
India / Bangla / Calcutta /
 city, capital city of state/province/region, former national capital, taluka headquarter, district headquarter, millionaire city

Tehsil Kolkata, District Kolkata, Bengal, Bharat.

The state capital of West Bengal and a river port city, Calcutta is located on the east bank of the river Hooghly. Together with Howrah on the west bank of Hoogly it forms a twin city.
Some 300 years back, Job Charnok of East India Company took lease of three villages to the east bank of River Hoogly, namely, Kalikotha, Sutanuti and Gobindapur from the Sabarna Roychowdhury family on November 10, 1698 and the city of Calcutta came into existence, deriving its name, perhaps, from the village Kalikotha (the abode of Goddess Kali.)
The name of Kalikata was mentioned in the “Monasavijay Kabya” much before Job Charnock’s arrival and the land document of “Aain-e-Akbari” in 1596.

Calcutta was the capital of India till December 1911. Due to favourable connectivity via river and land, it soon grew into an economic hub. The city was instrumental in India's struggle for independence.

Visionaries like Swami Vivekananda and Raja Rammohan Roy, Nobel laureate world poet Rabindranath Tagore,a great and charismatic leader like Netaji Subhas Ch. Bose, Scientists Jagadish Ch. Bose and Prof. Satyen Bose, and the maestro filmmaker Satyajit Ray, all belong to the City along with other distinguished and eminent personalities from different spheres of life like Mother Teresa - the angel of mercy, dancer Udayshankar, sitar maestro Ravishankar, Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen and the creator of Indrajaal, the magician per excellence Late P.C. Sorcar who made Calcutta proud and famous to the outer world.

External Links :
Chronology of Kolkata (Calcutta) heritagecalcutta.org/chronology02.htm
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   22°32'29"N   88°21'2"E


