Gibdos are undead, mummified corpses commonly appearing within Graveyards and Dungeons. They are one of the more resilient enemies in The Legend of Zelda series as they are weak to few weapons and are not knocked back when hit with a Sword in most games.[7] In some games, they are able to use a petrifying gaze to stun Link, identically to that of the similar ReDeads. They are very susceptible to fire-based attacks, and take great damage from items such as the Fire Rod and Din's Fire.[8] Burning away a Gibdo's bandages in Majora's Mask will even reveal it to be a ReDead, while in other games, burning a Gibdo's bandages instead reveals a Stalfos.
The Legend of Zelda
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The Legend of Zelda instruction booklet
The mummy man. He's got some strange powers, and some pretty powerful attacking force.
This bandage swathed menace is indeed powerful. It can withstand repeated blows from the sword without even slowing down. However, it is rumored that it cannot stand fire...
Gibdos first appear in Skull Woods, and deal three hearts of damage with each attack. They are also found later in Ganon's Tower. Gibdos are weak to the Lantern and Fire Rod, the latter also found in Skull Woods.
Gibdo Its gaze will paralyze you. If it bites you, tap any button to escape!
Gibdo Its gaze will paralyze you. If it grabs you, rapidly tap to escape!
Gibdos appear in the Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple and the Spirit Temple in Ocarina of Time. They also appear in the Master Quest variant of Inside Ganon's Castle. They are susceptible to the "Sun's Song", which will stun them for a period of time after being played. Unlike ReDeads, which walk around in circles, thereby making them briefly harmless when one is killed in the same room, Gibdos are not affected by this therefore making them more dangerous.
Wearing the Gibdo Mask will keep Gibdos from attacking Link. Interestingly, neither Gibdos nor ReDeads are able to harm Deku Link or Goron Link, as the former and latter are too small and large respectively for them to attack. Both forms are still vulnerable to Gibdos' paralyzing gaze. Using Fire Arrows against them will result in their bandages being burnt off, revealing a ReDead. However, they will not begin to dance if Link is wearing Garo's Mask or the Captain's Hat, unlike other ReDeads.
Oracle of Seasons
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Oracle of Ages
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Four Swords
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Gibdos appear in Arbiter's Grounds and the Cave of Ordeals in Twilight Princess. They lay motionless on the ground until Link approaches, then they rise and drag their sword towards him. When Link is within their attack range, Gibdos will release a paralyzing scream before attacking with their sword.
12 Arrows, two Bomb Arrows, the Ball and Chain, a Jump Strike, and a Mortal Draw can all be used to defeat Gibdos. As Wolf Link, they can be defeated by targeting and continuously biting them twice. A Back Slice can be used if Link is caught in a Gibdo's scream by pressing the A button and tilting the control stick left or right. When it brings down its sword, Link will roll around it and slice at it, leaving the Gibdo vulnerable.
Tears of the Kingdom
Hyrule Compendium Entry
A monster that appeared along with the sand shroud. Though slow to move, they can fight without faltering to physical attacks thanks to their tough outer skin. On the other hand, they are vulnerable to fire and lightning, which can turn them white and brittle.
Common Locations
Gerudo Desert Gerudo Desert Depths
Recoverable Materials
Gibdo Guts Gibdo Bone
Gibdos appear in the Gerudo Desert and the Gerudo Desert Depths alongside the Sand Shroud,[12] emerging from hives in the sand to attack Gerudo Town and Kara Kara Bazaar. Gibdos have a skeletal appearance with distinctly inhuman body proportions, and insectoid mandibles. While highly resistant to physical attacks, they are vulnerable to Electricity, Fire, Ice, and Water-based attacks, which will cause them to turn white and temporarily disable their resistance to physical attacks.[13] Additionally, concentrated light will kill them outright. Some Gibdos may lie motionless on the ground to ambush Link. They also sometimes have Weapons or Arrows stuck in their bodies.
A new variation called Moth Gibdos also appear, which are able to fly and move more quickly than the standard Gibdo; they can also attack from long range by spitting acid. They are seemingly led by the Queen Gibdo.
