Skull Kid

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Skull Kids are recurring creatures in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][2][3] In Ocarina of Time, Skull Kids have birdlike faces. Navi implies that children who wander into the Lost Woods become Skull Kids.[4] One first interacts with Link in Ocarina of Time, and later plays a major villainous role in Majora's Mask. Skull Kids dress in a red cloak and hat covering an underlayer of clothing composed of a straw-like material, and play a flute, which they can also use as a weapon to shoot projectiles.


Ocarina of Time

Descriptionshide ▲
Ocarina of TimeOcarina of Time 3D
Skull Kid
Is this what happens to kids who wander into the forest? It looks like he doesn't like grownups.
Skull Kid
Is this what happens to kids who get lost in this forest? It looks like he doesn't like grown-ups.

A Skull Kid can be found in the Lost Woods in the area directly to the left of the entrance room in Ocarina of Time. Whenever Link approaches, the Skull Kid will disappear from the area. To circumvent this, Link can befriend the Skull Kid by playing "Saria's Song" while standing on top of the stump across from the Skull Kid's position. He will then receive a Piece of Heart as a gift.[5] While Z Targeting, Navi mentions that the Skull Kid seems unhappy to have no face.[6] Some of the Kokiri remember hearing him complaining about his face, as well.[7] Upon first seeing Link wearing the Skull Mask, the Skull Kid comments that he would like it to make him appear a little tougher.[8] Link is then able to sell him the Mask as part of the Mask Trading Sequence, but the Skull Kid pays just 10 Rupees when the wholesale price is 20, leaving Link to cover the difference.[9] Another two Skull Kids can be found in the area directly to the right of the entrance, where Link can play a Musical Session with them on his Ocarina to win another Piece of Heart.[10][11]

If Link encounters a Skull Kid as an adult, he will be attacked with needles shot from the Skull Kid's flute. Navi says that they are attacking because they do not like adults.[4] If Link defeats him, the Skull Kid will collapse and disappear, leaving behind an Orange Rupee.

Majora's Mask

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Majora's Mask instruction booklet
Skull Kid
Wearing a mystical mask, he appeared suddenly before Link. Hidden within that mask was tremendous power - a power that not even he understood.
Skull Kid finding Majora's Mask

A Skull Kid becomes a central character in Majora's Mask. Under the influence of Majora's Mask, which he stole from the Happy Mask Salesman, the Skull Kid becomes a powerful sorcerer. Using this newfound magical might, he wreaks havoc on the land of Termina, ultimately attempting to destroy it by sending the Moon on a collision course with the land. He appears to be the main antagonist through most of the game, though he himself is not evil and is merely being controlled by the powers of Majora's Mask.[12] Skull Kid is self-centered and has an affinity for mischief.[13] Due to his behavior and physical appearance, he is often called an imp.[14][15] The Skull Kid is resented by most Terminians because of the tricks he plays on them,[16] though he finds companionship in the Fairy siblings Tatl and Tael. He is strongly implied to be the same Skull Kid whom Link taught Saria's Song in the Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time.[17]


The Skull Kid forsaken by the Four Giants

Long ago, before the land of Termina was split into four regions, the Skull Kid befriended the Four Giants.[18] On the day of the Carnival of Time, the guardian deities announced to the people of Termina that they would guard the land while lying dormant. With the world of Termina now split into four parts by the order of the Four Giants, each of the deities took one hundred steps towards their respective regions. They told their people that if trouble befell them, they could call the giants in a loud voice, declaring their plight.[19] The Skull Kid, who had long been friends with the giants, was stricken by their departure.[20] Feeling neglected and alone, he began to spread his anger and frustration throughout all of Termina.[21] Fed up with the Skull Kid's misdeeds, the people of Termina called upon the Four Giants for aid.[22] The giants answered with an infuriated roar. They ordered the Skull Kid to leave Termina, threatening to kill him if he disobeyed.[23] Frightened by the giants' anger and saddened by the loss of his old friends, the Skull Kid returned to the heavens.[24]

Whether the Skull Kid actually "returned to the heavens," or not is merely a hyperbole in this story told by Anju's Grandmother, Skull Kid somehow reappears in Termina prior to the events of Majora's Mask. The two Fairy siblings, Tatl and Tael, stumble upon the Skull Kid taking shelter from a storm in a tree hollow in Termina Field. He tells the Fairies that he has been quarreling with his friends and that they have abandoned him.[25] Shivering from the cold, Skull Kid and the Fairies huddle for warmth, and a bond between them is formed.[26]

