiency and the quality of the wheat.


(Everything You Need to Know About Flour  

(Everything You Need to Know About Flour  with Mohammadreza Mazhari (Flour Expert

Confused about which flour to use for what? Whether you're making bread, cake, cookies, or pasta, we've got you covered! Sift through our flour primer, and you'll always know which variety to pick up at the grocery store. 



There are two basic types of wheat grain. Hard wheat is high in protein and gluten, which give it a coarse and elastic texture. More gluten means the flour has more strength -- that is, the ability to hold baked goods together. Soft wheat is lower in protein and has more starch. The protein content of flour affects the way it absorbs water and determines its best use. About 75 percent of the wheat grown in the U.S. is hard wheat and 25 percent is soft wheat.

white flour


Wheat kernels are comprised of three components: endosperm, bran, and germ. These flours are all milled without the bran and germ of the grain.


All-purpose flour combines hard and soft wheats and thus lives in the middle on the protein scale, at 10 to 12 percent. All-purpose flour is available bleached, which creates a softer texture, as well as unbleached, which is what we recommend because it provides more structure in baked goods and retains more of the nuance of the wheat. You can bake just about anything with it -- breadsbiscuitspizza doughcookies, you name it. Be careful not to use self-rising flour, which is all-purpose flour with leavening added, unless the recipe specifically calls for it.


Made entirely of hard wheat, bread flour is about 12 to 14 percent protein. It strengthens and brings structure to doughs and is best for yeast breads. The high level of gluten works in combination with the yeast, yielding a chewier consistency. Try using this flour to make our Japanese milk bread (shokupan).


Durum flour, also made of hard wheat, has an even higher protein content than bread flour, which is good for pasta. It helps noodles hold their shape and gives them a pleasantly rough texture that makes it easier for sauces to adhere. The flour itself is finely textured but is also available in a coarse grind, which is called semolina flour. Use it in our homemade orecchiette.


00 flour has a very fine, powdery texture -- the digits refer to the grind of the flour. The high-protein flour is typically used for pasta, yielding silky noodles with just the right amount of chew. Use it to make our homemade pasta in a food processor.


When a very fine texture is required, cake flour (all soft wheat) is used. It has a protein content of about 5 to 8 percent, yielding a softer, more tender crumb. It's of course good for cakes, but also cupcakesscones, biscuits, and muffins.


Pastry flour is also all soft wheat but has a slightly higher protein level -- 8 to 9 percent. Baked goods made with this flour, such as a pie or tart crust, will hold their shape nicely and have a tender crumb.

whole-wheat flour


Ground from the entire grain, whole-wheat flour produces heavier and denser baked goods. Different brands have different ratios of endosperm to bran and germ, but they're all made from hard wheat. Whole-wheat flour also has a higher oil content due to the bran and adds fiber to whatever you're baking. It's often combined with a white flour in making cakesbreads, and muffins.


White whole-wheat flour also contains all three components of the wheat kernel but is made from white wheat instead of the usual red wheat. It functions like all-purpose flour in baking but has the nutrition of whole wheat. It makes an excellent cake or cupcake.

Agriculture without agronomist

نتیجه تصویری برای ‪wheat miller‬‏

30 years ago a ship captain was a craftsman with specific knowledge and special skills – such a unique skill set was hard to find, difficult to replace and expensive to employ. Salaries varied from $10 k to $100 k per month (mostly based on a cruise by cruise basis) plus yearly and cruise bonuses in a form of  unlimited power and influence.

Technological advancement has dramatically changed the situation: (e.g. GPS, navigation, unmanned steering, and computer based management and controlling systems) – all of these factors have contributed to captains shift to administrative rather than so called secret source craftsman. Captains’ salaries have considerably decreased and vessel owners are no longer dependant on employing a captain and at simultaneously reducing the level of human error.

There is a handful of such cases where new technology has changed the essence of certain professions.  We searched for an answer to the question: are agronomists among those in the sphere of soon to be obsolete professions, and what technologies are implemented today to effectively replace one of the oldest professions on Earth.

