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Every 1.95 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 4
  • Subs 7.8k
  • Views 45.1k



Maeowi is a Female Virtual Youtuber who streams in English. She started streaming as an IRL streamer back in September of 2018 and debuted as a Vtuber in December of 2019. She has rebranded multiple times since debuting. Originally being a pink haired neko with white accents in the hair. She now displays Blonde hair with pink in the tips, still showcasing cat ears. Her content consists of jokes between her and her community along with heartfelt moments and lewd jokes including the infamous 'Ara'. Her community calls her stinky on a regular basis, and she has yet to shower in months. She's a cat with the personality of a puppy, easily excitable and very Gremlin.

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This VTuber has indicated that their content is intended for mature audiences.
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