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Bilocyte is a Boss in Skyward Sword.[1] It is a large parasite that infiltrates and possesses Levias, who lives inside the giant Thunderhead near Skyloft.


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Target lock: Bilocyte

This species of parasite is currently attached to Levias. It is known for its enormous optical structure.

This horrifying life-form utterly controls the mind and body of its host.

My analysis indicates the projectiles spit by the Bilocyte can be repelled by your sword, Master.

Furthermore, I infer that repelling the Bilocyte's own projectiles back toward it could become a very effective means of attack.

Based on the creature's anatomy, it is probable that this monster's weakness is its central eye.

However, I can confirm that while the fins on the sides of its head are extended, any attack on the eye will be quite ineffective.

In order to effectively hit the Bilocyte by repelling its projectiles, you must consider the direction in which you are swinging your sword.

By swinging left and right, you can control the direction of the deflection. Swinging up or down will deflect projectiles straight back.

Bilocyte is a large, red parasite that possesses Levias, controlling his body and mind and making the Sky Spirit much more aggressive than usual.[2] It has a single large head that contains a vulnerable eyeball and two frills, its two main weaknesses. It also has many tentacles, each holding an eye at the end, extended from holes along Levias's body.

To defeat Bilocyte, Link must first use his Loftwing to Spiral Charge into the eyeball at the end of each tentacle hanging out of Levias's body. Alternatively, using the Bow and a well-aimed Arrow, Link can shoot down the tentacles from atop Levias. Once all of the tentacles have been destroyed, a single eyeball will attack Link from its position rooted inside Levias's blowhole.

This larger eyeball is not another tentacle, but the head of the parasite. When it appears, Link must land atop Levias's head to lure it out to battle. Bilocyte attacks Link by spitting green projectiles at him from its mouth, which Link must deflect with his Sword towards Bilocyte's frills, closing them. After hitting both frills with the parasite's own projectiles, Link can either reflect more projectiles into Bilocyte's eye, use a Skyward Strike, or fire an arrow at it to bring it down, allowing Link to release a barrage of Sword strikes on the creature. After repeating this process a few more times, Bilocyte is destroyed and Levias is restored to his senses.



Names in Other Regions
パラスパラス (Parasu Parasu)[3] 
The Federal Republic of Germany
  • Baras Baras
  • Fauläugiger Riesenparasit
  • Foul-Eyed Giant Parasite
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 167
  2. If I'm correct, Levias is the one inside the thunderhead. But...that's not the Levias that we all know. That's...a monster! It certainly looks like Levias, but last time I approached him, he came rushing at me! And his eyes... They were full of malice. People change... Or old, wizened creatures change, rather. Perhaps it's more that...he is possessed by something. That's how it felt to me. — Owlan (Skyward Sword)
  3. Hyrule Encyclopedia, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd., pg. 193
Bosses in The Legend of Zelda Series
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