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Veran is a recurring character and Boss in The Legend of Zelda series.[4][3][name references needed] She has the ability to possess anybody she wishes. Although she appears to be the ultimate evil, Veran is actually a loyal servant to Twinrova, dedicated to bringing about the Dark Lord Ganon's revival by bringing sorrow to the hearts of everyone in Labrynna. Her true form is that of an Evil Fairy, summoned from the Dark Realm.
Oracle of Ages
Veran first meets Link while possessing Impa and tricks him into moving a boulder barricading the way to Nayru. It can only be moved by one who bears the sign of the Triforce.[5][6] She then tricks him into getting close to Nayru, so that she can possess the Oracle. Quickly assuming control of Nayru's body, Veran immediately travels back in time to alter history to her liking.
As Nayru, Veran fools Queen Ambi into trusting her. She warps the purpose of the Black Tower, which was to be used to search for Ambi's lost love, convincing Ambi to order the town to build the Tower to the heavens. Veran also quickly dismisses anyone from the castle who may have brought Queen Ambi to her senses, leaving her grip on Ambi unopposed.
It soon comes to Veran's attention that her bane, Mystery Seeds, grew deep within the woods outside of Lynna Village.[7] In an attempt to rid herself of what might undermine her, Veran has Ambi offer a reward to anyone who could bring back the Mystery Seeds for her. Ironically, it was Link himself who would present the Seeds to Queen Ambi, unaware of the advantage it would have given him. Although it is never stated what Veran actually does with the Seeds that Link gives to Ambi, it is commonly thought that she has them destroyed. However, Veran remained unaware of the abundance of Mystery Seeds among others in the Dungeons across Labrynna, as well as the Mystery Seed tree that grows on Rolling Ridge.
Shortly before the Black Tower is completed, Link comes face-to-face with Veran in Ambi's Palace, but she tells him that if he were to attack her, only Nayru would bear the damage.[8] However, Link had now found out about Veran's weakness to Mystery Seeds, and was prepared to take her down through their use. Following a short battle, Veran is driven from Nayru's body and possesses Queen Ambi herself. Taking full advantage of her situation, Veran summons the Palace's Soldiers to finish off Link, Nayru and Ralph, who had burst into the Palace just after Link. However, Nayru rescues them all by transporting them to the present, to the disappointment of Veran. As Link continues his quest, the Black Tower reaches completion as he obtains the seventh Essence of Time, the Rolling Sea.
At this point, Veran had gained the power to control time to an extent, freezing many characters in time as she cultivates her new power and restores the chaos that Nayru's freedom had reversed. However, after Link obtains the eighth Essence, the Falling Star, Veran is confronted by Ralph before Link can reach her.
Although Ralph knows that by killing his ancestor Queen Ambi, and thus Veran, he would vanish, he cares only for the people of Labrynna and so attempts to kill her, ultimately failing. However, due to Veran chooses to spare Ralph and moves on to face Link. After Link manages to free Queen Ambi from Veran's possession, she attempts to possess the hero, although he senses her intentions at the last second and evaded her.[9] He continued the battle and overcome Veran's many forms. After defeat, Veran simply laughs, calling Link a fool as she dies, knowing her task is complete;[10] the revival of Ganon closer to fruition.
Veran appears as a teal-skinned woman with a lightly-armored dress. Her abilities are very similar to that of a Wizzrobe, as she can teleport at will, create a flurry of fireballs, and summon spider-like creatures from the ceiling. One of her more terrifying abilities is to possess other beings, forcing them to do her bidding. Those under her possession gain her teal skin, but this never seems to be noticed by other characters. Veran can assume other shapes seemingly at will, but her true form is the Evil Fairy. With this she can spit fireballs and fly quickly, as well as produce at least four weak Shadow Links. If this fails, she can assume several animal forms. This is supposedly her last resort, as she decidedly finds these transformations to be utterly repulsive.
Veran is manipulative, cruel, and ambitious. She is also somewhat conceited, declaring her own beauty several times throughout the game. She does seem to be capable of granting mercy to a certain extent, as evidenced by her sparing Ralph's life, though this could also merely be a ploy to force Link not to attack her in order to protect Ralph, since she is in Ralph's ancestor's body. It is also somewhat interesting to note the vaguely Sheikah-like eye designs on her dress, and the symbol on her shoulder pads that she shares with General Onox.
Battling Veran has several different strategies, depending on which form she is in.
