Oscene TapeZine N6 is a huge project including a tape of radio shows from Radio Kaos and Pirate Radio Fuck International + Obscene zine + Punk Container + a big poster. I am going to describe briefly the 4 items contained in a big plastic bag.
The Tape:All the stuff contained in the tapezine comes from teshows on Radio Kaos and Pirate Radio Belin Fuck International. The stuff on the tapezine is going to be divided into two different projects; The side A contains the mix of demo tapes delivered to Oscee zine-no- no selection was made, different music styles, to show and transmit sounds, noises and lyrics contained into independent cassette releases...
The B side offers a panoramic view of the punk scene. The DIY and self-management of the 80s.This idea was born from our need to analyse the development of the punk movement in Italy.To unveil the influences that created it,to show this music/ideas and also to dig into it, On the hunt of what is never been published so far...
Obscene zine n6 , this contained visual poetry, mail art, flyers, comics and articles-somehow a bit messy but visually stiking,here the introduction to this issue
Punk Container :Punk Container was an experimental project of archiving old punk fanzines from the 80s and making them available at low-cost to whoever wanted them. At the same time, the organizers of such a project were asking people to send them old zines to expand their archive. It was a non-profit ongoing project. The whole idea came from the will to not lose experiences and activities from the counter-culture. Punk Container includes articles about the DIY culture, the world of the fanzines and independent press, the history of certain self-released productions and detailed info about the fanzine`s archive that was available then.
and then the big poster...
This is an amazing sample of underground press at its best. If you are Italian-literate, don`t miss it. Buona lettura e ascolto.
:f_a(r*a¬w:a~y click me