Tom Fogarty
Critic, Poet & Raconteur
Also known as Mr Fatty Goo or PHP Flea, Tom Fogarty is a blogger from Camberwell in south London and should not be taken too seriously. Topics are varied but frequently include music and gig-going, tattoo experiences, terrible poetry, cemeteries, and GG Allin. Tom enjoys a good rant about the inescapable ennui of existence and sometimes shares useful self-help guides, such as how to grow a handlebar moustache or how to be a tourist in Transylvania.
Pointless lists feature on a regular basis. Please remember to wear your irony glasses when reading the blog posts, as everything here is intended as a joke.
Tom loves tattoos, punk rock and PHP. Also snooker!
Although regarded by many as a leading social commentator and influencer (the bad kind), this Tom Fogarty did not play guitar in Creedence Clearwater Revival and is not the inventor of the “Fogarty Embolectomy Catheter”. Read Being Famous for more information.
Compulsive blogger, frequent moustache grower, occasional taxidermist
Tom Fogarty at a glance: horror film buff, tattoo collector, Millwall supporter, cactus grower, budding Ripperologist, crossword enthusiast. Basically any activity that doesn’t include any heavy lifting.
Tom Fogarty often takes part in Movember.