11 December, 2014
One of the most feared animals lives in Africa.Yup,you guessed it,it’s the African Lion.They are very endangered and need your support.Hunters have been killing them for fun or for their fur.Many of these animals die because of their strength and height(second largest big cat),so they use guns to kill innocent creatures that don’t bother them unless threatened. Please raise awareness for the lions.Lastly,What is your favorite kind of lion?
09 December, 2014
Ebola in Africa
Africa have lots of interesting thing. But, I think Ebola is the most interesting thing in Africa. The Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with a strain of Ebola virus. The 2014 Ebola epidemic is the largest in history, affecting multiple countries in West Africa. The risk of an Ebola outbreak affecting multiple people in the U.S. is very low. Ebola is spread through direct contact with blood and body fluids of a person infected by and already showing symptoms of Ebola. Ebola is not spread through the air, water, food, or mosquitoes. What do you think about this disease(Ebola)?
08 December, 2014
Berber, Arabic, Igbo, Swahili, Hausa, Amharic, and Yoruba are all languages that are spoken in Africa. If you don’t know any of these languages and you're planning to visit Africa one day it won't be easy . But don’t worry many people in Africa speak English. The most popular languages in Africa are Arabic Yoruba and Swahili so you want to know some phrases in these languages that could help you communicate there. So are you going to visit Africa one day?
Africa has well over one-thousand languages. For me I think it would be hard to live with so many languages around. Of course in North America there are many people who can speak a different language, but they would also know English. There everyone would speak a different language. If you want to travel to a town you might have to learn another language. To me that would be troublesome. Well I guess that's life.
In africa there was an outbreak of ebola. Some people died because they didn't know how to stop it. I have no idea if they know how it happened because i really didn't feel like reading a really big article about it. So basically people were/still are freaking out about ebola. The same thing with ebola happened before and they figured out how to stop it from making people die. Do you think that ebola is going to get worst?
07 December, 2014
Aircraft found where?
Recently,NASA confirmed that one of the agency’s aircraft had been spotted on an American military airstrip in eastern africa a few weeks ago.Jim Alexander,a NASA official with the WB-57 H.A.R.P,told ABC news “I really can’t give you any of the details”.”You know the airplane was there,you see it in the picture, but i really can’t tell you what it was the for”.What do you think, where they hiding a secret, or was it nothing?
My mom's monkey story
When my mom was little, she lived in Nigeria Africa. She lived there because my grandpa was training teachers to be in Africa. While she was there she got a pet monkey and named Piffy. One day my mom and Piffy decided to go for a bike ride. Piffy jumped on my mom’s shoulders and they were off! Once they got going Piffy put his hand over my moms eyes, but she kept riding. All of the sudden my mom felt a warm liquid go down her back. So she stopped realized Piffy had peed all down her back! She was trying to figure out why he had done this because he had never done something like this before. She turned around and there it was. A huge, fat snake. It was slowly moving forwards them and she quickly hopped on her bike and they went home.
05 December, 2014
Ebola, still?
Richard Turere had an very bright idea one day when he realized that the lions attacking the cattle in his village did not attack when people were around ,and came to the conclusion the they were stopped by the moving light. After he came to that conclusion he put up a fence made of many leds, car blinkers,and other lights which in turn were powered by solar panels that charged car batteries that sent power to the lights making them light up. Soon the rest of the village was asking him to do the same to the place their cattle were kept. Richards’ invention got him a scholarship to Brookhouse school. Although Lion Lights is meant for lions it could possibly be used for other predators like leopards and cheetahs. Do you think you could have thought of that.
The Rhino of close extinction
The Black Rhino is in serious dangers these days. Poachers have been killing them mainly for their precious horns. The poachers spend tons of money just to kill 1 rhino, and for what joy? They are causing extinction to what was once a regular animal on the savanna. In 1980 there were a little under 1 million rhinos, now less than 1,000 remain alive and wild. This shows how many black rhino the poachers have killed. In addition, why do they need the horn so much, people can survive without the medicine and things you do with the horn. In my opinion it should be illegal to kill, or hunt a black rhino until there are 100,000 of them roaming in the wild. What do you think should be done to the black rhino?