Later on, the Skull Kid encounters the travelling Happy Mask Salesman at the crossroads of Hyrule and Termina. He steals the evil Majora's Mask,[15] a powerful artifact once used by an ancient tribe for hexing rituals.[27] Upon donning the Mask, a combination of the burdens in the Skull Kid's heart and the evil magic inside Majora's Mask transformed a world into the land of Termina.[28] The world created had a distinct culture influenced by Majora's ancient tribe and was inhabited by races and people constructed from Skull Kid's memories and imagination.[28] The Four Giants central to Termina's legends were originally friends of Skull Kid who, like Termina itself, were recreated by the Mask.[29] The series of events that stem from this seemingly random occurrence constitute the plot of Majora's Mask.

Majora's Influence

Skull Kid cursing Link

In the prologue of Majora's Mask, Link appears riding on Epona in a mysterious forest.[30] Along with Tatl and Tael, Skull Kid—now wearing Majora's Mask—ambushes the young hero in a similar way to that of the Happy Mask Salesman. Startled by their sudden appearance, Epona rears up and throws Link off, knocking him unconscious. While comatose, Skull Kid rummages through Link's belongings and finds the Ocarina of Time. Fascinated by the object, he plays with the Ocarina until Link awakens. Once he realizes that Link is awake, he jumps on Epona and rides away with the Ocarina. Link pursues him, falling into the hollow tree trunk that serves as the passageway to Termina.[31] In a brief confrontation inside the Sealed Room, the Skull Kid informs Link that he "got rid of" Epona, claiming that the young hero's horse was disobedient and that he was doing Link a favor by doing so.[32] Using the powers of Majora's Mask, the Skull Kid traps Link within the body of a Deku Scrub.[13] He then leaves with Tael while Tatl holds Link back. Tatl subsequently gets trapped with Link as a result.[33] Link and Tatl forge an alliance and chase after the Skull Kid, crossing the threshold into Termina.[13]

Deku Link finds the Skull Kid atop Clock Tower at the end of the Final Day. Tael tells Link and Tatl to summon the Four Giants to the Clock Tower, and the Skull Kid hits him aside in response. The Skull Kid then starts to bring the Moon down to Termina with a screech. Link makes the Skull Kid drop the Ocarina of Time by firing a Bubble Blast at him. With his Ocarina back in his hands, Link plays the "Song of Time," turning back time to the First Day before the Moon can destroy Termina. Link is then returned to his normal self after learning the "Song of Healing" from the Happy Mask Salesman, who urges Link to retrieve the stolen Majora's Mask from the Skull Kid lest the world be destroyed by its influence.[34]

Granted tremendous power by the evil Mask, the Skull Kid had imprisoned the Four Giants within their temples.[citation needed] Without their guardian deities and their respective temples tainted with evil, each of the four regions of Termina succumbed to various disasters.[35][36] The Skull Kid was also responsible for harming the Great Fairy,[37] turning Kafei into a child,[14] and informing the Gerudo Pirates of the Zora Eggs. He also threatened to break Professor Shikashi's instruments.[38] After following Tael's advice and releasing the Four Giants from their respective prisons in the swamp, mountains, ocean, and canyon, Link returns to the top of the Clock Tower at the end of the Final Day to confront the Skull Kid once again. Link summons the Four Giants using the "Oath to Order" to stop the Moon. This knocks the Skull Kid unconscious, leaving Majora's Mask to detach itself from its puppet and rise into the Moon.[39] Link and Tatl then follow it into the Moon to engage in one final battle.

During the ending sequence of the game, following the defeat of Majora's Mask and the subsequent restoration of the Moon's original orbit, the Skull Kid, Link, the Happy Mask Salesman, and the Four Giants come together on the outskirts of Termina Field. The giants reassure Skull Kid—now free of the Mask's influence—of their friendship with him.[40] After the giants return to their resting places, the Skull Kid asks Link if they too could be friends, mentioning that he has the same smell as the "fairy kid" who taught him Saria's Song in the Lost Woods.[17][41] This suggests that the Skull Kid is the one by the tree stump near the bridge in the Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time, to whom the young hero sells the Skull Mask. After saying their goodbyes, Link and Epona depart Termina while Tatl, Tael and the Skull Kid celebrate the Carnival of Time. The last scene shows a drawing on a tree trunk made by the Skull Kid showing him with Link, Tatl, Tael, and the Four Giants.

Twilight Princess

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In reference to Skull Kid's Puppets

These must be the things that were after the monkey... Could this all be the work of that little guy with the horn?

