Grimlock (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Grimlock (disambiguation), Dinobot (disambiguation), Clobber (disambiguation). |
- Me Grimlock am Dinobot from Generation 1 continuity family.
Some Autobots wonder why Grimlock (aka Clobber[Note]) is even on their side. His disposition is much more suited to the Decepticons. After all, he values power and strength over wisdom and compassion, and furthermore, he doesn't really get along with most Autobots. When faced with a problem, his usual responses are to slice it with his energo-sword, tear it to pieces with his bare hands, or outright eat it. He is more willing to accept casualties than most of the Autobot leadership, and doesn't seem particularly concerned about the fleshies either. These things, coupled with his dislike of Optimus Prime, have led to a defection or two on Grimlock's part. He'd have no problem offing the Autobot leader if he thought he could get away with it, though.
What the Autobots don't realize is that the only thing he hates more than weakness is those who abuse their strength, meaning when push comes to shove, Grimlock will always fall in on the right side of the fence. And despite their disagreements, Grimlock holds a respect for Prime's strength and leadership. His real feud within the Autobot ranks is with Prowl; Grimlock's chaotic behavior drives Prowl up the wall, and Prowl's uptight personality gives Grimlock much grief.
Grimlock is the leader of the Dinobots, a small but powerful strike squad. Grimlock himself is extremely strong and durable, and is one of the few Transformers who can not only stand toe-to-toe with Optimus Prime and Megatron, but actually give them a run for their money. Despite his strength and prowess, Grimlock continually struggles with his pronouns.
“ | Me, Grimlock — BADASS! | ” |
—Grimlock on himself, The War Within #5 |
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Inspired by dinosaur fossils, Wheeljack and Ratchet built Grimlock, Slag and Sludge, who promptly went on a rampage. Wheeljack convinced Optimus to lock up the Dinobots, rather than destroy them. Upgrading them to be smarter and more obedient, Wheeljack sent the Dinobots to rescue the Autobots. Frustrated by the Dinobots' success, Megatron learned Grimlock desired to be Autobot leader and tried to trick the Dinobots into serving him, but Optimus's selflessness convinced Grimlock otherwise. The Autobots called upon the Dinobots whenever they were overwhelmed, but Optimus deemed them too chaotic to work at the Autobot base and even had them sent to an island populated by living dinosaurs. Angered by being taken for granted, Grimlock left, until Spike Witwicky convinced him to help when the Autobots began to suffer from Cybertonium deficiency.
In 2005, Grimlock battled Devastator at the Battle of Autobot City, rescued Hot Rod and Kup on Quintessa, received his first kiss from Re-Cycle on planet Junk, and kicked the butt of a god. Still an active Autobot soldier, Grimlock even received a temporary boost to his intelligence, allowing him to create the Technobots.
Marvel Comics continuity
Grimlock lay dormant on the Ark when the ship detected Shockwave in the Savage Land. Fitting Grimlock and his four comrades with alternate modes based on the local fauna, the Dinobots battled Shockwave until they became stuck in a tar pit. In the present, Ratchet discovered their location. Grimlock almost immediately began butting heads with Optimus Prime and soon he and his team left the Autobots.
Following Prime's death, Grimlock returned to nominate himself for the position of leadership, and proved his worth by leading the Autobots in battle against Trypticon. Unfortunately, power corrupted Grimlock, who lived up to his alternate mode's name by constructing a variable voltage harness to torture defectors like Blaster, and picking a fight with Autobots from Nebulos led by Fortress Maximus. Prime was rebuilt as a Powermaster, and appointed Grimlock and Fortress Maximus as his lieutenants.
Grimlock was deactivated in the wake of Starscream's Underbase-fueled rampage, but Ratchet revived him as a Pretender to battle Megatron. Battling the Mayhem Attack Squad, Grimlock found himself in the heart of Cybertron where Primus lay, much to his disbelief. A blast by Octopunch intended for Grimlock hit Primus, awakening him and alerting Unicron to his presence. After returning to Earth and warning Prime, Grimlock joined the search to recover the Matrix of Leadership. During this time he stocked up on Nucleon, which gave him a more powerful body, but at the cost of his transformation abilities. After Prime sacrificed himself to defeat Unicron, Grimlock was Autobot leader once more, and participated in a disastrous battle with Bludgeon's soldiers on the planet Klo. Astonishingly, Prime returned with the Last Autobot, who resurrected the fallen Autobots and ended the war.
In various splinter timelines, Grimlock led the Earthforce, helped Optimus and Megatron battle Jhiaxus's Cybertronians, and rallied with Razorclaw to hold out against the Swarm. In one Grimlock captained the Graviton, patrolling the universe for signs of Decepticon activity for over a decade of peace before Megatron returned and in another, he lived with the effects of Nucleon for twenty-one years before travelling to Nebulos to seek a cure.
Milton Bradley mini-comic
Grimlock was among a number of Autobots under Jetfire's command who crewed the Ark. After it crashed into Earth, the ark detected Soundwave and repaired Grimlock and three others into the Dinobots. The Dinobots soon tracked down Soundwave, but he proved too much for them to handle until Grimlock used his brain and brought the nearby cliff down, knocking them all offline. The Transformers
Transformers PD-Type
Star Saber recruited Grimlock as backup for a duel with Deathsaurus. Grimlock became bored watching the two of them fight in the sky, but when Star Saber finally succeeded in knocking Deathsaurus to the ground, Grimlock gnawed on his head while Star Saber looked on, pleased at the outcome of his clever plan. Me Strongest! Me Grimlock!
Kid Stuff Talking Story Books
Grimlock and the other Dinobots lived in an underground jungle environment, hidden beneath the Antarctic ice cap. Grimlock and hundred of other Dinobots were immersed in their tar cocoons, awaiting activation to join the Autobot ranks. When the Crusher, a Decepticon juggernaut, forced its way into the Dinobots’ headquarters, the vibrations it produced inadvertently freed the cocooned Dinobots, who charged at Megatron and Soundwave to fend them off. Jaws of Terror
Optimus had requested Grimlock and the rest of the Dinobots’ assistance when he and Prowl investigated Decepticon activity on the island of Buru. Upon their arrival, the Dinobots quickly began overpowering the Insecticons on the island. Slaves of the Insecticons
Marvel Storybooks continuity
Grimlock and the other Dinobots stood by while Swoop mercilessly butchered Devastator and killed the Constructicons one by one. The rest of the Dinobots then joined in ripping the Constructicons' carcasses into scrap metal for good measure. Battle for Earth
Grimlock was present to hear Blaster convey a message from Megatron to Autobot headquarters. Megatron announced that he had taken Sunstreaker hostage, and demanded that the Autobots surrender. Sideswipe was infuriated by the capture of his "twin Autobot," and declared that he would go rescue Sunstreaker himself. Grimlock told Sideswipe that he would not be able to defeat Devastator on his own, and sent Sludge and Slag to help him in his rescue effort. Despite the Dinobot troops' power, the rescue mission failed, and the Autobots had to come up with a new plan. Optimus decided to rely on trickery, and ordered his Autobots to build a hollow effigy of Devastator for them to hide in. Grimlock then wheeled the statue to Decepticon headquarters. There, a note attached to the statie, explaining that it was a peace offering, was used to lure the evil robots into a false sense of security. The ambush and subsequent battle that ensued spelled victory for the Autobots. The Autobots' Secret Weapon
Marvel coloring books
When Optimus learned from Cosmos that the Decepticons were razing a human village to build a fuel plant in its place, he had the Dinobots hide within his trailer and inside his other troops' vehicle modes, in order to sneak up on the enemy. Once they were in close enough proximity to Shockwave and his minions, the Dinobots were released and the other Autobots transformed to battle the Decepticons. After the others had beaten up the Decepticons and shoved them down a pit, Grimlock picked up Mixmaster and tilted him over, making him spill the quick-drying cement within his drum onto the other evil robots, trapping them. The Autobot Spy in the Sky
Grimlock encountered Hot Rod on the outskirts of Autobot City. The young Autobot explained to Grimlock as the rest of the Dinobots assembled around them that he was being chased by a squad of Decepticons. Hot Rod then continued into Autobot City to inform Ultra Magnus of the situation while the Dinobots went to do battle with the Decepticons. Though they were taken by surprise by the Decepticon fliers at first, the Decepticons soon gained the advantage in combat. Grimlock even managed to snatch Starscream right out of the air. In the midst of the battle, Grimlock noticed Galvatron taking off towards the nearby Oil Valley to steal oil for himself. Grimlock took off after him, and the two fought it out in the oil drilling area. Grimlock used an oil tower as a bat to beat down on Galvatron. Galvatron retreated within Cyclonus (though not before Grimlock landed a hit on him with the tower) and the Autobots were cheered on by the oil rig workers as they returned to Autobot City. Battle at Oil Valley
Grimlock took part in a battle over energon cubes at Mount St. Hilary which ended when Starscream scarfed all the energon. The Lost Treasure of Cybertron
Big Looker storybooks
Grimlock and the rest of the Dinobots accompanied Hot Rod, Kup and Arcee on a space-faring mission. Though Kup warned Grimlock not to overload the ship, Grimlock ignored him, reasoning that he didn't want to make a second trip. The ship wound up malfunctioning, and they crash-landed on the planet Quintesson. There, they encountered Wheelie, who warned them about the planet's evil inhabitants. They soon encountered a few Quintessons leading their Sharkticon soldiers to apprehend them. Grimlock used his powerful jaws to snap whichever Quintesson unlucky enough to wander too close to him into two. After the Quintessons had been defeated, the Autobots left the planet in the ship that had once been piloted by Wheelie's parents. The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson
Dinobot War
Grimlock, along with the rest of the Dinobots, were present during Earth's distant past, when you, Ravage and Laserbeak travelled through time. The Dinobots quickly learned about the Decepticons' plan to attack the Autobots still slumbering in stasis aboard the crashed Ark, and set out to oppose them. Whether or not they succeeded was up to you!