  • Yes, i deleted such "useful" comments like "I am here", "I want to see my house". :-D Should they restored??
  • Hello Mr. Kakura! You accused me and pitr to be vandals. This is on no account acceptable. The only one change i made, was to transform capital letters into normal letters. (As the history of that tag very clearly shows) You tried to insult me by sending a arrogant PM. As i wrote to you, i as experienced user don´t need a lesson in "how to use Wikimapia". Pitr and i tried to build you Golden bridges but you are persistent and ignored any way, to find a solution in this case.
  • By the way Mr. Kakura! I have no mask and i am not faceless as everybody can see in the forum. http://wikimapia.org/forum/?t=901 I expect, you can give the evidence of your accusations!
  • To whom it may concern This is to state that it is pitr and I (Jabir99) who are faceless, identity-less, gutless, wicked and destructive morons... If anyone has a problem with that - consult one of us... clear?
  • Or me...i am from the same calibre! :-D
  • Or me! Yih khubsurat admi!
  • you can not find a city like nice calcutta
  • it is Beautyful Place.
  • Yamaha Nagari.. Kalakatta Puri Namaho Hugili....Howra Waradhi... We sing this song in Telugu. I wish,I can see your city.
  • well my city is the best might b bettr dan heaven
  • Pretty useful info about my home town. Thanks
  • it is a beautiful place.i love this city very much.
  • Kolkata is city which has everything. This is the city we love. Hence we are here.
  • This is the POLLUTION CAPITAL of India.
  • Ilove my KOLKATA. More details should be provided, still thanks to WIKIMAPIA!!!!!!!!
  • Baba Ali if that so, then Delhi is a 2 numbari city with 10 numbari people!!!
  • it is a beautiful place.
  • There is narrow margin between JANBAJ and a MAGIBAJ!!!!
  • and a MAGIBAJ!!!!
  • Baba Ashis khao ki tumi Hasish!!!
  • From error to error we reach the truth. But in case of Bengal we reach at a fool's paradise!!!!!
  • do you know this city is most polluted city in the world it is a source of global warming i don't say it some scientists and their results says it about kolkata do you know this city is most polluted city in the world it is a source of global warming i don't say it some scientists and their results says it about kolkata do you know this city is most polluted city in the world it is a source of global warming i don't say it some scientists and their results says it about kolkata do you know this city is most polluted city in the world it is a source of global warming i don't say it some scientists and their results says it about kolkata
  • Kolkata was home to many Anglo Indians who are now living abroad. Most of us often recall the good old days with much fondness and cherished memories we can never ever forget. The food, the schools, the cinemas, the Rickshaws, the monsoon floods, our Relatives and friends, our localities, our community. It was all so memorable then. In those days, there was no TV, Mobile phone, Internet etc. But we were happy with less then, rather, than all the material things we now have in the West. We will always remember our roots, which for many of us is embedded in our unbroken link with, the one and only city, which is KOLKATA. "JAI HIND"
  • Dear Denzil, It's a loss for my beloved city Calcutta, that people like you have left the city, for reason(s) whatsoever!! Through your words its vividly seen that you are an ardent lover of this battered city. Hats off to you my dear !!!
  • Hello prabir_b2 Thank you for your kind comments about my entries on Kolkata and Don Bosco pOlytechnic. I was hoping someone would respond and identify with my nostalgic memories. I love Kolkata as all my family lived there for many years. I hope you are enjoying Mumbai and that your medical Practice is flourishing there. God Bless
  • This is a 'LOAN' (credit) civilization with a shadow culture (Rahu culture). I consider all the creditors a sophisticated beggar. Even very big so-called industrialists who raise funds from public through share and equity - all are but big sophisticated beggars. In fact, this is a civilization of the beggars of course sophisticated!! The more tactful beggar you are, the chances of your getting a bigger position in today’s life! About shadow culture, the less said is the better. Shadow represents- cinema, television, publicity, media; rumors, photography, MP3, computers and many more to which today’s generation are addicted!! Nothing concrete will be achieved in this civilization- the net result will be destruction. The sooner it happens is better as the ‘YUG’ i.e., ‘KALI’ will be over. So the sophisticated beggars enjoy your birth in this ‘YUG’. The next million of births will teach you a lesson to be a ultimate king before salvation!!!
  • Kolkata is one of the best place I have ever visited. My message to Knight Riders, "Work Hard, please"
  • Absurd and incorrect polygon depicting Kolkata Metropoliton District!!!!! Will some competent ul2 take care of it and resize the polygon appropriately. Sorry to see so many language versions of the tag with a wrongly drawn polygon of such an important city.
  • For all the sound and fury over irrelevant stuff, why is no one bothered that place descriptions almost always come up with the utterly erroneous tag "Chakdaha" for Kolkata? What is "Chakdaha" doing in Kolkata anyway? Will administrators look into it, please?
  • This article is protected by allgaiar and the vandals are active here deleting all comments of this tag for the second time. Any comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vandals with numerous sockpuppets are active in this region with malicious intentions inspite of their gang leader being banned and demoted by the Authority.
  • This article is protected by allgair!!!!!!!!!! and the comments herein have been vandalised and deleted for the second time for reasons best be explained by the ul2 user as aforesaid. His buddy Adolf Nazi has been rightly banned and demoted by the Authority to the utter relief of innocent powerless ul1 wikiusers all over the world.
  • Look Maa, this tag appears to be ravaged and haunted!!!! The article is protected by allgaiar but the comments are vandalised and deleted only by such powerfuls only, misusing their powers all along. His buddy Adolf Paaji Peter has been rightfully banned and demoted. The fence sitter is yet to learn a lesson perhaps?
  • What a pity and sad state of affairs still pervading this region and this tag in particular which has been vandalised for the second time with all the comments deleted for conspicuous reasons and obviously by some Ul2 user active in this region!!! Do you all know that that this article is protected by UL2 user allgaiar and inspite of of that vadalism happens at will!!!
  • One of the most prolific cities I have ever visited. Thanks wikimapia to help me learn more about the city of joy.
  • gaighata very good village my name is raja kumar harijan 1st dutalla my house
  • Nice city in w.b
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