Seed and crop protection with standardized application protocols.

Usually, all new seed, crop protection and other chemicals are supplied with recommended application protocols for a particular type of seed or chemical. Protocols are not always readily available for all regions, or for all types of production technologies, but, usually provide a sufficient explanation of the process making the specific knowledge of agronomists almost unnecessary.

If you use for example “no-till” and buy seeds from Syngenta or Pioneer, they usually offer you protocols or recommendations for application of particular seed, which has already been pretested on their fields. As previously mentioned, you do not need highly specific knowledge to follow the instructions, and if followed carefully,  you will secure your harvest from the susceptibility of human error.

GPS navigation and remount on-vehicle sensors.

Controlling vehicles and equipment via GPS, in addition to numerous on board vehicle sensors (e.g. fuel consumption, VRA sensors and VRA dispensers), results in improved fcropi– primarily cost reduction.

Nowadays, almost all middle and large sized agricultural companies are using GPS systems and other sensors to control costs and improve efficiency.  Usually systems management is conducted from the office and such operators are not required to have a specialized agronomy education.

Some onboard vehicle devices, like “green seekers”, can provide ready to use information for agronomists or even be incorporated in the production process with minimal human  involvement.

Steering and parallel driving.

The system prevents overlapping on the fields and ensures even application while minimizing human involvement in on the field. This facilitates operations in terms of efficiency (no overlaps) while significantly lowering the probability of human error.

To reiterate, agronomists are not directly involved in the process, – everything is done automatically or with minimal effort with support of specialists that are far from the agronomist focus.

Satellite monitoring and field management systems.

These types of systems provide invaluable assistance to the agronomists and at the same serve as the biggest threat to their profession. Such systems can remotely measure all vital characteristics on the field and even more importantly provide recommendations for agronomists. Agronomists do not consider them to be as precise as a specialist with specific agronomist knowledge, but when looking at the big picture, it is evident that there is greater control, less cost and increased efficiency – this leaves little room for doubt from the owner’s perspective.

The companies, where Cropio  is  implemented, being that it is the most advanced from the series of solutions, are already faced with a significant drop of employed agronomists. Modern agronomists have been replaced with employees that can efficiently work with such field management systems. Resulting in  10%-30% increased growth in productivity with fewer expenses.

Agronomists, of course, still maintain a vital role in any agricultural company or farm, but their role is dramatically changing. With numerous new technological systems and precision agricultural techniques the process has become more standardized and predictable. Today, the new agronomist is rather an operator of different systems and technologies when compared to traditional agriculture craftsmen – those who are lagging behind in regards to implementing new technology will be left in the dust out of both profession and business.

Different Types of Flours

Flour that is used in baking comes mainly from wheat, although it can also be milled from corn, rice, nuts, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables.  The type of flour used is vital at getting the right results in the end product.  Different types of flour are suited to different items, and all flours are different. You cannot switch from one type to another without consequences that could ruin the recipe.  To achieve success in baking, it is important to know what the right flour is for the job!

Food Nutritional Value Chart – Check out the Food Nutritional Value Chart that shows Fat Grams, Carbohydrates Grams, and Calories for the flours (listed below) used in baking.

The Best Gluten-Free Breads: Our Taste Test Results

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few years, you’ve probably heard about “going gluten-free.” If you’re not entirely sure what that means, here’s the gist. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and malts. While most of the human population can digest it, it’s estimated that about one in 100 people have celiac disease, which is defined as the body’s inability to tolerate gluten. And an even larger portion of our population has gluten sensitivities that leave its victims feeling tired, achy and bloated.

But lately, there’s been an increasing number of people following gluten-free diets — and they don’t all necessarily have a gluten intolerance. While celebs like Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Zooey Deschanel have a legitimate cause to go gluten-free (they’re celiacs), others who are looking to shed a few pounds don’t do it for health reasons — you can count Lady GagaGwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham among them.