I don't know my way around here too well, so try not to get lost.

Ugh! Quick little guy, isn't he?

But hey, he's not trying to run away at all, is he? He's...trying to lead us somewhere!

Why, that little... He likes to joke around, huh?

Let's get him while he's entranced by that horn!

Skull Kid in the Sacred Grove

In Twilight Princess, the Skull Kid leads Link through the Lost Woods portion of the Sacred Grove until he is in the room next to the resting place of the Master Sword. Along the way, the Skull Kid plays a game of hide-and-seek with Link, as he must find him several times before he leads him to its destination.

When Link returns to the Sacred Grove area later in the game, the Skull Kid will help him navigate the Lost Woods a second time. This time he leads him through different areas in order to reach the Temple of Time. However, two factors give away his location: the light of his lantern and the sound of his horn playing "Saria's Song." Although the Skull Kid never physically attacks Link, he will summon Puppets to do the job. Every time he is hit in battle, he will summon more puppets, but he can be beaten quickly with the use of the Bow. After defeating him the second time, he will tell Link that their little game was fun and vanish. On future visits to the Sacred Grove, lights similiar to Skull Kid's lantern can be seen in tunnels, but will vanish if Link enters the tunnel.

There is no confirmed relation between the Skull Kid from Twilight Princess and the one from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. However, the fact that it knows "Saria's Song," which Link taught to the Skull Kid in Ocarina of Time, suggests that there is indeed a connection.

Other Appearances

Link's Crossbow Training

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Skull Kids appear as two Stickers, based on his appearance in Ocarina of Time wearing the Skull Mask and his appearance in Majora's Mask wearing the titular Mask.

Sticker Artwork from Effect in The Subspace Emissary Usable by

Skull Kid
Majora's Mask [Leg] - Attack +20 All

Skull Kid
Ocarina of Time [Darkness] - Attack +7 This sticker is only usable by Ganondorf

Ocarina of Time (Himekawa)

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Skull Kid is the protagonist of the first bonus story of the manga, set before the story's main events. For the Deku Festival, the Kokiris have to put up a show for the Great Deku Tree, crafting their own masks. To prank Link, Mido hides his mask. After Saria forces him to give it back, the mask has disappeared, possibly stolen by a creature of the Lost Woods. Link, wanting to prove his worth to Mido, runs into the forest, followed by Saria, Mido and his gang. Link and Saria end up finding the mask in possession of the Skull Kid, which explains he only wanted to go to the festival "with a face". Moved, Link gives to him the mask and offers him to be friends. Suddenly, the Skull Kid attacks Link and kidnap Saria, threatening to steal her face if Link doesn't bring him a better mask: it is later revealed that the Skull Kids and the other hostile creatures of the forest are under the influence of the Baga Tree, an old enemy of the Deku Tree. Sensing Link's Hylian's blood, Baga Tree telepathically informed Skull Kid that he is destined to become an adult that will eventually kill them, therefore Link and his supporters (Deku Tree and his Kokiris) must pay. Skull Kid hunts Link down, but incapable of hurting his newfound friend, he begins to recall his childhood, remembering of how a young Hylian got lost in the wood and became a Skull Kid to become one with the scary surrounding darkness. Skull Kid frees Saria, but another Skull Kid snitches on him and the Baga Tree punishes him. Later, with little of his strength left, takes a thorny bullet for Link, getting gravely injured. After Mido and his gang comes to the rescue and accidentally kill the Baga Tree, Skull Kid recovers from the injury and is forgiven by Link and the Kokiris. Later, Link offers his mask again, but Skull Kid is now interested in Mido's Skull Mask, which he gladly gives.

Majora's Mask (Himekawa)

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Nothing drastic is changed of Skull Kid in this adaptation: main differences being how he stole the Majora's Mask (by himself and without the help of his fairy friends) and how he begins to fight back Majora a bit earlier than in the game. It is also implied that he had a reason to steal the Ocarina of Time: to speed up the falling of the Moon, seeing how he manages to do it by the end of Day 1. Like in the game, it is heavily implied to be the same Skull Kid seen in the Ocarina of Time adaptation.

Hyrule Warriors

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

In Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends, Skull Kid appears as part of Young Link's Mask moveset, during his Focus Spirit attack. Skull Kid pulls the Moon towards the Fierce Deity Link, followed by him slicing the Moon in half and creating a massive shockwave. One of Lana's Costumes in the Majora's Mask DLC pack is also based on Skull Kid's outfit.

