The Link
Coordinating editor by-election Aug. 9: Who’s running and how to vote
The Graphics Editor By-Election is happening on Aug. 9 at 6 p.m. The candidates running for the position are Anthony Issa and Ivan de Jacquelin.
Coordinating Editor By-Election to be held Aug. 9
A by-election for the Coordinating Editor position will take place on Aug. 9.
Summer 2023 By-Election: Who’s running and how to vote on July 18
A by-election for all editorial positions will be held on July 18 at 6 p.m.
By-Election to be held July 18
A by-election for all editorial positions will be held on July 18 at 6 p.m.
Editorial: Stand for peace and justice, condemn Turkish and Azeri dictatorships
It’s time for Canada and international leaders to place themselves on the right side of history.
Application and eligibility for The Link’s by-election (Vol. 41)
The Link is looking for passionate journalists to fill the positions of Copy Editor and Fringe Editor for Volume 41.
Editorial: Institutionalized racism persists against Indigenous communities
The trauma and injustice toward Indigenous Peoples hasn’t stopped, it has simply changed its shape and taken on a different name.
Editorial: CSU council must promote inclusion
Student council is there to represent all students, but it can only do so effectively when it is a safe environment.
Editorial: ‘We Got You’ serves students by standing up for inclusion
The Concordia Student Union was not impressed when Concordia University recently unveiled its Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion recommendations.
Editorial: Genderqueer people deserve more than the minimum
Using someone’s pronouns isn’t a complex idea. It’s as simple as calling someone by the name with which they introduce themselves. If someone told you their name, you would listen.
Special Issue
Your horoscope
If you thought it was bad, it’s still going to get worse. Hang on tight!
Editorial: A disorienting orientation
What is a useful map of Concordia when students are scattered in isolation?
Annual General Meeting & Notice of Elections
The Link’s Annual General Meeting will take place online via Zoom on June 11, 2020, at 4 p.m.
Editorial: Mental Health, Inside and Out of Quarantine
Today was supposed to mark the release of our 40th volume’s final print edition—the Mental Health issue.
Editorial: In Support of a Rent Strike
At a time when many are thrust into joblessness and financial precarity, renters are still expected to pay up like there isn’t a century-defining pandemic going on right now.
Editorial: Staying Ahead of the Disinformation Tidal Wave
It’s very easy to get lost in the deluge of information about anything even remotely related to the global pandemic.
An Update From The Link Regarding Our Final Print Issue
The Link will be cancelling the printing of its final magazine of Volume 40, the Mental Health issue
By-Election for Volume 41 Postponed Indefinetly
Due to the circumstances regarding COVID-19, the March 31 by-election will be postponed indefinetly. We will provide an updated date when we can.
PBHT 167: The “Rona Season” Edition
On this episode of the podcast, as the Covid-19 sweeps through the globe, we talk about its impact on the NBA, NHL, MLS and the NCAA.We take a look at its effect on our generation and why it’s important to stay informed. Have a listen!!