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Brutius Parthon

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Brutius Parthon is a Radical Inquisitor Lord, of the Ordo Xenos and long time friend of Inquisitor Lord Agustius.[1a]


The following paragraphs contain spoilers for: Warrior Brood (Novel)

Parthon had been tracking a series of Tyranid attacks in a sector of space, when he realized it was a splinter of Hive Fleet Kraken, chasing the Craftworld Iyanden; still weakened from the Battle for Iyanden. Contacting the Eldar, he forced an agreement where in return for Eldar technology, Parthon would agree not to tell the Imperial Navy, where the Craftworld was hiding. With the Eldar technology, as well as Tyranid corpses, the Inquisitor Lord hoped to create a weapon capable of destroying the Tyranid threat once and for all. Parthon requisitioned, an abandoned Adeptus Mechanicus base on the sparsely populated planet Herodian IV and set up a hidden weapons research laboratory, headed by the Xenos Inquisitor Grendal. In order to make sure he could provide additional resources unhindered from prying eyes, he had his ship the battleship, Veiled Salvation stationed nearby next to the Herodian warp gate.[1a]

This continued for years, until experiments with the weapon, that would be known as the Grendal-machine, brought unforeseen consequences. A splinter fleet was drawn to Herodian IV by the usage of the Grendal-machine and began invading the planet. The Mantis Warriors heard the distress call, sent by the population and sent aid fighting the Tyranids on the surface and orbit. Though initially having some success, they were eventually overrun and evacuated from the planet[1b]. During this time, Parthon learned of the attack and closed the Herodian warp gate, before requesting a Imperial Navy taskforce to fight the Tyranids. It would just so happen that a Deathwatch Kill Team led by Quirion Octavius, landed on his ship unable to proceed through the close warp gate. They were normally tasked to his old friend Xenos Inquisitor Lord Agustius, but Parthon saw a chance to save the Grendal-machine from the doomed planet. He lied to the Kill Team and sent them to Herodian IV, on the pretense of killing a Hive Tyrant to disrupt the Tyranid forces. Leading them would be his protegee Inquisitor Kalypsia, who knew the real reason Parthon wanted them on the planet.[1c]

As the Kill Team was on their mission, Agustius arrived at the warp gate and finding it closed landed on the Veiled Salvation. He was supposed to travel through the gate to reach the frontiers of Segmentum Obscurus, where he was to command the Imperial forces fighting a growing Tyranid threat. Once again Parthon lied and told Agustius, his Kill Team was needed to kill the Hive Tyrant and save the planet. Agustius believed him, but wondered why he was wasting so many lives instead performing an exterminatus on such a insignificant planet. Kalypsia kept Parthon updated on the Kill Team's progress, including their failed first attempt at reaching the base[1c]. They replenished the team, with Space Marines from the Mantis Warriors, and successfully entered the base in their second attempt[1d]. As the Kill Team was making their way into the base, Agustius nagging suspicions had sent him looking for answers. Parthon realized that Agustius had breached his security and stolen files detailing his weapon research base on Herodian IV, before leaving the Veiled Salvation on his gunship. Parthon had Imperial Guardsmen stowed away on Agustius gunship before he left, hoping to warn his old friend off, but thinking they were assassins Agustius' retinue killed them[1e]. It was for these reasons, that when Agustius came back to the Veiled Salvation to to accuse his friend of heresy[1a], Parthon had Agustius and his retinue killed.[1f]

He soon received word that the Kill Team had returned from the planet, only to learn that the Grendal-machine had been destroyed and Inquisitor Kalypsia killed. Somehow, Kalypsia had merged with the machine and attacked the Kill Team, forcing them to destroy them both. Seeking to cover his tracks, Parthon ordered the Mantis Warriors battle barge the Endless Redemption, to perform an exterminatus on the planet. Knowing the surviving Kill Team would keep any accusations against him to themselves, he ordered them to escort him, back to his ship. There he made preparations to travel through the reopened warp gate, to the Obscurus frontier, where he would take over Agustius' role as commander of the Imperial forces fighting Tyranids.[1f]

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