Regardless of whether you need to follow a gluten-free diet or not, everyone wants their food to taste good. We set out to conduct a blind taste test of 10 types of gluten-free sandwich bread that are easily found in major supermarkets, judging on flavor, texture, and likeness to traditional bread. Several of our tasters follow a gluten-free diet, making them experts in the field (their comments are bolded, below).

We found there to be a wide disparity in the quality and likability of the 10 breads we chose. Because everyone has different tastes, check out our comments below to help you figure out which ones you might (or might not) like.

Wheat or Gluten Allergy? Know the Difference

Wheat or Gluten Allergy? Know the


The Two Conditions Are Not the Same

wheat allergy and a gluten allergy are actually two very different things. One is a diagnosable medical problem while the other is non-medical shorthand (in other words, it's a non-medical term you'll never hear from your doctor) that actually can mean several different possible conditions.

And beware: Foods that might be okay if you have a wheat allergy may notbe okay if you have a "gluten allergy," (and vice versa).


Confused? Don't worry, you're not alone. Here's how to sort it all out.


Wheat Allergy: Not Just Gluten

A wheat allergy is an allergic reaction to wheat, which, as we know, is a very popular grain used to make a wide variety of different foods. Wheat has many different components, including starches, proteins and even a little bit of fat.


Not everyone with a true wheat allergy is reacting to the same part of the wheat plant: researchers have actually identified 27 different potential wheat allergens. The notorious protein gluten is one potential allergen, but there are more than two dozen others that either actually have been implicated in allergic reactions or have been identified as potential causes of allergic reactions.


When you have a true wheat allergy, you suffer near-immediate or slightly delayed (by no more than a few hours) symptoms following a meal that includes wheat products. Symptoms are often respiratory in nature (stuffy nose, wheezing, watery eyes) but in the most serious cases can include difficulty breathing and shock.


People who've been diagnosed with wheat allergy need to avoid foods that contain wheat ingredients. Note that not all gluten-free foods are actually wheat-free: some contain ingredients that are originally derived from wheat but are considered to be free of the protein gluten.


This is especially true in the United Kingdom and Europe, where gluten-free-labeled bread and other products can contain wheat starch that's been processed to remove the gluten protein. These foods may be safe for someone with celiac disease but may be unsafe for a person that has a wheat allergy.


In the United States, food allergen labeling laws require disclosure of any ingredients that are derived from wheat.  That's because wheat—not just gluten, but the whole wheat plant, stalk, grains and all—is considered one of the top eight allergens in the food supply.


A "Gluten Allergy" Is Not Really An Allergy

A "gluten allergy," on the other hand, is not really an allergy, nor is it an accepted medical condition. (That's why you won't hear your doctor using those words.)


When people say they have a "gluten allergy," they're generally using the term as shorthand for one of four gluten-related disorders: celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, the skin rash dermatitis herpetiformis or gluten ataxia, a gluten-related brain and nerve disorder. They may also mean that they've been diagnosed with a true wheat allergy, but that's a bit more unusual—most people who are allergic to wheat say they have a "wheat allergy."


Even though the term "gluten allergy" isn't accepted by doctors, people use it because it gets the point across; they need to stay away from gluten.


Just as foods that are labeled "gluten-free" aren't always suitable for someone who needs to be completely wheat-free, foods that are labeled "wheat-free" may or may not be suitable for someone who follows a gluten-free diet. The gluten protein occurs in wheat, but also in the closely related grains barley and rye. And in the U.S., at least, manufacturers do not need to disclose barley or rye ingredients. 


The bottom line is that wheat allergy and gluten allergy are two completely different problems with similar, but not identical, treatments. Talk to your doctor if you're not sure which condition you have since your diagnosis makes a major difference in what you can (and can't) eat.


Anatomy of a Wheat Kernel

The Kernel of Wheat

Sometimes called the wheat berry, the kernel is the seed from which the wheat plant grows. Each tiny seed contains three distinct parts that are separated during the milling process to produce flour.


