Hyrule,(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TAoLThe Adventure of Link | ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | FSFour Swords | TWWThe Wind Waker | FSAFour Swords Adventures | TMCThe Minish Cap | TPTwilight Princess | PHPhantom Hourglass | STSpirit Tracks | SSSkyward Sword | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | TFHTri Force Heroes | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | HWHyrule Warriors | DotTDefenders of the Triforce | HWAoCHyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] also known as the Land of the Gods,(SeriesThe Legend of Zelda Series)[9] and the Lesser Kingdom of Hyrule,(TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[10] is the name of the land that serves as the iconic setting for a majority of the games in the Zelda series. It is usually depicted as a beautiful and prosperous land blessed with deep forests, tall mountains, vast lakes, a barren desert, great cities, villages, and many ancient temples hidden throughout.[11][12][13][14][15]
Once ruled by the goddess Hylia as an unnamed land in ancient times, it became established as the Kingdom of Hyrule by the descendants of her mortal incarnation. The sacred bloodline that was started by the Zelda of Skyward Sword would go on to become known as the Royal Family of Hyrule. At the northern center of Hyrule is seated Hyrule Castle, where the family reside, and a bustling town surrounded by a stonewall, populated mostly by the Hylians and a variety of shops. To the west of the kingdom can often be seen a desert, forests to the south and south-east and a mountain range to the east and north-east.
The kingdom has its own long and unique history with many wars and conflicts over the Triforce, deities, legendary relics, historical heroes and villains.[16][17] It is connected to a variety of different realms or universes via magical artifacts and portals, including but not limited to the Sacred Realm, the Twilight Realm, its own direct parallel world Lorule and, to a lesser extent, Termina. The story of the Sacred Realm and the Triforce would shape Hyrule's future in the centuries that followed its establishment, becoming the basis of its providence.[18] It is also home to a multitude of different races and tribes, each inhabiting a different part of the country and sometimes protecting its legendary relics and guarding its temples.[19]
After the birth of the Gerudo thief from the western desert, Ganondorf, who wishes to conquer the kingdom for himself using the Triforce's tremendous power,[20] a young hero clad in a green tunic and armed with the legendary Master Sword will often rise up to save the land from destruction and defeat him. The hero is often assisted in this effort by the kingdom's young princesses, traditionally named Zelda. This would become a repeated history that would doom Hyrule on several occasions, one account resulting in its sealing during the Great Flood. Many years after the flood, it was succeeded by a new kingdom named after it.
Appearances by Game
Hyrule has appeared multiple times throughout the series as the setting for most installments in one form or another. The geography of the land has changed in each appearance, sometimes drastically.
Hyrule's history is long and storied, beginning with the Golden Goddesses transforming the Emptiness where Null resided into the larger world that Hyrule resides in; which begins a history spanning three separate timelines. Eternal and constant throughout the history of Hyrule is the presence of a hero sometimes chosen by the Goddesses themselves to fight the various people and creatures that threaten to destroy or dominate the land.
Major Conflicts
Several of the wars in Hyrule's history were fought over possession of the Triforce or dominion over the Sacred Realm, others were fought over ownership of the kingdom and its sacred artifacts, or simply desire to destroy it in spite and hatred. Places such as the Shadow Temple and the Arbiter's Grounds in Gerudo Desert serve as evidence and reminders of the kingdom's bloody history of greed and hatred.
- Ancient Battle: After the three Golden Goddesses finished creating the realm which would come to be known as Hyrule,[21] they trusted the Triforce in the hands of the Goddess Hylia and her chosen hero. The Demon King Demise, wanting to make the world his own, gathered an army of monsters and together launched an attack against the people of the surface, murdering them and causing misfortunes in an attempt to get their hands on the power guarded by Hylia. The goddess gathered the surviving humans on a piece of land and sent it to the heavens, beyond the clouds and out of reach from the evil plaguing the land. In order to keep it from falling into the hands of Demise, Hylia also sent the Triforce to The Sky and hid the portals to three pieces of the Triforce within Sky Keep, and enshrined the Goddess Sword inside the Statue of the Goddess, to be found by her next chosen hero when the time was right. This war took place thousands of years before the events of Skyward Sword.
- Battle for the Sacred Realm: Before the Kingdom of Hyrule was established, there was an era of chaos with wars being fought over ownership of the Triforce, which was located in the Sacred Realm. The conflict lasted long enough to be considered an era of its own, but was put to an end when the ancient sage Rauru constructed the Temple of Time over the remains over the Sealed Temple. This new temple contained the only sealed entrance to the Sacred Realm.[21] The Triforce was placed in the Temple of Light, located in the center of the Sacred Realm, which was now isolated from Hyrule.[21] With the chaotic era at an end, the land entered an era of prosperity and Hyrule was established by the descendants of Zelda, the mortal incarnation of the goddess Hylia.[21] This conflict took place many years after the events of Skyward Sword and before the Minish Legend.
- Minish Legend: During the early development of Hyrule as a kingdom, the Hero of Men fought many evil creatures during ancient times using the Picori Blade and the Light Force given to him by the Picori. He sealed the evil monsters inside of the Bound Chest using the Blade and the Light Force. The Picori Blade was enshrined by the Royal Family of Hyrule and the Light Force was sealed within Hyrule's Princess at the time. An annual Festival is held in Hyrule in response to the events of the war. It took place a hundred years before the events of The Minish Cap.
