Growing ChivesChinese ChivesGarlic ChivesJapanese BeetlesGrowing GarlicBamboo GardenFlower Nail DesignsHome FlowersAcrylic FlowersGarlic Chives (Allium tuberosum) — UIC Heritage GardenChinese Chives, Gow Choy, Ku Ts'ai, Nira and Oriental Chives Perennial1
Allium TuberosumChinese ChivesFlower PowerBlossomPlantsFlowersAllium TuberosumAllium tuberosum, 'Chinese Chive' blossoms Photo © Bill Webb4
Edible PerennialsCulinary GardenGrowing ChivesChive SeedsChinese ChivesGarlic ChivesWild EdiblesPlant IdentificationHardy PerennialsAllium tuberosum - WikipediaAllium tuberosum - Wikipedia11
Growing ChivesChive SeedsAllium SchoenoprasumChinese ChivesGrowing GarlicGarlic ChivesKitchen PlantsMediterranean PlantsCow ParsleyGarlic Chives' Many Virtues Makes Them Worth The BotherThe botanical name is Allium tuberosum, and it produces small globes of starry white flowers in mid-summer and blooms for about a month. The flowers are as attractive to bees as they are to gardeners.2
Allium TuberosumMidnight GardenFloral PhotographyNature GardenAlam Yang IndahFlowers NatureArt PassionCreativity ArtBotanical Illustration48690 Allium tuberosumExplore horticultural art's 24010 photos on Flickr!714
Plant Garlic From CloveMincing GarlicWild Garlic FlowersPlanting Hardneck GarlicAllium KaratavienseGarlic ChivesPerennial PlantsHerb GardenAutumn SummerGarlic Chives (Allium tuberosum)These plants are bee/butterfly magnets – providing an important nectar/pollen source in the late summer/fall. Beautiful white flowers. All parts of this perennial plant are edible. SOLD…4
Allium TuberosumFaithful FridayChive FlowerChinese ChivesLandscape NurseryGrowing GarlicGarlic ChivesNursery GardenCommercial LandscapingGarlic Chives (Allium tuberosum) at New Garden Landscaping & NurseryFind Garlic Chives (Allium tuberosum) in Greensboro High Point Winston-Salem Summerfield North Carolina NC at New Garden Landscaping & Nursery (Chinese Chives;Flowering Onion)2
Allium TuberosumSpiderman Ps4 WallpaperFlower Photography IdeasPs4 WallpaperFlowers On Black BackgroundFlowers Black BackgroundCute BugsPhotography Inspiration NatureQhd Wallpaper56202.01 Allium tuberosumExplore horticultural art's 24031 photos on Flickr!260
Allium TuberosumGarlic GarlicGrowing GarlicGarlic ChivesTypes Of CancersGrowing SeedsPlanting VegetablesTypes Of SoilShallotsGarlic Chives (Allium tuberosum)If a recipe calls for 1-2 cloves of garlic, I will automatically add three or four (or five, maybe 6). Because garlic. Garlic chives provide another way to enjoy that awesome garlic flavor with a p…3