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Seldon is a recurring character in The Legend of Zelda series.[2][3]


Breath of the Wild

Seldon is a man who owns the Ventest Clothing Boutique in Hateno Village. He is the father of Sophie and formerly managed the Shop, but has since left it in his daughter's care.[4] In his free time, he offers Seldon's Village Tours for travelers visiting Hateno Village.[5] He can be found pacing the road near the entrance to the village, awaiting visitors. Should Link refuse a tour, Seldon will make his disappointment clear with a sigh.[6] If Link agrees to his offer, he will run across Hateno Village's thoroughfare, guiding Link to the various shops.[4] As Seldon runs through the village, he has to urge himself forward and keep himself focused.[7][8]

The first place Seldon guides Link to is East Wind, the Shop opposite the Ventest Clothing Boutique.[9] He then guides Link to the Kochi Dye Shop, a dyeing shop operated by Sayge.[10] The third place Seldon directs Link to is The Great Ton Pu Inn, where Link can rest for the night.[11] Completing the tour, Seldon brings Link to his own shop, welcoming him to visit when he has the time and stock up on Armor before visiting the Kochi Dye Shop.[12] If spoken to again, Seldon will either tell Link that the tours will resume when he catches his breath,[13] or that the tours are closed until he has had a rest.[14] However, Seldon will not have the energy for another tour until the following day.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Seldon will head home for the day, assuring Link that he can give him a tour in the morning.[15] He sleeps on the bottom half of a bunk Bed and tends to grind his teeth as he sleeps.[16]

If it rains in Hateno Village, Seldon will retreat to the interior of the Ventest Clothing Boutique and sit at the work station at the back of the store.

Tears of the Kingdom

Seldon is set to reappear in Tears of the Kingdom.


Names in Other Regions
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Seldon (BotWBreath of the Wild)
  • ソテツ (Sotetsu) (BotWBreath of the Wild)
  • ソテツ (TotKTears of the Kingdom)
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
索特茨 (Suǒtècí) (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)
The People's Republic of China
索特茨 (Suǒtècí) (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Seldon (BotWBreath of the Wild)
The French Republic
Cycas (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)
Cycas (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)
The Federal Republic of Germany
Seldon (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)
The Italian Republic
Sotetsu (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)
The Republic of Korea
셀든 (TotKTears of the Kingdom)
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Tesun (BotWBreath of the Wild)
The Kingdom of Spain
Tesun (BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.


  1. Try looking for a burly old guy called Seldon. He'll probably fall all over himself to show you around. — Thadd (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Seldon — Game Screen (Breath of the Wild)
  3. Seldon — Game Screen (Tears of the Kingdom)
  4. 4.0 4.1 OK! Let's get you a good ol' fashioned dose of Hateno hospitality! The shop is in my daughter's capable hands these days, so I've got a lot of time on my hands. I thought it might be nice to do a good turn for the village where I was born and raised, so I volunteered as a tour guide. Stick with me, and I'll show you around the best parts of this place. In fact, in just a minute, I'll show you something really special! — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  5. You've got the look of a traveler! Is this your first time in Hateno Village? Well, you're in luck, because you have a lifelong resident to show you around! — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  6. Well, fine then... — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  7. *pant pant* Almost there! Keep it together, keep it together... — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  8. Can't talk while I'm on the move! Gotta keep my heart rate up! — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  9. This is the general store, East Wind. They sell a lot of everyday goods...and even some everyday greats! And now, on with the tour! — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  10. *pant pant...* This is the Kochi Dye Shop, known for their Hateno dyeing! They'll dye your clothes whatever color you like! And now, on with the tour! — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  11. *pant pant...* This here is Ton Pu Inn! If you need to sleep overnight, then this is the place! And now, on with the tour! — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  12. *pant pant...* This is the clothing store, Ventest Clothing! They sell...well, I'm sure you can guess what they sell. To be straight with you, this is actually my store! So come hang out when you've got some time. Stock up here first before heading over to Kochi Dye Shop. Whew... I'm pretty much beat! Let's call this the end of the tour, yah? Just don't have the pep for tour guiding like I used to... — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  13. Thanks for using Seldon's Village Tours. Our next tour will begin...whenever I get my breath back... — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  14. Seldon's Village Tours is now closed. Please come again if you like... But let me rest for a bit first... — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  15. That's enough touristry for the day. But don't fret--this village ain't goin' anywhere. You can come back tomorrow! Maybe I'll be more awake then... — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
  16. *grind grind* — Seldon (Breath of the Wild)
Hateno Villagers
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