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For the similarly named boss in Ocarina of Time, see Volvagia.

Barba,(TAoLThe Adventure of Link | NWCNESNintendo World Championships: NES Edition)[3][4] sometimes known as Volvagia,(TAoLThe Adventure of Link | Ultimate NES RemixUltimate NES Remix)[5][2] is the Boss of the Three-Eye Rock Palace in The Adventure of Link.


The Adventure of Link

Barba's boss room has three lava pits. Barba rises from the depths of the lava and directly into the air, keeping its head away from the range of Link's Sword. It breathes a stream of fire at him. Its attacks will often knock Link into the lava if he is hit, so Link must time his jumps to avoid the flames. Barba can be beaten if Link uses the Jump Magic to leap into the air and strike the dragon on its head. It is also possible to defeat it by using the Jump Thrust, though this method is more risky, as it is easier to fall into the lava.

In the original Japanese version of The Adventure of Link for the Famicom Disk System, Barba looks more like a traditional Eastern dragon, and roars constantly throughout the battle. In the international release the Nintendo Entertainment System, it was updated to look more like a Western dragon, being wider and shorter, and was given an animated body and head. It does not roar in this version. Barba's official artwork is based on its original appearance.

The layout of the boss room was also changed by extending the leftmost lava pit to the edge of the screen, thereby removing an exploit that allowed Link to defeat Barba easily when it appears on the left side of the screen.

Other Appearances

Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Defeating Barba is the objective of the "Firefight" challenge.


Barba is likely a shortening of バルバジア (Barubajia), Barba's Japanese name.

Names in Other Regions
バルバジア (Barubajia) (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[7] 
The People's Republic of China
巴尔巴基亚 (Bāěrbājīyà) (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[10] 
The French Republic
Volcania (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[9] 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Barba (NWCNESNintendo World Championships: NES Edition)[8] 
The Italian Republic
Varubaja (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[6]Shared with Volvagia
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.



  1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past—Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 10
  2. 2.0 2.1 Defeat Volvagia by aiming for his face! — N/A (Ultimate NES Remix)
  3. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 211
  4. Defeat Barba. — Speedrun Mode (Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition)
  5. In some places, Barba is called Volvagia (Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 146)
  6. Mira al volto e sconfiggi Varubaja! (Aim for the face and defeat Volvagia!) — Level 9-3 (NES Remix 2, Italian version)
  7. Famicom Dojo of Victory 13—Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Kodansha, 1987, pg. 52
  8. Besiege Barba. (Defeat Barba.) — Speedrun Mode (Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, German version)
  9. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 212
  10. 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 207
Bosses in The Legend of Zelda Series
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