First Session, Thirty-Seventh Legislature

(November 18, 1999 — December 4, 2000)

For the bilingual version of a Bill as distributed in the House, contact the King's Printer.   For current Manitoba laws, click here.

Government Bills
No. Sponsored by As distributed after First Reading As enacted
1 Hon. Mr. Doer An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of OfficeFORMAL BILL (not printed)
2 Hon. Ms Friesen
The City of Winnipeg Amendment Act SM 1999, c. 47
3 Hon. Ms Barrett
The Retail Businesses Holiday Closing Amendment Act SM 1999, c. 46
4 Hon. Mr. Doer
The Elections Finances Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 9
5 Hon. Mr. Lathlin
The Wildlife Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 10
6 Hon. Mr. Lathlin
The Water Resources Conservation and Protection and Consequential Amendments Act SM 2000, c. 11
7 Hon. Mr. Chomiak
The Protection for Persons in Care Act SM 2000, c. 12
8 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions and Consequential Amendments Act SM 2000, c. 13
9 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Court Security Act SM 2000, c. 1
10 Hon. Mr. Lemieux
The Cooperatives Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 14
11 Hon. Mr. Lemieux
The Winnipeg Stock Exchange Restructuring and Consequential Amendments Act SM 2000, c. 5
12 Hon. Mr. Caldwell
The Public Schools Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 15
13 Hon. Mr. Ashton
The Taxicab Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 16
14 Hon. Mr. Ashton
The Provincial Railways Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 17
15 Hon. Mr. Lathlin
The Water Rights Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 18
16 Hon. Ms Friesen
The City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (2) SM 2000, c. 19
17 Hon. Mr. Doer
The Elections Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 20
18 Hon. Ms Barrett
The Labour Relations Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 21
19 Hon. Ms Barrett
The Holocaust Memorial Day Act SM 2000, c. 2
20 Hon. Ms Wowchuk
The Farm Machinery and Equipment Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 22
21 Hon. Mr. Lathlin
The Water Resources Administration Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 23
22 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Court of Queen's Bench Surrogate Practice Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 24
23 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Jury Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 25
24 Hon. Mr. Lemieux
The Personal Property Security Amendment and Various Acts Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 6
25 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Interpretation and Consequential Amendments Act SM 2000, c. 26
26 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 27
27 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Correctional Services Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 28
28 Hon. Mr. Robinson
The Northern Affairs Amendment and Planning Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 29
29 Hon. Mr. Chomiak
The Health Sciences Centre Repeal and Consequential Amendments Act SM 2000, c. 30
30 Hon. Mr. Sale
The Social Services Administration Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 31
31 Hon. Mr. Mihychuk
The Electronic Commerce and Information, Consumer Protection Amendment and Manitoba Evidence Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 32
32 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Victims' Rights Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 33
33 Hon. Mr. Ashton
The Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act SM 2000, c. 34
34 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Statute Law Amendment Act, 2000 SM 2000, c. 35
35 Hon. Ms Friesen
The Planning Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 36
36 Hon. Mr. Mackintosh
The Summary Convictions Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 37
37 Hon. Mr. Chomiak
The Miscellaneous Health Statutes Repeal Act SM 2000, c. 38
38 Hon. Mr. Selinger
The Statute Law Amendment (Taxation) Act, 2000 SM 2000, c. 39
39 Hon. Mr. Lemieux
The Insurance Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 40
40 Hon. Mr. Lemieux
The Business Names Registration Amendment, Corporations Amendment and Partnership Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 41
41 Hon. Mr. Selinger
The Balanced Budget, Debt Repayment and Taxpayer Protection Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act SM 2000, c. 42
42 Hon. Mr. Caldwell
The Public Schools Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act SM 2000, c. 43
43 Hon. Mr. Lathlin
The Sustainable Development Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act SM 2000, c. 44
44 Hon. Ms Barrett
The Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) SM 2000, c. 45
45 Hon. Mr. Caldwell
The Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 46
46 Hon. Mr. Selinger
The Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 SM 2000, c. 3
47 Hon. Mr. Selinger
The Civil Service Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 47
48 Hon. Ms Friesen
The Rural Development Bonds Amendment Act SM 2000, c. 48
49 Hon. Mr. Selinger
The Loan Act, 2000 SM 2000, c. 7
50 Hon. Mr. Selinger
The Appropriation Act, 2000 SM 2000, c. 8
51 Hon. Mr. Selinger
The Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 (2) SM 2000, c. 4
Bills sponsored by Private Members
No. Sponsored by As distributed after First Reading As enacted
200 Mr. Reimer The Lotteries Accountability and Consequential Amendments Act  
201 Mr. Helwer The Electoral Divisions Amendment Act