Dinobot War
Dinobots Strike Back
Grimlock, along with the rest of the Dinobots, were on lookout duty in Hidden Valley. Bombshell managed to sneak up on the group and Grimlock was one of the Dinobots who were subjected to the Insecticon's mind-control. After being ordered by his new master to attack Autobots and humans alike, Grimlock's fate was up to the only Dinobot retaining his free-will, Swoop. If Swoop reports directly back to Autobot base about what transpired, the Autobots weigh multiple options on how to best stop the Dinobots' rampage.
If the Autobots choose to use Mirage's abilities against the Dinobots, Grimlock and the rest of the sub-group are tricked into believing Optimus is standing at the edge of Bandit Bluff's precipice, and charge for the Autobot leader. Their target turns out to be an illusion fabricated by Mirage, and the Dinobots are knocked unconscious by their fall, and subsequently freed of Bombshell's control.
If the Autobots choose to use Windcharger's abilities against the Dinobots, the outcome of the Dinobots' and the rest of the Autobots' confrontation has two possible outcomes. If Windcharger uses his magnetic powers too close to the Dinobots, the powerful magnetic field sends Grimlock and the other Dinobots into convulsions before killing them. If Windcharger decides to use his magnetic powers from a greater distance, the Cerebro-shells are harmlessly extracted from the Dinobots. Later, Grimlock is celebrating with the Autobots when he recalls Bombshell announcing that controlling the Dinobots was only a part of the Insecticon's plan.
Optimus in turn can send Bumblebee, Skids and Sludge to investigate nearby electromagnetic activity. If he does, and Skids returns to Autobot base after the Decepticons has captured Bumblebee, Prowl suggests to send Grimlock and his ilk as undercover agents into the Decepticons' local operation. Prowl explains that the Decepticons are likely unaware that the Dinobots are no longer under Bombshell's control. If Optimus goes with this plan, Grimlock bisects Frenzy after successfully doing his part, and the Autobots successfully defeat the Decepticons thanks to the Dinobot's strategic placement.
If the Autobots choose to simply attack the Dinobots immediately and brutally, Grimlock becomes temporarily blind thanks to Tracks's black-beam gun. Next, he is bombarded by Sunstreaker's and Sideswipe's high-energy electron pulses, until his Cerebro-Shell falls out of his body. Later, when Grimlock is once again master of his own thoughts, he accuses the Autobots of enjoying taking him and his team down. The Autobots simply laugh at him.
If Swoop chooses to stay and fight Bombshell instead of reporting back to base after the Dinobots have become Bombshell's slaves, and successfully defeats the Insecticon, Grimlock is freed along with the other Dinobots. Whatever other choices are made in this path, Grimlock stays unaware of what has transpired, his memory a blank during the mind-control. Dinobots Strike Back
Frito-Lay posters
Grimlock was seen with Optimus Prime while he was fighting Megatron. The Power Struggle
Toy pack-in material
Grimlock, Snarl, and Slag were roaming about in a desert when Starscream came down from the skies to attack them! Grimlock transformed out of his "undetectable everyday form" into robot mode to wield both his pistol and sword against the Decepticon. Sweepstakes Offer!
The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual
After the Ark crashed into the Earth, Grimlock, Snarl and two others remained active and were reformatted to resemble dinosaurs, the planet's dominant lifeforms. Unfortunately the reformatting was a little too thorough and they were left acting like real dinosaurs as well. Rendered inactive by a meteorite strike, they lay dormant beneath what became modern-day Brazil until Grimlock and Snarl were inadvertently awoken by developers from a logging company. Optimus Prime, Jazz and Blaze travelled there to investigate but were ambushed by the Decepticons and Soundwave trapped the Dinobots in a plasma net. Unfortunately for him, the net caused a negative ion feedback which triggered their Transformer circuitry and restored their personalities along with their robot modes. Grimlock and Snarl sent the Decepticons packing but remained in Brazil to look for their missing comrades rather than return to the Ark with the Autobots. The Dinobots!
3H comics
Grimlock was among the legendary Transformers summoned from J'nwan by Sandstorm to help battle Shokaract. Terminus Departure
An iteration of Grimlock was one of several Transformers from all eras and realities across the multiverse suggested by Alpha Trion for Optimus Primal to recruit into his Children of Primus. Optimus Primal decided to pluck Rhinox and Depth Charge back from death instead. Homecoming
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
“ | Me not like Optimus Prime or Autobots that much... but me like you and yours even less! | ” |
—Grimlock's voice recording on a bomb he left for the Seekers, "The War Within Preview" |
Years ago, before the war, Grimlock was part of a cage-fighting arena. He and Starscream fought beside and against each other on numerous occasions. Starscream believed Grimlock was a natural born killer, but Grimlock really just carried a lot of rage and needed an outlet.
When the war began, Grimlock sided with the Decepticons. Then, after a while, he switched sides and went to the Autobots. Nobody is quite sure why or what happened. The War Within Preview He eventually became leader of a squad including Ironhide, Kup and Wheeljack.
By the time Sentinel Prime was killed and a new leader had to be chosen, the Autobots were losing the war, and Grimlock was growing impatient with the Council of Ancients' strategy. Grimlock called a secret meeting at the Helix Gardens with Prowl, Jazz, and his running crew: If the new Prime wasn't up to doing what had to be done, then they'd do it for him—and take the Prime out in the process. The War Within #1
Optimus Prime, having defeated a team of Decepticons by himself, still didn't settle Grimlock's nerves. Prime's decision to evacuate Cybertron did it; Grimlock had enough. After expressing his discontent over the situation to his fellow workers, Grimlock stormed off and went to brood by himself. The War Within #2 Starscream and his Seekers dropped by while Grimlock was alone. Starscream baited Grimlock, telling him he was a Decepticon inside and was just in denial. He gave him a choice: go to Sector Zero-Six and help the Seekers take out the Autobot command post, or warn the post about their arrival. Grimlock, out of spite, instead evacuated the Autobots from the base and left the Decepticons a present: a bomb. The War Within Preview
While he was on his way back to Iacon to help with the defense, Prowl ordered him away, instead telling him to go find Optimus Prime. Grimlock decided that it was a good opportunity to give the new Prime a piece of his mind and complied. The War Within #3 He called upon Ironhide, Kup, and Wheeljack to accompany him on this mission, informing them he still hadn't made up his mind about Optimus Prime's worth as a leader along the way. The War Within #4 While he and the team went deep into Cybertron's core to find Prime, they found out about Megatron's plan to win the war and turn Cybertron into a mobile battle station with which to conquer the universe. Grimlock split up his team: He would go find Optimus Prime, and the rest of the team would shut down the transformation system for Cybertron. Grimlock followed Optimus's trail, passing several defeated Deecepticons along the way, only for Prime to abruptly appear next to him. Prime ordered Grimlock to help him find Megatron. Grimlock shoved his energo-sword into Prime's hands and gave clear instructions: If Megatron was the problem, Prime was to fix it himself. The War Within #5 Grimlock then doubled back to help his squad deal with the planetary engines, arriving just in time to take out Motormaster as he was preparing to ram Kup and Ironhide. Optimus soon caught up to him, and asserted his authority by taking command of both Grimlock's troops and the situation. Together, the Autobots managed to destroy the planetary engines and drive the Decepticons away. Once the crisis was over, Grimlock no longer questioned Optimus Prime. He knew that Prime had figured things out, and though he hadn't executed Megatron, he wasn't going to spend his time in the war running away. The War Within #6
During the Dark Ages, Optimus Prime and Megatron were seemingly destroyed in a space bridge explosion, which created a crack in space through which the ancient being known as The Fallen emerged. With the loss of Optimus Prime, Grimlock broke off from the Autobots, now led by Prowl, and formed the Lightning Strike Coalition. During one of their missions, Grimlock's team stole two transports filled with energon from Starscream. Fragmentation Grimlock was targeted, along with Jetfire, Blitzwing and Hot Spot, by The Fallen, who wished to use their apparently unique Sparks to help in his revival of Primus, which would allow Unicron to locate him.