- Hyrulean Civil War: This war was begun for unknown reasons, but it was said according to the Great Deku Tree to be a horrific and prolonged war that resulted in the unification of the country under the banner of the Royal Family. At some point during the war, Link's mother was badly injured, but managed to reach the forbidden Kokiri Forest, where she entrusted her baby, the future Hero of Time, in the care of the Great Deku Tree before passing away. It took place some unknown amount of time after the events of Four Swords and a few years before the events of Ocarina of Time.
- Imprisoning War: When word of the Sacred Realm, the hidden location of the Triforce, broke out, lustful people took up war and began to enter it, evil began pouring forth from the entrance. The Knights of Hyrule were nearly wiped out during the ensuing conflict, but the Seven Sages, at the command of the King of Hyrule, were able to seal the entrance to the Sacred Realm, which had previously been transformed into the Dark World, when Ganondorf entered it and obtained the Triforce of Power from the Temple of Light. It took place many years after the Downfall Timeline ending of Ocarina of Time[22] and hundreds of years before the events of A Link to the Past. This is a different event from the Imprisoning War featured in Tears of the Kingdom.
- Great Cataclysm: The Great Cataclysm is mentioned in a prophecy of the Seven Sages that was passed down by the people of Hyrule. The Sages predicted that Ganon would eventually try to break the Seal that they created at the conclusion of the Imprisoning War. Hundreds of years later, the prophecy came true when Ganon used an alter-ego named Agahnim to remove the King of Hyrule from his throne and rule the kingdom. Agahnim brainwashed the soldiers to gain full control over the castle and abducted maidens, descendants of the Seven Sages, teleporting them to the Dark World, so that Ganon could use their power to break the seal. This conflict occurred during the events of A Link to the Past.
- Decline Era conflict: Shortly before the events of The Legend of Zelda, Ganon invaded the kingdom with his army of demons and stole the Triforce of Power. Princess Zelda then broke the Triforce of Wisdom into 8 shards and scattered them throughout the kingdom, instructing Impa to find someone with the courage to defeat Ganon. Angered, Ganon kidnapped Princess Zelda and sent his minions after Impa, who was on the verge of being captured before she was rescued by Link. Although Link managed afterwards to defeat Ganon, six years later, his followers kept destroying the land and were scheming to resurrect their master. Link eventually restored the complete Triforce by retrieving the Triforce of Courage from the Great Palace, and brought again peace to the land. This prolonged conflict took place many years after the end of the Golden Era.
- Interloper War: When the Dark Interlopers attempted to seize control of the Sacred Realm and claim the Triforce for themselves, the Light Spirits intervened and sealed them away in the Twilight Realm, outside of which they could only exist as shadows. It took place some time before the events of Twilight Princess.
- Shadow Invasion: Hyrule was invaded by an evil Twili named Zant, who seized control of the Twilight Realm and covered Hyrule in Twilight on the order of his dark master, Ganondorf, who returned to haunt Hyrule once following his failed execution in the Arbiter's Grounds. It took place hundreds of years after the Child Timeline ending of Ocarina of Time and the events of Majora's Mask, an unknown period of time after the Interloper War, and during the events of Twilight Princess.
- Demonic Raid: In Four Swords Adventures it is mentioned that long before the events of the game, a dark tribe invaded Hyrule. The creatures of darkness were defeated and sealed away inside the Dark Mirror, which was subsequently hidden in the Temple of Darkness to sever its connection to the world.
- Dark Plague: Hyrule was in peace for hundreds of years until Ganondorf, the Gerudo Thief, was reborn. Ganondorf violated the law of the Gerudo village, when he entered the Pyramid to steal a powerful Trident located inside. After transforming into the King of Darkness, Ganon, he stole the Dark Mirror from the Temple of Darkness and covered the whole land of Hyrule in dark clouds. He created Shadow Link with the mirror, and used him to trick Link into freeing Vaati from his seal, so that Vaati could open gates to the Dark World. Ganon absorbed the Hyruleans' power and turned the Knights of Hyrule who guarded the Royal Jewels into monsters. This conflict took place hundreds of years after the events of Twilight Princess and during the events of Four Swords Adventures.
- Great Flood: Hyrule was invaded once again by Ganondorf, who broke out of his seal in the Sacred Realm, and was subsequently buried beneath a deluge of rainwater by the Golden Goddesses in an attempt to stop him dominating the kingdom when the Hero of Time failed to appear once more. The Goddesses instructed those chosen to move to the kingdom's mountaintops that would become the islands of the Great Sea. It took place many years after the Adult Timeline ending of Ocarina of Time and centuries before the events of The Wind Waker.