Skull Kid also appears as a playable Warrior in both Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends. He uses the Ocarina as his primary Weapon, and is accompanied by Tatl and Tael as his helpers. When Skull Kid plays the Ocarina, its music instructs Tatl and Tael for coordinated group attacks involving all three of them. While based on the Majora's Mask incarnation, Skull Kid's Strong Attack references the Skull Kid from Twilight Princess, as it summons a single Puppet to attack in his stead. Skull Kid can be transferred to the Wii U version via a code included in Hyrule Warriors Legends, or by purchasing the Legends Character Pack DLC.

Skull Kid appears in the Linkle's Tale Scenario, "The Girl in the Green Tunic", in Hyrule Warriors Legends' Legend Mode, having stolen Linkle's Compass to play with. Linkle attempts to take it back by force, but the Skull Kid simply teleports away whenever she gets near and summons a horde of monsters to further impede her path. Suddenly the Compass begins to glow, releasing a powerful magical force that impairs Skull Kid, preventing him from teleporting anymore and allowing Linkle to confront him directly. In spite of his powerful dark magic, he is defeated by the hooded youth and forced to surrender the Compass. Though Linkle takes back her coveted possession, Skull Kid teases her by saying he will think about taking it again before leaving to parts unknown.

When defeated in battle as an opponent, Skull Kid may either drop his Hat as a silver Material, or Majora's Mask as a gold Material.

My Nintendo Picross: Twilight Princess

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

The twenty-third puzzle in the Picross series and the thirty-sixth puzzle in the Mega Picross series depict a Skull Kid.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
The Skull Kid Assist Trophy in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, Skull Kid in his Majora's Mask appearance appears as an Assist Trophy. When summoned, he flips the stage upside-down, inverting the direction of the players' movements. He also appears as a Trophy.

# Trophy Appears in Description How to unlock
200Nintendo 3DS version
202Wii U version
Ocarina of Time

Majora's Mask
It's said that children who get lost in the forest are turned into these music-loving little monsters. In Smash Bros., you can summon one who's sporting Majora's Mask. It'll move into the background and bring down a world of chaos on the whole stage. Even the fighter who summoned him will be affected, so try to keep a level head! RandomCan be obtained in Classic Mode, in All-Star Mode, in Trophy Rush, in Smash Run (3DS exclusive), in Smash Tour (Wii U exclusive), in Crazy Orders (Wii U exclusive) or purchased from the Trophy Shop
Skull Kid

Twilight Princess (Himekawa)

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Skull Kid covers the same role as the guardian of the Lost Woods, but, instead of taunting Wolf Link towards the Master Sword, he is now protecting the Sword, a task given by his friend (The Hero of Time). He manages to overwhelm Link with his puppets, until he notices the Triforce's mark on his paw, crying tears of happiness in seeing that his friend returned like he promised. Skull Kid then proceeds to lead him to the Master Sword.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
Skull Kid — Spirit Battle Information
Skull Kid
Primary Spirit
No. 205
Team Power Grab | 4000 Rank ★★ ADVANCED Fighter(s)
Stage Garden of Hope Theme "Saria's Song / Middle Boss Battle" Mii Brawler
Tiny Meta Knight
Tiny Meta Knight
Rule(s) Assist Trophy Enemies Hazard(s) Fog
 • Defeat the main fighter to win
 • The stage is covered in fog
 • Hostile assist trophies will appear
Skull Kid — Spirit Information

Skull Kid
No. 205
Lv. 1
Type GRAB Strength 931
Rank ★★ ADVANCED Defense 607
Slot(s) ⎔⎔ Power 1538
Trait Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99
This Spirit has no Trait.
Skull Kid & Majora's Mask — Spirit Information

Skull Kid & Majora's Mask
No. 206
Lv. 1
Type GRAB Strength 1596
Rank ★★★★ LEGEND Defense 2394
Slot(s) ⎔⎔ Power 4588
Trait Lifesteal
Steals opponents' life force when you strike.

The Skull Kid from Majora's Mask returns as an Assist Trophy in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Two Skull Kids, one from Ocarina of Time and one from Majora's Mask respectively, also appear as Primary Spirits. The Skull Kid Spirit can be enhanced into Skull Kid & Majora's Mask, which bears the ability, Lifesteal, which heals a Fighter when they deal damage. The Skull Kid's Hat and the Skull Kid's Outfit appear as Mii Headgear for all Mii Fighters and a Mii Outfit for Mii Brawlers respectively.