To this end, The Fallen recruited Bludgeon, Mindwipe and Bugly, who arranged for Grimlock to receive a communication between Jetfire and Shockwave. Devastation Believing Jetfire was intending to defect, Grimlock headed for the meeting. However, when the Chaos Trinity arrived and captured Jetfire, Grimlock jumped out of the shadows and attacked. The Fallen had to watch his followers take a sound beating. After dispatching the mystics, Grimlock attempted to execute Jetfire. The Autobot scientist was saved only because The Fallen himself soon arrived. Revelation
Grimlock being Grimlock, he launched himself at The Fallen, but was completely overwhelmed by his opponents' supernatural abilities. Confrontation He woke up later strapped to a table and had to listen to Jetfire trying to convince him that attempting to breaking free was a hopeless endeavor. Grimlock snapped his restraints with ease, and likewise liberated the three other Transformers captured by The Fallen for his diabolical scheme. Jetfire then managed to convince Grimlock to vacate the area with the other two captured 'bots, while he used his smarts to contain The Fallen. Jetfire was ultimately successful. Afterwards, Grimlock approached Jetfire to tell him he had misjudged his fellow Autobot, and that they were now quit. Conflagration
Later, Grimlock served both as leader of the Dynobots and the right-hand bot to Ultra Magnus, who had taken control in Optimus' absence and had managed to secure a truce with Shockwave. Grimlock was less than happy about this, partly because he didn't trust the Decepticons, and partly because he had no idea what to do with himself in peacetime. He never got to find out, as the truce was betrayed by Starscream's forces, and Grimlock was apparently killed when he dove in front of a shot meant for Magnus. The Age of Wrath Upon Megatron's return to Cybertron, the Decepticon leader quickly subdued Ultra Magnus, and proceeded to take control of the planet. Grimlock's body was left where it lay. The Age of Wrath Pt.2
Millennia later, the Ark and the Nemesis left Cybertron in search of new resources to fuel the war, but never returned. Grimlock and the Dynobots followed a group of Decepticons to a primitive world that would later be known to them as Earth, all of them looking for the lost Ark. The Dynobots assumed alternate forms similar to Earth's indigenous giant reptiles, dinosaurs, and fought off an attempted ambush by the small crew of Decepticons they had been tracking. Extermination
Millions of years later in 1984, the other Autobots and Decepticons on Earth awakened and the Great War began anew. The Autobots and humans eventually defeated the Decepticons and all the Transformers were to be sent back to Cybertron on the Ark II. However, the ship was destroyed during launch due to sabotage by General Robert Hallo and Adam Rook, in the hopes of recovering the Transformers and reprogramming them to be war machines. Prime Directive #1 As part of a demonstration to prospective buyers, Rook had Grimlock join an assault against the Smitco Oil Refinery alongside half a dozen Transformers. Soon afterwards, Megatron broke free of Lazarus's control, and brought ruin to his operation. Prime Directive #2
At some point, Megatron captured the other four Dinobots, Brothers' Burden which he used as leverage to get Grimlock to turn traitor and join the Decepticons after they were reactivated by Lazarus. Grimlock revealed his change of allegiance to Optimus Prime when he confronted Megatron after the unleashing of the Decepticons' newest doomsday weapon, a cyber-forming virus. Prime Directive #3 Though Grimlock participated in the Decepticons' subsequent attack on San Francisco with apparent zeal, his only real contribution to the city's destruction was crushing unoccupied cars. Trailbreaker interrupted Grimlock's "rampage" by knocking him over with a steel girder. Prime Directive #4 Grimlock watched idly as Megatron and Optimus debated humanity's worth, until their rhetoric was interrupted by several firefighters ramming their fire engines into Megatron. The battle started anew, only for news that a nuclear missile was inbound to reach the combatants. After the Decepticons abandoned him, Optimus Prime offered to take Grimlock back, but he refused, stating circumstances had changed too much. Prime Directive #6
Grimlock's stance on allegiances didn't last very long, though, as Shockwave soon showed up with his Triple Changers, and declared all Earthbound Transformers to be war criminals. Grimlock's true loyalty became obvious when he stopped Blitzwing from blowing off Optimus's head by grabbing his tank turret and bending it into a pretzel with one hand. After that, Shockwave sent Megatron off to Cybertron, prompting Grimlock to rejoin the Autobots in the Ark. New World Order When Optimus's group surrendered to Ultra Magnus, some of the Autobots remained on Earth, Grimlock among them. He traveled to the frozen north, and freed the other Dinobots from Megatron's holding tank. Brothers' Burden
Stealing a Decepticon shuttle, the Dinobots then headed for Cybertron, intending to free Optimus Prime and his group. After a rough landing in the Wastelands, they acquired some transportation from Octane and hurried to Iacon, sowing discord along the way. Cold War Once they reached their destination, Grimlock did his part by leading a massive Dinobot assault on Shockwave's Tower, before breaking off to take care of the Decepticon leader himself. Blitzwing again got in his way, and Grimlock was forced to battle both, a battle that was going his way until Ultra Magnus shot him in the face. Passive Aggression Though Grimlock accused Ultra Magnus of betrayal, Magnus defended his actions, stating he couldn't allow Grimlock to simply rampage undirected in the streets. He then instructed Perceptor to repaired the Dinobot commander. Countdown to Extinction Subsequently, Grimlock did his part for the rebellion by giving Hot Rod some back-up. For a third and final time, he fought Blitzwing, this time taking out the Decepticon with ease, grabbing him by the tank turret and throwing him into a Guardian. Leaving the main conflict, Grimlock followed Shockwave, Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus into the citadel, and ended up saving the two Autobots, stating that he'd hate to lose the chance to pay back the "stuffy traitor". Optimus Prime thanked Primus, but Grimlock said Prime should be thanking him. Revelation
While the main group of Earth Autobots returned, the Dinobots remained on Cybertron to give Ultra Magnus some needed muscle. They were assigned to help Kup fortify the new Autobot bases on Cybertron's moons. The Route of All Evil
After an amusing conversation took place between Kup and Sludge, the two of them, along with Arcee, Snarl, and Slag, joined Springer, Grimlock, and Swoop on their shuttle's bridge. Together, they all saw an approaching Quintesson ship. Generation 1 #11
Some time in the future, Grimlock was augmented with the Pretender technology, though he despised his human-like outer shell. He was also given an important position in the overall Autobot hierarchy, which meant him being forced to back up the long-standing claims of himself being the best choice for a leader. Though some Autobots were unconvinced that Grimlock could handle the responsibility, Grimlock himself was taking his position very seriously, and Optimus Prime apparently thought Grimlock had potential. Pretender Grimlock's More Than Meets The Eye profile
Universe comic
- Voice actor: Gregg Berger (English)
A Grimlock hailed from Primax 302.06 Gamma. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/20 He was one of several Transformers being monitored by Primus and Alpha Trion as the Universe War began. Abduction Hailing from an earlier era of the Cybertronian wars, Grimlock arrived in the Cauldron and soon found the unlikely allies of Megatron and Optimus Primal. They were confronted by two of Unicron's Dark Generals, Reptilion and Striker. OTFCC Live-Action Drama
Striker was overpowered and held prisoner beneath Grimlock's mighty boot. Using his spark telepathy, Primal was able to at least temporarily override Unicron's corruptive influence on Striker (although Grimlock remained somewhat unconvinced). Grimlock's concerns became academic as Reptilion returned with Unicron's other generals, Obsidian and Tankor. Luckily, Silverbolt and Trailbreaker managed to orchestrate a jailbreak among the Cauldron's other "guests", so Grimlock and Megatron soon had all the reinforcements they needed. The Matrix Templar known as Snarl helped forge a connection with Primus, creating a way out for the escapees. Grimlock was apparently dispatched back to his own era along with the other displaced abductees. Escape
Transformers/G.I. Joe
Grimlock was among the Autobots who were awakened by G.I. Joe in 1939 after laying dormant on the Fera Islands for three million years. He was eager to start smashing Decepticons again, and probably would've smashed the humans as well if Optimus Prime hadn't been here to tell him they were friendly. While the other Autobots were a bit wishy-washy about helping G.I. Joe in their fight against Cobra and their Decepticon allies, Grimlock threw himself into battle almost immediately, using his World War II-era tank mode to destroy one or two incoming Rattlers. Transformed
With Roadblock as company, Grimlock fought his way across the Fera Islands until he ran into Rumble, whose earthquakes were too much for him and the other Autobot tanks to handle. Trial by Fire Grimlock was knocked off a cliff by Rumble's attacks, and as he was struggling to keep himself from falling to his doom, he urged Roadblock to save himself. However, the human refused to let Grimlock give up, and stayed behind to motivate him, drill sergeant style. While the human's words did give Grimlock newfound strength, the cliff still crumbled, and he and Roadblock fell. Thankfully, Superion saved them just in time, although Grimlock didn't enjoy feeling small in comparison to the combiner. Wolves