- Long before the events of Spirit Tracks, a war broke out between the Spirits of Good and the Demon King Malladus. This resulted in the Demon King being imprisoned beneath the earth by the Spirit Tracks and the Tower of Spirits. Wearied from the war, the Spirits of Good departed for the heavens and sent the Lokomos to ensure that the Demon King would not escape his seal. The war seems to have occurred many years before the arrival of the new settlers and the re-establishment of the kingdom of Hyrule by Tetra.[23]
- Calamity Ganon: The events with an evil entity known as Calamity Ganon have occurred twice; the first time Calamity Ganon appeared took place 10,000 years before the events of Breath of the Wild; it was pit against the princess and the hero alongside the elite warriors each piloting the Divine Beasts and is successfully defeated, allowing Hyrule to experience prolonged peace. The second time Ganon appeared takes place 100 years prior to the events of Breath of the Wild, it rose up and laid waste to Hyrule. Only this time, it was unable to be defeated, but was merely sealed within Hyrule Castle. As the years passed, the ruined Kingdom of Hyrule has become ravaged by nature over time, while the Calamity Ganon has continued to grow in power.[24][25]
- Tears of the Kingdom's Imprisoning War: An incarnation of Ganondorf comes into power during the reign of Rauru, the first king of Hyrule. After failing to conquer the kingdom by force, he feigns allegiance to King Rauru only to murder his wife Sonia and steal her Secret Stone. He uses the Secret Stone to become the Demon King, and is sealed away by Rauru and the Six Sages under what will eventually become Hyrule Castle at the cost of Rauru's life.
Hyrule is known to be a polytheistic society, and the greatest of the deities worshiped by the Hyruleans are the three Golden Goddesses: Din the Goddess of Power, Nayru the Goddess of Wisdom, and Farore the Goddess of Courage. These three goddesses are the most highly-revered of all deities throughout the entire realm of Hyrule, as they were responsible for the creation of Hyrule and all who live in it. The people have also been known to worship the essences of these goddesses, which live within the almighty relic the goddesses created, the mythical Triforce. The goddesses have answered the prayers of the people at dark times of Hyrule's history, such as drowning Hyrule beneath the Great Flood to save its people from destruction at Ganon's hands and sending the Light Spirits to imprison the Dark Interlopers within the confines of the Twilight Realm to save Hyrule's people from their wicked reign. They also granted Zelda their Sanctions so that she could access the Triforce in the Ancient Ruins beneath the Great Deku Tree in the Eternal Forest.[citation needed]
The Golden Goddesses are not the only deities worshiped. The Zoras worship their patron deity, the great fish Lord Jabu-Jabu, going so far as to accord him a special place of honor in their society.[26] They are also known to use the Water Temple to worship water spirits.[27] The Kokiri pay homage to the great forest spirit known as the Great Deku Tree and hold him in the highest regard as both their father and protector.[28] The Gerudo are known to worship the mysterious Goddess of the Sand, to whom they dedicated the construction of the Spirit Temple.[29][30] There have also been other deities, such as the aforementioned Light Spirits, that are also worshiped by the people as the guardian deities of their respective provinces.
Several houses of worship and temples exist in Hyrulean society. Hyrule has been known to have temples dedicated to each of several different elements, each with a caretaker Sage that is guardian of the temple.[31] The most well known of these Sages are the Seven Sages: Rauru in the Temple of Light at the heart of the Sacred Realm, Saria in the Forest Temple deep within the Lost Woods, Darunia in the Fire Temple on Death Mountain, Ruto in the Water Temple deep beneath Lake Hylia, Impa in the Shadow Temple residing in the graveyard in the shadow of Death Mountain, Nabooru in the Spirit Temple far across the desert in the Desert Colossus, and Princess Zelda in the Temple of Time. The Temple of Time's architecture also draws from Gothic cathedral architecture, and acts as the primary gateway to the Sacred Realm. The Earth Temple and the Wind Temple house the Sages whose prayers power the Master Sword and grant it the Power to Repel Evil.[32]
Several towns in The Adventure of Link have churches, and a lone priest that resides at the Sanctuary in A Link to the Past helped smuggle Zelda out of Agahnim's clutches. Renado is the village shaman of Kakariko Village in Twilight Princess and the unofficial leader of the village. These figures, alongside the Sages, act as chief members of Hyrule's theological sphere.
Hyrule's form of government has remained relatively consistent throughout its history, with an ancient monarchy, the Royal Family of Hyrule, ruling over the lower-class citizens of the kingdom from Hyrule's capital city, Hyrule Castle Town. The Royal Family itself rules from the seat of government in the land of Hyrule, Hyrule Castle, the namesake of the capital. The government is typically headed by the King of Hyrule, and his heir in most depictions of Hyrule is his daughter or descendant, Princess Zelda. In some cases, Zelda herself has ruled over the land as matriarch of the Royal Family as well, such as during the Twili invasion of Hyrule. Hyrule is typically divided into various provinces and most of the various races pledge their allegiance to the central government headed by the Royal Family. Each race has its own local government and the individual tribal leaders, but all races pledge their overall allegiance to the Royal Family as kingdom of Hyrule citizens.[citation needed]
Hyrule has faced many coups throughout its history, but ultimately the Royal Family is usually restored to power through the efforts of Hyrule's hero, Link.
