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Crumplezone (DOTM)

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The name or term "Crumplezone" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Crumplezone (disambiguation).
Crumplezone is a Decepticon from the Dark of the Moon portion of the movie continuity family.
Crumplezone DOTM StealthForce.jpg

Fight in robot mode? Pfft! Crumplezone's style of combat is to start with a barrage of vehicle mode firepower, then follow up by ramming his opponents at top speed.



Speed Stars

SpeedStars NightAttack Crumplezone.jpg
  • Series: Night Attack
  • Number: 2 of 3
This version of Crumplezone has as its alt mode a generic sports car design. "Transformation" to robot mode is achieved by setting him up on his rear bumper, revealing the robot beneath.
Although the final version of Speed Stars Night Attack Crumplezone is black with neon green highlights, the toy depicted on the back of the card was cast in translucent blue plastic (as if it was actually a Trans Scan figure) and black highlights.
The numbers "10821" and "#33494" appear on the bottom of the figure below the robot mode feet.

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  • Crumplezone (2011)
  • Series: Trans Scan
  • Number: 3 of 3
A seeming redeco of the Night Attack figure, this version of Crumplezone is made from a translucent neon green plastic with black highlights. If one looks carefully at the figure, they can see various molded mechanical details of an indeterminate type.
Although the final version of Speed Stars TransScan Crumplezone has the same robot mode as the Night Attack version (further suggesting that the two are actually the same mold), the toy depicted on the back of the card sports an entirely (radically) different robot mode.
The numbers "#33489" and "10821" appear on the bottom of the figure below the robot mode feet.

Collect them all!

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Stealth Force

SpeedStars StealthForce MiniChangers CrumplezoneVsBumblebee.jpg
  • Stealth Force Crumplezone Vs. Bumblebee (2011)
Part of the first wave of Speed Stars Stealth Force Mini-Changers, Crumplezone is a sports car of made-up model that closely resembles his other Speed Stars toy. This toy, and indeed like all Speed Stars Mini-Changers is slightly larger than the more traditional Hot Wheels sized toys in the Speed Stars line and features no die-cast metal. He retains the through-axel construction allowing him to roll freely and quickly on a flat surface.
He features manual transformation to attack mode wherein you simply fold down his side doors to reveal molded weaponry. He came included with an unarticulated figurine of Bumblebee in an action pose.
Crumplezone and the other Speed Stars Mini-Changers had a scanty if not nonexistent release in the United States.


  • Surprising no one, his card art heavily resembles Cybertron Crumplezone.
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