Possessed Nayru
Main article: Possessed Nayru
Possessed Nayru's only attack consists of shooting fireballs in a radial pattern. The projectiles spread out the further they travel, and Link's shield can't block them, so it's best to walk in the gaps that form at a distance.
The only way to attack Veran herself is by shooting her with Mystery Seeds from Link's Seed Shooter, or simply sprinkling the Seed on her. If hit, Veran will temporarily lose her possession,[11] but she'll seep back into Nayru if Link is not fast enough. By switching places with her via the Switch Hook, she'll have a tougher time getting back to the body, and Link will have the opportunity to slash her at least once.[11] Even so, Possessed Nayru will often hide behind pillars scattered across the room while she prepares an attack, making it harder to hit her with the Seed Shooter and Switch Hook fast enough to get an attack in. If the attack process is repeated three times, Veran will be temporarily defeated, and Naryu will be freed.[11]
Possessed Ambi
The strategy for Ambi is little different than it was for Nayru. As Ambi, the only new ability Veran obtains is the ability to summon small spiders. Besides this, the strategy is still to use Mystery Seeds when she stops moving, then to use the Switch Hook to pull Veran out of Ambi.
True Form
Veran's true form is drastically different in appearance to the normal form she takes. Taking on the form of a demonic Fairy, Veran is now accompanied by four Dark Links, which behave similarly to Arm-Mimics in that they copy Link's movements. The four Dark Links always yield one heart each upon their defeat.
Veran's attacks in this form changed little from her other form, her signature energy attack becoming much faster, she will also shoot small and large blue fire balls, and of course physical contact. To defeat this form, Link simply had to attack her with his sword whenever she came into range, taking care to dodge her attacks. By repeating this method, Veran appeared to be defeated. As Link, Ralph and Nayru exited the Black Tower, a sudden rumbling had Link push Ralph and Nayru away, as a Wallmaster carried Link back to the top.
As the Wallmaster released Link, a truly horrific side of Veran was revealed, as she appeared to Link in the forms she had wished to keep a secret from everybody. Now, with no other choice before her, Veran revealed her Metamorphosis state.
During this phase, Veran is prone to randomly changing between her three shapes. There is no order in which Veran will change shapes, with the exception that she will always start in beetle form. Although she will normally change back to beetle after assuming one of her other two forms, it is entirely possible for her to go from Spider to Bee and vice-versa.
As little more than an oversized, grotesque beetle in this form, Link quickly realized that all Veran could do now was jump and land, creating a pool of acid underneath her when she landed. By attacking her face when she emerged with the sword, she would then transform into one of two forms.
Veran's bee form is much faster than the beetle form, she flies around the room at alarming speeds, occasionally summons a swarm of smaller bees that fly at Link, and can shoot a volley of stingers at Link, which slow his walking speed. Bee Veran is vulnerable to both the Seed Shooter and Sword.
This form of Veran has no obvious weak point at first. Its attacks include high-speed charges and using web to pull itself onto the Tower roof, then slamming down in an attempt to crush Link. In this form, Veran can also catch Link in her web and slam him on the ground.
Out of all the weapons in Link's inventory, the only one which can reveal Veran's weak spot is one of his Bombs. By using a Bomb on this state, Veran would show her face for a few valuable seconds, allowing Link to attack her with his Sword. After Veran sustains enough damage, given her life, she will either revert to her beetle form or she will fall.
