Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Dylan Thomas
Friday, March 14, 2025
Thursday, March 13, 2025
11th Hour
My plan really was to pack up Ken's room while he was at work. But he didn't go to work today. There was no explanation why. He also didn't pack anything in his room. He isn't feeling well, I know this. He is still recovering from the flu. It took me more than a month to get back to normal from it. But he wouldn't let me pack his things either. He was even more a bit short tempered about it when he told me he'd pack everything this coming weekend, and I replied that they will be here tomorrow morning to pick up the pod.
Karen slept in really late. After she got up, we both worked very hard to get what we could in the pod. We have the things we want from both sheds. All that I'm leaving behind in them for the junkers are two cheap suitcases that I hate. I'm not even going to glance at what Karen and Ken are leaving. I was totally appalled to find out that Karen was keeping an picture of our grandmother out in the shed. The picture was taken about 1911 or 12. My grandmother who was around 2 at the time was stylishly dressed, standing in front of a period toy and wearing pearls and a gold locket. It is in a very ornate, gold leaf frame that was damaged by the neglect of being left in the shed. Besides being an amazing family heirloom, it is probably worth a fortune. And she put it in the shed to keep the bats company...
Then tonight...As we were just heading out to buy more tape and boxes, Karen's daughter showed up. I love Nora, and it is great to see her home from Hawaii. But she is a major distraction. Every item to be packed is passed back and forth. The memories of it are discussed and the gossip about anyone else who is associated with the item is shared. This would have been fabulous a few weeks ago, but c'mon! We are at the "Throw it in a box and get it out the door" stage of this move.Sunday, March 9, 2025
Count Down
The pod arrived on Friday, but not until after 4:30 pm. By then Ken was home and as I suspected he rushed out and was doing his "man of the house" routine. The woman who delivered the pod told me that the door to the pod could be placed to face either direction. But Ken jumped in with "put it here", mainly because he didn't want to have to move his van. As a result, the door to the pod is facing away from the gate and we have to walk up a small incline. Even though I spoke up and requested the door face the gate, no, she listened to Mr. Bossman. I have to work harder to keep from emasculating a guy. I remember it with every heavy box I have been carrying up that incline. I was so furious with my brother, and I let him know it. Then I went to my room, smoked almost a whole joint by myself and went to sleep without making him dinner. Having gone to bed at 5:30 pm, I woke up at 2:00 am. The headache that I had brewed the day before was still with me and I was grumpy with the frustration that I have been feeling.Karen is the only one of us who has actually been inside the house. Her description of the floorplan is that you walk into the house and into the main hall. on either side of the hall are two of the bedrooms, the kitchen and the living room. In the middle of the hall is a small staircase that goes up to a landing where the bathroom is, then goes to the back of the house and staircase that leads to my area upstairs. The only problem is that looking at the pictures I have, there is just no way that is a three-story house. And it isn't the style that lends itself to being a split level. Anytime I show her the pictures and ask for an explanation of what I'm seeing, she says she can't explain it, and I will just have to wait and see. That too has been a source of irritation to me. It's not just that she can't tell me anything about the floor plan, but she says she didn't pay attention to things like closets and pantries. What she saw as the porch, and that is all she apparently needed to know.I used my early morning hours looking at the few pictures I have trying to figure out what exactly I can expect. And to my amazement I did actually come up with a reasonable deduction of what is there. The revelation started with a picture of the back of the house. I noticed that the shades are up in the upper left window. And in that window is a can of some sort. I was able to locate that window from the pictures I have of my area inside. It is the window that you face as you come up the stairs to my landing. It accounts for one the dormer windows. There is a picture of the bathroom where that window is showing in the mirror above the vanity and sinks. The other two dormer windows are in my bedroom and bonus room.Coming up the stairs to my area, there is a rather large landing. Karen says that it is large enough for a small seating area. The window that you see is the one that I noticed the can sitting in. For the window to be in the mirror in the bathroom it has to be the door opposite it, it's kind of hard to see. The door on the left with a window showing is the larger of my two rooms. Karen can't really give me an idea of how large it is. But it has it's own mini split. There is a second one in the landing. and all of the rooms have ceiling fans. There are also closets in both of my rooms and a large linen closet in the bathroom. But the bedroom closets seem like they may be on the small side. From what I can tell from the pictures I have; the smaller closet may be close to the size of the closet that I currently use. The other room, the closet may be the size that you see in a child's bedroom. It will be more storage space than I have had for a while. I'm really kind of excited about this now.