The endosperm comprises about 83 percent of the kernel weight and is the source of white flour. The endosperm contains the greatest share of protein, carbohydrates and iron, as well as the major B-vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin and thiamine. It is also a source of soluble fiber.


Bran makes up about fourteen and a half percent of the kernel weight. Bran is included in whole wheat flour and can also be bought separately. The bran contains a small amount of protein, large quantities of the three major B-vitamins, trace minerals and dietary fiber — primarily insoluble.


Germ is about two and a half percent of the kernel weight. The germ is the embryo — or sprouting section — of the seed, often separated from flour in milling because the fat content (10 percent) limits flour’s shelf-life. the germ contains minimal quantities of high quality protein and a greater share of B-complex vitamins and trace minerals. Wheat germ can be purchased separately and is part of whole wheat flour

Stoneground flour

In times gone by flour was made by grinding wheat between two stones – one static and the other turning. This simple process crushes the wheat and mixes all the component parts together. This crushing method makes it difficult to separate the white flour. Roller mills shear the grain open which makes it easier to scrape the endosperm away from the wheat bran and wheat germ and therefore to produce white flour.

A small amount of the flour produced today is via the stoneground method (less than 1% of total production). The nutritional value of flour is determined by whether it is white, wholemeal or brown and is not affected by the method of milling.  Stoneground and roller milled flour are equally nutritious.


Finally, the flour is sifted before being automatically packed into bags ready for delivery to shops or supermarkets.

Bran and wheat feed left over from producing white and brown flours is sometimes used in breakfast cereals or animal feed


Bran and wheatgerm are streamed into this flour to make brown or wholemeal flour. Wholemeal flour contains all the parts of the grain (endosperm, germ and bran); brown flour will contain less bran and may or may not include wheat germ.

Baking powder (raising agent) will be added to make self-raising flour at this stage. The nutrients calcium, iron and the B vitamins (niacin and thiamin), which are legally required in all white and brown flours, are also added. (Wholemeal flour already contains these nutrients, although it is lower in calcium.)

The whitest flours are produced from the early reduction rolls, with the flour getting less white on later rolls as the proportion of bran particles increases. Brown flour is a mixture of white flour and a portion of the other streams. To produce wholemeal flour, all the streams must be blended back together in their original proportions.

White flour produced in the UK and elsewhere in Europe is not bleached. This was sometimes done in the past but the process was phased out in the early 1990s, though it does still take place in other parts of the world, for example in North America.

In a typical mill, there may be up to four break rolls and 12 reduction rolls, leading to 16 flour streams, a bran stream, a germ stream and a bran/flour/germ wheat feed stream.


The grist is passed through a series of ‘break’ rolls rotating at different speeds. These rolls do not crush the wheat but split it open, separating the white, inner portion from the outer skins.

The various fragments of wheat grain are separated by a complex arrangement of sieves. White endosperm particles, known as semolina, are channelled into a series of smooth ‘reduction’ rolls for final milling into white flour.


Cleaned and conditioned wheat is then blended in a process known as gristing. This combines different wheats to produce a mix capable of yielding the required quality of flour.


Cleaning and conditioning

When wheat is drawn from the silos prior to milling, it is thoroughly cleaned. Powerful magnets extract any remaining ferrous metal objects.

Machines, which separate by shape, remove barley, oats and small seeds. Gravity separation removes stones and, throughout the cleaning process, air currents lift off dust and chaff.

The wheat is then conditioned to a suitable moisture content by tempering it with water and leaving it in conditioning bins for up to 24 hours. This conditioning softens the bran and enhances the release of the inner white endosperm during milling.


Assessing the wheat quality

The ‘Hagberg Falling Number’ measures the time, in seconds, a plunger takes to descend through a heated mixture of ground grain and water. The test indicates the alpha-amylase activity in the grain. This natural enzyme converts starch to smaller sugar units that would be used by the seed to fuel its growth.

If there is little enzyme activity, the mixture will remain viscous. The plunger will take a long time to descend and a high Hagberg Falling Number will be recorded. Too much enzyme activity and the reverse will be true. High enzyme activity impairs bread quality, producing a very weak and sticky crumb mixture.

