Teach Preschoolers About Missions with St. Patrick! March Preschool Lesson Demo and Resources

March is the perfect time to teach little ones about missions, and what better way than through the incredible story of St. Patrick! This month’s lesson will help preschoolers understand that God loves every person and wants us to share His love with others—just like St. Patrick did when he returned to Ireland to tell people about Jesus.

Watch the lesson demo below and get your FREE copy of the lesson and resources here or send email to weecanknowsec@gmail.com to request!

Songs to Reinforce the Lesson

Music is a great way to help little ones remember biblical truths! Here are some songs we’re using with this lesson:

Jesus Loves the Little Children – A classic song reminding kids that Jesus’ love is for EVERYONE, no matter where they’re from!

Mark 16:15 Song – Based on Jesus’ command to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel,” this song helps little ones understand their role in sharing God’s love and it’s our memory verse this month!

The Trinity Song – A simple, beautiful way to introduce preschoolers to the concept of the Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.

Let’s help our preschoolers understand that missions isn’t just for grown-ups—God can use even the youngest hearts to share His love!

Download the lesson and resources here or send email to weecanknowsec@gmail.com to request.

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