TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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World's largest community of heavy metal tshirt and battlejacket collectors.


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    Seen something on EBay or another site for sale? let us know! Often you see something awesome but dont have the cash to buy it, so help someone out that might have the cash! let us know if you find something interesting!
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    Holding a meetup? being social and getting away from the laptop? going to a gig? post it here..
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    Talk about tshirts, stuff you love etc
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    Need help? Cant figure it out? Something not working? And all other account support stuff here
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    Need to know how to sew? How does an iron-on work? Buttons from beer caps? Tips on a using a sewing machine? Post your tutorial here, even better if you can include a youtube in the main text of your forum!
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    661,621 items in the gallery, 906,701 comments, and 433 items have changed hands in the last month.

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