Bosses are a recurring mechanic in The Legend of Zelda series.(OoTOcarina of Time | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | TMCThe Minish Cap | TPTwilight Princess | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][name references needed]
The Legend of Zelda
There are seven Bosses in The Legend of Zelda. These include Aquamentus, Dodongo, Manhandla, Gleeok, Digdogger, Red Gohma, and Ganon. Digdogger is the first enemy in the series explicitly weak to the Item of the Dungeon it is found in. Aquamentus and Gleeok are bosses in two Dungeons, and a Blue Gohma is fought in Level 6 during the Second Quest.
Each boss drops a Heart Container and guards a shard of the Triforce of Wisdom.
The Adventure of Link
There are eight Bosses in The Adventure of Link. They are Mazura, Jermafenser, Rebonack, Carock, Gooma, Barba, Thunderbird, and Link's Shadow. Link's Shadow is the first instance of an alternate version of Link being fought.
None of these Bosses are Ganon's minions; instead, they are designed to prevent adversaries from reaching the Triforce of Courage. They each guard one of the six crystals that open the barrier at the Valley of Death. In addition, both Thunderbird and Link's Shadow serve the Sage of the Triforce of Courage.
A Link to the Past
There are 11 Bosses in A Link to the Past. They are Armos Knights, Lanmolas, Moldorm, Agahnim, the Helmasaur King, Arrghus, Mothula, Blind the Thief, Kholdstare, Vitreous, Trinexx, and Ganon.
Each boss drops a Heart Container upon defeat, and the fourth through 10th Bosses each guard a Maiden.
Link's Awakening
There are nine bosses in Link's Awakening, which are Moldorm, Genie, Slime Eye, Angler Fish, Slime Eel, Facade, the Evil Eagle, Hot Head, and the Shadow Nightmares. The Shadow Nightmares, which serve as the final Boss, take six different forms during the fight: Giant Gel, Agahnim's Shadow, Moldorm's Shadow, Shadow of Ganon, Lanmola, and DethI.
Each Boss guards an Instrument of the Sirens. Upon defeat, they each drop a Heart Container. Most Bosses have dialogue and speak directly to Link.
Ocarina of Time
There are nine Bosses in Ocarina of Time. They are Gohma, King Dodongo, Barinade, Phantom Ganon, Volvagia, Morpha, Bongo Bongo, Twinrova, and Ganondorf. During his final Boss fight, Ganondorf will transform into Ganon during his second phase.
The first three Bosses must be beaten in order to obtain the three Spiritual Stones. The fourth through eighth Bosses result in the awakening of one of the Sages, allowing for the seal on Ganon's Castle to wane. Each boss also drops a Heart Container.
Majora's Mask
There are five Bosses in Majora's Mask. The four found in Termina's Temples are Odolwa, Goht, Gyorg, and Twinmold. The final Boss, Majora's Mask, takes two different forms during its battle: Majora's Incarnation and Majora's Wrath.
Upon defeat, the first four Bosses drops their remains, resulting in the release one of the Guardian Deities who can stop the Moon.
Oracle of Seasons
There are nine Bosses in Oracle of Seasons, which are Aquamentus, Dodongo, Mothula, Gohma, Digdogger, Manhandla, Gleeok, Medusa Head, and Onox. Two additional Bosses, Twinrova and Ganon, are exclusive to a Linked Game.
Aside from the final Bosses, all Bosses lead to an Essence of Nature drop a Heart Container.
Oracle of Ages
There are 10 Bosses in Oracle of Ages. All of them are original, and they are Pumpkin Head, Head Thwomp, Shadow Hag, Eyesoar, Smog, Octogon, Possessed Nayru, Plasmarine, Ramrock, and Veran. Two additional Bosses, Twinrova and Ganon, appear only in a Linked Game.
Most Bosses lead to an Essence of Time, and each one of them drops a Heart Container. Head Thwomp, Octogon, Possessed Nayru, Ramrock and Veran are fought in the past, while Pumpkin Head, Shadow Hag, Eyesoar, Smog and Plasmarine are fought in the present.
Four Swords
There are four Bosses in Four Swords. They are Big Manhandla, Dera Zol, Gouen, and Vaati.
After defeating each Boss, the Links gain access to a Great Fairy who provides them with a Silver, Golden, or Hero's Key.
The Wind Waker
There are eight Bosses in The Wind Waker, which are Gohma, Kalle Demos, Gohdan, the Helmaroc King, Jalhalla, Molgera, Puppet Ganon, and Ganondorf.