Other Appearances
Oracle of Ages (Wessel)
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
Oracle of Ages (Himekawa)
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
The Oracle of Ages manga briefly expands on Veran's motivations for wanting to cause discord, as she believes that peace and prosperity are boring.[12] Veran is first shown when the Twinrova summon her to their chamber. They warn her not to underestimate Link, since he was able to best General Onox, the General of Darkness.[13] Veran assures the Gerudo witches that she will succeed and disappears.[14] When she arrives in Labrynna, Veran possesses a young girl and uses her to ask Link to purchase flowers.[15] Link agrees, only to have Veran call him stupid and ask how he can idle with the approaching shadows.[16] Confused, Link watches the girl leave while Veran jumps into Impa, taking control of her. Using her newfound host, Veran leads Link to a stone marked with the Triforce, asking him to open it because it is too heavy for her.[17] Link laughs because moments ago Impa had lifted a Cow.[18] He is quickly silenced after a possessed Impa yells at him to do it.[19] Despite his suspicions, Link moves the stone and continues with her onward. As they enter a forest, Nayru feels the presence of darkness and light.[20] When the two enter her glade, Nayru introduces herself as an oracle who has abilities over time.[21] Nayru demonstrates her power by foreseeing Link's future, leading Veran to ask Nayru through Impa if she knows her own fate.[22] Nayru replies that she does, which is why she had hidden herself in the forest.[23] Despite this, the oracle accepts that she cannot outwit the Goddess of Time.[24] Veran laughs at Nayru's compliance and reveals who she is.[25][26] Alarmed, the forest animals attack Impa to protect Nayru but do so in vain. Veran takes control of Nayru's body and travels to the past to complete her promise to the Twinrova.[27]
When Link travels to Labrynna's past with the Harp of Ages, he finds a kingdom in slavery. Using Nayru's influence, Veran has manipulated Queen Ambi to build a tower,[28] spreading agony and pain throughout Labrynna. After being captured by Sir Raven, Link escapes using a fishhook to pick the lock.[29] Link overhears a conversation between Raven, Ambi and a possessed Nayru. Queen Ambi orders Link to be executed for treason after being convinced by the oracle, unaware he has escaped.[30] Through Nayru, Veran explains to Ambi what will happen when her tower reaches the heavens.[31] This pushes the queen into forcing the women and children into labor.[32] The possessed Nayru goes to tell Link his fate.[33] She is deeply angered when she discovers he has escaped.[34]
Sometime later, Link confronts the possessed Nayru. He prepares to attack but Veran laughs at him, telling him that the only one he will hurt is Nayru.[35] She then brings the castle's stone dragons to life to attack Link.[36] Link wonders what Veran's weakness could be.[37] Veran summons large felines to attack him further.[38] Veran does not relent, turning the large felines into fiery beats.[39] Suddenly, Ralph appears, who used the Harp of Ages to enter the past. Ralph is excited to see Nayru at first, but is then attacked by his possessed friend. Link explains that Veran is still possessing her.[40] Ralph begins to form a plan but Link accidentally strums the harp and the two are warped elsewhere.[41]
As Link and Ralph are dealing with their dilemma, Veran becomes suspicious of Sir Raven.[42] While Nayru sleeps, Veran decides to leave her host and spy on the knight.[43] Veran is surprised that Link knows Raven and possesses Ralph.[44] Roperi notices something wrong with Ralph,[45] yet Link laughs off her concern.[46] The villagers, Link, and Raven discuss the weakness of demons that can possess, which are Mystery Seeds.[47] Raven says he has some Seeds, which turn out to be the exact ones needed. The men ready themselves for the next day when they will confront Veran. However, while the men rest, Veran uses Ralph to burn the Seeds. She releases him and sends Ramrock to destroy the village.[48] In an effort to eliminate Link, Veran captures his ancestor Raven, knowing that killing him will also extinguish Link.[49] After a short fight, Veran's troops leave with their prize. Link notices that he is starting fade because if Raven is executed he will disappear.[50] Determined, he and Ralph set off to rescue the knight.
Through Nayru, Veran tells Queen Ambi to pronounce judgement on Sir Raven.[51] Veran tells the people watching to cry out in sorrow as their only hero is sacrificed to her whim and the Black Tower is completed.[52] Ambi does so, yet the execution is delayed when Ralph and Link interfere. Veran is surprised to see that Link has not faded away[53] and commands the guards to kill Raven.[54] When the guards hesitate, she attempts to stab Raven with a spear using Nayru but is stopped by Link.[55][56] Ralph and Link convince Queen Ambi to stop building the tower, turning Labrynna's sorrow into joy.[57] Furious, Veran releases Nayru and possesses Ambi instead.[58] Within her newest host, Veran orders the guards to imprison them.[59] Luckily, Nayru wakes from her unconscious state and transports the group back to Labrynna's present.[60] After discussing what to do about Veran, they return to the past. Nayru reveals that Roperi's plant is a Mystery Tree, which produces the needed Seeds to defeat Veran.[61] Nayru uses the her ability over time to speed the sapling's growth,[62] but Ralph goes to confront Veran by himself.[63]
