The Tulia Herald (Tulia, Tex), Vol. 30, No. 46, Ed. 1, Thursday, November 16, 1939 Page: 1
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VtMume 30
I ma In many communities
brought about the contusing dates
fdr the observance of Thanksgiving
Day does not exist in Tulia
NOV 30
A Jew has the right slant on
the predicament A sign In his
window sums up the situation
Do Your Christmas Shopping
Early Tomorrow May Be
X ttt
HUMOR County Treasurer
Markham Insists everyone
of Swishers commissioners
Workman Evans Rousser and
Rucker returned from the Fort
Worth state commissioners meeting
without their glasses He said
they must have received their
second eyesight
SOMETHING Providing the
expected comes to pass and the
Hornets defeat Canyon Friday
week a big saving could be real
Tied on smother special train to
Perryton SJhc round trip of some
250odd miles could be arranged
for approximately 135 considerably
cheaper than hauling the
family bus around
FROM the window
en route on the Hereford
special train we couldnt help
hat marvel at the change of pace
C S Dudleys car had when
lie vdtlced a highway patrolman
following And on the train
Charles Reeves 18inch cigar
drew our sympathy for the Allies
nan any occasion when subjected
to one of Hitlers smoke
BY THE PAPERS the other
day where a native son
couldnt make himself comfort
dble in a bed of ordinary dimensions
so he allowed as how he
< woiild build one nine feet long
andsix feet wide It looks like
a lot of BUNK to us
TIPTOEING Mr and Mrs Bill
1 Kinder and boys moved t
Clarendon lost Wedensday
Betty Goss and Walter Hill were
named the best citizens In the
Houston school recently
Welike George Buchemnfs dry
sense of humor Mrs
George Tucker of Valley Tlew
has an Infected foot Miss
Xdls Brown has moved to Tier
home In Abernathy Xat
est definition of a Hohbyf
Something you go nuts over
i to keep from losing yovr mind I
Miss Peggy May fa TO to
herhome at Vigo Parle
7Mr nd Mrs C H Mathls were
i seenat the Sllverton rodee Sat
rnrttay Figuratively ft Troth
lAiinedand poured last week for
the TOlluge twins at Elklns
Wednesday they had a birthday
and Thursday a new Mby
brother Rex AycocX < was
ecte ofthe early birds working
ton the Bed Cross drive
Eron Uafford asked us trp
ftake a picture of one of her
studentsrehearsals so shewoull
lutve concrete evidence they
were really rehearsed Mr
jmi Mrs O H Wilson are moving
fromCenter Flams to Plain
rlew 3udge Swepston waa
she first president of the Highway
8 organization The
white monument In the center
< mW the street northwest of the
gq ar which commemorates
Toltas location on the Ozark
Trail eest 550 Kyle Kil
lough has chicken pox
The Tapscott funny Is moving
from Kaffir to Union Hill
Joe Richardson f Kaffir left
Sunday for a deer lrant
Even the barber porters and
Da Foster purchased floppies
last Saturday Mrs Teirbel reports
Only 39 more days
Hntil Christmas three days a
til funny papers
Junior Class Will
Sponsor Picture
A benefit show at the Grand
Theatre will be sponsored by the
junior class of the Tulia High
School for the picture Rio
which vUl bo presented here
Tuesday nnd Wednesday Charles
Welsenburg theater manager has
Tickets can be purchased from
any member of the class Victor
McLaglen and Basil Rathbone
head the cast of the picture
Miss Haney Is
One Of Tulias
New Instructors
EDITORS NOTE This is one
of a series of Interviews that
will appear In the ncrald frem
time to time Introducing members
of the Tulia faculty to < clty
and coanty residents
Another of Tulias seven now
Instructors is Miss Marie Vluncy
instructor in library science a
gradirate ql the Texas State fCol
lege for Women at Dcntoa receiving
her B A degree in thesdhools
spring commencement exorcises
of this year
Miss Honeys school career
started with eleven years < elementary
and high school woilk Jin the
Roscoe schools being graduated
from that institution in 1935
While in Tiigh school she was yell
leader of the pep squadnnd vale
Oontinucd on back ipage
Kress School Superintendent
Heads New Organization
Replaces Charles S King
Swisher County public school
Instructors mot in the high school