Each Boss fight makes use of their respective Dungeon Item. For example, the Boomerang is used against Kalle Demos, and the Skull Hammer against the Helmaroc King. They each drop a Heart Container upon their defeat. The first two Bosses grant access to Din's Pearl and Farore's Pearl, while the fifth and sixth Bosses allow the Earth Sage and Wind Sage to empower the Master Sword.
Four Swords Adventures
Each Stage in Four Swords Adventures has its own Boss, although they sometimes end with a Sub-Boss instead of a Boss. The Bosses are Phantom Ganon, Stone Arrghus, the Helmaroc King, Big Poe, Big Moldorm, Frostare, and Vaati.
The Minish Cap
There are six Bosses in The Minish Cap, which are the Big Green Chuchu, Gleerok, Mazaal, the Big Octorok, the Gyorg Pair, and Vaati. The sixth and final Boss, Vaati, has three separate forms: Vaati Reborn, Vaati Transfigured, Vaati's Wrath. Each Boss is invulnerable to damage until Link is able to reveal their weak point through the use of whichever Item is obtained in the preceding Dungeon. Vaati requires the use of several Items to make his various forms vulnerable to damage from the Four Sword.
Defeating each of the first five Bosses grants Link a new Heart Container and one of the Four Elements. The exception to this is Mazaal, who does not grant an Element. A green Portal also appears alongside the Heart Container, again with the exception of Mazaal, which will transport Link back to the entrance of the Dungeon.
Twilight Princess
There are nine Bosses in Twilight Princess, which are Diababa, Fyrus, Morpheel, Stallord, Blizzeta, Armogohma, Argorok, Zant, and Ganondorf. The final Boss fight against Ganondorf is split into four fights: Possessed Zelda, Ganon, a horseback duel against Ganondorf, and a sword fight against Ganondorf.
Most Boss fights make use of the main Dungeon Item. The Ganon fight is the only battle that utilizes Wolf Link. The first three Bosses were guardians of the Fused Shadow, and the fifth, sixth. and seventh were corrupted by the Mirror Shards. Each Boss drops a Heart Container upon defeat.
Phantom Hourglass
There are eight Bosses in Phantom Hourglass: Blaaz, Cyclok, Crayk, the Cubus Sisters, Dongorongo, Gleeok, Eox, and Bellum. The final fight against Bellum is split into three fights with Bellum, the Ghost Ship, and Bellumbeck.
Many Bosses utilize both DS screens for the fight. For example, Crayk is invisible on the bottom screen and can only be seen from a first-person perspective on the top screen. Each Boss is made of the Sand of Hours, and upon defeat, extends the timer on the Phantom Hourglass. They also each drop a Heart Container.
Spirit Tracks
There are seven Bosses in Spirit Tracks, which are Stagnox, Fraaz, Phytops, Cragma, Byrne, Skeldritch, and Malladus. The final fight against Malladas includes two additional battles against the Demon Train and Cole.
Like in Phantom Hourglass, many Boss fights utilize both DS screens. Each Temple Boss grants access to a new Force Gem, restoring the Spirit Tracks in each region.
Skyward Sword
There are seven Bosses in Skyward Sword: Ghirahim, Scaldera, Moldarach, The Imprisoned, Levias, Koloktos, Tentalus, the Horde Battle, and Demise. Both Ghirahim and The Imprisoned are fought on three separate occasions. The final Dungeon, Sky Keep, does not have a boss, though Demise is fought following its completion.
Each Boss makes use of Link's motion control scheme in a different way. Ghirahim, Moldarach, and Demise use it heavily, whereas Scaldera, The Imprisoned and Koloktos use it sparingly. The Boss fights also make use of their respective Dungeon Items.
A Link Between Worlds
There are 11 Bosses in A Link Between Worlds, which are Yuga, Moldorm, Margomill, the Gemesaur King, Arrghus, Knucklemaster, Stalblind, Zaganaga, Dharkstare, Grinexx, and Yuga Ganon. Each Boss is generally fought using the respective Item of the Dungeon, which can be rented or purchased from Ravio's Shop.
Each boss drops a Heart Container. Defeating the Lorulean Bosses allows Link to free one of the trapped Sages.
Tri Force Heroes
There are eight main Bosses in Tri Force Heroes, what are Margoma, Arrghus, Moldorm, Blizzagia, The Lady's Pets, Stalchampion, Prismantus, and Lady Maud. A secret Boss, Shadow Link, is the final battle of the Den of Trials.
Each Boss serves as the final challenge of the Drablands' areas. They award Treasures that can be used to craft Clothing at Madame Couture's.