The Hyrulean Soldiers make up the bulk of Hyrule's military forces. Despite their duty to protect the peace, the guards have a poor reputation and a tendency towards cowardice,[33] they will shrink in fear whenever Wolf Link passes by them. The guards have been unsuccessful in defending Hyrule in more recent games, falling to the army led by Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time as well as being overpowered by the forces of twilight led by Zant. Due to their minor inefficiencies, they often are unable to prevent infiltration of even Hyrule Castle.
However, these guards were also very wary of when evil took over their kingdom. When Vaati impersonated King Daltus, the guards who dissented were turned to stone.[34] When the guards would not follow an evil ruler, they were brainwashed into doing so.[35] In A Link to the Past, the dark wizard Agahnim took over the country through much cunning and deceit; one of the first things he did was take over Hyrule's military force using his powerful magic. The guards are shown to be freed of this spell when Link destroys Agahnim and returns the Royal Family to power. Although the guards are mostly concentrated in the Hyrulean capital city Hyrule Castle Town, they are seen spread out all across the kingdom as well. Hyrule's military plays a larger role in Hyrule Warriors as the Hyrulean Forces, who fight to protect the kingdom in the war waged by the Dark Forces. Hyrule's military is joined by Hylian soldiers as well as Gorons. Unlike their previous incarnations, the soldiers are more successful, with Warriors like Link, Impa and Lana winning many of their battles.
The more recent interpretations of the guards are vastly different compared to the more noble Knights of Hyrule spoken of in A Link to the Past, who gave their lives almost to the utter last in order to protect the Seven Sages as they cast their seal on the Dark World. Whether the Knights of Hyrule have any connection to the present day guards that make up Hyrule's military is unclear, but if the Knights of Hyrule were indeed the forerunners of the present guards, it would mean a vast decline in their efficiency and courage since the times of the Imprisoning War. A similar set of knights also called the "Knights of Hyrule" acted as the guardians of the Royal Jewels in Four Swords Adventures, and only four existed. Each protecting one of the four jewels that would restore the Tower of Winds and yield access to the Realm of the Heavens. Whether these four knights have any connection to the Knights of Hyrule spoken of in the tales of the Imprisoning War is unclear, but both are reputed for their bravery. In A Link Between Worlds, the knights of Hyrule are led by the Captain, who is transformed into a painting by Yuga. In Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, both Link and his father served as knights of Hyrule.
Royal Guards
The Royal Guards have valiantly defended Princess Zelda from Zant's forces even as the Throne Room of Hyrule Castle underwent the twilight invasion of Twilight Princess; and while trying to prevent Vaati from blasting open the Bound Chest in The Minish Cap. According to Purah's Diary, Link was the youngest person to be appointed to the Royal Guard and is the only known member still alive in Breath of the Wild. In Echoes of Wisdom, the knights of Hyrule are led by General Wright, and they are instructed by the Echo King of Hyrule to imprison Zelda.
Hyrule's official currency is a small jewel-like object known as the Rupee. Several color and size variations are used to denote values. Some, such as green, blue or yellow Rupees are worth less than rarer Rupees as red, purple, orange, silver or gold. Rupees are accepted in almost any establishment throughout the kingdom of Hyrule and are the single most common form of payment in the marketplace of Hyrule's capital city, Hyrule Castle Town.
Hyrule is predominantly portrayed as a medieval-inspired land with castles, knights, swords, shields, and primarily medieval technology.
Concurrently, some major technological advancements take place in New Hyrule in Spirit Tracks, or are shown as ancient technology from other civilizations in Skyward Sword and especially Breath of the Wild.
Like many of the other lands depicted in The Legend of Zelda series such as Termina, Holodrum and Labrynna, Hyrule's geography varies greatly from region to region. In most depictions of Hyrule, the land is shown to be a collection of regions with varying geographies and climates usually linked by a great open expanse of land known as Hyrule Field. Hyrule Castle Town and by extension Hyrule Castle are usually located near the central part of the country and not far away from Hyrule Field. The other regions of Hyrule as stated before vary greatly in their composition and appearance. For example, the region most associated with the rock-loving Gorons is the sweltering and rocky Death Mountain, which has little to no vegetation and is for all intents and purposes a large volcano. On the other hand, there are parts of the country covered by deep forests that have a more hospitable climate and atmosphere, where plant-life and vegetation are much more common and provide a means to live for such forest-dwellers as the child-like Kokiri race. Hyrule is also usually shown to be home to a vast lake usually named Lake Hylia as well as a watery grotto named Zora's Domain, both being more hospitable and suitable to the aquatic Zora race. Hyrule is also known to have snowy regions as well, such as the Snowpeak Mountain Range, which is the preferred home region of the Yeti race. Finally, Hyrule is also usually shown to be home to a vast desert (usually to the west), more commonly known as the Gerudo Desert amongst other names, which is home to such desert-dwelling tribes as the Gerudo or the Zuna. Taken altogether, Hyrule is shown to be a melting pot of sorts in regards to its geography as it has been shown to possess nearly every kind of climate and terrain, and the implied ages that span between each game are more than sufficient to erode and shift the land, and for temples and cities to be moved and rebuilt.[citation needed]
Races of Hyrule
Hyrule is home to numerous races which are scattered all across the land, each inhabiting a different part of the kingdom. The main distinction between Hyrule's inhabitants is that of Hylians and Hyruleans. Hylian refers to the specific race prominently appearing throughout Hyrule. Hyrulean refers to the many humanoid and non-humanoid races that have inhabited Hyrule.
