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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I wrote Magic Man in 2012, inspired by the Heart song of the same name: You’ve probably read the poem before, since I re-published it last November, but I’d be honoured if […]

dogladysden poetry writingcommunity bloggingcommunity SpillwordsPress spillwords


Maybe it’s the time change (switching to DST always throws me for a loop), general doldrums, or a combination of things, but my ass is dragging and I need to regroup.

Time to step away from online activities for a while, including the Blogosphere and social media. I will miss you all, but hope to return soon, brimming with enthusiasm. 😀

In the meantime, enjoy this year’s offerings to date:


dogladysden bloggingcommunity blogbreak

ANTIDOTE TO WINTER - PART II 🚫🥶☀️🌳#Photography #WW #WordlessWednesday 📷📱

Wordless Wednesday is a weekly blogging initiative where you share one or more photos, theoretically without words, but hey, how many writers do you know who can remain silent?  😀

ANTIDOTE TO WINTER – PART II 🚫🥶🌳️☀️ #Photography #WW #WordlessWednesday 📷📱 #dogladysden #IHateWinter

Tired of bleak winter landscapes?🥶

Me too!Let’s see some sunny summer views from years past:☀️

[Click on images to…

antidote for winter gazebo green grass green trees Lake Huron Photography Seaport Village summer landscapes summerphotos dogladysden SundayStills photography

Between the constant barrage of bad news from south of the border, and the worst winter we’ve had in years, it’s time to rest and regroup! Put on those rose-coloured glasses and view the world in a better light.🌞 Photo essay on the blog, ROSY RED & PINK:

dogladysden worldweary ontheblog readmyblog SundayStills photoessay rosyred pink rosecolouredglasses rosecoloredglasses flowers springblossoms pinkskies Instagram