auditorium in TUlla recently and
cliose Xee Wowlin Xress school
superintendent president at the
new Intersdndlastic iLeague that
saw its origin at the meeting
Directors of 1he league elected
were declamation Larline Bow
man TUlia ddbate S T Brfggs
Tulia extemporaneous speech H
A Cooper Love ready writers
Mrs Anderson Valley View
director of rural schools JamesT
Hale Tulia athletics Hatcher
Brown Tulia musicjmomorjK TSiss
Hartexr jKress picture imemory
Mrs Anderson Houston spelling
Mrs MeGchee 3R Mr Taaley
Directors will appoint teadkers
to bead the arithmetic typewriting
and shorthand chorai singing
and girls uthletics comsaittees in
the near fuire
Supt Nowlin will take tfc place
of Charles S King principal of
the Union Hill Independent ool
who was director general last
Speech Class To
Start For Adults
Plans arc now going forward
for the instigation of an adult
speech class to be held some
evening during each week for the
purpose of elaborating on speech
abilities and correcting speech de
fects The classes will be sponsored
by the Herald in Cooperation
with I H Turney superintendent
of schools
Miss Eron Gatford and S T
Briggs high school speech and
debate instructors will direct the
class If present plans materialize
the weekly event will be gradually
transformed Into a community
forum Names of individuals
wishing to take advantage of the
free work should be turned Into
Turney or the Herald office
was replaced rcc
At least
Tulia Swisher County Texas November 16 1939
The following article was
written for The Fett Worth
Frew by Dick Gerte staffs
man No one at Hemphill Presbyterian
Church dreamed six
months ago that a country
preacher from the north nigh
plains of Texas could ever make
them forget the loss of their
beloved pastor Rev Everett B
And when sturdy black
haired Rev J Hoytt Boles
came to town with a greater
Introducing The Faculty
reputation as a Panhandle rodeo
announcer than as a preacher
they probably were Just a
the church especially with the
bit skeptical
It was only natural that they
should grieve over loss of a
pastor whose capabilities outgrew
his position placing him
as secretary to the churchs National
Board of Foreign MissionsTackled Task
Rev Boles rcnllzcd his predicament
But with the same
Red Cross
Pushes Drive
Eight Complete Work This
I Week Itural School Chairmen
Asked To Get Supplies
With the annual Red Cross drive
In Swisher County barely a week
old County Roll Call Chairman
J S Engleman this week said
Indications were that the movement
would surpass last years
Several committeemen working
the drive had completed their
territory this week and turned in
the results They Include Rex
Aycock Mrs E G Barks Mrs
Amos Nowby J W Kellogg Mrs
George Jennings Mrs L G Conner
Walker B Jones and Mrs
C T Dubuy
Engleman urged chairman of
rural school committees to come
after their literature necessary to
be used in the canvas Several of
the school people have secured
this literature while others have
not as yet reported
While Nov 23 is the deadline
for the completion of the work
Engleman urged all committeemen
to get through as soon as
League Head Retires
Charles S King pictured above
recently as head of
the Swisher
County Inter
scholaUc licaguc
by Lee TJowlln
superintendent of
the Kress Inde
pendent Bchool
district King is princplol < of the
Union Hill schools A story of the
election with a list of other officers
is carried In the opposite
Shamrock Host
To 18th Legion
District Nov 18
youthful vigor he possessed
when quarterback of Trinity
Universitys football team he
dived into his difficult assignment
Today Ills popularity in
young people is unquestioned
Feet cocked up on his desk
he recalled the rodeo days In
Tulia where he knew cowboys
horses and the fine nointA at
the great Western game as well
as he knew his board of deaconsIt was a great Joke to me
he recounts that 1 made a
Wins Chicago Trip
Reward Comes
For Boy With
Champion Pigs
W O Adams student In the
Tulia High School and f > on of
Mr and Mrs John Adams of the
Houston community has been
named among the outstanding
Texas 4H club boys and will
leave Dec 1 for nn all expenso
pald trip to Chicago offered by
