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Wɔatwerɛ nsɛm wei ɛwɔ Asante kasa mu
commune of France
official nameAgen Sesa
ƆmanFrance Sesa
capital ofLot-et-Garonne Sesa
located in the administrative territorial entityLot-et-Garonne Sesa
located in time zoneUTC+01:00, UTC+02:00 Sesa
located in the statistical territorial entityQ108921133, Q3550904 Sesa
located in or next to body of waterGaronne Sesa
coordinate location44°12′11″N 0°37′7″E Sesa
office held by head of governmentMayor of Agen Sesa
Aban panyinJean Dionis du Séjour Sesa
owner ofStade Armandie Sesa
postal code47000 Sesa
phone number+33-5-53-69-47-47 Sesa
fax number+33-5-53-69-48-12 Sesa
email addressmailto:mairie.agen@agen.fr Sesa
wɔn wɛbsaethttp://www.agen.fr Sesa
contact page URLhttps://www.agen.fr/contact-108.html Sesa
flagflag of Agen Sesa
list of monumentsQ1847143 Sesa
open data portaldata.agen.fr Sesa
category for maps or plansCategory:Maps of Agen Sesa

Agen yε kuro kεseε a ɛwo France.

Emu nipa dodoɔ yɛ 33 569 (2016).[1]

