Date | Field | Post | Content | By | Action |
3 hours | model | Haru Mizuki | Original PNG Changed L2D, PNG | HaruMizuki | |
4 hours | lore | DariariX | Original [УКР] Євдоксія Рівкіна (а.к.а. Дукс Рікс, Дуся) — єдині небінарні рисі в Україні (з Вінниччини), занесені до Червоної книги. Прагнуть навчитися файно танцювати, співати і викликати позитивні емоції у своїх глядачів. Мають козацьке коріння й постійно носять із собою ляльку, яка заговорена бабусею. Не лякайтеся ляльки Векли, вона потрібна лише для "особливих" істот. [ENG] Evdoxia Rivkina (a.k.a. Doox Rix, Doosia) is the only non-binary bobcat in Ukraine (Vinnytsia region), listed in the Red Book. They want to learn to dance well, sing and evoke positive emotions in their audience. They have Cossack roots and always carry with them a doll that their grandmother used to talk to. Don't be afraid of the Vekla doll, only 'special' creatures need it. Changed [УКР] Євдоксія Рівкіна (а.к.а. Дукс Рікс, Дуся) — єдині небінарні рисі в Україні (з Вінниччини), некомімі, занесені до Червоної книги. Прагнуть навчитися файно танцювати, співати і викликати позитивні емоції у своїх глядачів. Мають козацьке коріння й постійно носять із собою ляльку, яка заговорена бабусею. Не лякайтеся ляльки Векли, вона потрібна лише для "особливих" істот. [ENG] Evdoxia Rivkina (a.k.a. Doox Rix, Doosia) is the only non-binary bobcat in Ukraine (Vinnytsia region), nekomimi, listed in the Red Book. They want to learn to dance well, sing and evoke positive emotions in their audience. They have Cossack roots and always carry with them a doll that their grandmother used to talk to. Don't be afraid of the Vekla doll, only 'special' creatures need it. | DariariX | |
4 hours | relation | DariariX | Original Anian, Sweet Oladka, Amana, horbel Changed Anian, Amana, horbel | DariariX | |
5 hours | image | LineKlein | Changed Uploaded image | LineKlein | |
11 hours | recommendation | PokeShidori | Changed MaidPawShea | PokeShidori | |
13 hours | lore | CapeStella | Original Capella Fratistella is the Head Star From the Constellation of the Capricorn. Due to the misfortune happening to her Maiden who were worshiping her, she decide to go the Earth in order to judge the Humanity on behalf of her Maiden. The humanity have to show the best of themselve, in order survive from the apocalypse that Capella can bring upon them...! Changed Capella Fractistella is the Head Star From the Constellation of the Capricorn. Due to the misfortune happening to her Maiden who were worshiping her, she decide to go the Earth in order to judge the Humanity on behalf of her Maiden. The humanity have to show the best of themselve, in order survive from the apocalypse that Capella can bring upon them...! | CapeStella | |
16 hours | tag | Ralodosmovo | Original Art, Goth, Mental Health, Nonbinary, Retired, Retro, Tomb Raider Changed Art, Goth, Mental Health, Nonbinary, PNG, Retro, Tomb Raider | Ralodosmovo | |
16 hours | model | Ralodosmovo | Original 3D, PNG Changed PNG | Ralodosmovo | |
16 hours | model | Ralodosmovo | Original 3D Changed 3D, PNG | Ralodosmovo | |
16 hours | status | Ralodosmovo | Original Retired Changed Active | Ralodosmovo |