Nachmund Gauntlet
The Nachmund Gauntlet is a region of space in Segmentum Obscurus focused around the Nachmund Sub-Sector.[2a]
Located near the remains of Cadia and the Eye of Terror, the Nachmund Gauntlet was for a time the only stable route through the dreaded Cicatrix Maledictum, making it strategically vital and a source for huge amounts of Imperial refugees.[3a] Later in the Indomitus Crusade, a second passage dubbed the Attilan Gate was also discovered.[4]
Currently, the both the northern and some of the southern end of the Nachmund Gauntlet is under siege by the Forces of Chaos though the Imperial succeeded in holding most of the region.[2a] During the Nachmund Rift War almost the entire northern region of the Gauntlet was lost to the Imperium, who now seeks to erect a defensive network known as the Sanctus Wall to block the invasion of the Black Legion under Haarken Worldclaimer. While many worlds north of the Sanctus Wall remain under Imperial control, they are essentially on their own to weather the coming storm.[3b]
Known Systems and Celestial Bodies
- Northern End
- Agrofar[2a]
- Bade — Civilised World.[3a]
- Centor's Landing — Shrine World.[3a]
- Cholaris — Immaterium Surge Station.[2a][3a]
- Choraplex[2a]
- Consekratos Sancta — Ecclesiarchy-held world.[3a]
- Deverres — Mercantile Commune.[2a]
- Dharrovar — Chaos Knight World.[2a][3a]
- Dhulsa — Starfort.[2a]
- Enkellion Drifts — Asteroid field.[3a]
- Georgius VII — Seminary World.[2a]
- Helsor — Starfort.[3a]
- Jagdeth Magna — Agri-World.[2a]
- Kennet Majoris — Hive World (fallen to Chaos).[2a][2b]
- Orgalnafor — Industrial World (fallen to Chaos).[2a][2b]
- Parathis — Hive World.[3a]
- Puvasta — Hive World.[2a]
- Q'arl's Rim — Asteroid Mining Colony.[2a]
- Quarth — Knight World.[2a]
- Shern — Forge World.[2a]
- Skemass — Hive World.[2a]
- St Marinus' Halo — Fortified Accretion Disc.[2a]
- Thort — Civilized World (fallen to Chaos).[2a][2b]
- Tratulan — Hive World.[2a]
- Twins of Fundis — Astra Telepathica station (fallen to Chaos).[2a][2b]
- Urastor — Death World (fallen to Chaos).[2a][2b]
- Utann's World — Civilized World.[2a]
- Vageshizzar — Imperial Guard Muster World (fallen to Chaos).[2a][2b]
- Veitheim II — Forge World.[2a]
- Vendigast — Mining World (fallen to Chaos).[2a][2b]
- Vigilus — Fortress World.[2a]
- Vorandium — Agri-World.[2a]
- Voranos — Explorator Way Station.[2a]
- Vorilla Fen — Xenos colony.[2a]
- Yolaris — Civilized World.[2a]
- Southern End
- Essau — Industrial World.[2a]
- Felhart Domain — Black Templars Recruitment World.[2a]
- Fort Cybaltus — Departmento Munitorum Arsenal World.[2a]
- Gargazel — Starfort.[3a]
- Ghoralik — Hive World.[3a]
- Ligom — Hive World.[2a]
- Nonavore — Bastion World.[2a][3a]
- Okomeia — Knight World.[2a]
- Prenzin — Explorator way station.[3a]
- Sabellaax — Civilized World.[2a]
- Sangua Terra — Fortress World.[2a][Conflicting sources]
- Scarlet Trianarius[2a]
- Septum Verda — Industrial World.[2a][3a]
- Vorlis Reef[2a]
Conflicting sources
- The sourcebook War Zone Nachmund: Rift War shows the Sanguis System, and by extension Sangua Terra, as being in the neighbouring Gorandahl Sub-Sector.[3b]
See also
- 1: Warhammer Community
- 2: War Zone Nachmund: Vigilus Alone:
- 3: War Zone Nachmund: Rift War:
- 4: Hand of Abaddon (Novel) - Chapter 28