Trusted Psychic Mediums - Angel Numbers can contain hidden meanings and messages

If you’re looking for information about angel numbers, spirit animals, astrology, and dream interpretation, you’ve come to the right place: Trusted Psychic Mediums, home of all things spiritual!

My name is Imelda, and I’ve had the privilege of being a spiritual advisor since 1982. You can read more about me here.

Do the same numbers, animals, signs or dreams keep showing up in your life and you don’t understand why? The Universe and the Divine are trying to send you messages of guidance and support. Your higher power is reaching out because of the immense unconditional love it has for you.

Have trouble making sense of these signs? Let me help you understand these messages and how they can help you live your best life! Over the years, I’ve seen countless clients turn their lives around and finally become able to fully enjoy the blessings that were always meant for them.

Bask in that high frequency of divine love and guidance and allow it to transform your life. You can make the most of your potential and lead a truly blessed and abundant life!

Powerful Angel Numbers

Our readers have noticed that the angels communicate by using particular numbers more often. Check out our list of important numbers.

The Latest from Our Trusted Psychics&Mediums

Angelic energies share a lot of information with us on a daily basis. I try to publish as much of it as I can, so check out my latest publications below.

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Testimonials from people Imelda have helped

Karen Svensen

"When I reached out to Imelda, things were going pretty bad with my relationship. I knew what was coming, but I was terrified of yet another breakup. I’d gone through a series of Mr. Wrongs and didn’t seem to be able to find my Mr. Right.

After talking to her, I realized I was dealing with some karmic patterns, and despite seeing angel number 111 repeatedly, I never got the point since I didn’t know what it meant. Imelda was amazing! She basically took me by the hand and walked me through what I needed to do to grow so I could move on from that very frustrating point in my life.

I understood I was choosing partners in misery rather than partners for joy. These choices I was making kept confirming some of my inner child issues which still needed healing. Imelda was incredibly sweet and supportive as I navigated through these difficult issues.

Her suggestions and advice helped me see how I can improve myself and grow so that my life would improve and grow as a result. It wasn’t easy, but she stuck with me through the tough times and helped me see the light at the end of that tunnel. Six months down the line, I’m engaged and pregnant with my first baby, and I couldn’t be happier!"

Susan Davis

"I reached out to Imelda after I’d just handed in my resignation at work for what felt like the thousandth time over the last few years.

Money wasn’t that great either. The changing jobs thing wasn’t helping my budget. I felt guilty and frustrated about being unhappy with every new job, but I didn’t see a way out of that cycle. I couldn’t keep doing something that made me feel miserable, but I didn’t know what I should be doing to feel any different.

Imelda was very kind and patient with me. Some of the things she told me hit a raw spot, but her concern and care were genuine. Due to her help, I had a huge realization: I was running away from my dream of being a performer, so every job I took made me feel miserable because it wasn’t what I felt my soul longed for! That was why I kept looking at the clock at 2.22 and seeing angel number 222 everywhere I looked.

I’ve taken up performing again, and what a huge difference that made! I’m not a millionaire or famous (yet, lol!), but doing a day-job and performing in my spare time has made a world of difference in my life. I finally feel like I’m on the right track. And I’m finally happy, for the first time in years!"