Echoes of Wisdom
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The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
A Gibdo from The Legend of Zelda TV series
Gibdos appear in three episodes of the The Legend of Zelda TV series. In "Kiss'n Tell", a Gibdo disguises itself as a beautiful maiden who is pretending to be under attack by a Gleeok in order to draw Link onto the scene. Although Princess Zelda arrives first, Link eventually appears and defeats the Gleeok. The maiden then rewards Link with a kiss, and as their lips meet, Link turns into a frog while the maiden turns to her true form.[14] When Link reaches for his sword, he realizes that his hands have turned frog-like and is too distracted to see that the Gibdo is about to attack him.[15] However, Zelda pushes him out of the way and easily defeats the Gibdo by spinning it until it disappears back to Ganon's Evil Jar.[16] Ganon congratulates the Gleeok and Gibdo for their success and leaves the Underworld to proceed with his plan to obtain the Triforce of Wisdom.[17]
In "Underworld Connections", a Gibdo briefly appears out of the darkness while Link and Zelda are trying to recover the missing shards of the Triforce of Wisdom. The Gibdo attempts to grab the Triforce from Zelda's hands, but the young hero easily zaps it away. Lastly, in "The Moblins are Revolting", the Gibdos join the struggle formed by the Brotherhood of Underworld Monsters, where they try to attack North Castle; however, they accomplish nothing meaningful and eventually return to Ganon.
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
In The Crystal Trap, Princess Zelda encounters various Gibdos while inside a Cavern. As Princess Zelda is traveling through the Cavern, she hears the sound of Gibdos approaching her from behind, and although she claims she can outrun them, more appear on the other side. Princess Zelda realizes that neither a Dagger nor normal Arrows can pierce through the Gibdos, commenting to herself that she would need Magic Arrows to defeat them.
If Princess Zelda picks up the Magic Arrows in Midoro Palace, she will shoot one of them at a Gibdo, causing it to burst into flames and scare the other Gibdos away.[18] This frees a Blue Fairy, who will thank Princess Zelda by healing her and providing her with the Fairy's Scroll. More Gibdos will then begin to approach her, but she enters a nearby door to escape them.
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
A Gibdo appears as the first Boss in The Wand of Gamelon. It is located in the abandoned church of Sakado, using it as its base of operations. It terrorizes the town by commanding the monsters in that area and raising the dead to enslave the living.[19] It also plays the church's organ.
Princess Zelda defeats it with the Shroud given to her by Lubonga in Aru Ainu, of which it is afraid.[20] The Shroud is the only item that will defeat it, as normal attacks are ineffective. It fades away as the Shroud is thrown onto it.
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
Gibdos appear in Link's Crossbow Training in Level 7-1. They behave similarly as their Twilight Princess incarnations, and as they are shot down, more appear to attack. They rise up from inside coffins, often near the camera. A single shot to the head with a normal Arrow will destroy them, though using Exploding Arrows is the most effective way to destroy larger groups that appear.
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
In Hyrule Warriors, Gibdos appear as Captains. They drag large swords behind them, which they will infrequently swing in a slow but brutal attack on nearby enemies. When surrounded with enemies, Gibdos will release a ranged shriek, stunning all nearby foes. If an opposing Warrior stands in line of their view but outside of their regular shriek's radius, the Gibdo will release a controlled shriek in the direction of the Warrior. Their shrieks leave them vulnerable, however, causing their Weak Point Gauge to be exposed. Gibdos also have an additional attack, in which they glow before releasing a poisonous miasma around them, similar to Deku Babas. While charging this attack, they expose their weakness to Arrows. Shooting them while glowing will expose their Weak Point Gauge and cause them to spin around, damaging their allies in the process.
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
Gibdos appear as Enemies in Cadence of Hyrule where they move to the beat of the music. Their behavior is modeled after the Golem enemies from Crypt of the NecroDancer. As they make their way towards Cadence, Link, Yves, or Zelda, they will stand still for two beats, crouching on the third before jumping to attack on the fourth beat. They can be turned into ReDeads by burning off their bandages by hitting them with fire either from the Fire Rod, Fire Arrows, or fireballs cast by Fire Wizzrobes. The game itself introduces Black Gibdos, which are stronger, while Green Gibdos make their first appearance since Four Swords Adventures.
