Just when you think the blog is dead (don't worry, it is for the most part), I find a reason to say something...
While most of the night I was simply grateful for the
distraction from my day of witnessing my sweet Nana enter into hospice
yesterday afternoon and prayed for her merciful passing and reunion with my
grandfather in heaven, I still just can’t get over the headlines this
morning. A friend of mine posted today
that we should hate less and listen to each other. Understand more and ask questions like where
were you coming from with how you voted.
So here’s my two cents…
A part of me just wants to scream MAGA! And Oh my gosh, THAT…
just happened! I recognize the
significance of nearly electing our first female president and how important
that is for our nation that has come so far in equal rights for all sexes but I
am relieved that honor won’t go to her. She
was just the wrong candidate for the job.
Period. You can't blame conservatives for that.
But, I won’t be the first
to admit that I haven’t been a staunch TRUMP supporter either. He may have won my vote but he needs our
prayers and support to fulfill some serious promises and I’m hopeful for
positive change to come after 8 years of disappointment and sadly, a country
that’s more politically, racially and socially divided than ever in my lifetime.
For the past year or so I have fought every urge to unfriend
and unfollow reading a steady stream of hateful and divisive rhetoric on facebook (on both sides). But I understand that is one of the landmarks
of our great country that we can live in a place with freedom of speech and I
respect different opinions. I do not
however respect the hate. As a
conservative it was hurtful to have my intelligence and integrity questioned on what seemed like a daily basis. I am not stupid. Nor am I a sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, racist
or white supremacist and I think the commentary goes too far, is deeply
offensive and accomplishes nothing toward positive change. And for my friends across the aisle whom I love and respect, I understand
you feel the same way from those on the right who push too far at times. It needs to stop.
Win or lose, we are all still Americans today and I’m
proud to live in a country where democracy works. Not just because I’m more pleased than some
with the outcome this morning, but because when my head hit my pillow last night,
I knew I would wake up just fine with whatever the outcome and still consider
myself lucky to be a United States citizen where corny as is sounds, at least I'm free. I saw the sacrifice of my late abuelo in leaving his beloved Cuba and a communist regime to raise my mom in a country with opportunity. He never returned home before his death and carried his wish that his and so many like his sacrifices would not go in vain. How he must turn in his grave to see Obama wipe all of that away with nothing in return nor any repercussions for the Castro nightmare.
To understand how I could be conservative seems obvious for just that last reason stated, but I am more than just a conservative. I am an American. I am the proud daughter of a Cuban immigrant,
granddaughter of a Jew, sister in law to a Turkish born Muslim whom I love and
respect, devout Catholic who respects the sanctity of life. But I also consider myself a strong, well
educated, opinionated but respectful woman and a good mother who wants the best
for my children. I work hard every day
and will continue to do so to instill respect and a strong work ethic in my kids
and teach them that they are lucky to grow up in this country where anything is
possible with faith and hard work.
So today I empathize with my friends and family on the
left. I don’t speak for all
conservatives but I can safely say that the bitter pill you are swallowing has
been tasted before many times by all parties and we all survived. America is and always will be great so long
as we choose to unite and move forward with respect and grace together.
It’s time to unite.
Just my two cents anyway…