the Santa Fe railroad
Young Adams in his club projects
has conclusively dlsprovcn
the 111 merits of the old adage
of hogging the thow because
that is Just what ho has done
since 1935 and as a result has
pocketed the net sum of 3 10050
and all by raising pigs
Few livestock shows have been
promoted In Texas that the Swisher
boy hasnt had tcveral entries
and It lins been n rare tiling for
one of his animals to carry away
a ribbon below third place His
present quantity of prize ribbons
Continued on back pagu
Try your skill In guessing
some of this areas leading
games along with outstanding
collegiate encounters Winners
of the contest sponsored by Tho
Grand Theatre and The Tulia
Herald will bo given free show
tickets This weeks ballot Is
under the sports column on an
Inside page
Dairymen Meet In
Plainview Today
Swisher dairymen will be among
representatives from several neighboring
counties who will attend
an allday dairy meeting in Plain
view today for a discussion and
study of feeding and general care
of dairy cattle
Tho meeting starts at
10 oclock
a dozen members 015 morning in the agricultural
She Iillia posts of the American
I eglon ond Auxiliary art expect
ed 1o attend the Eighteenth District
Couvqntlon to be held In
Shamrock iNov 18 and 19
Henry Ituibcl post commander
Grody jarlgjjj adjutant and Reed
Clayton vine commander along
with Mrs Etfcfil Spiller auxiliary
president wlU definitely attend
Teubel said Monday
M S Kavanugh commander
of the Shamrock post said the
convention promised to be one of
the best in many years and the
local unito have shown great interest
in planning for Uie meet
George Dewey Moore
Dies Here Wednesday
George Dewey Moore husband
of Alice Moore died at 3 oclock
early Wednesday mornng In tho
home of Mrs John Emmltt on
North Maxwell Street
Mr Moore was born in Cisco
Tex March 28 1889 Funeral
arrangements were not completed
Wednesday morning but the body
was sent to Cisco for interment
building and is slated to continue
through the afternoon G G Gibson
and E R Eudaly field representatives
of the dairy depart
ment of the A nnd M Extension
Service will conduct the program
New Presbyterian
Leader Begins Work
Rev W G Horn formerly of
Italy Tex arrived in Tulia yesterday
to begin his work ai pastor
of the First Prcsbytcrion
Church here succeeding Itcv J
Hyott Doles He will conduct
services nt 11 oclock Sunday
moning and 730 oclock Sunday
evening Mrs Horn accompanied
him here
Legion Auxiliary
Sells 500 Poppies
reputation in rodeo announcing
that brought mora invitations
than I ever hope to get to
Son of a poor country grocer
In Mollis Okla Rev Boles
moved with his parents across
the Red River Into the Wellington
Texas when he was two
years old There he spent his
Tom Sawyer days hunting
fishing nnd roving through the
Texas Fonhondlo High school
clays were spent In Amarlllo
Continued on back page
Canyon Game
Looms Week
From Friday
It Is all over but the shouting
In the District 1A conference
football race since Tulia disposed
of the only potent squad given an
outside chonco of providing an
upset when tho Hornets branded
the Hereford Whltefacos 327 at
at Hereford last Ftiday afternoonUnless o Inst minute maneuver
finds Tulln matched with a game
Friday the Hornets will face
another open date a two Weeks
comment in sroim columnrest that isnt needed against the
Canyon High School Eagles thhd
place occupants on the confutence
Tulia started the band wagon
rolling at Hereford with but a
minute gone In the first quarter
when Sonny Rossi took a punt
Continued on back page
The Tulia Herald was among
the Texas newspapers awarded
a Certificate of Merit lost week
by the State Deportment of
Public Safety for publicity given
the traffic safety campaign
during the past 12 monthi The
award was presented by Copt
Jim Line of the Highway Patrol
office in Amarllli
According to Line as o lesult
of the campaign that was vigorously
pursued through the pess
and patriotic groups during the
year traffic deaths In Texas
were reduced 21 per cent
Boy Given Lift
Jobs Follow
Car broke down without food
for 30 hours and apparently at
the end of his road Eorncst
