Showing posts with label Topic 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Topic 8. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Leaf Disk Assay

If you've been wondering what we've been doing since the last post, we've still been working on the leaf disk assay.  Below is the student progress chart.  Each "X" represents one trial and each trial can take between 15 and 25 minutes to run, depending on how long it takes the leaf disks to sink.

The 0% solution will be just the soap and water solution, without any sodium bicarbonate.  This serves as the control.  Remember to also record qualitative observations!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Photosynthesis PowerPoints

Below are the PowerPoints from  On Monday we will be starting your last IA of the year (a DCP and CE).

Topic 3.8 (Core)
Photosynthesis (3.8 Core)
View more presentations from Stephen Taylor

Topic 8.2 and Option C

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Today we started to learn about Photosynthesis.  For homework, watch the video below and take notes on the details of the light dependent reactions.  You can take notes in the packet you received in class today.

You can read about each of the components from the video and see still images here.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Wrapping up Cellular Respiration

Today (or tomorrow for H period) we wrapped up cellular respiration.  For homework, label the electron micrograph and discuss the relationship between the structure of a mitochondrion and its function.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Cellular Respiration Resources

Go to the blue tab

at the top of the page for links to resources to learn about cellular respiration.

Pictures of the map of cellular respiration

Today we drew a map that traced the flow of matter and energy through cellular respiration. Can you follow along?  Click on the pictures to make them larger.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Surprise! It's a Quiz

What do you know about enzyme activity and the basics of cellular respiration?  It's time to find out!

Today students had a short IB quiz (3 multiple choice, 1 DBQ and 1 open response question).

Tomorrow we will continue learning about cellular respiration.

When we return from Spring Break - on Thursday April 19th you will have a test on Topics 3.7, 8.1/C3, and Enzymes.  This test will be multiple choice questions and open response.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cellular Respiration

Inspired by Mr. T, H period participated in a spaced learning experiment.  You had a foundation for this information so we built on that with the information in the slides below.

H Period:  Your job is to review this PowerPoint twice tonight.

E Period: You will participate in the spaced learning experiment on Thursday.