Cadence of Hyrule

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

The Skull Kid is a playable character in Cadence of Hyrule, and is the main character of Symphony of the Mask. He starts with a Deku Mask, though he's limited to a head bonk for an attack until obtaining the Skull Mask and Mask Magic from the Deku King. During his adventure, Skull Kid believes the voice he occasionally hears to possibly be from the Great Deku Tree[42], when in truth it is coming from the Skull Mask in his possession. After obtaining the Synth and Bongos, the barrier in front of Hyrule Castle can be taken down and Ganon can be challenged, taking the form Skull Ganon due to being enhanced by the Skull Mask. Skull Kid returns to Deku Village after defeating Ganon, and is seen celebrating with two other Deku Scrubs.

Design Changes

In all versions of Ocarina of Time, the Japanese Nintendo 64 versions of Majora's Mask, and official artwork, Skull Kid has a plain black face. In Ocarina of Time 3D and international versions of Majora's Mask, his head appears wooden. Moreover, Skull Kid has a beak in Majora's Mask, unlike his counterpart in Ocarina of Time who simply has orange lips; Skull Kids were given beaks in Ocarina of Time 3D, accentuating their avian appearance and making it consistent across the games.


  • In the Japanese version of Majora's Mask, the Skull Kid cutscene where he cries violently to have the moon collapse just before the boss fight against him, the cry is emitted from Skull Kid himself, which makes it quieter the further the camera moves away. This was changed to a global sound in the American version, which does not have this effect.[43]
  • The Japanese name for Skull Kids, スタルキッドSutarukiddo (Stal Kid), indicates that they are undead Stal creatures. This is supported by Skull Kids being created in the same way as Stalfos, albeit from children rather than adults.[4][44] However, unlike other Stal creatures, they are never portrayed as being skeletal in nature.


Names in Other Regions
スタルキッド (Sutarukiddo) (OoTOcarina of Time)[45]Stalkid
The French Republic
Skull Kid (OoTOcarina of Time | HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)[47] 
Skull Kid (HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition) 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Horror Kid (HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)[46] 
The Italian Republic
  • Bambino perduto (OoTOcarina of Time)[48]
  • Skull Kid (MMMajora's Mask | MM3DMajora's Mask 3D | HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[49][50][51]
  • Lost Kid; in reference to "Bimbi sperduti" (Lost Boys)
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Skull Kid (HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition) 
The Kingdom of Spain
Skull Kid (HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition) 
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.