With the exception of the Hylians, most of the races have preferred environments and primarily reside among members of their own race. Moreover, few of Hyrule's races are limited to residency in just this one kingdom. Other lands of The Legend of Zelda series have featured these, and even more exotic races.
Deities are a category created by the Hyrulean people. They are worshipped as gods, though some are demons or simply enemies.
Humanoid Hyruleans
The Hylians are the dominant race of the realm, with close ties to the goddesses as their chosen people.[36] The Hylians are extremely abundant and are quite similar to humans on earth. Unlike most other races of Hyrule, Hylians tend to live in large cities, such as Hyrule Castle Town or Kakariko Village. They are said to be born with magic-infused blood and use magic quite often.[37]
The Fairies are a supporting race in Hyrule. They are often able to fully heal Link, and their leaders, the Great Fairies, are often able to grant Link special abilities.
The Gerudo are a race of largely female thieves who hail from the desert far to the west of Hyrule. They live in the Gerudo's Fortress, nestled in the cliffs of Gerudo Valley, where they guard the entrance to the desert. According to Gerudo lore, only one male Gerudo is born every century, and that single male is to become King of the Gerudo. It is hinted that the Gerudo take on relationships with Hylian men for reproductive purposes.[38] The Gerudo have a largely Arabesque appearance,[citation needed] even carrying scimitar-like swords for protection.
The Kokiri, a humanoid, child-like race, reside deep in the Kokiri Forest under the protection of the Great Deku Tree. With long lifespans and never aging,[39] these small beings are the dominant race of the forest and are the guardians of the Forest Temple deep in the Lost Woods. They have only ever appeared in Hyrule, making them unique to the land, unlike other races.
The mysterious Sheikah are a race of ninja-like shadow warriors, said to be the guardians of the Royal Family of Hyrule.[40] They are said to have been the builders and founders of Kakariko Village.[41] Little definite information is known about this race, but speculation abounds as to their history and the reasons for their subsequent disappearance. The Sheikah have red-colored eyes but are otherwise a humanoid race of beings quite similar in appearance to Hylians and humans.
Wind Tribe
The Wind Tribe are a race of humanoid beings who have magical powers strongly connected to the winds, as the guardians of the Wind Element. They were responsible for the construction of the Fortress of Winds in the Wind Ruins just south of Castor Wilds as well as the Palace of Winds and the Tower of Winds above Hyrule.[42][43] They were said to have been the favorite tribe of Gustaf, an ancient King of Hyrule.[44] After living in the marshlands of the Castor Wilds for a time, the Wind Tribe abandoned the Wind Ruins and the Fortress of Winds, leaving for the Cloud Tops and taking the Wind Element with them. In the Cloud Tops, they have made the Tower of Winds their home as well as the road to the Palace of Winds.
Non-Humanoid Hyruleans
The Zoras are aquatic, amphibious creatures that inhabit the waters of the kingdom, and are found in different forms which differ greatly in appearance and behavior. Zoras occupy the rivers and appear more fish-like and aggressive, and can spit fireballs at passers-by, whereas Sea Zoras seem to be more peaceful and appear to be a hybrid between human and fish. Zora’s Domain is home to much of the Zora race, and is the source of all of Hyrule’s water in most stories set in Hyrule. The Zoras are often ruled by a monarchy themselves, the Royal Family of the Zoras usually headed by King Zora, though they also swear allegiance to the central Hyrulean government.[45][46] They serve the Royal Family of Hyrule largely by guarding Hyrule’s water supply.[46]
The Gorons are a race of rock-consuming, golem-like creatures that inhabit the mountainous regions and rocky areas of Hyrule, largely Death Mountain.[47] They possess superhuman strength and the ability to curl up into a ball and roll at high speeds, and are completely heat-resistant, able to wade through lava for extended periods of time. They have formed an alliance with the Royal Family of Hyrule, answering to the central government headed by the King of Hyrule.[48] However, in the day-to-day governing of their tribe, they live under a council of elders typically headed by a patriarch, such as Darunia or Darbus.[48][49]
Also inhabiting the forests of the kingdom are the plant-like race known as the Deku. The Deku of Hyrule are composed of the Deku Scrubs, which spit nuts as passersby or try to sell wares to those whom they meet. Typically these Deku Scrubs will live near a Deku Flower, into which they can retreat. The Deku do not appear to have any allegiance to any form of government in Hyrule.[citation needed] The term "Deku" has referred to Great Deku Tree, Deku Baba, and many items related to the forest nature of the creatures.
The Zuna are a race of desert-dwelling nomads featured so far only in Four Swords Adventures, where they inhabit the Desert of Doubt alongside the Gerudo. They are a race of green-skinned humanoid beings that are said to be descended from the ancient tribe that built the Pyramid and sealed the Trident of Power there.[50] Outside of that, little is known of their race's origins or how they came to live in Hyrule. They live in a small village in the central part of the Desert of Doubt, in small huts with flowers atop their roofs.