On the way to the Cobra Terrordrome, Grimlock listened to Stalker being pessimistic about their chances of survival, and casually asked the human if he was a coward. Upon reaching the Terrordrome, Grimlock fought and defeated Soundwave, having always hated him for his cowardly guerilla tactics back on Cybertron. Shortly thereafter, the Autobots and Joes came under attack from Bruticus, and Roadblock suggested that Grimlock show the giant some real firepower... only for the Dinobot to be swatted aside like a fly. Grimlock presumably died along with the other Transformers when the Matrix of Leadership was destroyed in order to stop Bruticus. The Iron Fist
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
“ | It just isn't a proper party without Grimlock around. That guy is nuts. | ” |
—Hot Rod |
Grimlock and his team were transported to Earth's prehistoric past by a malfunctioning Teletran 3. A joint Cobra/G.I. Joe team traveled through a time portal to bring them back. Unfortunately, Shockwave's Decepticons blocked their return. Just as Shockwave's victory appeared complete, Roadblock and Lady Jaye successfully opened up the final time portal, and the humans returned, with some heavy artillery in the form of the five Autobots, now reformatted in huge, powerful dinosaur bodies. Grimlock took the lead by knocking Shockwave through a wall, and beating the tar out of the 'Cons, alongside his new Dinobots, their new abilities more than a match for the Decepticon forces. When the Decepticons retreated, Grimlock transformed and requested an audience with Optimus Prime. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4
Grimlock was part of the small team sent to help with the Joes' decommissioning of their Cybertronian mechs. Grimlock was more than a little vocal about his distaste for the post, and lack of interest in the humans. He was willing to help the Joes fight Cobra when the latter attacked en masse... even if he complained about helping the weak fleshlings. The Art of War #1 When Cobra Commander was cornered in an underground facility, Grimlock did his part by terrifying him into talking. They were interrupted when Serpent O.R. appeared, and attempted to take control of both Grimlock, and Roadblock's robot. Grimlock resisted, but Roadblock's robot turned around and punched him in the face. Grimlock responded by ripping its arm off. The Art of War #2
As Serpent O.R. teleported to Cybertron, Grimlock's team pursued him, but ended up having to fight off cannibalizers in a junkyard. Although Grimlock was shot in the face and knocked down, he soon got back up and continued the hunt for Serpent O.R., only to run into his new troops—the Predacons, Seacons and Stunticons. The Autobots and their human companions were captured and imprisoned in the Decepticons' base in the Gladiator Zone. The Art of War #3 They eventually managed to escape thanks to Snake-Eyes, but Grimlock insulted the humans anyway. The Art of War #4
After hearing that Serpent O.R. had captured Optimus Prime, Grimlock violently interrogated Runamuck for directions to where Prime was being kept. By the time the team arrived, they found that Serpent O.R. had stolen the Matrix of Leadership, only to have his new "Serpentor Prime" body taken from him by Cobra Commander. Grimlock and Snake-Eyes attacked him, but were smashed into a wall by his tentacles and taken out of action. After Hawk defeated Cobra Commander, Grimlock admitted that the humans were great warriors and great friends, and apologized for being hard on them. The Art of War #5
The Beast Within
Four million years ago, Grimlock combined with his fellow Dinobots to form The Beast, a savage abomination of a gestalt that knew no mercy. Fearing its destructive and uncontrollable power, Grimlock vowed to never again set it loose. The Beast Within Part 2, Consequences
In a devastating battle with the Decepticons, Grimlock attempted to hold his savagery in check, holding back his full strength even as his comrades were being annihilated. In a fit of desperation, he made the decision to combine with the other Dinobots to form The Beast. Though Optimus attempted to reach Grimlock within the raging juggernaut as it began to slaughter friend and foe alike, Grimlock's consciousness was lost in the maelstrom of rage that was the Beast's mind. The Beast Within
Transformers Legends anthology
After Grimlock and his fellow Dinobots arrived on Dinobot Island, Grimlock named one of his subordinates "Paddles." He enjoyed bossing Paddles and the other Dinobots around, telling them when to transform, fight, or fly around. Paddles
Q-Robo Transformer
2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity
“ | Shadows lengthen. The twilight of the Cybertronian race gathers. The end is nigh. | ” |
“ | Reminds me of the good ol' days. | ” |
—Grimlock |
One account purports that near the end of the Great War, several combatants had been reduced to protoforms due to the fallout of a foiled Tripredacus Council plot. Among those afflicted was Grimlock. Dawn of the Predacus
According to another account, Grimlock was less than thrilled about being forced to go through the Maximal downsizing. To add insult to injury, the resulting peace meant he had no outlet for his warlike tendencies. As such, he frequently volunteered for any dangerous, potentially risky, or outright suicidal missions, and when forced on to a science or exploration vessel, he preferred to spend the entire trip in stasis, rather than dealing with the prolonged inactivity. He had a personalized reformatting chip installed that deliberately seeks out only the strongest, deadliest beast modes (alive or extinct) on a planet. Beast Wars Sourcebook 2
Grimlock was among the Axalon's protoforms when the ship crashed on Earth. When Razorbeast and Optimus Minor were attempting to "rescue" Megatron from Magmatron, the Predacons detected a spark signature that was apparently off the scale, big and mad. Grimlock showed up and acted as the perfect distraction, making very short work of the Predacons. (Apparently, he was in a very bad mood after waking up and took it out on the Preds.) Magmatron offered Grimlock the chance to withdraw, and when the incredulous Grimlock refused, the Predacon general attacked. Magmatron narrowly arose as the victor by use of his triple beast modes. Grimlock was knocked out, but later helped to construct the Maximals' new base. The Gathering #4
Later, when Prowl remarked they had work to do on Earth, with Ravage's Predacon militia still a threat, Wolfang reminded him that they had Grimlock on their side. The Ascending #1 The bot in question was patrolling the jungle around the base at the time and bumped into the three-mech team of Manterror, Retrax, and Snapper. He only noticed Manterror and Retrax however, as Snapper was being crushed under his right foot at the time. While Retrax rolled for his life, Manterror had to face Grimlock on his own, and lost his wings for his trouble. This little group turned out to be a distraction, however, intended to lure the Maximals' big gun away while Ravage led an all-out strike on the base.
The former Dinobot wasn't about to be left out in the cold, however, and he returned to base ready for "the main course," which consisted of crushing Spittor under his foot and tearing apart Iguanus and half a dozen other Predacons. Still, even with him and Torca working overtime, things might have gone poorly without Lio Convoy's arrival. The Ascending #2
When Lio Convoy and Ravage led a joint force to stop Shokaract, Grimlock accompanied them. The former Autobot and former Decepticon had a moment of antagonism when the fight started. But once the battle got underway, Grimlock fell in with the Convoys. As Shokaract declared the end of the Cybertronian race, Grimlock seemed to reminisce, even as he transformed to his beast mode and led a charge. He was one of the survivors, although presumably, he would be a victim of Megatron's Transformation virus. The Ascending #4
Hearts of Steel
Grimlock was one of the many Autobots who fought against the Decepticons on prehistoric Earth. Hearts of Steel #1
2005 IDW continuity
Mini Mayhem!
When a surprise party was thrown for Optimus in honor of the 20th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, Grimlock didn't wind up getting invited. He demanded respect (and some cake) for this indignity!
Later, Grimlock grew tired of his role of king and warrior, and resolved to become a waiter, so he could spit in people's drinks.
After being nominated two years in a row, Grimlock was sure he'd be a shoe-in for 2011's Hall of Fame. He discussed the topic with Jazz and Shockwave until Erector and Waspinator came along. The trio mistook Erector for Bumblebee, and so spared him any ridicule, but verbally tore into Waspinator. After insisting that the Predacon would never stand a chance against them, Grimlock and the others walked off in a huff. Mini Mayhem!
Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-
Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga
When Megatron and the Decepticons attacked Earth in the 21st century, Grimlock and the Autobots were there to stop them. During a battle in Tokyo, when Bumblebee doused Starscream with a fire engine's hose, Grimlock exploited the opening to lash the Decepticon with his tail and sending him crashing into Megatron. Henkei! Henkei! volume 1
Later, Grimlock saved a runaway train when it was forced off the tracks by Astrotrain, Henkei! Henkei! volume 2 then joined the other Autobots in battling the rampaging Triple Changer. Henkei! Henkei! volume 3
Some time later, when the newcomer Dinobot was brought into the Autobot ranks, he and Grimlock decided to fight immediately upon meeting each other. Henkei! Henkei! volume 11
Henkei! Henkei! BunBun manga
Grimlock was part of a small Autobot team led by Optimus Prime who left Cybertron to pursue the Energon Cube through space. When the giant energy source crashed on Earth, in the Japanese town of Hoshinochō, it shattered into fragments that were scattered far and wide. Grimlock and the other Autobots set up a subterranean base below the Cube's impact crater, and began their search for the shards, taking the forms of local vehicles to hide their activities (Grimlock, in contrast to his comrades, took the conspicuous form of a Tyrannosaurus rex, for reasons best known to himself). Despite their attempts at remaining unseen, glimpses of the Autobots only magnified the reputation the crash of the Cube (believed by humans to be a meteor) had given Hoshinochō: that of a hotbed of rumored alien and UFO activity, Japan's answer to America's Roswell.