Mitchel 10yearold Culvlrr Oklo
youth was given a lift recently
by residents in the Iakuvlcw and
McGulrc communities and today
ho Is firmly convinced Swisher
County la n pretty good place in
which to live
The youth was driving through
tho county lost week when hla
cor quit on him Mrs O W Han
cock towod the stalled cor to her
home and gavo the boy temporary
From thl3 farm ho soon transferred
to Charley Sledges place
at McGulrc for a few dnya At
the present time he i helping K
Itoper As coon aa ho hnd pocketed
a email amount of iris earnings
R E Lumpkiriff and son Den
helped him move hbi car to a
Tulia garage for repairs
His praise of this county is a
oneman chamber of commerce in
Ducks Rest In
Peace On Lake
West Of Canyon
County duck huntsmen with
itchy trigger fingers had best
stay away from the vicinity of
Buffalo Lake and refrain from
the temptation of taking a potshot
nt the thousands of birds
reportedly taking refuge there
this vlntcr under the protection
of a no shoot em warning by
the state game commission
Last week It was estimated
that fuly 30000 duck wore on tho
lako and the number in increasing
dally vlth the water covered with
tho fowl for a mile abeve the dam
Formers in tho vicinity have
ben forced to lraul in their ccd
crops to protect tho bundles from
Arcord iif to Mr Henry Toubel the ducks and mines
chairman of tire poppy committee
of the Tulia chapter of the American
Legion Auxiliary a total of
500 poppies were sold last Saturday
Nov 11 by the Auxiliary
and a total of 51 was realized
from the salt
The City of Tulia has purchased
a new Chevrolet pickup for use
in working with electrical lines
The vehicle was purctused from
the Conner Motor Company
It Takes Wreck
To Teach Lesson
To Farm Hands
It took a shipwreck off the
coast of England In 1050 to teach
frnmcrs an early lesson in seed
treatment to prevent smuts and
other secdborno diseases
According to It It Kcppcrts
version of the story some farmers
salvaged n cargo of wheat from
tho sunken ship and sowed tho
seed to sec If It would grow It
did grow and was relatively free
of smut As a smutcontrol measure
tho formers thcioatter treated
their seed with a brlno solution
with fair Jesuits
From such a slmplo beginning
an organic mercury dust proccsi
has been evolved to prevent stinking
smut In spring and winter
wheat loose and covered smuts
In oats smuts In barley and sorghum
and ccitnln codling diseases
of corn
As a practical means of utilizing
tho process Ueppert lccom
mends a treating muchluo for
mixing the dust with tho seed
Any fanner who la handy with
tools can moke It In a short time
Continued on back page
Texan and the United States as a wlmlo can have their
little argument about when Thanksgiving Day will bo observed
but Tulia sentiment has settled the Ihsuc and Nov
I0 has been cut and dried as tho day stolen will cloio here
and people unite In giving thanks for among many things
tho privilege of being people and not guinea pigs
A check with tho majority of city merchants Indicated
Hint the final day of the month wan tho preference here
I II Turney school superintendent sold early thin week
classes would be dismissed all day Thursday Nov 10
President Ilonncvolt recently threw the entire country
Into omowhat of a dilemma with his proclamation sotting
Thanksgiving Day for thin year Nov23 A bill has been Introduced
In Congress to officially tot the national holiday
on the fourth Thursday in November Instead of leaving tho
day to the discretion of tho President
Governor ODonlol lins not issued n proclamation for
Texan but recently stated that lie Lone Star State would
observe both Nov 23 and Nov 30 fis the annual date
Number 46
Stewart Will
Head Kiwanis
During 1940
IMiYcician Replace
llri n Allen Heard
li Now Vico President
Pampa Here Tuesday
Horrid In New
lh or rini
A1m > Clinton
Dr E P Stewart Tulia physician
Is the new president of the
Klwnnls Club for the approaching
year of 1010 following an election
of officers at tho luncheon TuesdayOther officers Include Allen
Heard vice president Jim Harris
treasurer and Rov Uel D
Crosby Dick Clcnnln Ocorgo
Iiuchcnau Tom Nichols Dr C
