Tame Impala - o f f i c i a l


AAA Aardvark Getdown Services

Kevin Parker and Dave Fridmann.

Kevin Parker and Dave Fridmann.

AAA Aardvark Getdown Services live at the Chevron Festival Gardens, Perth, Feb 22, 2014.

Anonymous asked: Who is pond's new drummer?


Matt Handley

distained-revafail asked: How/where did you you see the alternative music video to elephant where Kevin is in a suit?


Matthew Saville


zapdunga asked: do you know what vocal pedal does nick use live??


Great photographer + filmmaker, great musician and great guy Matt Saville did a lil’ interview with me about the fun times he’s having documenting Tame’s Flaming Lips US Tour, being a...



Great photographer + filmmaker, great musician and great guy Matt Saville did a lil’ interview with me about the fun times he’s having documenting Tame’s Flaming Lips US Tour, being a dad, being in the exceptionally great band perth, and changing the world.

My favourite thing about Matt is that he’s super caring to his friends, and that’s what he said is his favourite thing about his buddy too, so it must be deep in his nature. What a champ!


Matt, you’re a great guy having fun adventures on tour with Tame Impala and the Flaming Lips… First question… 1. What is your favourite thing that’s happened so far on tour? ….

My favourite thing so far was walking through Oklahoma city on our day off with Gum, Kev, Joe and Cam, in the hot sun, looking for a music store that Steven Drozd had told Gum about only to find that it was closed when we eventually got there. So we sat in a petrol station listening to No Doubt on the loudspeaker, drinking water until we could go on to our next Oklahoma destination ‘The Womb’. It felt like being a teenager in Perth during summer, it was nice.

2. What do you like about this photo you’re sending me to put on the blog?

I like this picture because I was lucky enough to be there in this ‘moment of Gum’ in all his purposeful juvenile glory. There are so many of these beautiful moments but they are so often missed by my camera because I’m laughing too hard.

3. What’s your favourite song on your band’s new album?

Viewmaster (the last track before the hidden track) because Mike is the most sincere person I know and I love him for it, and this song he wrote just gets me everytime. (Editor’s note, ‘Mike’ is Michael Dolan, possibly the handsomest man to leave our city and move his brown, perfectly shaped arms to Melbourne)

4. You said recently in a lubly little facebook chat that this tour has made you respect Keveen more than ever. Why is that?

I respect Kevin even more than ever because I have been lucky enough to understand how much he cares about the people around him. It is subtle and always small things, but I’ve been noticing more and more and it is really good. Always gracious and unassuming is ol’ Kev.

5. Is it fun or wack to see all the fans going crazy for your mates?

Umm it is really fun! That many smiles every night, how can that not be fun!

6. I heard you’re a dad (especially from the mouth of your son when he called you ‘Dad!’ as we walked through North Perth with that lovely labrador puppy George). What’s the best thing about being a dad?

Best thing about being a dad is the love, as awfully cheesy as that sounds. Just talking about my boy makes my eyes well up with tears of happiness because of all the love I have for him and how lucky he makes me feel everyday!

LAST QUESTION: 7. What do you think can change the world to make it wonderful instead of partly great and partly crappy? ….

Tiny things can change the world for the better I think. Like brushing your teeth twice a day, or growing a tomato plant in your front garden. Shiny Joe Ryan said to me yesterday “Who you meet going up, you’ll be sure to meet coming back down”…Try and be good to people I think is the motto there, all the time. But then again Joe did also say “Women are like a canoe full of soup, at first you are suspicious, but then after a minute everyone wants one” hahahahaha amazing.

THAT’s the interview! Go forth and enjoy the music of Matt’s band perth, his filmclips, his website, and eventually Michael Dolan’s arms when you get to see them one day in the flesh.