Kre-O comic
Grimlock had himself a hearty laugh when Megatron attempted to replicate Optimus Prime's new clear-torso'd power-up via a see-through negligee. Wheeljack's Bizarre Invention! Optimus Power Up!?
Kre-O cartoon
Grimlock went to game at the arcade, only to be infuriated over not being able to beat a particular game. As soon as he gave up the task, Fracture came along and beat the game with ease! This sent Grimlock into a rage, and he began to rampage across the arcade... until he spotted a Foosball table, and went to play with it instead. Arcade
Transformers: All Spark
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
Following Optimus Prime's exile from Cybertron, Grimlock defeated the new leader Rodimus in a duel and banished him from Metroplex, crowning himself king. Form Follows Function When captured members of G.I. Joe were brought before him, Grimlock was angry that they'd ruined Iacon with their G.I.Rockets and sentenced them to death by Sharkticon pit. Funeral for a Friend The humans were able to survive and escape, however, and an impressed Grimlock agreed to a truce between the Autobots and G.I. Joe. Form Follows Function Rodimus then returned to help save Metroplex from a combined Decepticon-Cobra assault, and when Grimlock protested, the reinvigorated former leader challenged him to a rematch. Whatever the outcome of the duel, Grimlock was next seen leaving Metroplex to fight Megatron in a last ditch attempt to defeat the Decepticon god-king one-on-one. This duel ended with his death at the hands of Megatron, who went on to don his dinosaur head as a decoration. Everybody Hates Metroplex
Passing onto the next plane of existence, Grimlock marched towards the afterlife, but was weighed down by his heavy sword, a metaphysical representation of his many sins. As he walked, Grimlock was joined by Optimus Prime, the two braving the many trials of limbo to arrive at the gates of the afterlife. The two found their way blocked by the angel of death, who would only grant passage to those who carried the "key to Vector Stigmata". Prime formed the key out of his own wounds but when informed that only one may pass, he gave the key to Grimlock. From his new seat in the afterlife, Grimlock joined the Primes in haunting Megatron, taking control of his remains to mock the Decepticon leader. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12
When Optimus Prime returned to the land of the living and reclaimed the Matrix of Leadership, he tried to use it to deter Primus from consuming Earth's sun. As he channeled its power, the spirits of the Primes appeared alongside him, Swoop eagerly pointing out that Grimlock was among them. The War Never Ends
Angry Birds Transformers comic
Grimlock and Drift attempted to stop Starscream from catching Bumblebee, who was carrying the AllSpark, but the Decepticon evaded them and closed a blast door on them. Angry Birds Transformers #1 The AllSpark was lost in space in the scuffle, and Grimlock was present when it came crashing back through a window alongside a Minion Pig. Hard Boiled
Beast Wars: Uprising
At some point in his life, Grimlock was a member of the Wreckers. Derailment
Unwilling to share the sedentary lifestyles of his fellow "Builders", Grimlock illegally transferred his spark into a Maximal protoform. Disgusted by what his former comrades-in-arms had become, Grimlock attempted to bomb the Builder Assembly, believing any society created by the act would inherently be better. He was taken prisoner and kept within Fortress Maximus until he was freed by Lio Convoy's forces during the Grand Uprising. Head Games Micro-Aggressions
Grimlock quickly adapted to being part of the Resistance, and led several successful assaults on the Builders and MCSF. His Resistance cell was a mixed team of Maximals and Predacons including Snapper, Mach Kick, Barbearian, and the Man Terror. Grimlock put out a bounty on the G-Virus, and a group of... Predacons successfully retrieved it from the Forever Vaults in exchange for resistance data on the Human Confederacy.
Grimlock intended to release the G-Virus at Tesarus Arena when the Builders reopened the Games for the first time since the Grand Uprising began. His cell was intercepted in the service tunnels by Hot Rod and a team of fully-fueled Micromasters. During the struggle, Grimlock and Hot Rod beat each other senseless, and were on their last ergs when Snapper emerged from his battle in the tunnels to knock down Hot Rod. Grimlock was in no condition to release the virus, so he turned it over to Snapper. The sputtering Hot Rod called out for him to stop, though, telling Snapper for the first time what the G-Virus was: Galvatron, in viral form. A Dark Energon-fueled concoction that transformed its victims into new versions of the mad tyrant, the breaker of oaths.
Grimlock shot back that it was a necessary evil, reducing 20,000 Builders in the audience to jabbering and insane, but immobile, Galvatrons. Even when Hot Rod pointed out the hundreds of mobile Micromasters who would become Galvatron as well, Grimlock would not be deterred. Snapper was horrified at the implications, however, and destroyed the virus before Grimlock could stop him. They were arrested by Hot Rod's back-up as they arrived. Micro-Aggressions
Eventually, Grimlock would become another victim of Tarantulas' Robo-Smasher, and would be unleashed on the Ex-Bots (minus Rampage) by the Predacon. He proceeded to fight the Ex-Bots, until the Builder got too close to Stiletto and the signal jammed. Freed of the Robo-Smasher's influence, Grimlock would proceed to beat Tarantulas into submission before agreeing to be arrested.
Latter, Snapper would try to talk to the Builder, but things went poorly, only justifying the G-Virus plan further in Grimlock's eyes. As Snapper walked away, however, Grimlock said he wanted to help. Later, in the heat of the Vehicon Apocalypse, Cheetor, Snapper and Grimlock formulated a plan to bomb a tower, causing it to fall on top of the horde of Vehicons pressing in on them. When they arrived, it became clear that one of the three had to stay in the tower and would not be able to escape once it blew. Grimlock pulled rank and headed off to do it, saying that perhaps Snapper had a point about the G-Virus. He detonated the bombs, causing the tower to fall and allowing the Maximals to charge and pour fire onto the Grand Mal. Snapper attempted to recover Grimlock's body afterwards, but found nothing there; later, he began to wonder if Grimlock had managed to survive the blast after all. Derailment
In the millennia that passed, Grimlock's name and reputation lived on, though his status as an Autobot became a matter of contention, at least among dubious historians. Lio Convoy: Unity Through Tyranny
Ask Vector Prime
In Primax 092.0 Beta, Grimlock was a student of Hyperdrive at the Elite Guard academy prior to the outbreak of the Great War. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/16
In Primax 096.0 Beta, Grimlock, Swoop, and Sludge showed up at the last minute to save the day at the Battle for Sherman Dam. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/06
Of Masters and Mayhem
In one universe, Grimlock fought alongside his fellow Autobots against Megatron's Decepticons until the Cybertronian civil war led to the creation of the monstrous combiner, Thunder Mayhem. Thunder Mayhem turned on his masters, ultimately leading to him rampaging across Cybertron. Grimlock presumably perished during the reckoning of his homeworld. History
Prime Wars Trilogy continuity
Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material
Clobber accompanied Alpha Trion to the planet Eukaris, where they discovered an ancient artifact linked to the Titans and Titan Masters. They were attacked by a contingent of Decepticons intent on ambushing the two Autobots and stealing the artifact for themselves, but Apeface managed to blow their cover and give the Autobots time to fight back. Titans Return: The Power of the Titan Masters
The Dinobot leader Grimlock could wield powers of the Primes by linking with Prime Masters. Power of the Primes Dinobot Grimlock packaging bio
Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons
- Voice actor: Gregg Berger (English)
Having fought alongside the likes of Perceptor and the other Autobots in the Great War, Grimlock enjoyed the relative peacetime that followed its conclusion, but was disturbed by the amount of fearful infighting triggered across Cybertron by rumors of the impending apocalypse. Believing Megatron to be responsible, he and the other Dinobots cornered the former Decepticon and his traveling companions in Primal Swamp. Though Megatron claimed innocence, Grimlock refused to believe him and swatted him away with his tail before turning on the others, refusing to trust anyone who would work with Megatron. He and Swoop attempted to drown Perceptor in the swamp, but Victorion managed to shake the ground and knock them off balance. This only made Grimlock angrier, and he ordered the other Dinobots to merge with him and form Volcanicus. The Swamp Eventually, after a battle with new arrival Predaking, Volcanicus was trapped in an Energon pool and forced to separate to escape. Intrigued by a set of coordinates being projected from the Requiem Blaster's vault, Grimlock offered his aid to Megatron's group on their journey. Primal
Grimlock followed them to Cataclysm Tundra, still doubtful of Megatron, only for them to discover the hidden Athenaeum Sanctorum entrance. Before they could find information on Megatronus's plans, they were interrupted by an assault from Overlord and Rodimus Cron. Athenaeum Sanctorum Grimlock attempted to take both of them on individually, but wasn't strong enough to beat either one, and was nearly killed by Overlord if not for Windblade's intervention. Countdown After Megatron destroyed Overlord with the Requiem Blaster, Grimlock pulled him into a hug, (mostly) convinced that he truly was fighting on the side of good. However, he was unable to prevent Megatronus from escaping with the Blaster. After suggesting allowing Megatronus and Rodimus Cron to eliminate one another, he placed his faith in Megatron and agreed to follow him to the Well of Sparks to finish things, though he repeatedly complained about the journey's length. Consequences Though his spark was nearly drained, Grimlock followed the others to the Well and helped Optimus Primal restrain Megatronus. Despite his best efforts, Megatronus broke free and immolated Grimlock, leaving him helpless on the ground. Collision Course As Megatronus turned his attention to new arrival Rodimus, the flames eventaully died down and Grimlock collapsed. After a brief moment of rest, he was back on his feet and resumed attacking Megatronus's device, despite repeated attacks from his foe's flame blasters. When Primal transformed into Optimal Optimus, Grimlock backed him up by keeping Megatronus away from the newly freed Enigma of Combination and Requiem Blaster. Megatronus Unleashed He helped hold down Rodimus long enough for Optimal to remove the Matrix of Chaos, and was initially worried by the sudden burst of energy from the Well until reassured by Perceptor. He was visibly shaken after seeing Megatron have to sacrifice his life so soon after his heroic turn, but was glad to see Optimus Prime revived in the aftermath. Afterwards, he returned to the Primal Swamp and joined the other Dinobots in mourning the fallen Sludge. Saga's End
Island Revolution!
