IXL is personalised learning

Discover how IXL supports success for every learner

IXL gives teachers everything they need to personalise instruction

See the impact IXL has made on student learning!

  • Proven<br/>effective


    Research has shown over and over that IXL produces real results.

    See the research
  • Flexible for any<br/>classroom

    Flexible for any

    Nightingale Primary School, located in London, uses IXL to close gaps and engage learners.

    Hear their story
  • Trusted by<br/>top teachers

    Trusted by
    top teachers

    IXL helps school leaders make data-driven decisions that personalise learning.

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A significant number of our 400+ children use it weekly for at least 30 minutes. Quite a few do 2 or 3 hours a week. Teachers report that those regularly using the product are making better progress than expected in their assessments, and they can then go onto more challenging concepts.

Peter Hillier, headteacher

Nottingham, Nottinghamshire