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Godzilla designs
The KingGoji in King Kong vs. Godzilla
Type Suit, stop-motion, upper-body puppet
Nicknames Godzilla 1962, Kingoji, Kin-Godzi[1]
Portrayed by Haruo Nakajima
Used in King Kong vs. Godzilla,
Mothra vs. Godzilla (stunt scenes)
Candidate for deletion
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Reason: Plans to merge Godzilla design pages with Godzilla incarnation pages are underway. For more information, see the forum topic.

The KingGoji (キンゴジ,   Kingoji) is the Godzilla suit design used in the 1962 Godzilla film King Kong vs. Godzilla.


The KingGoji's name comes from another kaiju's name in the film it appeared in, King Kong (キングコング,   Kingu Kongu), and Goji, which comes from Godzilla's Japanese name, Gojira (ゴジラ).


One of the most popular Godzilla designs, the KingGoji was noticeably different from any Godzilla suits before or since. The suit was more reptilian in appearance and the build was very stocky, especially in the lower half of the body. The head was small and streamlined, with a combination of human-like eyes placed on the sides of the head in a reptilian manner.

Other distinctive features for the KingGoji included large hands with spike-like claws and thumbs nearly as large as the three other fingers. The KingGoji also had several features that would be common to all Godzilla suits until 1984's 84Goji. These were a lack of visible external ears, no fangs, three toes, a smooth underside for the tail, and one large main row of dorsal plates flanked by two smaller rows.

Use in other media

Video games



Concept art

King Kong vs. Godzilla


King Kong vs. Godzilla

Mothra vs. Godzilla

Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster

Invasion of Astro-Monster


King Kong vs. Godzilla trailers

King Kong vs. Godzilla

Mothra vs. Godzilla









  • A statue of the KingGoji can be seen in Colonel Gondo's office in Godzilla vs. Biollante.
  • The suit was also used in Mothra vs. Godzilla as a stand-in for the MosuGoji suit in two scenes. It is first used in the scene where Godzilla is shown wading to Iwa Island in the distance, and is later utilized when Godzilla is cocooned in silk by the Mothra larvae and falls into the ocean. The KingGoji was also featured in early publicity stills and posters for the film.
  • A finless version of this design was used in the original version of The Revenge of Shinobi for the Sega Genesis. Named as Godzilla, it was one of the bosses. In later versions, it was replaced with a dinosaur skeleton.
  • The MireGoji bears some resemblance to the KingGoji, notably in its facial structure.
  • One of the two Godzilla suits used in the 1983 fan film Wolfman vs. Godzilla is a replica of the KingGoji, the other being a replica of the MosuGoji.
  • KingGoji is the basis for the Godziban character Kingoji-kun.


This is a list of references for KingGoji. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Img128.jpg


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