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Ralph is a recurring character in The Legend of Zelda series.[3][4][name references needed]


Oracle of Ages

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Oracle of Ages instruction booklet
Ralph is Nayru's hot-tempered childhood friend. His hastiness and lack of focus can sometimes lead to trouble. Having seen his dear Nayru taken from before his very eyes, Ralph is determined to rescue her.

Ralph is Nayru's childhood friend and loyal guardian.[5] Although he is stubborn and hotheaded, rarely pondering the consequences of his own actions, he is a noble character deep down. Due to his protective nature defensive attitude towards Nayru, Ralph expresses a certain resentment towards Link, treating him with a certain amount of rivalry throughout the course of the game as he attempts to rescue Nayru before Link.[6] As Link defeats Veran and saves Nayru from Queen Ambi, the young hero gains Ralph's respect.[7]

Ralph is first seen standing next to Nayru when Link first arrives to Labrynna. He confidently informs Link that he will not be needed to help protect Nayru,[8] only seconds before Veran possesses her. Standing up to Veran, Ralph threatens to cut her in half if she does not release Nayru,[9] but is forced to stand down, as Veran points out that if he attacks, Nayru will die.[10] Making her getaway to the past, Ralph is quick to pursue her through the still-open Time Portal.[11]

Despite his noble ambition, Ralph is ultimately of little help, as he simply runs around in the past hoping to encounter Veran. He does, however, point out a few important facts to Link as the young hero quests for the Essences of Time.[12][13][14][15]

After Link completes the Mermaid's Cave, Queen Ambi leaves her palace, giving Link the ideal opportunity to rescue Nayru from Veran's clutches.[16] Upon his arrival to the palace, Link runs into Ralph, who also heard that the palace guard was let down.[17] Ralph rushes ahead to find Nayru, but not before informing Link of a hidden entrance to the palace interior within the palace garden.[18] Ralph reappears after Link saves Nayru from Veran, who then possesses Queen Ambi. Saving both Link and Ralph, Nayru returns them to the present.

After Nayru's safe return, Ralph apologizes to Link for his behavior.[19] He decides to return to the past, vowing to defeat Veran.[20] Ralph is determined to kill Queen Ambi to save Labrynna and Nayru, even after it is discovered that the queen is Ralph's ancestor.[21] Ralph does not understand that he will fail for sure, because the fact that he was born means that his ancestor Ambi was not killed in the first place, though he does suspect he'll cease to exist if he succeeded.[22][23] As expected, when he comes face-to-face with the Sorceress of Shadows at the Black Tower, he is easily thwarted by Veran's power.

Ralph survives (thanks to Veran's "kindness"), but Veran mocks both Link and Ralph, saying that by killing the queen, Ralph in turn will vanish,[24] although the existence of Ralph proves that the queen will not be harmed. During the ensuing battle, Link frees Ambi from Veran's control and then defeats the sorceress. Believing that the danger is over, everybody attempts to exit the tower. However, Veran is not finished. Link, separated from Nayru and Ralph, faces off against Veran for the last time. After defeating Veran for good, Link meets with Nayru and Ralph, accompanied by Queen Ambi and her soldiers. Ralph is amazed by Link's performance,[25] and from then on treats the young hero with the utmost respect.[7]

As the adventure ends, Ralph vows to train harder to be able to protect Nayru on his own.[26] He is last seen training with Link, trying unsuccessfully to master the Spin Attack, turning it into an uncontrollable version with greater range. Despite the greater range of damage, the attack makes Ralph too dizzy to do anything except collapse after he uses it.

Other Appearances

Oracle of Ages (Wessel)

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Oracle of Ages (Himekawa)

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Ralph has changed some in his manga appearance. He is used for greater comic relief than in the game, and is also much stronger, accompanying Link throughout the majority of his journey. Unlike in the games, Ralph is, at one point, possessed by Veran.