See Also


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 239 (OoTOcarina of Time) & 244 (MMMajora's Mask)
  2. Art & Artifacts, Dark Horse Books, pg. 297 (TPTwilight Princess)
  3. Sacred Grove: Defender
    Skull Kid's creating havoc with his army of Puppets. Take them down!
    — Stage Select (Link's Crossbow Training)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Skull Kid - Is this what happens to kids who wander into the forest? It looks like he doesn't like grownups. — Navi (Ocarina of Time)
  5. You know Saria's Song! We should be friends! Here, take this! — Skull Kid (Ocarina of Time)
  6. Skull Kid - Is this what happens to kids who get lost in this forest? He seems unhappy to have no face... — Navi (Ocarina of Time)
  7. What a weird face! Speaking of weird faces, one of the forest kids was complaining about his face.... — Kokiri (Ocarina of Time)
  8. Quite an unusual mask you have there. Hee hee! I like it! It may make me look a little bit tougher. Hey, why don't you give it to me? — Skull Kid (Ocarina of Time)
  9. He just gave you 10 Rupees for this 20-Rupee mask! You lost money on that deal! — N/A (Ocarina of Time)
  10. Follow along with our song on your Ocarina. We'll lead you into it. — Skull Kid (Ocarina of Time)
  11. That was quite a nice session. As a token of our friendship, please take this. — Skull Kid (Ocarina of Time)
  12. The power of the mask made him do it. It was too much for the Skull Kid to handle. — Tael (Majora's Mask)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask—Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 4
  14. 14.0 14.1 I was turned into this by a strange imp wearing a mask... — Kafei (Majora's Mask)
  15. 15.0 15.1 During my travels, a very important mask was stolen from me by an imp in the woods. — Happy Mask Salesman (Majora's Mask)
  16. I'm sure it was because he was always playing tricks, so nobody wanted to play with him. — Tatl (Majora's Mask)
  17. 17.0 17.1 Eh-hee-hee...You have the same smell as the fairy kid who taught me that song in the woods... — Skull Kid (Majora's Mask)
  18. The imp was a friend of the giants since before they had created the four worlds. — Anju's Grandmother (Majora's Mask)
  19. On the day of the festival that celebrates the harvest, the giants spoke to the people... "We have chosen to guard the people while we sleep..." "100 steps north, 100 steps south, 100 steps east, 100 steps west." "If you have need, call us in a loud voice by declaring something such as, The mountain blizzard has trapped us." "Or The ocean is about to swallow us. Your cries shall carry to us..." — Anju's Grandmother (Majora's Mask)
  20. Now then... There was one who was shocked and saddened by all this. A little imp. The imp was a friend of the giants since before they had created the four worlds. — Anju's Grandmother (Majora's Mask)
  21. The childhood friend felt neglected, so he spread his anger across the four worlds. Repeatedly, he wronged all people. — Anju's Grandmother (Majora's Mask)
  22. Overwhelmed with misfortune, the people sang the song of prayer to the giants who lived in each of the four compass directions. — Anju's Grandmother (Majora's Mask)
  23. Oh, imp. Oh, imp. We are the protectors of the people. You have caused the people pain. Oh, imp, leave these four worlds! Otherwise, we shall tear you apart! — Guardian Deity (Majora's Mask)
  24. The imp was frightened and saddened. He had lost his old friends. The imp returned to the heavens, and harmony was restored to the four worlds. — Anju's Grandmother (Majora's Mask)
  25. He told us that he had been fighting with his friends and that they had left him all alone... — Tatl (Majora's Mask)
  26. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask—Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 31
  27. It is an accursed item from legend that is said to have been used by an ancient tribe in its hexing rituals. It is said that an evil and wicked power is bestowed upon the one who wears that mask. — Happy Mask Salesman (Majora's Mask)
  28. 28.0 28.1 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 36
  29. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 37
  30. Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 110
  31. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask—Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 22
  32. What's with that stupid horse of yours?! It doesn't listen to a word that's said to it... There's no point in riding a thing like that, so I did you a favor and got rid of it... Hee, hee... — Skull Kid (Majora's Mask)
  33. Whoa! Whoa! Skull Kid, wait for me! I'm still here!!! Tael, you can't leave without me! — Tatl (Majora's Mask)
  34. I am begging you! You must get that mask back quickly or something horrible will happen! — Happy Mask Salesman (Majora's Mask)
  35. There's a rumor that the ocean is getting weird 'cause there's trouble off shore at Great Bay Temple. — Tijo (Majora's Mask)
  36. It all happened after somebody thrust open the doors of that Stone Tower. — Igos du Ikana (Majora's Mask)
  37. Young one! Please hear my plea! I have been broken and shattered to pieces by the masked Skull Kid. — Great Fairy (Majora's Mask)
  38. Your manners seem much better than those of your mischievous friend from the other day. Hrnf, hrnf, hrnf! That ill-mannered troublemaker from the other day said he'd break my instruments... — Professor Shikashi (Majora's Mask)
  39. A puppet that can no longer be used is mere garbage. This puppet's role has just ended... — Skull Kid (Majora's Mask)
  40. You guys... You hadn't forgotten about me? You still thought of me as a friend? — Skull Kid (Majora's Mask)
  41. Friends are a nice thing to have... Heh, heh. Could you be my friend, too? — Skull Kid (Majora's Mask)
  42. I hear a voice... Is that you, Grandfather? Or is it something else... — Skull Kid (Cadence of Hyrule)
  43. "In the Skull Kid cutscene where he cries violently, the sound is emitted from Skull Kid himself in the Japanese versions. This has the side effect of becoming quieter when the camera is moving away from Skull Kid. In the American version his cry is a global sound. It makes for a much better effect this way."The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask/Program revision differences , The Cutting Room Floor.
  44. Anybody who comes into the forest will be lost. Everybody will become a Stalfos. Everybody, Stalfos. — Fado (Ocarina of Time)
  45. Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Shogakukan, pg. 52
  46. Horror Kid — View Warriors (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  47. Encyclopedia, Les Éditions Soleil, pg. 239
  48. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 239
  49. Skull Kid si è unito a te! — N/A (Cadence of Hyrule, Italian version)
  50. "Mentre Link cade a terra e perde conoscenza, uno Skull Kid travestito emerge dalla nebbia."The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask | Nintendo 64 | Giochi | Nintendo ,, retrieved September 10, 2020.
  51. Oh, che bella quell'ocarina... Ehi, Skull Kid, posso toccarla?! Fammela vedere! — Tael (Ocarina of Time 3D, Italian version)
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