Ralph enters the tower and threatens to attack with Veran with a sword. Veran says that only Ambi will die if he does.[64] She also states her knowledge of Ralph and Ambi's bloodline connection, as she had possessed them both.[65] Veran then dares Ralph to kill her.[66] Seeing that Ralph is serious about killing her, Veran attempts to attack him herself, only to realize that Ambi's body does not have magical abilities like Nayru.[67] To save herself, she flees and yells for the tower's construction to hurry.[68] When Ralph corners her, she says her desire will still be a success even with her death.[69] Despite this, Ralph readies himself to kill her. As he charges, Sir Raven and Link arrive, Link shooting a Mystery Seed at Queen Ambi. The seed causes Ambi to go unconscious as Veran is forced from her host, transforming her into her spider form. Enraged at being in her true form, Veran swears to avenge herself by killing Link.[70] She catches Link with her spider silk, but he breaks free with his sword. As the two battle each other, Link notices a box of Bombs and tosses it at Veran's eyes.[71] After a moment of pain, Veran shoots webbing across the tower's interior, forcing Link to the building's roof.[72] She grabs the hero and begins to slowly crush him to death.[73] Link slashes at her to release himself. Veran suddenly is immobile, which she believes may be caused by the Triforce's power.[74] Link seizes the opportunity and stabs one of Veran's eyes. Although she is nearing death Veran grabs Link, holding a bomb and refusing to die alone.[75] As Link struggles, Sir Raven arrives and cuts him free from her grasp. Together the knights strike Veran. Even as she dies, Veran sends a final lamentation of her own to the Twinrova,[76] lighting the Flame of Sorrow.[77] Combined with Twinrova's own sacrifice, Ganon is resurrected and defeated by the heroes.
- Like Onox's brazen armor, Veran's shoulder dress is also emblazoned with the Crest of the Gerudo, reflecting her allegiance with Twinrova.
- Veran's theme music was later reused for the Room of Rites in a Linked Game.
Language | Names | |
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data. |
Veran possessing Nayru
Veran possessing Impa
Veran's Shadow form
Veran revealing herself to Nayru
Veran creating four red-eyed copies of Link
Veran's spider form attacking
See Also
- ↑
I am Veran, Sorceress of Shadows!
— Veran (Oracle of Ages) - ↑ The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages—Official Strategy Guide, BradyGames, Pocket Guide, pg. 62
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Oracle of Ages (Wessel), Scholastic, pg. 7
- ↑ Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 254 (OoAOracle of Ages)
- ↑
Oh, that's it! This rock with the triangle is a sign! Could you move this rock for me, Link? I'll...um...I'll just...I can't do it.
— Veran (Oracle of Ages) - ↑
That Veran! She couldn't touch the stone, so she used you to get past it!
— Ralph (Oracle of Ages) - ↑
My, these Mystery Seeds are disgusting! Their shape and scent...yuck!
— Veran (Oracle of Ages) - ↑
Link! I am amazed you have come so far. Wait! Do you mean to turn your sword on me? Hah hah hah hah! If you want to hurt Nayru, then go right ahead!
— Veran (Oracle of Ages) - ↑
Well done! I thought I might possess you this time. Perhaps you have a different flavor from that fool Ralph.
— Veran (Oracle of Ages) - ↑
My body withers...But you are too late! My role...was to disrupt the currents of time...to flood humanity in sorrow. The despair that fills this land has already passed through this tower and on to Twinrova! I see it...burning blue...the Flame of Sorrow! Hah hah hah...I'll be waiting, Link...to haunt you...and the Evil King Ganon...will plunge the world...into darkness!
— Veran (Oracle of Ages) - ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages—The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 101
- ↑
Peace? Prosperity? How utterly dull!! Labrynna how it stands is a frightful bore. When I'm through, it will be a wonderful place, filled with hate, where the fighting never stops!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 76) - ↑
Don't take the boy lightly. He defeated Onox, the General of Darkness!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 9) - ↑
Leave it to me, Twinrova. I'll show you how a hero is destroyed... utterly and finally!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 9) - ↑
Hey, Mister! Buy some flowers?
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 14) - ↑
Stupid hero! You can ill afford to loaf around so! An ominous shadow approaches... A shadow from Labrynna!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 14) - ↑
I need you to move it because... um... it's too heavy... for me.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 19) - ↑
HA HA HA! No way! Ten minutes ago you lifted a cow!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 19) - ↑
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 19) - ↑
Light and darkness approach together...
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 24) - ↑
I am the oracle who controls time. I can see the past and, to an extent, the future.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 25) - ↑
If you see the future...then you must know your own fate.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 26) - ↑
Yes. That's why I placed a barrier around the forest and hid myself here.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 26) - ↑
But my fate is certain. I cannot outwit the Goddess of Time.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 27) - ↑
Heh Heh Heh So compliant. What a good oracle you are.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 27) - ↑
I'm not Impa! My name is Veran!!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 27) - ↑
The power of the Oracle of Ages is mine!... Now... to the past... in order to erase you, Link!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 29, 30) - ↑
Queen Ambi suddenly decided to build a tower that reaches all the way to heaven...