نتیجه تصویری برای ‪Assessing the wheat quality‬‏

Delivery and storage of grain

Each load of wheat is tested against a contract specification for variety, moisture content, specific weight, impurities, enzyme activity associated with sprouting, protein content and quality. It passes through a preliminary cleaning process to remove coarse impurities, such as nails and stones, and may be dried before being stored in silos according to quality.

نتیجه تصویری برای ‪Delivery and storage of grain‬‏

How flour is milled

During the milling process, different parts of the wheat grain are used to make different types of flour. White flour is made from the endosperm only. Wholemeal flour uses all parts of the grain: the endosperm, the wheat germ and the bran layer. Brown flour contains about 85% of the original grain, but some bran and germ have been removed. For more information on the different types of flour available click here.


                                                   WHAT IS FLOUR STRENGHT


What is flour strenght? (W)

Flour "strength" indicates the strength of the dough and its resistance to leavening. Therefore the higher the W index (e.g. W=180) the longer the leavening time.

As a result of the longer leavening time, it takes longer to make the final product. If you are in a hurry, choose a low W, if you're making dough to make pizza the next day, use flour with a high W.


The more refined the flour, the lower the W index, the lower the W index, the less water the flour absorbs.

In addition, flour with a lower W index forms a weaker and wider dough.

Soft flour is the most highly refined and has a W index of between 90 and 180. It absorbs up to 50% of its weight in water.

Plain flour has a W index of between 180 and 250 and absorbs up to 65% of water. The index increases for strong or very strong types of flour, up to Manitoba flour which is flour with W index equal to or higher than 350, absorbing up to 90% of its weight.

How to Make Flour

Many people may not understand the making flour is a simple process that has been done for thousands of years in a number of different civilizations. The truth of the matter is that you can make it yourself in seconds. Why use that processed flour that's been losing vitamins for weeks on the shelves when you can get fresh flour now? All you need is some sort of grain that can be used as a flour, and a grinding apparatus .


Obtain your grains, seeds, nuts, beans...something to grind to a pulp. Practically any grain, nut, or seed can be turned into flour. Try exotic items such as quinoa, popcorn, acorns, and peas to the more traditional options like rice, wheat, oats, and barley. Fresh, whole wheat berries, rye berries, whole oats and the like can often be found at health food stores, sold in bulk. They'll be white, russet, purple or amber-colored. And it's cheaper by volume than the pre-made stuff, too
  • Know what kind of flour you want to make. Want whole wheat flour? Get whole wheat berries (they don't look like berries -- that's just what they're called). Want rye flour? Get rye berries. Flour ain't no rocket science
    1. 2
      If you're going for wheat flour, know what's best for your cooking needs. Each kind lends itself to a different use. Spelt, Emmer and Einkorn grains are on the comeback and are healthy versions of wheat, too. For yeast breads, hard red (winter or spring) wheat is best.
      • For breads that don't need yeast (like muffins, pancakes, and waffles), soft white is the standard choice. Spelt, kamut, and triticale work, too.
      Choose your grinding mechanism. If you'd like to spend hours cranking for your daily forearm workout, you're more than welcome. Or you could throw the seeds/berries/nuts/beans in your blender/food processor/coffee grinder and let it do the work for you. If you do use some sort of electric device, the higher powered it is, the finer your flour will be.
      • The manual mill really has one advantage: It doesn't produce any heat to damage the nutrients of the seeds. Other than that, it just takes a lot of time.
      • The main drawback of electric mills is that they're just mills and they're a bit expensive (your cheapest one is going to run at about a couple hundred bucks).[1]
      • The only downside of using a blender/food processor/coffee grinder is that it may not get you the finest quality of powder ("finest" here meaning like small, not of good quality). It all depends on the specific product you're using.