Ralph makes his first appearance after Veran possesses Nayru and travels to the past. When he learns of Nayru's fate, he falls into an emotional rage, blaming Link for the event and accusing him of trying to seduce Nayru.[27] Although, when Impa wakes from unconsciousness, she explains what happened to Ralph. He then exclaims that he is going to save Nayru, and attempts to take the Harp of Ages from Link, resulting in the two fighting over it.[28] Ralph accidentally strums the harp and Link goes back in time without him.[29]

Ralph isn't seen again until chapter six. Once the Harp of Ages has been passed down through time into the present because of Link dropping it during his capture, Ralph seizes it from a Tokay's shop and heads to Labrynna's past. When he arrives, he falls on top of Link, who is currently battling a Nayru possessed by Veran. Ralph is at first excited to see his childhood friend,[30] until the possessed oracle attacks them. Link explains that Nayru is still under Veran's influence.[31] He begins to form a plan to defeat Veran, but because the Harp of Ages is again accidentally strummed, the two are teleported onto an island.[32]

Link questions Ralph about any weaknesses Nayru may have, but he replies that his flawless friend has none.[33] He then becomes angry at Link once more, this time for teleporting them to a deserted island.[34] Eventually Ralph and Link are caught in a storm,[35] whereas Link learns of Ralph's nobility from his inability to row the raft.[36][37] The duo see a ship in the distance and call for help.[38][39] Both are welcomed on board, only to discover to their horror that they are on a ship with skeletons for crew.[40] Link asks the ship's Cap'n about Veran and learns he may know of her weak spots.[41][42] However, he will only reveal the information if Link and Ralph answer his own questions.[43] After examining Link's sword, the pirate spots the Harp of Ages and commands Ralph to play it for him.[44] To their surprise, the harp doesn't transport them anywhere.[45] Ralph begins to play with remarkable skill, causing Link to compliment him.[46] Ralph answers that it's because of his refined skill.[47] However, it is unknown whether Ralph can truly play or if the Harp of Ages was using its power, since he expressed surprise at his own skill. Link reads the ship's log and realizes the Captain and his crew have been stuck in the storm for forever.[48] Ralph and Link attempt to leave to avoid having the same fate but are blocked by the pirates.[49][50] As the Piratians attack, Ralph says he cannot die now because he has to find Nayru.[51] Link explains that they can fix everything for the crew and the Captain's lady if they leave.[52] Moved by the boy's offer, the Captain gives them a boat and reveals Veran's weakness.[53][54] Ralph voices his concern if the pirates will ever be freed from the storm.[55] Link assures him that they will always keep trying.[56]

The boys arrive back in Labrynna and meet up with Sir Raven. As the three head back to the village, Veran, who was spying on Raven, quickly possesses Ralph. The others are unaware of the strange change in Ralph's personality. Roperi is the only one who notices something wrong with Ralph,[57] but Link brushes her comment off with a laugh.[58] Through Ralph, Veran learns that Raven is Link's ancestor and that he has Mystery Seeds, her fatal weakness. During the night, she uses Ralph to burn the seeds. Just as Link awakens, she leaves Ralph's body, allowing him to explain what happened.[59] Veran leads troops to the hidden village, destroying the homesteads and wounding and capturing Raven. Link, determined to save his ancestor and defeat Veran once and for all, is stopped by Ralph, who claims they will do it together and he will save Nayru.[60]

Just as Sir Raven is about to be executed, Ralph and Link arrive, saving the knight's life. When Link stops a possessed Nayru from spearing Raven, Ralph notices his ancestor, Queen Ambi.[61] The two tell Queen Ambi that the pirate Captain still loves her,[62] causing the queen to cry. The reason she ordered the tower's construction was so the Captain may see it and remember her.[63] She then cancels work on the tower and Sir Raven's execution.[64] Enraged, Veran releases Nayru and possesses Ambi instead, shouting for the guards to seize Ralph, Link, and the others.[65][66]

