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Mazaal is the Boss of the Fortress of Winds in The Minish Cap.[1]


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Appears in the Wind Ruins.
Constructed by the Wind Tribe to repel intruders, this sturdy machine cannot be destroyed by any external force.

In the first phase of the battle, Mazaal attacks by bringing one of its fists down on Link, or by sweeping a hand across the arena, attempting to grab him. Once it has been damaged more, it will begin summoning Beetle (Enemy), which will attempt to latch onto Link and slow him down. This will make him more vulnerable to Mazaal's attacks. If defeated, they will sometimes drop Arrows. In the final round of the fight, Mazaal will sometimes sweep an energy beam across the battlefield. This attack is unusual in the fact that it does not hurt Link, but instead causes him to turn into his Minish form.

Link must first shoot Arrows at the weak points on Mazaal's hands to disable them. After this, he must then follow up with his Sword to stop them completely. After both hands have been disabled, the head will drop to the ground. Link can then utilize one of the Minish Portals found in the northeast and northwest of the room to shrink to Minish size and enter through the mouth. Inside, he will find a set of six pillars, one of which will be vulnerable to attack. Later in the match, the head will be filled with dirt, so Link must use the Mole Mitts to dig his way through and find the vulnerable pillar.

After three rounds, Mazaal will fall and Link will be able to move on to the next room. There, he will find that the Wind Element is no longer there, since the Wind Tribe took it with them when they left for the Cloud Tops. Instead, he obtains the Ocarina of Wind from Zeffa.


Mazaal shares its Japanese name with Eox, the Boss of Mutoh's Temple in Phantom Hourglass. Additionally, it shares its German name with Gohdan from The Wind Waker.

Names in Other Regions
オーイス (Ōisu)[2]
The Kingdom of Spain
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.


See Also


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 192
  2. 129:オーイス
    出現場所: 風の宮殿
    — Figurine Gallery (The Minish Cap, Japanese version)
  3. Hisse
    Aparece en el palacio de los vientos.
    — Figurine Gallery (The Minish Cap, European Spanish version)
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