Breath of the Wild
There are eight bosses in Breath of the Wild, six of which are incarnations of Malice. These are Waterblight Ganon, Fireblight Ganon, Windblight Ganon, Thunderblight Ganon, Calamity Ganon, and Dark Beast Ganon. The other two are Master Kohga and Monk Maz Koshia, the latter of whom can only be challenged when The Champions' Ballad Downloadable Content pack is active. There are also three overworld Bosses: Hinoxes, Stone Taluses, and Molduga. The Champions' Ballad adds two overworld Bosses, which are the Igneo Talus Titan and the Molduking.
Each Malice incarnation is weak to a different Sheikah Slate power. Calamity Ganon is weak to Parrying, and Dark Beast Ganon is weak to the Bow of Light. Each Boss drops a Heart Container and gives access to the power of the deceased Champion.
Tears of the Kingdom
There are seven Dungeon Bosses in Tears of the Kingdom: Colgera, Marbled Gohma, Mucktorok, Queen Gibdo, Phantom Ganon, the Seized Construct, and Demon King Ganondorf. The Boss fight against Ganondorf begins with a battle against the Demon King's Army, and it ends by fighting the Demon Dragon. If a Dungeon has not been cleared before facing Demon King Ganondrf, Link will have to face its respective Boss before he can fight Ganondorf. Three additional Boss fights occur during the Main Quests "Yunobo of Goron City" and "Sidon of the Zora": Yunobo, Moragia, and the Sludge Like.
Like in Breath of the Wild, Hinoxes, Stone Taluses, and Molduga appear as overworld Bosses. Three new varieties of overworld Bosses appear: Gleeoks, Froxes, and Flux Constructs. Also returning from Breath of the Wild is Master Kohga, who is fought four times across the Depths.
Each of the main Bosses drops a Heart Container, in addition to making the Dungeon's Secret Stone accessible.
Echoes of Wisdom
There are nine Dungeon Bosses in Echoes of Wisdom: Ganon, Seismic Talus, Mogryph, Vocavor, Volvagia, Gohma, Skorchill, Tekom, and Null.
Each boss drops a Heart Container, and their defeat leads to the freeing of Tri's friends.
Other Appearances
Zelda (Game & Watch)
The Faces of Evil
The Wand of Gamelon
BS The Legend of Zelda
Zelda's Adventure
Ancient Stone Tablets
Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love
Hyrule Warriors
Cadence of Hyrule
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Language | Names | |
This table was generated using translation pages. To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference. |
See Also
- ↑
You got the Boss Key!
— N/A (Ocarina of Time 3D)
Now you can get inside the chamber where the boss lurks! - ↑ Oracle of Seasons manual, pg. 38
- ↑ Oracle of Ages manual, pg. 38
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap—The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 12
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess—The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 28
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild—The Complete Official Guide, Piggyback Interactive Limited, Expanded Edition, pg. 322
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom—The Complete Official Guide, Piggyback Interactive Limited, pg. 492
- Mechanics
- Roles
- Mechanics in The Legend of Zelda
- Mechanics in The Adventure of Link
- Mechanics in A Link to the Past
- Mechanics in Link's Awakening
- Mechanics in Link's Awakening DX
- Mechanics in Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch)
- Mechanics in Ocarina of Time
- Mechanics in Ocarina of Time 3D
- Mechanics in Majora's Mask
- Mechanics in Majora's Mask 3D
- Mechanics in Oracle of Seasons
- Mechanics in Oracle of Ages
- Mechanics in Four Swords
- Mechanics in The Wind Waker
- Mechanics in The Wind Waker HD
- Mechanics in Four Swords Adventures
- Mechanics in The Minish Cap
- Mechanics in Twilight Princess
- Mechanics in Twilight Princess HD
- Mechanics in Phantom Hourglass
- Mechanics in Spirit Tracks
- Mechanics in Skyward Sword
- Mechanics in Skyward Sword HD
- Mechanics in A Link Between Worlds
- Mechanics in Tri Force Heroes
- Mechanics in Breath of the Wild
- Mechanics in Tears of the Kingdom
- Mechanics in Echoes of Wisdom
- Mechanics in Zelda (Game & Watch)
- Mechanics in The Faces of Evil
- Mechanics in The Wand of Gamelon
- Mechanics in BS The Legend of Zelda
- Mechanics in Zelda's Adventure
- Mechanics in Ancient Stone Tablets
- Mechanics in Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
- Mechanics in Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love
- Mechanics in Hyrule Warriors
- Mechanics in Hyrule Warriors Legends
- Mechanics in Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
- Mechanics in Cadence of Hyrule
- Mechanics in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity