Wallpaper : landscape, window, dark, night, architecture, creepy, horror, urban, room, abandoned, bed, house, blue, cold, Lost, enter, wind, door, emotion, camp, ruins, midnight, Mystery, angle, light, windows, scary, walls, darkness, asylum, sheets, daylighting, vividly 2500x1656

landscape, window, dark, night, architecture, creepy, horror, urban, room, abandoned, bed, house, blue, cold, Lost, enter, wind, door, emotion, camp, ruins, midnight, Mystery, angle, light, windows, scary, walls, darkness, asylum, sheets, daylighting, vividly


35.0 mm f/1.8

35.0mm · f/1.8s · 1/160s · ISO 400

  • 2500x1656
  • 10/31/2017
  • 407
  • 168

Wallpaper HD of landscape, window, dark, night, architecture, creepy, horror, urban, room, abandoned, bed, house, blue, cold, Lost, enter, wind, door, emotion, camp, ruins, midnight, Mystery, angle, light, windows, scary, walls, darkness, asylum, sheets, daylighting, vividly

, taken with an NIKON D5100 10/31 2017 The picture taken with 35.0mm, f/1.8s, 1/160s, ISO 400

Source site:https://www.flickr.com/vividly/7889640424
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