04 December, 2014
Please Don't Give Me Ebola
I’m sure you all have heard about Ebola, I mean who hasn't? It’s such a tragic sickness that is in West Africa right now. Nobody can stop it, so the disease just keeps spreading and spreading. The disease symptoms spread so quickly that thousands of people have lost their lives from the virus. There are lots of symptoms of Ebola. For example, some of the first symptoms are a headache, fever, sore throat, and vomiting. With these signs, you might think you’re just coming down with the stomach flu. But then, you start getting rashes and your organs aren’t functioning correctly and you have internal and external bleeding. After this, you will probably start to realize that you have a terrible sickness called Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). Most cases of EVD are fatal, which is very disappointing. But, there are those lucky survivors of Ebola, and that brings all our hopes up just a little bit. So in conclusion, I would suggest that you don’t make a trip to West Africa any time soon. What are some facts that you know about Ebola?
Solar Powered Backpack Lights Give These Kids a Brighter Future
Thato Kgatlhanye and her childhood friend, Rea Ngwane, are 21 and 22 year olds from Rustenburg, a mining town in the Northwest part of South Africa who have truly turned trash into treasure. They are the founders of Repurpose Schoolbags which do not only carry the children's items, but they have reflective material on them so that the kids will be visible to early-morning traffic. The best part is that they double as a lights powered by solar charging panels on the sides of the packs, and when the sun goes down and the moon rises, the children will have light to do homework. In conclusion, I think this is good because instead of using one candle that has to be saved over the entire week, they can have their bags charged to use during each night of the week! Finally, I want to hear from you. Is there a better way of doing this, or is this the future of cheap technology? Tell me!
Back to Egypt... and Rome?
As you can tell by the title, I decided to take another look at Egypt and just how different it was to see from modern day. Lets get this out of the way,we could easily see that there was a women as a ruler. You probably think “so what?”, well you've probably heard by now equal rights for women. This shows that women had (somewhat) equal rights until the Sparta and Athens era. Hatshepsut was also known as most successful pharaoh. I couldn't help but wonder what made women “below” men. I found that romans started it all. What if the romans didn't start the women “below” men thing, and if so many people hate it, then why is it still alive.
The Endangered Giraffes of Africa
Today in Africa, the animal most known for its long neck, is facing extinction. As the number
of giraffes plummet, due to poachers and bush meat hunters. The giraffe population starting in
Africa at about 140,000, quickly decreasing to about 80,000. This means that the population
was dropped by almost 40%, and if not stopped can lead to higher percentages. Similar to the
average of about 450,000 african elephants in which were said to “face a high risk of
extinction in the near future” and were then put into a conservation, the giraffes were also
made a conservation. The Giraffe Conservation Foundation; otherwise known as GCF, has
examined giraffe numbers over the past five years. Concluding that it’s an alarming situation,
and if we want things to get better we have to act now. What are some other ways you could
help save the giraffe population?
"Mama, how come we never have bananas at home?"
Some people do not at all like bananas, but in Tunisia some are willing to go to larger extents to get their bananas. Bananas are in the top ten smuggled good exported from Algeria or Libya. They are much more expensive in Tunisia compared to other countries. Tunisia, Algeria,and Libya don’t produce bananas domestically. However in Tunisia they do cost about two times the price they do in Algeria. Causing people to cross borders to get their bananas and few people have the licence to do that. This is giving the Tunisian government a headache, putting bananas into the same category as smuggled drugs. In conclusion I ask you, how would you feel if those were your bananas?
Impressive Inventor 13 Year Old In Kenya
In Maasai’s society, Richard Turere, a young creative inspiring resolutive boy lives with his family and friends, and conflict with cattle being immensely critical to them all. Yet, lions trike oftenly and he must have to find out a resolution fast before everybodies live stock would be no more. In this short, motivational speech, the brilliant youthful creator shares the solar-powered motion sensor solution he designed to cautiously alert the lions to flae away without danger involved. In support of this he studied the well known lions’ movements when they started hunting, for he was well versed in how the lions reacted to his marvelous but downhill traps. Whether or not Richard was yet declined another one of his pitfalls by the lions he was driven persistently to find a way to remove the cattle from the idea of dinner to the lions. Subsequently Turere realized he should set up secure flickering strobe lights that are solar powered and motion detected, right after he knew the lions were unsure and frightened by the unusual scene of these crazy popping out circular white lights! Afterwards people heard what Richard Turere had designed, they immediately crazed for the whatchamacallit gizmo immensely. As soon it got word of, Turere seemed almost famous and earned himself a scholarship to the most agile nimble school in Maasai. Do you think Richard Turere really deserved that scholarship and will do well in life and why do you think so?
Starving Children in Africa
In Africa right now children, women and men are starving to death. With no food or money to support them they are dying miserable and hungry. Did you know, that 1 in 4 Africans go to bed empty every night? Poor nutrition plays a role in 5.45 million child’s deaths a year. The number of ravenous people in this country is growing. The number of deaths to blame for hunger has gone from 175 million to 239 million, all of this happening in the past few years. What will you do to help?
The Bees and the Tortoise
The bees had made a new drum. As everyone knows, bees love to dance, the bees danced and hummed the rhythm to their well-strung drum song. Immediately, all the other animals approached the bees hive dancing and humming the beat of the song, the other animals were hoping to be invited to join the bees; but the bees kept the celebration all to themselves. The lion, the elephant, the leopard, the hartebeest, the buffalo, the antelope, the hog, and the tortoise also made an appearance. After the animals listened and listened to the music of the drum they grew so fond of the new drum that the animals decided to steal it. The lion made the first move but failed after getting stung and chased away by bees. All the animals tried to steal the new drum but only ended up getting chased away by all the bees. Next the tortoise offered to try, the bees laughed. The tortoise ignored them, went into the hive and told the bees that he was a master at the drum. He played beautifully after the bees gave him permission to play the new drum, which made him happy. Suddenly, the drum had disappeared, the clever tortoise sneaked it under his shell. The tortoise tried to excuse himself, and the bees kept trying to sting him but he was protected to well (by his shell). Because of his protection from the bees, that is why he had the confidence to steal the drum unlike everyone else who had failed. What's your favorite fairytale?
Plastic Bags Turned Into Lifesavers For Children
These clever women have really found a way to change their community. The two entrepreneurs named Thato and Rea have created bags for children in their area. First, the bags start off as plastic trash just laying around where it then gets picked up and transferred to a small factory. Secondly, it is made into a textile so it can be sewed into a cheap, reusable bag. But here’s the twist, it can also be used as a flashlight. When children walk to school, it takes energy from the sun and uses it to create light night. Therefore, kids can work on homework at night and have a light with them. These bags are aimed for kids in poor families who can't afford to have such bags. These young entrepreneurs have done something good for their town. Would you do something for ours?
Engineering to the MAX!
Richard Turere a 13 year old boy has solved the big conflict with lions eating cattle. First, when he was walking outside with a torch the lions didn't come that day, so he figured lions are afraid of moving light. Next from that he made a switching light solar powered contraption to scare off the lions. It made it seem as if he was out there with a light. Now you're thinking what new could I find after this summary. Finally I found this: he had absolutely no computer or engineer skills but still built this figuring it out. Who here is a engineer or figures things out?
Egypt by Advaith Vuppala
Here are some interesting facts about Egypt. Egypt has 130 pyramids. Most of these pyramids were built by Pharaohs. Surprisingly, the pyramid of Khufu in Giza weighs as much as 16 Empire State Buildings. The Egyptian alphabet had more than 700 hieroglyphics. Cats were considered a sacred animal by ancient Egyptians. Finally, the Egyptians played a game called Senet. In Senet, sticks were used as dice to count how many squares you get to move your pieces. Now, what interesting things do you know about Africa?
Well if you're reading this, it probably means you clicked on mine. Well let’s start.
Africa, as you probably know there's a big outbreak happening, and Ebola is ruling Africa with an iron fist. Though, I’m not here to chat about that. I’m going to talk about the beautiful and amazing things about Africa. I don’t know what you think, but there is a lot more to Africa than just Ebola and slavery. First I want to discuss about the animals there. I mean, seriously, have you ever seen animal planet? To think, there are people who actually get to witness the lionesses hunt and feed. Of course there are other animals like giraffes, gazelles, hyenas, but lions are at the top of the food chain. Did you know there are about 300 categories of mammal, not including the 858 species of birds?Wow. Second thing I want babble about is some hard core facts. (Not really hard core.) Anyways, there are about 20,000 type of plants. The Sardine run has the biggest migration in the world, and in 2010, Cape town was voted the best city in the world. Also, its been estimated about 80% of mammalian fossil dinosaurs were found in Karoo, Southern Africa. Okay, I don’t want to bore you to death. Last thing, tell me, what is the percentage of the worlds gold found in Africa?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPEG8Gn6Qxk
The Amazing, Incredible, African Elephant!
Africa is home to over 85 percent of the world’s peculiar creatures: elephants. These kind animal-beings spend their days eating plants and frolliking with friends. Later, they might have a mud bath, or if they aren’t able to, then they will take a bath in water and cover themselves in dust, to take place of the dirt. After all of this work, and elephants don’t sweat! Elephants typically live up to 70 years. Did you know that that is about 150 years younger than the Rougheye Rockfish?
Stop With the Rhino Hunting!
Ok, so what I'm writing about here is the fact that people are willing to pay 350,000 dollars just to kill a rare animal. Like, how would you like it if you and a couple other random people were the last ones alive on earth, and there were a ton of rhinos ganging up on you paying money to kill you? I know it sounds weird, but honestly! We need to stop hunting poor animals for no reason at all! Now I’m not saying I’m vegetarian or anything, but it’s not like cows are super rare. P.S: Sorry to any cow lovers out there. :)
The NASA Conspiracy
I think that there is a conspiracy in Africa.A NASA official confirmed the rumor that there was a NASA aircraft on a American runway in East Africa a few weeks ago.“I really can’t give you any of the details,” Jim Alexander said.“You know, the airplane was there, you see it in the picture. But I really can’t tell you what it was for.”This is the photo he was referring to. Furthermore,the Pentagon would not answer any questions about the airplane.The full article can be found here. I question why the Pentagon was uncooperative.Why do you think the Pentagon is being quiet?
Tiny but Mighty
Imagine a ferocious lion. Now imagine that lion getting stunned by a small, guinea pig- sized mongoose. Unbelievable right! Last night I started watching Nat Geo Wild and they had this one video of a mongoose pack that got attacked by a couple of lions. Most of the pack got safely back in their tunnels, but one wasn't so lucky. The unlucky mongoose got picked up by the lion and was bitten. Thankfully for the mongoose, the lion started to play with its food (what he was playing with was Mr.Mongoose). At that point, the mongoose fought its way out of the grasp of the lion’s claws and started to hiss, bare its teeth and dance around. The lion continued to chase the mongoose, but before the lion could kill it, it escaped into the safety of its tunnel. At the end of the attack, the mongoose had an injured leg and the lion did not get to eat lunch. After learning about this event and also reading “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”, would you like a mongoose as a pet?
Rhino Hunting!
You can buy a nice size house for three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or a hunting permit to kill one black horned rhino. Recently there has been hunters biddings on a hunting permit for an endangered rhino through the Dallas Safari Club. Even though there has been death threats from animal activists, the Dallas Safari Club still continues to go through with the auction . However the money will go to support for the conservation efforts in Africa. In fact, there are many benefits of African safaris. One benefit of African hunting safaris is that they create jobs for Africans. Many Africans are needed to work in the camps, in anti poaching teams, and to build roads and bridges. The meat from the hunted animals are given to African villages. However, it is sad that they need to hunt endangered species when there are lots of other animals to hunt in Africa. What do you think about the bidding on an endangered species?
Rhino Hunt Story
In Texas, there was an auction for a permit to hunt a Black Rhino (an endangered species). The auction stirred up controversy. After the permit was auctioned, the club that sold the permit received threat emails. For example, one of them said “for every black rhino you kill, we kill a member of the club.” Scientists say that there are only 5055 black rhinos left in the world. Their keratin-based horns, that are made out of the same material as your fingernails, are sold on the market in Africa as medicines. Normally, hunting the black rhinos is considered poaching which is illegal, but with a permit it isn't. In my opinion, even with a permit, it isn't right to kill such an animal. Do you?
I was planning on writing about Egyptian volleyball, volleyball being my favorite sport and all, but instead I decided to write about something else. You know that African boy that answered 21 to the question “what’s nine plus ten”? Well, his name is Habeeb Cisse and he ran away because people called him stupid. Before he ran away, he left a note:
“I tired of everyone lafing(laughing) at me, I running away forever now, if yu(you) want to find me the only clue I leaving is 21”
Bidding for Rhinos...1..2..3
From my point of view in the article that I read I think these animals should be put into a safe region designated for wildlife safety or something else like it. Now in Africa a change has been made Rhinoceroses are now being hunted and killed. In support of this topic not to kill Rhinoceroses there are only 1,800 left in Namibia and 5,055 left in all. Simultaneously email threats were being thrown to each other like “ For every rhino you kill, we will kill a member of the club.” Jeff Flocken the North American Regional Director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare was pretty outraged of this topic he said “If an animal like the rare Black Rhinoceroses is worth the most price on its head, what possible incentive does this provide range countries and local peoples to move the species toward recovery when the biggest buck can be made short-term by selling permits to kill them on the highest bidders?” If you were part of this society ( International Fund for Animal Welfare ) what would you do to keep these Rhinoceroses from going extinct?
Elephant Hunted For Their Tusks
Boom! Satao, a beloved elephant with tusks that hang all the way to the ground, collapsed by two poisoned arrows near his tusks. Satao was a 45 year old elephant who also is watched by the Tsavo National Park in Kenya. He started roaming around near the area of the poaching activities. Satao went there because he was trying to find water from the area he was living so went to the green vegetation. His carcass was found on June 13, 2014 without no tusks. The poachers were doing something illegal. The great big elephant is no more. Would you let these poachers get away with this.
Man by Crocodile While Retrieving Golf Balls
On the 3rd of December in a golf course in Africa a man named Jacques van der Sandt was golfing that night when the a crocodile grabbed him in its jaws. Immediately the crocodile went under water. After two hours rangers found it. As soon they found it they killed the croc and recovered the body. It’s kind of a safety issue if there’s a golf course near a lake with crocodiles or other dangerous things. I wouldn't want to retrieve any golf balls if I knew there was something in the lake, but this just makes me think thats a crazy way to get killed by a croc. This is the first time I have ever heard someone getting killed like this and to an animal. Do you think this is just a little to ridiculous?
The Snapper
Lately, a crocodile has attacked a 29-year-old man retrieving a golf ball from Lake Panic dam in South Africa’s flagship wildlife reserve. He disappeared under the water at the golf course next to a staff area. The rangers killed the crocodile after a two-hour search on Wednesday night. Thankfully, he survived. His name is Jacques van der Sandt, who is the son of a park employee. The body was found and recovered. Why do you think the crocodile attacked him?
African Elephants
What's new Africa? Well 30 years ago Kenya successfully created the Elephant Orphanage. The orphanage was created to help little elephants that have been abandoned or their mothers have past because of the poachers. These little elephants come from all over the country. When a baby elephant is left alone it can only survive a couple days without its mother.In addition the elephants are with their keeper almost 24/7 in their own personal room ,getting massages, and eating special milk . Afterwards when they are all grown up they are sent back into the wild. Would you like to be one of those special elephants?
Invention to School to America What Next??
My blog is about a story of Richard Turere an African American who protected his family and livestock from lions with so called “lion lights”. He is very smart and has been offered a scholarship at the best schools in Kenya. Richard made very accurate drawings and models to show his theory. Richard lives in a village that is quite small, but has a lot of people there. He has many posts with lights that flash frequently during the night. The lions hate moving light so they now are staying away from the livestock area. My question for all of my readers is, after watching the video, is Richard Turere’s invention good, and should it be used throughout the world?
Even A Trip To The Market Can Be Dangerous...
Could you imagine what it would be like to go to the market in the morning and not be sure if you’ll still be alive the same afternoon?
Just last Tuesday, there were two teenage suicide bombers, both girls, who are believed to be linked with the Nigerian Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram, that blew themselves up, killing at least 30 people at a crowded market in Maiduguri (northeastern Nigeria in the state of Borno).
According to Abba Aji Kalli (Borno’s state Civilian Joint Task Force coordinator), the first bomber set off her explosives and killed three women. Then while people nearby gathered to see what had happened, the second bomber let out a scream and set off her explosives, this time killing dozens more people.
Then on Sunday, there was another suicide bombing at a mobile phone market in Azare (state of Bauchi). The bomber killed 10 people and injured 60 others.
Now I know I already asked this, but do any of you really think that you could deal with situations like this almost everyday of your life?
I know, I know, you probably don't want to hear another word about Ebola. Right now it's a very popular and interesting topic. First, Ebola was found in Africa and now is spreading in the U.S. It is a severe often known as fatal illness to humans. At first, Ebola is introduced to the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs, or other bodily fluids of infected animal such as chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, forest antelope, and porcupines found ill or dead or in the rainforest. Lastly Ebola then spreads through human-to-human transmission. There are no real cures for ebola, but right now they are using a ton of drugs.
The King of Skype.
The King of Skype
Did you know that the king of a tribe in Southeastern Ghana is from Germany? His royal Highness Togbe Ngoryifa Cephas Kosi Bansah, [whew, try saying that 5 times fast], came from Germany as an exchange student. He ended up staying, after falling in love with his wife Gabrielle. Bansah was crowned King in 1987.
He was chosen over his brother and father because, [a reason most Americans would laugh at]. They were both left-handed, and to the people of Ghana an attribute that makes them unclean and dishonest. The King governs his kingdom via Skype. This is easier than going to Ghana since the ruler lives in Germany. He makes at least 6 trips per year to his kingdom, and spends several hours at night discussing tribal politics on Skype.
In fact, several days ago, the King's house in Ludwigshafen, Germany was broken into. The thieves took almost all of the royal regalia, including 4 crowns and chains. The thieves had come up onto the balcony, pried open the door, smashed the cabinets, and ransacked everything. King Bansah told the U.K's Times Newspaper, that "the items were several hundred years old and irreplaceable". To sum up, The total estimate of the items came to about $12,000. Imagine if you were a king and had your crowns stolen, what would you do?

In fact, several days ago, the King's house in Ludwigshafen, Germany was broken into. The thieves took almost all of the royal regalia, including 4 crowns and chains. The thieves had come up onto the balcony, pried open the door, smashed the cabinets, and ransacked everything. King Bansah told the U.K's Times Newspaper, that "the items were several hundred years old and irreplaceable". To sum up, The total estimate of the items came to about $12,000. Imagine if you were a king and had your crowns stolen, what would you do?
Ebola is bad, but is it worth more than 6 billion US dollars?
Something that is really interesting to me about Africa is the big Ebola problem. This is a very bad thing that has been going around Africa. President Obama has given a generous amount of donated money to them, $6.18 billion to be exact, due to concerning financial and construction issues. I think that it was very nice for Obama to do that but it wasn't necessarily called for. I mean, the United States has its own problems and we could have used $6.18 billion too! All of the homeless, sick, and poor people is the US should deserve some money too.
Boy From Kenya
A thirteen year old boy from Kenya saved his and other people's animals from lions. His name is Richard Turere and he lives right next to Nairobi National Park, where lions live. Their only male cow that they have was killed by a lion. He had to find a way to keep the lions away from the animals, and their home. Richard tried to use fire, but that didn't work. After that he tried to use lights but it still didn't work. Then he got parts from his Mom's new radio, the blinkers of a motorcycle and some other materials and made a blinking light that scared the lions away. He also made this for other people he lived near. I think that Richard did a very good job. Do you?
Innocent rhinos :( :( :( :( :(
Serious things are happening, rhino poaching is a very serious thing. The poachers are killing rhinos both adults and babies for their horns which can sell for a pretty penny. They can grind the rhino horn into a powder to be used for medicine for nose bleeds and strokes and ect.in just 2012 338 of the beasts (rhinos) were killed. Rhinos are very close to extinction and they need a lot of help from the African police and other volunteers. Do you want to save the rhinos from extinction and from not walking on this AWESOME WORLD AGAIN? Say in the comments how you want to help.
Monkey Africa Story
When my mom was little, she lived in Nigeria Africa. She lived there because my grandpa was training teachers to be in Africa. While she was there she got a pet monkey and named Piffy. One day my mom and Piffy decided to go for a bike ride. Piffy jumped on my mom’s shoulders and they were off! Once they got going Piffy put his hand over my moms eyes, but she kept riding. All of the sudden my mom felt a warm liquid go down her back. So she stopped realized Piffy had peed all down her back! She was trying to figure out why he had done this because he had never done something like this before. She turned around and there it was. A huge, fat snake. It was slowly moving forwards them and she quickly hopped on her bike and they went home.
Feeling Sick
Imagine having stomach pain,severe weight loss,bloody diarrhea,red eyes,rash these are all sings of ebola the deadly disease coming from the source...Africa.There has been many death from this horrid virus has killed 3155 people in Liberia,1609 in Sierra Leone, 1349 in Guinea and only 8 in Nigeria.Though they doctors that have been sent over there have significantly decreased the number of cases in the area.Also people are coming less and less to the camps set up for the people with Ebola.How would you like to have Ebola.
There is a lot of things happening in Africa. One of the most dangerous things happening in Africa is ebola. First of all at least 20 cases have been treated in Europe and the United States. Many were health and aid workers who contracted Ebola in West Africa and were transported back to their home countries for treatment. Another thing is that about 200,000 people are having problems getting food because of problems caused by the Ebola outbreak. Lastly more than 17,000 people in Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone have contracted Ebola since March, according to the World Health Organization, making this the biggest outbreak on record. How do you think Ebola is affecting people in Africa?
Did somone say waterfall?
Right now the big thing going on in Africa is ebola. Well I’m here to tell you there’s a lot more to Africa than that, like all the fascinating features and sights around you. An example of a beautiful sight is Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls is a waterfall that falls into the Zambezi river. Victoria Falls was known as the greatest curtain of falling water. First of all, if you are an adventurous there are tours, so that you could take a tour around the river and the land to get a good feel of it. Next, there is a hotel near the waterfall where you could get a discount on the tours.I hope that one day I can go and visit Africa and see Victoria Falls for myself. I would also go on that tour on the river. Would you be adventurous and do it to?
The First Human-to-Human Heart Transplant
Dr. Barnard was a cardiac surgeon he performed the first successful human-to-human heart transplant. One of his four brother died at the age of 5 from a hat problem, so when he got older he wanted to study medicine. In 1956 he received a two-year scholarship to the University of Minnesota to study cardiothoracic surgery.He performed the second successful kidney transplant in 1967.But, before he gave a human a heart transplant he gave over 50 dogs heart transplant. Finally, on December 3, 1967 a operation assisted by his brother a operation that lasted nine hours with a team of thirty people he performed the first successful human-to-human heart transplant. Isn't that cool?
A Panicked Kenya
There was a blow up in Kiambu, a small town in Kenya, about a lady that was having Ebola symptoms. She called her neighbor telling her that she needed to be taken to the hospital immediately but her neighbor refused to help. After that, she went catch a matatu (a car kind of like a bus) to go to the hospital. When she got to the hospital no one, including police and chiefs, were willing to help her in fear that they would get the virus. She died at the hospital. Later a doctor found out that she did not have ebola and she had haemorrhagic fever whose symptoms are very similar to ebola. Do you think that the doctors should’ve helped her anyways?
Ebola, More Deadly Than You Thought
The Ebola outbreak was a very interesting thing to me. I thought it was interesting because it is the deadliest disease being spread since 1976. Up to 23 November, 5,689 people had been reported as having died from the disease in six countries; Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the United States and Mali. Liberia is the worst-hit country of the Ebola outbreak with more than 3,000 deaths. It causes fever, diarrhoea and vomiting. What do you think about Ebola?
Death to a Croc is not a good way to die
On Wednesday night, a crocodile grabbed Jacques van der Sandt in its jaws while he was trying to get his golf ball which fell into a water hazard. Park rangers killed the croc after two hours of searching. His body was found with tooth marks on his back and his chest but did not have any “mutilation”. According to record, the croc attacked him when he was waist high reaching down for the ball. Out of all the ways to die, this has got to be one of the ways I don't want to go out. Would you like to die like this?
There are a lot of really interesting things about Africa, but I decide to write about Egypt, and what is more fascinating than Cleopatra. First, if you guys didn’t already know Cleopatra was an egyptian pharaoh, but not any pharaoh. She is known to history as the last active pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. Lastly, Cleopatra originally ruled jointly with her father, Ptolemy XII Auletes, and later with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, whom she married as per Egyptian custom, but eventually she became the only ruler. These are only some of many cool facts about Cleopatra. What other facts do you know about Cleopatra?
The proper gorilla manner is to grunt before entering the group area. The gorilla group are very relaxed but the baby gorillas are filled with energy and play a lot. They play with their father who is very gentle even though he is strong. The boss gorilla is 200 kilos which is really heavy. He tries to one up his friend but he fails and his friend is not impressed. Gorillas also strip bamboo. They are amazing. Do you like gorillas? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODyB9i6bGwQ
The Gods Of Egypt
The gods of Ancient Egypt, I think, are very interesting . The fact that they had so many gods, and were able to keep track of 100+ gods, would be pretty hard! They have different gods for different things. for instance, Rea, the sun god, who is told to be in the shape of a hawk, or Osiris, the god who took the pharaohs to the afterlife. All the gods had different stories also. They had a life before they became gods, or if they were born to godly parents, their life as a godly child. In my opinion, it would be extremely annoying to keep track of all of them. There was a sacrificial day where you had to sacrifice to ALL the gods, and if you didn’t, you would be “punished” by the gods. Would you be able to know all of them?
Rhino Poaching
Veterinarians are working quickly trying to save the species. They fly in helicopters to save the white rhinos. Then they tranquilize the animal and take samples from the beast. After that they export the Rhino off of the poaching hot-spot. These veterinarians have saved over 30 animals threatening to become endangered every month. They relocate the animals to a safer place to live. The poachers are hunting Rhinos for popular demand in Asia. The vets think of themselves coming for the living instead for the dead and think of saving the animals as if going to war. Do you think that Rhinos should be hunted?
Sleeping Underwater!
Africa opens their first underground hotel through Manta resorts. Africa's first underground hotel is on Pemba island. Although there's only one underground room they are currently planning more. In order to get to this hotel room you have to check in on the main island then take a boat to your room. There are three levels to this room. First, there's the upper level where you will stargaze at night. The middle level where you can enjoy a meal, store your luggage, and watch the sunset. Finally, the last level your underground room that has a tight space, but a great view of underworld life.
Lions Can Make Peace With Humans!
Richard Turere, a 13 year old from Kenya, made an amazing invention to stop lions from eating livestock. When one of the lions ate his one and only bull, he was furious and did not like lions. Then he decided he was going to try and stop this problem. First, he tried building a scarecrow. When the lions saw the scarecrow, they went away on the first day, but came back on the second. Then, Richard saw that the lions saw him carrying a torch and did not come back for two days. Richard figured out that they are scared of moving light. This sparked a new idea. Richard took a car battery, a radio, and wires to make a series of blinking lights. He used the car battery to operate the blinking lights which were associated with the car he used. He used the radio for the switch that turned it on and off. Then he used the wires to transfer the electricity. This idea eventually spread all over Kenya and Richard got a scholarship to a school. Would you support Richard?
The Mountain Gorilla's in Africa
There are many reasons that the Mountain Gorilla is one of many great animals in Africa. For example, they are usually much longer and bigger compared to the ones here. Also, another fact about them is that they are critically endangered. Although they can be very aggressive with each other sometimes, they are mostly gentle and shy. Mountain Gorilla’s are naturally scared of reptiles and water, which includes rain. They only cross bodies of waters when they see fallen logs and use them as bridges to walk across. How would you feel if you had to live like this everyday?
African Giraffes may be extinct
The Giraffes, Africa’s gentle giants of the African plain may go extinct because of the hunters hunting for bush meat. I think it is cruel that hunters will kill a gentle race to extinction, giraffes are gentle and vegetarians. In 15 years, the African Giraffes went from 140,000 to fewer than 80,000, in a course of 15 years, the African Giraffes population dropped about 40 percent. At this rate, the African Giraffes will be or very close to extinction in the 15-30 years. The sad part is, before no one was making a an effort to stop hunters, but now fortunately we have the GCF or The Giraffe Conservation Foundation, so now we have a protection for African Giraffes. If you were to start an organization to save animals, which animals would you save?
Out for the Rhinos
The Man Who Walked The Nile
Did you know a man walked the Nile? Meet Levison Wood, british photojournalist, who decided to walk the Nile in December 2013. Isn't that so cool? Although it was probably very hard, he still did it! Still don't think this is cool? Well here are some reasons why it actually is! First of all, he took some pretty powerful photos. Second, he got to know some of the natives of Africa. Overall, the man who walked the Nile is pretty cool!
Africa's wild adventure
The most known about thing in Africa is Ebola. Ebola is a virus that traps many people in Africa. But I’m not going to talk about ebola, Africa has many more amazing secrets about it than nasty ebola. For instance African continent is the oldest populated area in the world. Next, Africa is the second largest continent covering 30 million square kilometers. Finally, Giraffes, Lion, Zebra, Gorilla, Chimpanzee, and hippopotamus are only found in Africa. All in all Africa is mostly known for the bad but if you look through all of the sickness Africa is a pretty cool place.
Do you think Africa sounds like a fun safari?
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