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 47) - ↑
That fishhook made a great lockpick!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 59) - ↑
He threatens our tower?! It cannot be! Have the child killed at once!!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 61) - ↑
When your tower reaches heaven...it will not only show the world Labrynna's power...it will carve your name in the annals of history – forever!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 61) - ↑
... Women, children...Everyone must work without rest!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 61) - ↑
Heh Heh Heh... That went well. Now I'll go tell Link his fate.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 62) - ↑
Cursed brat! Don't just stand there! Find him and catch him! Immediately!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 62) - ↑
Heh heh... Or what? You'll hit me with a sword? Do that and the only one you'll hurt is Nayru.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 93) - ↑
Kill him, my pets!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 93) - ↑
Veran must have some weak spot!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 95) - ↑
This kitty cat is tough!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 96) - ↑
...Can't stand the heat, little man? You should have stayed out of my kitchen!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 97) - ↑
That's because Veran is still possessing her.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 98) - ↑
What?! She can't do that to my beloved Nayru! We've got to drive Veran out! So...From now on let's... Hey! Where the heck are we?
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 99) - ↑
I knew there was something I didn't like about him. Perhaps I should look more deeply into his background...
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 115) - ↑
I'll be back before she awakens. Meanwhile, I think I'll look in on Sir Raven.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 119) - ↑
What's going on? Does Link know Raven?
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 120) - ↑
Link, who is that? I don't like him. He's scary.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 122) - ↑
Who? Ralph? Don't worry! He may be stupid, but he's alright.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 122) - ↑
... That demons that possess people can't stand Mystery Seeds.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 123) - ↑
Rise, Ramrock... Veran, the Sorceress of Shadows, commands it!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 127) - ↑
I may not be able to defeat Link, but if I kill his ancestor Raven... Link will cease to exist.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 131) - ↑
I'm fading away! That's right! If they execute Raven, I'll disappear. It'll be like I never existed.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 138) - ↑
Your Majesty, pronounce judgement on this traitor!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 141) - ↑
Watch! Watch as...The one hero among you...Is sacrificed to my whim. As the tower...Is completed, watch as your hope dies! Cry out in sorrow! Give me my goal!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 141) - ↑
Link? Again?! He's still here!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 143) - ↑
What're you waiting for? Kill Raven now!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 154) - ↑
Give me that! Good-bye, Link!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 144) - ↑
Not this time, Veran. Not ever.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 144) - ↑
I can't believe it! All the sorrow I spread... has been turned into great joy!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 146) - ↑
Veran... possessing the queen?!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 147) - ↑
These are enemies of the realm. Imprison them!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 150) - ↑
We're back in modern day Labrynna. All is back as it was.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 151) - ↑
Link, this is a young Mystery Tree. It will grow Mystery Seeds.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 154) - ↑
You forget, I'm the oracle of Ages. Time is mine to control
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 154) - ↑
I'm going to go stall Veran.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 155) - ↑
... That won't work on me. This isn't my body.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 157) - ↑
But you're Queen Ambi's descendant. I know. I possessed you both.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 157) - ↑
Well, let's just see about that. Go ahead... Do it!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 157) - ↑
Drat! Queen Ambi isn't like Nayru – she's a normal human. She doesn't have any magical abilities.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 158) - ↑
Hurry! Finish the construction!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 158) - ↑
Ha! Even if I die, my desire will be a success.
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 159) - ↑
You've revealed my true form! I detest this ugly, wretched body. You'll pay for this embarrassment... pay in blood!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 162) - ↑
Explosives from the construction!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 168) - ↑
Webs everywhere... I can barely see anything. Where are you, Veran?
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 170) - ↑
I'll slowly crush the life from you!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 171) - ↑
Why am I so numb? I can't even move! Can this be... the holy power of the Triforce?!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 172) - ↑
...I know I'm done for Link... but I won't die alone! I'll take you to the abyss with me!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 173) - ↑
T-Twinrova... I send one final lamentation... my own!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 176) - ↑
Both flames have now been lit... one for destruction and one for sorrow!
(Oracle of Ages (Himekawa), VIZ Media, pg. 178)