Kaiju Gaiden

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Kaiju Gaiden
Kaiju Gaiden poster by Jeff Zornow
Directed by Mark Jaramillo, David Hall
Producer Benjamin L. Jaramillo
Written by Mark Jaramillo
Music by Adrian von Ziegler
Aspect ratio 1.77:1

Kaiju Gaiden (怪獣外伝,   Kaijū Gaiden, lit. Monster Side Story) is an unfinished American documentary on the history of independent kaiju films in Japan, produced by Stendec Studio.


Staff role on the left, staff member's name on the right.

  • Directed by   Mark Jaramillo, David Hall
  • Written by   Mark Jaramillo
  • Executive producer   Benjamin L. Jaramillo
  • Music by   Adrian von Ziegler
  • Cinematography by   Alvah Holmes


Films intended to be featured


Principal photography for Kaiju Gaiden took place in Japan over 12 days in October 2014.[3] A Kickstarter for the film run by director David Hall launched on September 28 and concluded on November 12, raising $30,591. The film was originally scheduled to premiere at the BAL Theatre in San Leandro, California, on June 20, 2015.

On January 20, 2016, producer Mark Jaramillo removed Hall from the project, citing his inability to pay the film's staff, mail rewards to the Kickstarter backers, or produce "10 seconds of edited footage."[4] Hall released a trailer the same day, claiming Kaiju Gaiden was "98 percent finished."[5] The fate of the other two percent is unknown, as he has not updated the film's Kickstarter since August 1, 2016.

In 2017, Jaramillo returned to Japan to shoot additional interviews, and released his own trailer for the film at G-Fest XXIV on July 15, 2017. He last updated the film's Facebook page on June 9, 2018, then abruptly stopped posting on social media shortly thereafter. He resumed activity on his personal Facebook account in late 2022 without mentioning the film. Several months later, author and filmmaker J.L. Carrozza discovered that Jaramillo's absence was the result of serving jail time for distributing child pornography.[6][note 1] With the kaiju fandom quickly repudiating Jaramillo, the film is unlikely to ever be completed and released.





2017 Kaiju Gaiden trailer


External links


  1. Jaramillo never responded to Carrozza's post, instead disappearing from Facebook once again. The evidence that he is the same person named in United States v. Autry et al. (1:18-cr-00111-MLB-CMS) is overwhelming. The arrest took place on July 21, 2018, nine days after Jaramillo's last post on Facebook that year, and he did not post again until shortly after his release from prison on October 27, 2022. The 2021 sentencing report describes him as 51 years old and a California resident, matching information on his Facebook and YouTube accounts. In addition, August Ragone referenced a Los Angeles-based kaiju fan with Japanese connections and a passion for independent productions who was "fortunately [...] in federal prison right now" during a April 25, 2020 GPTV livestream.


This is a list of references for Kaiju Gaiden. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Maser Patrol: G-Fest XXI notes
  2. [1]
  3. SciFi Japan - Kaiju Gaiden: Documentary on Independent Kaiju Films on Kickstarter
  4. Kaiju Gaiden Facebook page - January 20, 2016
  5. Kickstater - Kaiju Gaiden Update #7
  6. Carrozza, J.L. (18 February 2023). "I probably shouldn't be blowing the whistle here and I'm not big on canceling people, but someone else would have". Facebook.


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