Nayru awakens just in time to teleport the group back to modern day Labrynna.[67] Ralph asks Nayru if she is all right.[68] Nayru says she is and apologizes for worrying him.[69] Ralph says there is no need to apologize as her safety is important, before bursting into tears and embracing her.[70] Nayru laughs at her guardian, affectionately calling him a "softy".[71] Nayru explains they can find more Mystery Seeds if they return to the past, so they head back.[72] When the group finds Roperi and the other villagers, Nayru reveals that Roperi's plant is a young Mystery Tree.[73] It will take time for the plant to grow even with Nayru's power over time, so Ralph heads alone to the Black Tower, set on destroying Veran.[74] Ralph tells Link to not forget him, since he kind of thought of him as a friend.[75] Alarmed, Nayru explains that if Ralph kills Veran's host Queen Ambi, it will be his end as well.[76]

Ralph confronts a possessed Ambi inside the Black Tower and pulls out a rapier from beneath his cloak. Veran mocks Ralph for his bravery, knowing his connection to Ambi, daring him to kill her.[77][78] Ralph readies himself to end Queen Ambi's life but she flees, calling for the tower's construction to quicken.[79] Meanwhile, Roperi's plant finally sprouts a Mystery Seed, so Link and Raven race to the tower.

Ralph again corners Ambi and prepares to kill her for Nayru's sake, despite the death of his family line that will follow.[80] Just before Ralph's blade pierces Ambi, Link shoots the Mystery Seed at her. Veran is forced out of Ambi. Ralph is mad at Link for saving the day once again when he was prepared to die heroically[81] His anger melts away as Link playfully teases that if Ralph really wants to die he can make it happen.[82] Veran reverts to her true form and attacks the trio. Sir Raven and Link together slay her, yet they're too late. Veran sends a final lamentation of sorrow to Twinrova, lighting the Flame of Sorrow.[83] Link and Sir Raven laugh as Ralph tries to cut himself free from Veran's spider web with his sword.[84] Link offers his to cut Ralph lose.[85] After the Twinrova sacrifice themselves to Ganon he is resurrected.[86] As Ganon smashes the tower, Link, Ralph, and Raven fall, although the Triforce on Link's hand saves them.[87] Ralph and the two knights alongside Queen Ambi's army attack Ganon, eventually defeating the beast. Queen Ambi thanks Sir Raven, Link, and Ralph for their services. She cannot believe how rude her descendant Ralph is after he calls her his great-great-great-grandma.[88][89] Nayru, Ralph, and Link finally return to their own time.

Ralph is last seen with Nayru, Impa, and Princess Zelda at Hyrule Castle having a meal. Zelda compliments him and Nayru on their success.[90] Nayru states that Link was the true hero,[91] although Ralph says he himself is smarter,[92] causing Impa to laugh.



Ralph is a name derived from the Old Norse name "Ráðúlfr."[93]

Names in Other Regions
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.



  1. I was smitten by Ralph's face when he thought of Nayru. He looked so romantic. — N/A (Oracle of Ages)
  2. Ralph is my grandson's grandson's...grandson! — Queen Ambi (Oracle of Ages)
  3. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 254 (OoAOracle of Ages)
  4. Oracle of Ages (Wessel), Scholastic, pg. 6
  5. I've known Nayru was the Oracle of Ages since she was a child. I have always been beside her, protecting her. — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  6. If anyone is gonna save Nayru, it's me! I won't let you beat me to it! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Link! My respect for you has grown. I thought it was over when you got locked in the tower. I never thought you'd outdo me! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  8. Don't worry, Nayru! I'm here. I'll chase away any beast that comes near you! Sorry, Link, but I doubt we'll need you. — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  9. What are you doing to Nayru? I'll cut you in two if you don't let her go! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  10. Hah! Aren't you brave! Turning a sword at me! If you cut me, it's Nayru who dies! — Veran (Oracle of Ages)
  11. Veran just leapt through this Time Portal! If we go back in time, we should be able to save Nayru and the Maku Tree! I'm coming, Nayru! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  12. Link! Did you hear that? They're saying terrible things about Nayru in the village... But why? It must be Veran's work! The truth will come out once I save Nayru! Wait here! I'm going! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  13. Dawdling about, as usual. What are you doing? Huh? You need an Island Chart? I've heard that weird guy has sea charts to the secret isle. Do what you want! I'm too busy trying to save Nayru to help you! See ya! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  14. Hey, Link! What are you doing here? I came to find an old hermit who's studying tunes on this mountain. I don't know where he is, but I bet he can offer a clue that will help save Nayru. I'll find him! Bye! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  15. Hey, Link! Are you looking for something, or what? Huh? Cheval? I know that name. Yeah! I've seen a grave in our own time that has that name on it. But I don't have time to chat! I'm busy! See ya! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  16. Link! I have great news!!! Queen Ambi has just left the palace! Now is your chance! This may be your only opportunity to save Nayru! — Maku Tree (Oracle of Ages)
  17. Link! Don't startle me! You also heard the guard on the palace was down and came to save Nayru? — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  18. But it's no good entering from the front door. I know! There should be a hidden entrance in the palace garden! I'll sneak in through there! What? "Why do I know about the hidden passage on my first trip here?" Never mind!!! I'm coming, Nayru!!! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  19. Sorry, Link. I was the one running around while you did the saving... — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  20. But know this: I'll be the one to stop Veran!!! I won't leave the people of the past to her evil deeds! Forgetting about Veran now would be foolish. If we do, she'll just come for Nayru again! [...] I'm going back to Ambi's age first! May fate bring us back together! Bye! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  21. Link, I was researching the past and found something awful! Ralph is a descendant of Queen Ambi! Do you know what this means? Ralph lives now because Ambi lived in the past. If Ambi is slain, Ralph will never exist! I came to try to stop Ralph, but I couldn't! — Impa (Oracle of Ages) ERRATA CORRIGE: Impa should say: "If Ambi had been slain, Ralph would have never be born!".
  22. I came to destroy Veran! Veran has taken control of Queen Ambi, right? Then to beat Veran... I must defeat... Queen Ambi... Umm... Well... Queen Ambi! Veran! I'll destroy the both of you! Then the people of this age, and of our age, will have peace... ...But what... will happen to me..? Umm... Link... Don't forget me. I mean, I think of you...as a friend... OK! I'm going! Ralph can do it! Goodbye, Link! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  23. You trickster! Fine! If I slay you, I vanish! Maybe it is terrifying... But if I must, I must. To do nothing and live just isn't me. Then it means nothing! I will destroy you! To protect the people of this age, and to protect Nayru!!! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  24. Oh, Link! Because of my kindness, young Ralph still lives. But you still attack me! If you damage Ambi's body, Ralph will vanish. You can't intend to end your dear friend's life by your own hand! — Veran (Oracle of Ages)
  25. You really beat Veran, didn't you? Nice work, Link! You're amazing! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  26. Link! You did it! Even I thought it was over this time, but Nayru was there. She can't always remain helpless! I'm going to train so I'll be able to protect Nayru on my own! — Ralph (Oracle of Ages)
  27. ... I bet you were trying to seduce her, weren't you?! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 40)
  28. I can't leave the harp to a pipsqueak like you! I'm going to save Nayru! Now give it to me! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 41)
  29. Wait right here. I'll be back with Nayru! Buh-Bye! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 43)
  30. Nayru? Is that Nayru?! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 98)
  31. That's because Veran is still possessing her. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 99)
  32. What?! She can't do that to my beloved Nayru! We've got to drive Veran out! So...From now on let's... Hey! Where the heck are we? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 98)
  33. Nayru's weak point? My dear perfect Nayru doesn't have any weak points! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 102)
  34. Oh yeah? You wanna know I see a flaw? It's in you, smart guy...For teleporting us onto a deserted island! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 102)
  35. Where'd this storm come from? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 103)
  36. I'm nobility! I don't know how to row! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 103)
  37. Peasant! My family has been royalty in Labrynna for generations! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 103)
  38. Ralph! A ship! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 103)
  39. Ahoyyy! Heelllp! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 103)
