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Holes,(FSAFour Swords Adventures | TMCThe Minish Cap)[1][2] also known as Manholes,(ALttPA Link to the Past)[3], Pitfalls,(LALink's Awakening)[4] and Pits,(OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | FSAFour Swords Adventures)[5][6][7] are recurring Enemies and Objects in The Legend of Zelda series.[name references needed]


A Link to the Past

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A Link to the Past instruction booklet
There are many pitfalls and chasms in the dungeons which typically do not have fences around them. If you stray off the path and fall into a pit, you will sustain damage and return to the entrance of the room. There are also manholes (see below) in the dungeons. If you fall into one of these, you will drop through to the floow below, but you will not sustain damage.

Link's Awakening

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Link's Awakening instruction booklet
Some of the treacherous walkways in the dungeon are not fenced. If you stray from these paths, you may fall into a bottomless pit and return to the entrance of the room. Some holes are not bottomless - a fall into one of these will land you in the room below.

Oracle of Seasons

Link can use the Roc's Feather and the Roc's Cape to jump over Pits.[8]

Oracle of Ages

Link can use the Roc's Feather and the Switch Hook to cross gaps formed by Pits.[9]

Four Swords Adventures

The Minish Cap

Holes appear throughout Hyrule and in Dungeons in The Minish Cap. If Link falls into one with no visible bottom, it will damage him; however, some Holes have a view of a lower floor, making them safe for Link to fall into and placing him on the lower floor. Some puzzles require Link to retrieve Small Keys that have fallen into Holes.

Echoes of Wisdom

Holes are dug by Holmills in soft surfaces such as dirt, Sand, and Snow. When Princess Zelda falls into one, she will let out a gasp and reappear on the last surface she was standing on. Holes disappear ten seconds after the Holmill that dug them is removed.


Names in Other Regions
落とし穴 (Otoshiana)[10]Same as English.
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.


  1. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures—The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 37
  2. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap—The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 58
  3. A Link to the Past manual, pg. 36
  4. Pitfalls
    Some of the treacherous walkways in the dungeon are not fenced. If you stray from these paths, you may fall into a bottomless hole. If this happens, you will be returned to the entrance of the room.
    Some holes are not bottomless. A fall into one of these will land you in the room below.
    (Link's Awakening DX manual, pg. 15)
  5. Pits
    You will lose life energy when you fall into a pit. Then you'll be returned to the entrance of the room. Some pits are not bottomless, and a fall into one of these will land you in the room below without damage.
    (Oracle of Seasons manual, pg. 20)
  6. Pits
    You will lose life energy when you fall into a pit. Then you'll be returned to the entrance of the room. Some pits are not bottomless, and a fall into one of these will land you in the room below without damage.
    (Oracle of Ages manual, pg. 20)
  7. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures—The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 37, 65
  8. Roc's Feather / Roc's Cape: Jump / Glide
    Press the button to jump over pits or dodge an enemy's attack. If you jump while using the Pegasus Seeds (page 13), you will jump much farther than normal.
    (Oracle of Seasons manual, pg. 12)
  9. Roc's Feather: Jump
    Press the button to jump over pits or dodge an enemy's attack. If you jump while using the Pegasus Seeds (page 13), you will jump much farther than normal.
    (Oracle of Ages manual, pg. 12)
  10. A Link to the Past manual, pg. 41
Recurring Enemies
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10+ Appearances
8+ Appearances
6+ Appearances