    Grinding Your Goodies

    1. 1
      Place the good stuff into your mill/blender. Make the amount you plan to use right now -- fresh flour can go bad very quickly. Fill the mechanism only about halfway full so there's room for it to blend away.
      • 1 cup of wheat berries should produce just over 1 1/2 cups of flour. For beans and nuts, etc., the same to 1.5x the original amount will be produced.
    2. 2
      Grind away. If you're using a mill, turn the crank until all of the grain has been processed through it. If you're using a blender, select the highest setting to blend the grain for about 30 seconds. Then turn it off, remove the lid, and stir with a rubber spatula. After stirring, place the lid back on and blend some more.
      • Your mechanism determines how fast the stuff will grind. If you're using one of those fancy schmancy high-powered blenders (like Blendtec or Vitamix[2]), your flour will be done before you can say, "Is the flour done yet?" If you're grinding manually, well, hope you took the afternoon off work.
    3. 3
      Continue to crank your mill or blend your grains until the flour reaches the texture you want. You can check on this by sifting the mixture you have into a bowl and surveying it up close. Touch it to make sure it has the right consistency (wash your hands thoroughly first!) and if it doesn't, run it again.
      • Your coffee grinder will never get the flour to a processed-flour-like consistency. What you may have to do is take the flour through a sifter to get out the chunkier bits and make do with what's left over.[3] It'll still be delicious!

    Using and Storing Your Flour

    1. 1
      Once you're satisfied with your flour, pour it into a resealable bag or container.You may have to use more than one if you've made a lot of flour, but keeping it fresh will definitely pay off in the long-term. And there you have it: ready-made flour for the dough of your dreams!
      • Keep your flour in a cool, dark place. This will prevent insects and sunlight from doing irreparable damage. If you'd like, place a bay leaf in with the flour to prevent bugs from bugging your flour.[4]
    2. 2
      If making bulk amounts, keep it in the fridge or freezer. Whole wheat flour will go rancid especially fast, clocking in at only a few months: if put in a cabinet. If it changes color or smells bad (which it won't do when kept cold), don't hesitate to throw it away.[4]
      • To freeze the flour, just put it in its resealable container and chuck 'er in. It'll keep for years. Just don't forget to use it occasionally!
    3. 3
      Experiment with your flour first. You may find that your homemade flour has a much different taste than you expected and acts quite differently when cooked (that's because it's super fresh). So don't use it straight away if you're looking for a gold medal at the fair. Experiment first.
      • Fresh flour gives the yeast more to feed on, resulting in more fermentation activity. This can change the tastes of recipes you have been baking for years. It should definitely change it for the better!3
      •  writing By Mohammadreza Mazhari

Bread improvers


bread improvers
Find out more about the dough enhancer. A vital product for the bakery industry. Puratos has the largest research team in this category.

Dough enhancers and the art of bread making

Bread improvers are used to enhance many aspects of the bakery process and final baked products. The improved aspects of the final bread can range from a signature taste to improved crumb texture and structure, crust colour and crustiness. These dough enhancers are created with a combination of principally enzymes, emulsifiers and oxidation agents . The carriers used can be either wheat flour, fat, oil or water.

Why use a bread improver or dough enhancer?

Companies in the bread industry face increasing pressure for speed, flexibility and the ability to produce breads with distinct character.

The quality of bread is affected by a multitude of factors, which means that the same ingredients may be successful one day, and less successful the next. Issues such as humidity, temperature and labour all have a part to play, so achieving a consistent result is a challenge.

The bread improver is a secret of the baked goods industry and a staple item for baked goods companies. It helps to create excellent results and quality that can be relied on over and over again.

Where to buy a bread improver

Puratos has the largest research team dedicated to bakery in the industry, creating its own emulsifiers and unique enzyme technology. Puratos offers a complete range of dough improvers for creating fresh, soft and frozen bakery products – from baguettes and crusty rolls to hamburger buns and tortillas.

There are many ways you can incorporate a dough conditioner. An industrial baker may also use a modular bread improver to enhance one functionality of the dough or the final bread, using it on top of an existing improver or recipe. This enables quick problem solving and creative product innovation.