  40. We should've stayed in the water! Everyone onboard is a skeleton! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 105)
  41. We need to learn if Veran has a weakness! Do you know any? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 106)
  42. I just might. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 106)
  43. I'll tell what ye what y'want to know if...Ye first answer my questions!... (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 106)
  44. A harp! Play me a song. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 107)
  45. Huh?! The harp isn't causing a time trip? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 108)
  46. Wow! You're pretty good, Ralph. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 108)
  47. Merely the refined skills of a noble. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 108)
  48. What's this? The ship's log?... They've been stuck in this storm forever!... (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 109, 110)
  49. Ralph, we've got to get off this ship now!... If we don't get off soon...We're going to be trapped here with the pirates... Forever! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 110)
  50. Trying to leave, are ye? Are ye welchin' on yer promise to me? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 111)
  51. I can't die now! I have to find Nayru! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 111)
  52. Captain, we have to leave! You're stuck here, but if we go...We can go fix everything. For your crew and you...And your lady! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 112)
  53. 'Tis true...Time no longer moves for me. Ye have my leave to go. Give em' a boat. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 112)
  54. And as for the sorceress's weakness... (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 113)
  55. Will he ever make it back to Labrynna? Or will he be trapped...In that storm forever? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 113)
  56. He may never find his way home, but the Captain...Will never quit trying. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 113)
  57. Link, who is that? I don't like him. He's scary. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 122)
  58. Who? Ralph? Don't worry! He may be stupid, but he's alright (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 122)
  59. Thank goodness it's over! Someone was controlling my body. They used me like a puppet! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 126)
  60. No. Not "you"... We! Because I'm gonna save Nayru! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 140)
  61. Queen Ambi? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 144)
  62. I met a sailor who used to be a knight. He said I should tell you...That he will love you for all eternity. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 145)
  63. The tower... I built it so that no matter where in the world he was...He might see it...And never forget me. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 145)
  64. ... Both are canceled... (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 146)
  65. Stop loafing, guards! Seize them!! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 147)
  66. Veran... Posessing the queen?! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 147)
  67. We're back in modern Labrynna... (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 151)
  68. N-Nayru! Oh, Nayru! Are you all right? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 151)
  69. Yes, Ralph. I'm sorry I worried you so. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 151)
  70. No need to apologize. Your safety is the most important... I'm so happyyyyy! I was reeeeally worried! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 151)
  71. Oh, Ralph, you big softy! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 151)
  72. We can still find some Mystery Seeds...If we return to the past. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 152)
  73. Link, this is a young Mystery Tree. It will grow Mystery Seeds. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 154)
  74. I'm going to stall Veran. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 155)
  75. Don't forget me, Link... I basically thought of you as a friend. Kinda. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 155)
  76. Ralph, wait! We can't let Ralph fight Ambi. Ralph is a noble... From Labrynna! Queen Ambi is his direct ancestor. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 156)
  77. But you're Queen Ambi's descendant. I know. I possessed you both. If you kill me, you're also killing yourself. But you know that. And you think you're brave enough to do it. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 157)
  78. Well, let's just see about that. Go ahead... Do it! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 157)
  79. Hurry! Finish the construction! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 158)
  80. Forgive me, mom and dad... But for the sake of the whole family... I have to protect Nayru! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 159)
  81. Sure, you're happy! You saved the day...Again! I was all set to die heroically, but nooooo... (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 161)
  82. If you really want to die, I guess I can help. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 161)
  83. T-Twinrova... I send one final lamentation...My own! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 176)
  84. I can't cut through the spider web! This is so embarrassing! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 177)
  85. Wanna borrow my sword? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 177)
  86. ... For our Lord Ganon we give our lives...And resurrect the King of Evil!! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 178)
  87. Thank you, Triforce! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 182)
  88. Think you can handle it without us, great-great-great-grandma? (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 188)
  89. I can't believe by descendant is so rude! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 188)
  90. Nayru and Ralph, you've both done well. (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 190)
  91. Link was the true hero. He's very brave (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 190)
  92. But I'm the smart one! (Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 190)
  93. Meaning, origin and history of the name Ralph (web archive), behindthename.com, published April 25, 2021, retrieved November 13, 2022.
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