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MortyFluff is a Swedish VTuber who speaks English in English. He mostly plays horror and VR games on his YouTube and makes collab streams on Twitch with fellow friends in VTanga group.

He claims to be "Family Friendly" but his jokes and types of games he sometimes play tell a other story...

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The sacred mountain is lushed with various plants, fruits and animals that has either odd or miraculous properties and only a few are allowed to set foot thus there are several guardian spirits who reside in the mountain to care for the land.

Amongst the guardian spirits there’s a fox spirit called a “Kitsune” they are typically described as cheerful, mischievous (because of their shapeshifting nature) and friendly spirits but don’t be fooled by their carefree exterior because they’re actually one of the most powerful guardians on the mountain.

Morty, a young “Kitsune”, had just turned 100 years old and gained his first tail. Guardians have a tradition that they must follow, they cut their long hair to offer it to the mountain whilst performing a dance ritual to signify the growth of their first tail and to please the goddess of the sacred mountain.

The ceremony was successful and Morty was excited to finally live out his dream of adventuring, exploring and making friends along the way.

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