The Minish are a race of tiny beings who are largely responsible for Rupees and countless objects such as Magic Jars and Bombs being hidden in the weeds, grass, and beneath the pots throughout Hyrule. They are said to be concerned with bringing happiness to humans.[citation needed] The Minish seemingly did not originate from Hyrule however, as their homeland is said to be the Minish Realm that is connected to Hyrule. The passageway connecting the two worlds, the Minish Door, opens only temporarily once a century to allow the Minish to traverse to or from Hyrule. Though they primarily live in the Minish Village deep in the Minish Woods of Hyrule, they are also scattered around Hyrule, such as in Hyrule Town, Castor Wilds, and even up on Mount Crenel.
The strange Oocca race inhabits the City in the Sky, floating high above Hyrule. Only fragments of the Oocca's history have been revealed. They are said to be the creators of the Dominion Rod (known to their tribe as the "Rod of the Heavens"), a magical rod that possesses the power to infuse life into certain statues found scattered across Hyrule.[51] They are hinted to have had a close connection to both the Royal Family of Hyrule and the Sheikah, as they left the Ancient Sky Book to the Sheikah tribe upon departing for the City in the Sky.[52] The Oocca maintained relations with the Royal Family even after they left for the skies, by means of the "Messenger to the Heavens" who would carry the "Rod of the Heavens" and journey between the surface and the city by the Sky Cannon.[51] The Oocca have mysteriously lost touch with the surface-dwellers of Hyrule and nobody has seen one in living memory, causing many to believe their existence to be a myth.
The Rito evolved from the Zora over the course of hundreds of years following the Great Flood. The Rito were also a tribe during the time of King Rauru and the founding of Hyrule when the Rito leader served as the Sage of Wind.
The Koroks evolved from the Kokiri following the Great Flood. During the Era of the Wilds, the Koroks had made their home in Korok Forest with the Great Deku Tree. The Koroks also began playing a nationwide game of hide-and-seek with the Korok musician Hestu.
The Yeti have had a historically small population in Hyrule. During the Era of Twilight, two Yetis, Yeto and Yeta, resided in the Snowpeak Ruins after they had fallen into disrepair. Another Yeti, Condé, lived on Hebra Mountain when Null began creating rifts to the Still World around Hyrule.
The Maiamai were an octopus-like race that lived in Hyrule during the time of the New Hero of Hyrule. The Mother Maiamai lost 100 of her children across Hyrule and Lorule.
The Zonai were initially from the heavens, before descending to the surface and being treated as gods. The first King of Hyrule Rauru and his sister Mineru were the last two Zonai alive on the surface.
Ancient Hero's Race
The race of the Ancient Hero is unknown. He has a dog-like face and a long tail with red hair on the end.
Aside from the following races, Hyrule's inhabitants include many familiar Animals such as horses, cows, dogs, cats, and the like. The distinction between Animals and Beasts lies in the aggressiveness of the two. Hyrulean beasts are very varied; the primary categorization used by The Legend of Zelda series' creators is the ones found in the Overworld and those of the Underworlds of Hyrule.
Language | Names | Meanings |
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Hyrule (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[69] | ||
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Hyrule (EoWEchoes of Wisdom) | ||
Hyrule (CoHCadence of Hyrule) | ||
Хайрул (Khayrul) (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | EoWEchoes of Wisdom | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[70] | ||
Hyrule (EoWEchoes of Wisdom) | ||
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This table was generated using translation pages. To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference. |
Other Names
Name | Land of Hyrule[73] |
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Name | Land of Hyrule[74] |
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- ↑ "With Hyrule on the brink of destruction, it's time to fight." — Hyrule Warriors US commercial , YouTube, retrieved October 14, 2014.
- ↑ Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 220, (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda) 224, (TAoLThe Adventure of Link) 231, (ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening | LADXLink's Awakening DX) 240, (OoTOcarina of Time | OoT3DOcarina of Time 3D) 242, (MMMajora's Mask | MM3DMajora's Mask 3D) 71, (OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages) 256, (TWWThe Wind Waker | TWWHDThe Wind Waker HD) 263, (FSFour Swords) 264, (FSAFour Swords Adventures) 272, (TMCThe Minish Cap), 274, (TPTwilight Princess | TPHDTwilight Princess HD) 280, (PHPhantom Hourglass) 40, (STSpirit Tracks) 57, (SSSkyward Sword) & 304 (ALBWA Link Between Worlds | TFHTri Force Heroes)
- ↑
In addition to the endless ground of Hyrule, the adventure is set to even the sky far above
(Nintendo Magazine, 2021 Winter, pg. 19) - ↑ "A Tour of Hyrule" — The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Traversing Hyrule Trailer – Nintendo Switch, @NintendoAmerica on YouTube, Uploaded August 5, 2024
- ↑
Let's all work together to create a Hyrule in which dark and light can coexist peacefully!
— Princess Zelda (Defenders of the Triforce) - ↑
Princess Zelda has been having ominous, recurring dreams about an evil force sweeping over Hyrule.
(Hyrule Warriors Legends—Collector's Edition Guide, Prima Games, pg. 82) - ↑
An omen, perhaps, of dark times ahead for Hyrule...
