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Aveil is a character in Majora's Mask.[1]


Aveil is the leader of the Gerudo Pirates. She has a room deep inside the Pirates' Fortress that is filled with all kinds of treasures and luxuries that the Pirates have stolen, including a Zora Egg and the Hookshot.[2]

After infiltrating the Pirates' Fortress, Link overhears Aveil speaking about the Zora Eggs which they stole from Lulu; where they are and why they stole them in the first place.[3] Apparently, the Skull Kid told them that the Zora Eggs were key elements in obtaining a treasure that should be lying in the Great Bay Temple.[4] Aveil wants the Zora Eggs for their value as treasure, but also fears the harm done to their reputation if people would find out that they could not hold on to their loot.[5] In order to collect the Eggs, Link must shoot a Beehive hanging on the ceiling of her room, causing the Bees to come out and chase away Aveil and the other Gerudo Pirates. She cannot be seen again after fleeing from the Bees.

The Stone Mask is ineffective against Aveil, and she will alert her guards immediately upon spotting Link.[6]



In Japanese, the name Abēru (Aveil) is supposed to be reminiscent of Nabōru (Nabooru). This was lost in the localized names.

Names in Other Regions
The French Republic
Aveil (MM3DMajora's Mask 3D)[9]
The Italian Republic
Aveil (MMMajora's Mask | MM3DMajora's Mask 3D)[7][8]
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.


See Also


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 244 (MMMajora's Mask)
  2. See, it was long ago when I used to use this thing called a Hookshot to catch fish off the coast... But I was attacked by these pirates, and they took it away with them. They say... it's a legendary treasure.. And I just happened to swipe it from the bottom of the sea, so I hold no grudge against 'em. — Fisherman (Majora's Mask)
  3. Silence! That's why the Zoras can't send for any help! Now that the eggs are gone, the Zoras should be frantically searching for them. If we don't hurry, the Zoras will get to them before we do! There are four eggs here now. Hurry! Go find the other three eggs before those sea snakes eat them! — Aveil (Majora's Mask)
  4. Wait!!! The Zora eggs are the only clue we have about that dragon cloud floating over the bay... If what that strange, masked one says is true... And if we can get our hands on the treasure that lies sleeping in the temple in that dragon cloud... Then we can spend the rest of our lives living the good life! So get a move on and go find them! Now!!! — Aveil (Majora's Mask)
  5. What are you trying to pull here?!? If people hear the great pirates have lost the treasure they stole, we'll become the laughing stock! — Aveil (Majora's Mask)
  6. Halt! Everyone! A rat wearing a strange mask has snuck in! — Aveil (Majora's Mask)
  7. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 244
  8. M-Ma... Aveil... — Gerudo (Majora's Mask 3D, Italian version)
  9. Encyclopedia, Les Éditions Soleil, pg. 244
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