After being up several hours figuring all this out I decided to take a nap and get up Saturday morning ready to go fresh. I woke up around 9:30 am. Karen was sitting in the living room playing games on her cell phone. Ken was in his room watching YouTube. I went out to the pod to see what we had to work with. It is 16 feet long, which is way more than I can imagine that we will use as we do not plan to take a majority of our furniture. Inside the pod are handles that can be used to tie the boxes in place so they don't slip around the unit during transit. I hadn't thought about that, so as much as I didn't want to spend money and especially at the big box store that I went too. But I needed to get things so we can get this show on the road...literally. When I got home, Karen and Ken had not moved from the locations they were in when I left. My frustrations began to flourish again.
They are coming on Friday to pick the pod up and ship it. I am more than willing to bet that it won't be 4:30 in the afternoon. Probably more like 8:00 am. So, we need to have it packed and ready to go by Thursday night. There is nothing that I can do to motivate Karen and Ken. They are making their own decisions here. I have decided that all I can do is make sure that my things are in the pod. Karen and I already had around 30 boxes packed and stacked up in the living room. I grabbed a travel dolly that I had taking up space in my bedroom and started hauling boxes out to the pod. My plan was to take the larger and heavier boxes first. Then add a layer of larger lightweight boxes and then stacking the smaller boxes on top of them, doing one row at a time so we don't have to reach over a row of boxes to stack the pod to the ceiling. We have space, but we won't if we waste it. Karen wouldn't even stop to listen to my plan. She had three rows deep before we were even stacked halfway up. I kept having to rearrange it. I was exhausted to the point of physically shaking by the time we got all the boxes in the pod. When we came back into the house, Ken was pulling on his shoes and asked if he could help us load. For the three and a half hours that we were loading and arranging the pod, he sat in his bedroom watching YouTube, and as soon as we were done, he decided he should be helping.When I got up this morning, it was Ground Hog's Day all over again. Karen was sitting on the couch playing games on her cell phone and Ken was in his bedroom watching YouTube. The only difference was that Ken had gone out and brought me home two egg McMuffins. I looked around and decided that it's time to get down to the suitcase that I will be taking with me on the trip across the country. I had told myself that it would be fine to leave my bookcases intact. At first, I wasn't going to take them. They are cheap Ikea knockoffs. But when I was in the big box store, I noticed that they are more than what I paid for them three years ago when I bought them. And with the clown we have running the country, who knows how much more they will cost next week.
Last night I thought leaving the shelves constructed would be fine. But why? Even with plenty of space, it will fill up fast if we all do things like that. So, I deconstructed them and my desk. Then I went through my clothes and packed everything I know for sure I won't be taking in my suitcase for the trip. I need to do laundry before I can finish this task. And I couldn't, because as soon as I started taking my furniture apart, Karen got up an started doing her laundry. I will do mine tomorrow and work out just what I plan on taking with me. Everything else will be packed and taken out to the pod. My hope is to be living out of my suitcase tomorrow night, and if not, at least by Tuesday night.Karen's last day at work is Tuesday. I honestly do not know if Ken has even put in notice that he's leaving. It's important that he contacts Social Security. But I dare not even broach the subject with him. He knows this, but he is being a dick about it. I'm going to do my thing and let him FAFO. It would be nice if we could sit down like adults and have a constructive discussion about what the timetables are and what needs to happen. But no, that can't happen when people turn stubborn and refuse to do their part.
Realistically, the communication has not been stellar. Karen insisted that she has the planning under control. When I'd ask for information that I needed, like "What's the target move date?" and "When is the pod coming?" or "Do we have junkers coming to take refuse away?" I was more likely to get a "Don't worry about it, everything is taken care of." Only it isn't very well planned. Nora is coming to help us pack on Thursday night. The pod will be gone the next morning.My frustration at this point is boundless. All I can really do is make sure that I have done what I need for myself. I know that by this time next month, I will be complaining because I won't be able to find all my stuff and I wish I'd labeled the boxes better. I hope that we will all be settling into our new home.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Patiently Waiting...
I am up this morning waiting for the moving pod to arrive. Boxes are piled high in the living room and my bedroom. We will have one week to fill the pod with all of our earthly treasure to be moved south, and it is late. We were told that it would arrive between 8:00 and 10:00, and if it had, Karen would be here to greet it. Instead, I am patiently waiting for it with the bank card, a gift from our other sister, Brenda. Time is slipping by, and I am getting less patient with the passing.
I was hoping that it would in the least get here before Ken would arrive home from work. If he is here when it arrives, he will take over, and most likely have them place it in the most inconvenient place just for spite.Sunday, February 23, 2025
Karen spent the day sitting on the couch and building boxes. She has a few that are half filled. She told me that she is nearly through with the kitchen. But the drawers and cabinets are still full. She says we aren't taking that with us. But we still need to pack it up to take it to the charity shop. We have three lined up to take it. What they don't want to take we will leave at Goodwill.
Ken spent the day watching television in his room. It makes me wonder if he doesn't really want to move and is in denial.
I cleared my closet and bookshelves today. My desk and chest of drawers are more than half done and will be finished tomorrow. I will be done with my part. I have offered my help to Karen, and she was enthusiastic about it. I find my room sad now. But I am looking forward to my new rooms.In the new house, there is a back staircase that leads to my area. I will have a large landing where a sitting room can be set up, my bedroom and a bonus room that I will use for crafts. Karen tells me that both rooms are small, but the area is spacious. I am donating or throwing away as much as I am packing. I am not worried about having enough space.
We will be outside of town, and up on a mountain. The property is six acres, mostly wooded. My cousin has a house there and there is another house where a family lives. Besides them, There are no near neighbors. The town is about five miles away. It has Karen a little freaked out, but it is only a little farther than the distance I travelled to the grocery store in the community I lived in Georgia. She will get used to it quickly. Especially since there is very little traffic there.
I am looking forward to the quietness, and the darkness at night. It will be nice to be able to see the stars.
Friday, February 21, 2025
I bought a map book and decided on our route across the country. Karen finally listened to me about it last night. We are in agreement. The most direct path also is one of the most scenic.
Maybe this weekend will get everyone going. We are not young anymore. And we don't have the luxuary of time anymore.
All I can do is get my part done and offer my help with theirs.
What's the worst that could happen?
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Homeward Bound
It's been awhile...
I miss blogging...
I still think blog posts in my head, but they don't end up here...
Blogger doesn't make it easy to blog using an iPad. They don't seem to like Apple users...
And the internet around here is no better than a joke... We spend a lot of time buffering...
Reasons, or excuses? But it's all I have.
The year did not end well. We spent the spring and summer enjoying parties, concerts, ball games, graduations, and art shows. The fall was marked by loss, and sadness. The good loss was of the presence of Nora. After graduating in the spring, she is seeking her master's at the University of Hawaii, and she is loving it. We miss her but are so happy that she is finding her path.
Just before she left, her cat died. A month later Max left us. He'd been sick for a while. Still, his death sent a shock through everyone. His personality set the tone for the household. The loss of his presence is felt.
Bad news comes in threes. So, a month later the worst loss happened. Our aunt died. Like Max, it was not unexpected but was a gut punch anyway. She had been living with the early stages of dementia for years. Just before Thanksgiving she developed a kidney infection and died in her sleep while it was being treated. She was one of the YaYa sisterhood that formed our early lives. My mother, her two sisters and a sister-in-law were the village in which we were raised. Her loss leaves our Aunt Joan as the last living sibling in that family. As much as we are grieving, she is devastated.
And then there was Nov. 5th....
Before the holidays could greet our sorrow and loss we got one more gut punch. Mollie called to tell me that George was at the end of his journey. He'd been a wonderful dog to her, more of a child than a pet. Like Max, the loss of his presence is felt in everything. She asked that I go to Chicago to spend Christmas with her. I could not say no. I went, but with all the sadness and loss it was a joyless holiday.It wasn't just Mollie and I who seemed sad and grieving. Everyone seemed to be dealing with loses of their own. Everybody was going through the motions, but nobody's heart seemed to be in it.
I took the Empire Builder home on December 30th which had me traveling through the New Year. I was feeling a bit off when I got on the train. In the two days I was on it, I came down hard with the flu despite having gotten the shot. By the time I arrived in Seattle, I was in bad shape. I was down for the better part of January.
The New Year did not start well...
I was pretty much still bed bound when one of our cousins called. Aunt Joan was doing poorly, and it was felt that she was giving up. Our cousin asked if we could come help out. Even though it meant being in Alabama on inauguration day, Karen went. I don't know if it was Karen's visit or just having the family circle around her cheered Aunt Joan up a bit. She has been doing well since then.
We have been talking about moving back to the south rather euphemistically for about two years. We need to help the cousins out with their aging parents...yada, yada, yada...But the truth is that the PNW has become too expensive to live in on Social Security and pensions. With one of our aunts passing away and another needing encouragement to continue, we are feeling the need all the more. But Karen and Ken have been finding excuses to stay. The truth is that choosing to retire is scary, especially when you don't have a nest egg to fall back on. And they don't even have viable pensions. While Karen was in Alabama she talked about our plans. Our cousins are apparently enthusiastic about them. One cousin, John has a house on his property that he needs to rent. It hits everything on our wish list for housing and more. Other cousins have offered cars and furniture to make our joining them more doable. It turns out that we are moving the middle of next month. Our rent will be $1500 less than it is here. Utilities are about a third of what we are paying, and groceries are substantially less.Hopefully this will be a turning point for us. In the least, Karen and Ken can afford to retire. As long as we are together, maybe we can weather the coming storm.