Mordren is a Knights of the Raven Captain and is a member of the new group of Mor Deythan that the Raven Guard Chapter Master Kayvaan Shrike has assembled.[1]
The following paragraphs contain spoilers for: | The Geld (Audio Drama) |
The following paragraphs contain spoilers for: | Soulbound (Audio Drama) |
He serves beside Sergeant Artarix, and the Shadow Captains Qeld and Illith, in the newly restored order.[1] Qeld, however, was incensed at Mordren's inclusion, as the Knight of the Raven was not a member of the Raven Guard, like the other three were. The Shadow Captain felt Mordren was unworthy of being there because of this, but Shrike ended such talk immediately. The enraged Chapter Master chastened Qeld by saying the Knights were the Raven Guard's brothers and he would not allow any decisiveness between them to bloom in such dark times.[1] The Great Rift[2] had caused the Imperium to be beset by foes and Shrike would use the Mor Deythan's abilities in targeted attacks, that would topple these threats. The four would only be gathered together by him for such missions, with Illith normally in command, and their first undertaking was eliminating the Alpha Legion Chaos Lord Mazik. It was during that mission that Qeld ended the misgivings he had about Mordren, after they each saved each others' lives while they fought the Warlord.[1]
The Mor Deythan's second mission was boarding a mag-train on Delephron, in order to kill an Ordo Hereticus Interrogator who had learned disastrous information that would draw the Inquisition's gaze to the Raven Guard. They were not the only ones seeking the Interrogator though, and the Mor Deythan clashed with Nurgle Raptors who attacked the mag-train. The Mor Deythan were able to kill many of the Raptors and Mordren's life was saved by Qeld, who killed a Raptor that had borne the Knight of the Raven away from the Mag-train. Mordren in turn, would save Artarix's life by killing a Raptor that had impaled the Sergeant.[2]
As the Mor Deythan searched for the Interrogator, they found a maddened Astropath within one of the mag-train's carriages. From the Psyker's repeated ramblings, they learned that the missing Iron Ravens Successor Chapter, which had been drawn into the Warp a thousand years ago, had now returned. The Astropath claimed, however, that their time in the Warp had corrupted the Iron Ravens, which he claimed was something the Knights of the Raven would know about. Mordren denied these accusations, but they were not taken seriously by the others. Mor Deythan knew, however, that the Inquisition's discovery of the Iron Raven's corruption, would be dire for the Raven Guard. They realized that this was the information the Interrogator had found and they planned to immediately take the Astropath to Shrike. However the Mor Deythan noticed that the Nurgle Raptors had passed by the carriage and yet the Traitors had left the Astropath alive. Illith was now worried the Raptors could be seeking something else on the mag-train, and ordered Artarix to stay with the Astropath, while the remaining Mor Deythan advanced after the Traitors. When they caught up to the Raptors, the Mor Deythan could see the Traitors were pursuing a fleeing figure. Illith charged Qeld with capturing the person before they escaped, while he and Mordren dealt with the Raptors. However Qeld was captured by the Raptors and borne away from the mag-train, while the fleeing figure escaped into another carriage. By that point, Illith believed the survivors on the mag-train had been corrupted by the Nurgle Raptors and ordered them to be purged. While they did so, however, the fleeing figure escaped from the mag-train, without the Mor Deythan realizing it. After the mag-train was purged, Artarix and Mordren wished to find the captured Qeld, but Illith refused. He claimed their first priority was to warn Chapter Master Shrike of the Iron Raptors return and then they would begin the search for Qeld. The fleeing figure from the mag-train, however, turned out to be their original target, Interrogator Bledheim, who soon informed Inquisitor Sabbathiel of the Astropath's rantings.[2]