— Impa (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition) - ↑ Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch system™ – Official Site , www.zelda.com, retrieved September 8, 2020.
- ↑ Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 68
- ↑ Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 106 (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)
- ↑
Long ago, there existed a kingdom where a golden power lay hidden. It was a prosperous land blessed with green forests, tall mountains, and peace.
— N/A (The Wind Waker) - ↑
In the kingdom of Hyrule there is a great castle, and around it is Castle Town, a community far bigger than our little village. ...And far bigger than Hyrule is the rest of the world the gods created.
— Rusl (Twilight Princess) - ↑
It was another world entirely... The antithesis of Hyrule, where the sun shines bright.
— Midna (Twilight Princess) - ↑
Long ago, in the beautiful kingdom of Hyrule surrounded by mountains and forests... legends told of an omnipotent and omniscient Golden Power that resided in a hidden land.
— N/A (A Link to the Past) - ↑
Hyrule is a land rich in beauty.
(Ocarina of Time manual, pg. 7) - ↑
When all was chaos, the goddesses descended and gave order and life to the world. They granted power equally to all who dwelt in the light, and then returned to the heavens.
— Lanayru (Twilight Princess) - ↑
Before time began, before spirits and life existed... Three golden goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule... Din, the goddess of power... Nayru, the goddess of wisdom... Farore, the goddess of courage... Din... With her strong flaming arms, she cultivated the land and created the red earth. Nayru... Poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world. Farore... With her rich soul, produced all life forms who would uphold the law.
— Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
The three great goddesses, their labors completed, departed for the heavens. And golden sacred triangles remained at the point where the goddesses left the world. Since then, the sacred triangles have become the basis of our world's providence. And, the resting place of the triangles has become the Sacred Realm.
— Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
In addition to the Hylians, many diverse groups of people dwell in this country.
(Ocarina of Time manual, pg. 7) - ↑
What Ganondorf is after must be nothing less than the Triforce of the Sacred Realm. He must have come to Hyrule to obtain it! And, he wants to conquer Hyrule... no, the entire world!
— Princess Zelda (Ocarina of Time) - ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 77
- ↑ Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 93
- ↑ Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 134
- ↑ "A mysterious female voice over beckons Link to “open his eyes.” Our hero has been asleep for 100 years, a callback to Link’s previous adventures but he wakes up to some dire circumstances: the world has been ravaged in the time Link’s been asleep by Calamity Ganon, a fog-like beast that creates a dark mist around what looks like Hyrule Castle. The voice tells Link if this calamity gains enough power, he could bring the world to an end." — E3 2016: THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD MIGHT BE THE OPEN WORLD ZELDA WE ALWAYS WANTED , .
- ↑ "The looming threat to Hyrule is equally familiar. Not long after the game starts, you learn that a being called Calamity Ganon had been trapped in Hyrule Castle for 100 years. In seeming tie to Link's own awakening, Ganon has been gathering power and is right on the cusp of breaking loose. Should that happen, Hyrule is doomed." — Freeform exploration in the new 'Zelda' game is an NES throwback , .
- ↑
Lord Jabu-Jabu is the patron deity of the Zoras.
— Zora (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
At the lake bottom there is a Water Temple used to worship the water spirits. The Zoras are guardians of the temple.
— Kaepora Gaebora (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
The Great Deku Tree is our father, the forest guardian, and he gave life to all of us Kokiri!
— Kokiri (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
One inside a goddess of the sand...
— Sheik (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
I once heard a mysterious bird say..."Go, young man. Go to the Desert Goddess with an ocarina."
— Saria (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
When evil rules all, an awakening voice from the Sacred Realm will call those destined to be Sages, who dwell in the five temples.
— Sheik (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
The fact that the Master Sword lost the power to repel evil suggests to me that something has happened to the sages who infused the blade with the gods' power. The sages should be here in Hyrule...in the Wind Temple to the north and the Earth Temple to the south, praying to the gods.
— King of Red Lions (The Wind Waker) - ↑
And here I was, thinking Hyrule was empty of men of valor...
— Ashei (Twilight Princess) - ↑
He's taken over the castle! One by one, he turned us all to stone. Everyone, cursed by his evil magic...
— Guard (The Minish Cap) - ↑
After Agahnim took over, everyone began to act strangely. I suppose it's only a matter of time before I'm affected, too.
— Soldier (A Link to the Past) - ↑
Yes, according to legend, Hyrule was made by the Hylians, who, as we all know, are the closest race to the gods.
— Shad (Twilight Princess) - ↑
With their magic infused blood, the Hylian people were endowed with psychic powers and skill in wizardry.
(A Link to the Past manual, pg. 3) - ↑
They say that Gerudos sometimes come to Hyrule Castle Town to look for boyfriends.
— Gossip Stone (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
That's because the Kokiri never grow up! Even after seven years, they're still kids!
— Deku Tree Sprout (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
They are the Sheikah...the shadows of the Hylians. They say they swore allegiance to the King of Hyrule and guarded the Royal Family.
— Professor Shikashi (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
Zelda's attendant, the great Impa, opened this village to the common people. We have only a small population now, but someday this place will be as lively as Hyrule Castle Town!