T Dubuy George Jennings and
Hugh White directors
Stowait coming up from tho
offlco of vice president replaces
Grady llrlggs on chief executive
Continued on back page
Horizon Brighter For 86
Route Dimmitt Meet Shows
Nineteen county romrnlvilnn
cis and roadmen rcprricntlric
five counties iirnl Hhrhway Ml
Association mcrtlujr in Dlin
mltt Tuesday afternoon pieced
together u xleubln chunk of tlm
orlKinnl Ourk Tiull Mated for
liunlsurfiiGlriff Irr the near firtrrre
and petitioned the state highway
commission to give atturrtlon to
the IlmmltlTiilli and Tirllu
Sllvcrton gaps for ronlriict work
at inilck us possible
When Judges from Swlnhor
Urtucou Castro and Parmer counties
which with Hall makers up
tho association completed reports
of highway condition In their
respective counties It was divulged
that 12 miles of the highway wan
on tho potential work list scheduled
for a coiiotructlon program
In tho future
Four and sixtenths miles of
the hard nurfarc work Is on tap
for Highway 80 cast of Dlmmltt
and eight miles will lap the highway
each of Tulia
Effort that have been made to
tie In highway projects In tome
of tho counties with VIA labor
were encouraged by George A
Lldcr field representative out of
the Amarlllo offlco for the administration
when lie told the association
his office was making
plans to cooperate with tho association
in its work
Tho association voted to carry
their campaign to tire state high
way commission in person ut the
commissions December meeting by
sending at least ono representative
from each county and con
Contlnued on back page
Pioneer Panhandle
Ranchman Dies
Johrr J Dlmmltt pioneer Panhandle
ranchman for whom the
city of Dlmmltt was named died
Sunday night at his homo In
Mineral Wells He was 01 years
He was found dead at his homo
Monday morning Death was attributed
to heart attack
Ho camo to the Panhandle in
1000 For many years ho engaged
in tho cattle land grain and
banking business He had exten
sive ranch holdings In Sherman
A member of n prominent Control
Texas family he wns a graduate
of Vanderbilt and Pough
kcepsie universities
Survivors Include a son J J
Dimmitt Jr of Amarlllo one
daughter Mrs E E Cope of Tulsa
Okla and n sister Mrs J
H Hughes of Georgetown
Friday 13th Is
Lucky One For
Insurance Agent
Friday October thirteenth was
a lucky day for L G McDonald
Tulln general Insurance agent
A n result of his work on that
day he became a member of tho
illnck Cat Club termed the worlds
most exclusive accident nnd health
organization Eligibility In thu
club is gained by selling 13 policies
on any Friday tho thirteenth
day In the year between dawn
nnd midnight
ills membership certificate came
tills week and was awarded by
the Accident and Health Review
n conjunction with the National
Accident nnd Health Association
Xhe policies sold for tho contest
veo vlth the American Casualty
McDonald rjnluhcd the days
work considerable oheod of tha
nldnlght In time lie said to see
Ilillo romp on Dnlhort In a foot
jail game
Faculty To Meet
Their Bosses At
Banquet Nov 23
Minus tho bathing suits mem
bers of the Tulia school faculty
will pass In rcvito before mem
bers of tho school board in a
school boardfaculty and Press
according to the Herald bunquet
In the home economics department
at 0 oclock Thursday evening
Nov 23
To be Included
on the program
will be Coio by Floyd C S
tor reading by Miss Eron Gaf
rord and a number by the rlrls
octet In addition to o welcome by
a member of the teaching staff
and a board member response
Following the banquet the home
economics department and other
SIS ° sch001 Plant will be
toured by the instructors nnd
board members
Farm Sale Scheduled
S ° f frmnfi c < luPn > ent
livestock and
household goods
will beheld on Clarence strSSj
P mIos northeast of Tulin
nt 1030 oclock
Nov 17 Terms Friday of morning sale
nnd J W McGlnun ls clerk
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Stamper, Jack. The Tulia Herald (Tulia, Tex), Vol. 30, No. 46, Ed. 1, Thursday, November 16, 1939, newspaper, November 16, 1939; Tulia, Texas. ( accessed February 26, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Swisher County Library.