Part Cut

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Part Cut

Ubicación en el Menú
Part → Cut
Entornos de trabajo
Atajo de teclado por defecto
Introducido en versión
Ver también
Part Union, Part Common

Corta (resta) los objetos Pieza seleccionados, el último será sustraído del primero. Esta operación es completamente paramétrica y los componentes pueden ser modificados y el resultado recalculado.

The Part Cut tool cuts (subtracts) selected Part objects, the last one being subtracted from the first one. This operation is fully parametric and the components can be modified and the result recomputed.

This tool is an automated form of the Boolean operation.


  1. Select two shapes.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the tool:
    • Press the Cut button.
    • Select the Part → Boolean → Cut option from the menu.

Supported inputs

Input objects must be OpenCASCADE shapes. For example objects made with the Part, PartDesign or Sketcher workbenches. For meshes there are dedicated Boolean tools in Mesh Workbench.