As part of her experiments, Sidney Biggles-Jones repaired Grimlock's transformation cog and forced him to serve Cobra. When the evil scientist sicced Grimlock on Air Raid and Rip Cord, the heroes convinced the Dinobot to turn on his benefactor. After the destruction of the Cobra outpost on Dinobot Island, Grimlock wandered off into the sea. Island Revolution!
When Worlds Collide
When trying to retrieve the stolen Matrix of Leadership, Grimlock and the Autobots joined forces with a variety of humans and other beings in their fight against Megatron and Cobra Commander's forces. When Worlds Collide
Bumblebee graphic novels
Grimlock participated a battle over a fallen Cybertonium meteorite. The heavy-hitting Autobot warrior battled the Constructicons singlehandedly until they combined into Devastator; when the overenergized meteor went critical, Grimlock and the other Autobots retreated before it exploded. Go for the Gold
Mazinger Z versus Transformers
While battling the Decepticons for control of a space bridge on Earth, Grimlock's armor reflected one of Starscream's shots, which triggered a malfunction that sent all of the Autobots and Decepticons to the Japan of an alternate universe. Separated from the other Autobots after arriving, Grimlock arrived before Optimus and the others, and encountered Boss, Mucha, and Nuke; after a brief misunderstanding and a subsequent scuffle between the Dinobot leader and Boss's Boss Borot mecha, Grimlock befriended the humans, who invited him back to their base to recharge on Photon Power.
When Doctor Hell's army of Mechanical Beasts attacked, Grimlock and his new allies joined the fight and torched the opposition with his flame-breath, giving Optimus and his team time to realize that they'd been misled by the villain and launch a counterattack. During a second battle against a combination Mechanical Beast-Decepticon alliance, Grimlock charged into battle alongside Boss Borot and Sayaka Yumi's Aphrodi A robot. Not long afterwards, the destruction of a Photon Power-charged Starscream opened a dimensional rift that sent all of the remaining Autobots and Decepticons back home. Mazinger Z versus Transformers
One of the Autobots aboard the Ark, Grimlock intercepted a transmission from Ectronymous Diamatron while the ship was parked over Earth's Moon. Ignoring the scientist's report that he had allied with the local Ghostbusters, Grimlock boasted that he wasn't afraid of no ghost. Ghosts of Cybertron Part 3
Precursor World
A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling a blue Grimlock was a member of the Blue Order of the Primus Vanguard. When the traitorous Straxus twins unleashed a rage virus to destroy the corps from within, he was slain in the ensuing brawl. Vanguard supreme leader Primus later loaded the Warrior's lingering spark into his Golden Noah in an attempt to ferry his soul to the next world. God Neptune comic 1 Unfortunately, this did not work. Finale
My Little Pony/Transformers
Trailing behind his fellow Autobots, Grimlock burst through the wall of a spacebridge complex, only to find the area abandoned, wondering if his friends had abandoned him. Transformation Is Magic
Grimlock ended up on Earth, left as the only Autobot to guard the Ark alongside the tiny dragon Spike. Grimlock soon discovered that Spike clearly idolized him, considering him all sorts of cool and awesome due to his size, power, and rugged self-confidence. That was when the Constructicons decided to attack the Ark, believing it to be empty. Grimlock transformed into his dinosaur mode and singlehandedly beat up the Constructicons, boasting that he could take on all of them at once... and promptly regretted it, as his opponents decided to combine into Devastator and beat him up in return.
Despite his strength, he fared very poorly against the combiner, even getting stomped into the ground by the gestalt Decepticon. It was only Spike's quick thinking of using the Ark's external engines as ginormous plasma cannons to knock Devastator back apart that saved Grimlock's bacon. After the Constructicons had retreated, Grimlock commended Spike as a 'mighty warrior' for his quick thinking and his ability to learn new skills in the heat of the moment. Then he admitted he looked up to Spike for his potential to grow and improve... inadvertently causing the star-struck dragon to collapse by overloading him with hero-worship. Inspiring
Working together, Spike and Grimlock managed to reopen the spacebridge to Equestria, arriving in time to join in the defense of the Crystal Empire. Their breakthrough allowed Optimus Prime and Twilight Sparkle to realize that changeling magic was not needed to return to Cybertron, allowing the two to combine their own power to end the invasion. Finale
When the Decepticons' pilfering of magical artifacts brought Cybertron in contact with Equestria again, Grimlock eagerly showed off Spike to his fellow Dinobots, even though they were much more interested in Spike's friend Smolder. Before the discussion could continue, a mind-controlled Superion arrived and began throwing the Dinobots around with Spike felling the combiner by appealing to the individuality of each Aerialbot, breaking King Sombra's spell. The day won, Grimlock resumed his praising of Spike, declaring him an honorary Dinobot. The Mightiest Dinobot
Transformers vs. The Terminator
One of the Autobots aboard the Ark, the ship's crash and the Decepticons' ransacking of the ship upon reactivation had left Grimlock in deep stasis. Though Arcee and Bumblebee carried Grimlock to the medical bay for repairs, this only wound up placing him at ground zero of one of the duplicitous T-800's pilfered bombs. Enemy of My Enemy Part Three
Transformers Go! Go!
Grimlock got hungry after so much fighting, and gladly ate some energon cubes offered to him by Wheeljack. He was unsatisfied however, so he snuck into the team's energon stash to chow down on some more, ending up with a bad case of indigestion. Optimus Prime went to check on him, only to be blasted by Grimlock's fiery belch. Optimus punished Grimlock by having him clean up after his mess while Bumblebee watched over him. Mission: Snacks, All to Myself!
Grimlock got hungry and tried to eat Optimus Prime, causing the Autobot leader to scold him. Great Adventure on the Planet of Games!
The Autobot medic Ratchet fixed Grimlock's broken tooth. The Iron Man of Repair
Grimlock and Bumblebee were planning to gift Optimus Prime an Energon cube for his birthday, but Grimlock ate it when his gluttony got the better of him. Bumblebee made an Energon cake instead, which caused Grimlock's mouth to start watering. The Commander's Birthday
Grimlock intensly stated along with the other Autobots that he would "protect this place that is so meaningful to them," as he crushed a log of wood with his hands. He battled the Decepticons with his team, telling Laserbeak that he would turn him into a skewered bird. When the dust settled, the Autobots began to prepare their barbecue spot, but Grimlock accidentally ate the log of wood he was going to make fire with. I Want to Protect This Place
Grimlock rolled Jazz into a snowball, and was then attacked by Wheeljack's snowball machine. He grabbed a big snowball created by the machine and put strawberry syrup on top of it, stating he would eat it like shaved ice. The Autobots built an igloo from the machine's remaining snow, but it was too small for Grimlock. Go! Go! issue 18
Grimlock used his flame breath to propel him through the sky, allowing him to deliver Christmas gifts to all the good boys and girls. Later, he assisted the Autobots in building a bridge to deliver a present to the last house. He later received a gift from Santa Claus as thanks for his help in saving Christmas. The Big Operation to Help Santa!
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
The Maximals traveled across time to find the AllSpark and change the fate of Cybertron. While battling the Predacons on pre-Ice Age Earth, both sides were joined by the Autobots and Decepticons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies forever.
During the collective battle, Grimlock and Mirage attempted to keep the Decepticon/Predacon threat at bay while being pursued by Dinobot, Waspinator, and Starscream. Battle Across Time Collection marketing material[1]
2021 Beast Wars comic
Grimlock and the Dinobots were courageous warriors who disappeared at some point before the end of the Great War. The Predacon Dinobot was named for their tenacity and heroism, although he himself seemed to be unaware of his name's historical significance. Savage Landing Part 6
King Grimlock
While battling a horde of Mecannibals in Harmonex, Grimlock was unintentionally caught in the path of a teleportation spell intended for Optimus Prime and spirited away to the magical land of Menonia, part of a desperate gamble by the people of Valerift to free their land from the villainous sorcerer known as the Golden One. Despite their leader Arnak's pleas, Grimlock refused to solve their problems for them and stalked off into the wilderness. Grimlock the Rebel While fighting his way through the Golden One's cycloptic minions, the Dinobot leader was swallowed up by an enormous ridge worm and had to be rescued by Arnak's daughter Arko. After grudgingly agreeing to teach Arko true strength so that she could depose the Golden One herself, the pair came across the village of Angloria and found it under siege from the Red Wizard's horde of wood-bots. Using his dinosaur form, Grimlock easily trounced the wooden golems, but was so incensed by the Red Wizard's necromantic magic that he made it his mission to depose the lich and his followers, rather than the Golden One—a betrayal that caused Arko to leave him and strike out on her own. Grimlock the Defender
Weeks later, Grimlock successfully raised an army of Anglorians and marched to the Rotlands to attack the Red Wizard's castle. While his army busied themselves with battling a mob of wood-bots, Grimlock trampled his way through an army of undead warriors and confronted the Red Wizard in his own castle—only to discover that the Red Wizard was really a Quintesson in disguise. After learning that energon was the source of all life in this magical realm, Grimlock swiftly killed the alien and hoisted his corpse aloft as a trophy—when Arnak again came to bargain with the Cybertronian, Grimlock admitted that the presence of energon in Menonia made it a Cybertronian problem that required Cybertronian intervention. Grimlock the Avenger
Examining the Quintesson's corpse, the tainted energon came to life and tried to corrupt Grimlock only for him to incinerate it. Theorizing that the Golden One was dependent on the tainted energon, Grimlock drew up battle plans, he would act as distraction while the people of Angloria using their sorcerous fuel to create a solar eclipse. Arriving at the Golden One's palace, Grimlock faced off against the tyrant's servant Clatta and army of monsters, making short of them, allowing time for Arnak and Nerea to cast their spell. Though weakened, the Golden One had power enough to shape-shift into a dragon, only to be quickly downed by a bite from Grimlock's beast mode. Deducing how the Golden One had been enthralled, Grimlock's words eventually had Soltron speak directly to the Dinobot through the Golden One who, disgusted by what he'd become, expelled the malevolent entity from his body at the cost of his life. While Grimlock reflected on what had just happened, Soltron took on Arko as a new host. Grimlock and the Sorcerer
As Grimlock battled Soltron, though unwilling to destroying Arko, the Dinobot offered himself as a new host, promising the deity the universe on the condition that he never returned to Menonia. Soltron agreed only to wind up in Grimlock's spark, the Dinobot's personal universe. Having tricked the deity into a realm without his power, Grimlock swiftly destroyed Soltron. Rebooting, Grimlock awoke to find that the Menonians had used up the last of their energon and were unable to open a portal back to Cybertron. Though the Menonians suggested that Grimlock become their new ruler, Grimlock proposed that Arko take up the crown instead. Some time later, using a sample of Grimlock's own energon, the Menonians managed to open a portal back to Cybertron. Returning only nanocycles after he'd left, Grimlock briefly recounted his adventure to Optimus Prime, noting that he'd learned something about compassion for weaker beings. Grimlock the Triumphant
Last Bot Standing
When Rodimus explained the Cybertronian race to Shib Wallkis, he remembered Grimlock as one of the key Autobots in the Great War before the conflict finally drained the universe of its resources. By contrast Steeljaw's pack had lost their memories of Grimlock. Last Bot Standing #2
Legacy marketing material
Toxitron and his radioactive warriors Jazz, Grimlock and Cloudcover rose from the Toxic Sludge Swamps to unleash mayhem on Cybertron. Toxitron marketing material[2]
Commercial appearances
Commercials that featured original footage of Grimlock include the following:
- Grimlock, Slag, and Sludge battled against Soundwave, Ravage, and Laserbeak in the middle of a thunderstorm. Dinobots commercial
- Grimlock and the Dinobots were beating up Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp when the Predacons intervened. The new arrivals then combined into Predaking and attacked the Dinobots from the skies. Predacons commercial
- Grimlock and Slag were trotting along through a field when they came under attack by Predaking. Though Grimlock was worried that they were in big trouble, they were saved by Sky Lynx swooping in and blasting away the giant Decepticon. Sky Lynx commercial
- Grimlock, along with Bumblebee and Jazz, became a Pretender and aided Optimus Prime take on Starscream in the streets of a darkened city. Classic Pretenders commercial
- When Devastator was causing "really big destruction" at a construction site, he accidently unearthed Grimlock, who toppled the Combiner by biting at his leg. Generation Constructicons and Dinobots commercial
- "Hero Mashers" Grimlock, Optimus, and Bumblebee took on Megatron in the middle of a busy city. Grimlock let Optimus ride him into battle, and the Autobot leader swapped heads with his mount in order to bite off one of Megatron's arms. Grimlock and Bumblebee then took a break from fighting to arm wrestle, though their match was interrupted when Optimus crashed down between them. The Autobots then thoroughly scrambled their pieces together and took down Megatron with Grimlock's "dino-fist." Afterwards, the Autobots returned to their normal configurations (though it took them more than one try to do so!) Hero Mashers commercial
- Grimlock came upon Starscream filming a toy review for the first-to-be-revealed BotCon 2012 toy. When Starscream stepped away from the camera, Grimlock went ahead and revealed the toy himself, spoiling Starscream's video. BotCon 2012: Figure Reveal!
The Transformers (PS2)
Transformers Battle Circuit
Grimlock, one of the "greatest Transformers of all time," was part of an Autobot team that participated in a tournament on Cybertron. He faced off against a team of Decepticons in a series of one-on-one matches. If he managed to defeat Menasor, Trypticon, Astrotrain, Starscream and Megatron, Grimlock was declared to be the tournament's champion! Transformers Battle Circuit
3D Battle-Card Game
Grimlock battled Megatron's Decepticon forces under Optimus Primal's leadership, alongside several Autobot allies. Energon Wars Expansion Set
Sector Seven game
Dubbed "Non-Biological Entity - 08", a video of Grimlock stomping through a construction site in dino mode reached the public through "hacked evidence" files. Sector Seven (game)
Transformers G1: Awakening
Grimlock was hanging out on Earth when he was set upon by the Seekers, Rumble and Frenzy. Though he was easily holding his own, Optimus Prime and a group of Autobots newly returned from Cybertron lent a hand. Afterwards, Optimus managed to talk Grimlock out of attacking his saviors, and Grimlock stomped off to beat up some more Decepticons. They were disappointingly easy for him to stomp.
After helping Optimus and Bumblebee defeat Shockwave on Cybertron, Grimlock complained about the lack of Decepticons for him to crush. Transformers G1: Awakening
Transformers Legends
At a time when their group was the Lightning Strike Coalition, Grimlock went missing, and Swoop and Sludge searched fruitlessly for him on the planet Junk. Wreckage Slug and Snarl tracked Grimlock to the Sea of Rust. The squad were reunited as prisoners in Shockwave's laboratory, where the Decepticon scientist performed experiments on the Lightning Strike Coalition, transforming them into the monstrous Dinobots. This backfired on the Decepticon scientist, however, when the Dinobots used their newfound power to rise up against Shockwave and trash his lab. Rescue the King
Grimlock and the other Dinobots once proved their worth to the Autobots in battle, resulting in Optimus Prime cancelling plans to have the team shut down. S.O.S. Dinobots Grimlock and Swoop went missing, causing the other three Dinobots to act erratically, until the Autobots got the trio under control and locked them up. Day of the Dinobots - Part 1 The missing pair resurfaced, staging a raid and freeing their fellow Dinobots in the middle of the night. The five Dinobots marched on the Decepticon base, but were defeated by Shockwave, Ramjet and Ratbat. Day of the Dinobots - Part 2
At the sly suggestion of the Decepticons, Grimlock took control of the Autobot army and declared himself king. Though his reign saw the successful capture of Megatron and Shockwave, Grimlock decided leading wasn't for him and handed the reins back to Optimus. Me, Grimlock, King
When Optimus fell in battle during a massive Decepticon attack on Autobot City, Grimlock took command of the Autobot forces and led them to victory over the enemy forces. S.O.S. Dinobots Grimlock also came to the aid of Rodimus and Sergeant Kup when the pair were put on trial by the Quintessons. He persuaded the Sharkticons to turn on their masters, saving the day. Mockery of Justice
When Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike were abducted by Skuxxoids during the Galactic Games, Grimlock and Rodimus Prime traveled to Chaar to see if the Decepticons were responsible. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 1 Grimlock fought against the combined Decepticon and Quintesson forces when they attacked Cybertron. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3
Angry Birds Transformers
Grimlock appears as one of the first unlockable characters, though they added “Grey Slam” to his name. He is always a dinosaur, and is given some wheels to use when in vehicle mode. He is portrayed by Hal. He also appears as Energon and Goldbite versions. Angry Birds Transformers
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Grimlock participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in two different bodies:
- Grimlock — This Epic character was available as a reward in the "Dinobots Destruction" stronghold event.
- Grimlock (G2) — This Epic character was available as a reward in the "S.O.S. Dinobots!" stronghold event. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Devastation
- Voice actor: Gregg Berger
Grimlock was there to assist Optimus Prime against the Decepticons. Few could stand against his sheer physical might, even if he lacked the agility of Sideswipe or Bumblebee. In addition to using blasters and swords, Grimlock was capable of grabbing Decepticons and smashing them straight into the ground or roasting them with a blast of flame from his dinosaur mode's mouth. Transformers: Devastation
Transformers: Earth Wars
A rampaging force of nature, Grimlock is the most feared and powerful of the Dinobots, as irascible and savage as the T-Rex his beast mode is modelled on. Combat is in Grimlock's spark, and periods in between battles are simply periods of great frustration and seething resentment. Any display of weakness is worthy only of contempt in Grimlock's optics, but he's not as dumb as he likes people to think, and his courage on the battlefield is the stuff of legend. Grimlock Bio Grimlock has a tough rivalry with the Predacon leader Razorclaw.
In an unusual stroke of inspiration, Grimlock had the idea to use the Space Bridge to find new bots from the future, so the Autobots could win the war, so he prompted Perceptor to carry it out. Primal InstinctA Stitch in Time
- Class:Special
- Lowest Star Rating: 3 Star rating (2 star in Beta)
- Weapons: Grimlock prefers to stay in his beast form as it is his most powerful form. He breathes fire and smashes builidings in his beast mode.
- Ability: Sword Rush Rush into battle smashing walls along the way, dealing high damage to the final target!
- Cost: 3 ability points. +3 for reuses.
Grimlock at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Transformers Online (2017 video game)
Transformers: Forged to Fight
Grimlock was one of the Autobots pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around! As a Brawler, he's a fire-breathing health tank with no need for active buffs, but does get Melee buffs whenever attacked and when Purifying D.O.T. debuffs. Transformers: Forged to Fight
When Prowl was surveying the terrain in a Beta 4 dust storm, he spotted a Dinobot, who declared himself to be Grimlock, King Dinobot! Prowl further reported that he had a secret object to boost his strength. Soon Grimlock revealed he had a special Utility Mod that quickly charges up his Special Powers. After he was defeated, the mod was taken back to base for analysis. Me Have Mod
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Before the war, Grimlock was an environmental specialist and bodyguard for members of Cybertron's Xenorelations divison. Technorganic Secrets While highly intelligent in his robot mode, transforming into his dinosaur mode turned him into a dimwitted brute and some felt that he used his alternate mode as an excuse to run amok. Roleplaying Game Core RulebookWhen war broke out, Grimlock and his fellow Dinobots used their talents to root out Decepticon infiltrators hiding on planets with natural biospheres. Technorganic Secrets
On Earth, Grimlock's alternate mode made it difficult for him to operate undercover. However, some humans who saw him in action merely assumed that he was a runaway movie prop. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
Grimlock was transported to the Apex when the evil Lord MindWaveZ merged many realities together into one chaotic realm. Along with Zack Taylor and Stretcher, the three assisted a group of heroes as they battled Lord MindWaveZ and attempted to restore their worlds to normal. Worlds Collide: Battle for the Multiverse
In one alternate timeline, Grimlock was able to upgrade his brain module to become one of the most intelligent Cybertronians of all time. However, "Genius Grimlock" was an arrogant, aloof intellectual with little time for the antics of the other Dinobots, and delegated menial tasks to other Transformers or drones of his own design. Technorganic Secrets
- Grimlock is the only Dinobot in the original lineup whose name has two syllables, and the only Dinobot whose name doesn't start with the letter S. He's the leader for a reason, ya know.
- Presumably due to the Dinobots' high popularity among fans, Grimlock alone was established as a main character in the cartoon's third season, which also recharacterized him as friendlier and well-meaning, but also goofier and bumbling. This is a sharp contrast to his previous appearances in the show's first two seasons, which portrayed him as a slow-witted but fierce warrior.
- Grimlock has had a number of preliminary names, one being Tyrannobot. The Transformers cartoon series bible contains one description of him that was originally typed with the name "Trapjaw", then its title was crossed out by hand and rewritten "Grimlock". Another description was typed with "Jawbreaker", again crossed out and relabeled "Grimlock".[3] Another preliminary name is "Tyrex", from the Sunbow Productions cast list page for "Countdown to Extinction"; this was evidently coined by writer Donald F. Glut.[4]
- An actor in a Grimlock costume was among the "live" Transformers one could meet at the 1985 Universal Studios Tour.
- Grimlock's speech impediment is caused by varying conditions, depending on continuity. The difference between Grimlock's speech in the UK and US Marvel comics' writing styles was explained in the UK booklet "Transformers: The Facts" to be a ruse, as Grimlock didn't want to sound intelligent because he regarded intellectuals as weak. In the cartoon it was a result of primitive thought processes, something found in all Dinobots. In Dreamwave's More than Meets the Eye, it is explained as the result of a virus, while the Transformers Hall of Fame blames it on a battle with Scorponok. In Spotlight: Grimlock, there was a brief mention of a damaged vocal processor; this was not only ignored by subsequent issues, but the rest of the spotlight. IDW's later More than Meets the Eye #8 gave him the speech impediment by saying he'd been brain damaged. Devil's Due didn't bother explaining, they just got him in the "Me Grimlock's" during part three.
- Grimlock is generally regarded as Simon Furman's signature character, seeing as how most of Grimlock's greatest feats during the Marvel comic were penned by Furman.
- Grimlock has his very own fanboy, Noise, who someday wants to grow up and be just like him—a godless killing machine.
- Grimlock's beast mode in The Gathering does not actually match any dromaeosaur on record, seeming to combine elements of the dromaeosaur body type with that of a carnosaur or tyrannosaurid. The Beast Wars Sourcebook profile seems to have tried to rectify this by calling him a Megaraptor. Which is fine...except Megaraptor was later determined to be a misidentified carnosaur. And then Megaraptor was determined to be a tyrannosauroid, meaning that Grimlock's beast mode as a Maximal is ancestral to the animal his G1 alternate mode was based on. It all comes full-circle, it seems.
- In almost every instance in which Grimlock is drawn by Pat Lee, Grimlock's eyes protrude past his faceplate, rather than sitting behind it like normal. This becomes especially pronounced (and comical) towards the end of Dreamwave's first mini-series.
- Grimlock's pre-beast vehicular body in Beast Wars: Uprising is based on Thrilling 30 Voyager Class Springer, using the color scheme of his Beast Wars toy. Accordingly, Dynobot shares this body-type.
- Why Grimlock's Titan Master toy in Titans Return is named Clobber is not currently known; most likely, Hasbro wanted to avoid confusion with toys of a different "Grimlock" character from the concurrently released Robots in Disguise line. While this didn't stop other characters of the same name to have toys out at the same time, Titans Return did also feature a new toy of Generation 1 Chase that was renamed into "Roadburn" at the eleventh hour, supposedly also to avoid confusion with another character of the same name from Rescue Bots.
- Nick Roche had originally considered casting Grimlock in the role of the Veteran in 2022’s Last Bot Standing, but eventually decided that his force of personality would overwhelm the comic and instead gave the role to Wheelie.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Grimlock (グリムロック Gurimurokku)
- Czech: Řimbaba, Uhlí
- French: La Menace (Canada, "The Threat"), Menace (Canada Beast Wars, "Threat")
- Hungarian: Mogorva ("Grim", Marvel comics), Grimlock (both The Movie dubs)
- Italian: Tiran, Drago ("Set Commandos" four-pack)
- Korean: Grimlock (그림록 Geurimnok)
- Mandarin: Gāngsuǒ (China, 钢锁, "Steel Lock"), Sǐsuǒ (Taiwan Generation 2 cartoon, 死鎖, "Dead Lock")
- Portuguese: Trancoso, Grunhido (Brazil comics, "Grunt"), Implacável (Portugal, "Cutthroat")
- Russian: Smel'chak (Смельчак, "Daredevil")
- Spanish: Ferozaurio (Beast Wars)
- Ukrainian: Tverdokhvat (ICTV, Твердохват, "Tightgripper")
- ↑ Battle Across Time Collection on Amazon
- ↑ "A collection of Transformers robots has risen out of the Toxic Sludge Swamps of Cybertron! Toxitron is unleashing radioactive mayhem with a team of toxic warriors"—Toxitron's product description, Hasbro Pulse, 2023/03/16
- ↑ The Transformers cartoon bible at the Sunbow Marvbel Archive.
- ↑ ZMFTS interview with Donald F. Glut (archive copy)
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Character stubs missing video games
- Action Masters
- Alternators Autobots
- Autobot leaders
- Beast Wars Maximals
- Beast Wars: Uprising Autobots
- Beast Wars: Uprising Maximals
- Blue Order
- Children of Primus
- Classics Autobots
- Decoys
- Dreamwave Generation 1 Autobots
- Generation 1 Autobots
- Generation 1 combiners
- Generation 1 Decepticons
- Generation 1 Dinobots
- Generation 2 Autobots
- Gladiators
- Go! Go! Autobots
- Hall of Fame characters
- Henkei! Henkei! Autobots
- Pretenders
- Primal Vanguard
- Resistance
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Autobots
- Turncoats
- Universe Autobots
- War for Cybertron: Kingdom Maximals