Names in Other Regions
ギブド (Gibudo)(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | ALttPA Link to the Past | TotKTears of the Kingdom | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[25][26][27]
吉波得 (Jíbōdé)(TotKTears of the Kingdom)
吉波得 (EoWEchoes of Wisdom)
吉波得 (Jíbōdé)(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[32]
Gibdo (TotKTears of the Kingdom | EoWEchoes of Wisdom)[37]
Gibdo (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TotKTears of the Kingdom | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[28][29][30][31]
Gibdo (TotKTears of the Kingdom | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)
Gibdo (TotKTears of the Kingdom | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[36]
Ghibdo (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | LADXLink's Awakening DX | OoT3DOcarina of Time 3D | MMMajora's Mask | MM3DMajora's Mask 3D | OoSOracle of Seasons | FSFour Swords | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | TotKTears of the Kingdom | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[21][22][23][24]
Simple transliteration
기브도 (Gibeudo)(TotKTears of the Kingdom)
기브도 (EoWEchoes of Wisdom)
Guibdo (EoWEchoes of Wisdom)
SpanishLALatin American
Gibdo (TotKTears of the Kingdom | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | HWDEHyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[33][34][35]
Gibdo (TotKTears of the Kingdom | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[38][39]
↑If Link defeats 10 Enemies without getting hit or teleporting with the Recorder, then the 10th Enemy defeated will drop five Rupees. However, if the 10th Enemy is defeated with a Bomb, then it will drop four Bombs. If Link defeats 16 Enemies without getting hit or teleporting, then the 16th Enemy will drop a Fairy. After the 16th Enemy, Link must get hit and reset the counter to zero in order to achieve this effect again. Defeating Armos, Like Likes, Keese, or Gels will not be counted.[9]
↑Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 181 (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | FSFour Swords | TMCThe Minish Cap | TPTwilight Princess | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | TFHTri Force Heroes)
↑Gibdo A bandaged monster that can stop foes in their tracks. It is weak to fire, though, and will flee in a panic if exposed to it. — Notebook (Echoes of Wisdom)
↑S4-11: Twee Gibdos. (S4-11: Two Gibdos.) (CD Interactief, HUB Uitgevers, April/May 1999, pg. 6)
↑The mummy man. He's got some strange powers, and some pretty powerful attacking force. (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 37)
↑This bandage swathed menace is indeed powerful. It can withstand repeated blows from the sword without even slowing down. However, it is rumored that it cannot stand fire... (A Link to the Past manual, pg. 44)
↑ n.a., Forced Drops ,, published n.d., retrieved August 17, 2017.
↑Leeeave me something delicious to chomp on. Something that sprouts when it's watered. Preferably five of them... — Gibdo (Majora's Mask)
↑A monster that appeared along with the sand shroud. Though slow to move, they can fight without faltering to physical attacks thanks to their tough outer skin. On the other hand, they are vulnerable to fire and lightning, which can turn them white and brittle. — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom)
↑Monster Tips: Gibdos Though they are normally resistant to damage, they can be weakened with elemental attacks, such as fire or water. While in this vulnerable state, their bodies turn white. — Tips and Tricks (Tears of the Kingdom)
↑"What's the matter, Link? You don't like my charms anymore? You fell for it! Ganon's plan worked perfectly!" — Gibdo (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 4)
↑"My hands! They're all weird!" — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 4)
↑"Wait 'till you see the rest of you! Let's go for a spin, Gibdo!" — (', Episode 4)
↑"Excellent. You've done well, my servants. Link has been transformed into a frog! And with Link rendered practically useless, Zelda will be at my mercy! Now I shall put the rest of my plan into action. When I return, Zelda will be with me and Link will be gone...forever!" — Ganon (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 4)
↑The arrow finds its mark and the gibdo bursts into flame! In the red glare, Zelda sees the twisted shapes of the other mummy men as they run in fear from the terrible fire. (The Crystal Trap, Simon & Schuster, pg. 18)
↑For the dead shall raise, and the living shall be their slaves. She must be stopped! — Gibdo (The Wand of Gamelon)