If you ask me a question that’s already on here it will be ignored and deleted!
Follow back?
I can’t since this is a secondary blog.
What font do you use?
Use Google to to find Better Font xD.
What do you use to edit your photos?
Photoshop CS4/CS5 and GooGle :p
Can you promote me/p4p/give me a shout out?
No, sorry.
Can i help u to run this Blog ?
No Sorry , but i appriciate the offer.
You take my my picture to put your post. take it down or give me credits !
why not ? tell me in ask box . i will do it :) no prob..
Who runs your blog? Are you a guy or a girl?
This blog is run by only one guy. :(
Where can I repost/use your images?
Feel free to repost them and submit them to any other site, save them, etc. as long as you keep the watermark intact! Post them on Facebook, Add them to another site, I don’t care as long as you properly credit us and keep the watermark intact!