— Soldier (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
The people who built the Wind Ruins. They now live above the clouds, suspended by their own magic ability to control the wind.
— Figurine (The Minish Cap) - ↑
Although we are of the Wind Tribe, we, too, once lived on the surface. Once, the place you call the Wind Ruins was, to us, a home.
— Caprice (The Minish Cap) - ↑
He was very fond of the people of the Wind Tribe.
— Figurine (The Minish Cap) - ↑
We Zoras all serve the great King Zora.
— Zora (Ocarina of Time) - ↑ 46.0 46.1
The Zoras serve Hyrule's Royal Family by protecting this water source.
— Kaepora Gaebora (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
I am one of the Gorons, the stone-eating people who live on Death Mountain.
— Goron (Ocarina of Time) - ↑ 48.0 48.1
Has Darunia, the big boss of the Gorons, really lost so much status to be treated like this by his Sworn Brother, the King?
— Darunia (Ocarina of Time) - ↑
Because of certain...circumstances, I must lead the Goron tribe in place of Darbus, our tribal patriarch.
— Gor Coron (Twilight Princess) - ↑
We of the Zuna tribe live in this village. We may not look it now, but we are descended from the wise pyramid builders!
— Zuna (Four Swords Adventures) - ↑ 51.0 51.1
Among the legends of my clan, there is a story from the time when the Oocca still maintained contact with the royal family. Yes, it said that a mysterious rod was handed down from the people of the sky, and it was called the Dominion Rod... The rod was only to be carried by the messenger to the heavens when the royal family needed to communicate with the Oocca.
— Impaz (Twilight Princess) - ↑
From generation to generation, my ancestors have guarded the book that, by royal decree, was to be given to the messenger to the heavens.
— Impaz (Twilight Princess) - ↑
You know, Link... It's sort of all right down here. This place needs a name. Yeah... A name fitting for this rugged, adventurous wilderness. From now on, we'll call it... Grooseland!
— Groose (Skyward Sword) - ↑ Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 111
- ↑
Qui a Hyrule sta accadendo qualcosa di... strano.
— Trill (Cadence of Hyrule, Italian version) - ↑
Tanto tempo fa, nel meraviglioso regno di Hyrule...
— N/A (A Link to the Past, Italian version) - ↑
Esplorate il terreno del vasto Mondo di Superficie del paese di Hyrule e scoprite tesori nascosti.
(The Legend of Zelda box) - ↑
Non ci posso credere... Il destino di Hyrule è davvero nelle mani di questo pigrone?
— Navi (Ocarina of Time 3D, Italian version) - ↑
Tanto tempo fa, nel regno di Hyrule, apparve un mago del vento di nome Vaati.
— N/A (Four Swords Adventures, Italian version) - ↑ "Unisciti a Link, il leggendario eroe che attraversando Hyrule e perfino viaggiando nel tempo, è intento a fermare i piani di Ganondorf." — The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time | Nintendo 64 | Giochi | Nintendo , www.nintendo.it, retrieved September 10, 2020.
- ↑ A Link to the Past manual, pg. 2, 3 Nintendo Official Guidebook: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Vol. 2, Shogakukan, pg. 11
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 6
- ↑ Ocarina of Time manual, pg. 4
- ↑ Hyrule Warriors : L'Ère du Fléau | Nintendo Switch | Jeux | Nintendo , www.nintendo.fr, retrieved September 8, 2020.
- ↑ Encyclopedia, Les Éditions Soleil, pg. 109
- ↑
(Um, you're not from this kingdom! Is this your first time coming to Hyrule? My name is Trill!) — Trill (Cadence of Hyrule, Simplified Chinese version) - ↑ 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 220
- ↑ Ocarina of Time manual, iQue version, pg. 7
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 3
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda | NES | Игры | Nintendo , www.nintendo.ru, retrieved September 10, 2020.
- ↑ Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity pour Nintendo Switch - Détails du jeu Nintendo , www.nintendo.com, retrieved September 8, 2020.
- ↑ Four Swords Adventures manual, Canadian version, pg. 36
- ↑ Nintendo Fun Club News vol. 1 no. 3, Fall 1987, pg. 7
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time—Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 0
- Countries
- Hyrule
- Kingdoms
- Locations
- Locations in The Legend of Zelda
- Locations in The Adventure of Link
- Locations in A Link to the Past
- Locations in Ocarina of Time
- Locations in Ocarina of Time 3D
- Locations in Four Swords
- Locations in The Wind Waker
- Locations in The Wind Waker HD
- Locations in Four Swords Adventures
- Locations in The Minish Cap
- Locations in Twilight Princess
- Locations in Twilight Princess HD
- Locations in Spirit Tracks
- Locations in A Link Between Worlds
- Locations in Breath of the Wild
- Locations in Tears of the Kingdom
- Locations in Echoes of Wisdom
- Locations in The Crystal Trap
- Locations in The Shadow Prince
- Locations in BS The Legend of Zelda
- Locations in Ancient Stone Tablets
- Locations in Hyrule Warriors
- Locations in Hyrule Warriors Legends
- Locations in Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
- Locations in Defenders of the Triforce
- Locations in Cadence of Hyrule
- Locations in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity