Jae Jørgensen
Jae Jørgensen is a Monarch operative who appears in two stories of the 2024 anthology graphic novel Monsterverse Declassified.
Jørgensen's surname is Nordic in origin, suggesting she was born to, was adopted by, or is married to someone of Nordic ancestry.
Jørgensen was born on Groom Lake in the U.S. state of Nevada, near Area 51. After growing up a foster child, she pursued higher education, earning a Bachelor of Science from New York's Syracuse University, a Master of Library and Information Science from Boston's Simmons University, and a PhD in archive studies from England's University of Liverpool. She was subsequently hired by Monarch as one of the organization's youngest operatives, ultimately working as a deputy archivist at Outpost #237 in the Hollow Earth.
Jørgensen is a highly-intelligent and driven young woman, earning several degrees in quick succession and outperforming her colleagues at Monarch. She is never without her headphones, with which she listens to curated playlists that keep her focused for hours on end. Among her preferred listening are audio recordings of Titan vocalizations and, somewhat ironically, episodes of Bernie Hayes' Monarch-exposing Titan Truth Podcast. She finds the former to be most effective, believing that this so-called "Titansong" could be revolutionary to audio therapy. Jørgensen is also bold and eccentric, wearing vibrant, unconventional clothing and frequently changing her hairstyles, as well as venturing into unfamiliar locations to personally collect samples for cataloging.
- Monsterverse Declassified (2024) ["Abaddon" and "Tiamat"]
Monsterverse Declassified
Jørgensen listened to a Titan Truth Podcast episode about the Titan Abaddon as a spider crawled around her office. She spotted the arachnid while combing through files and prepared to step on it, but decided against it. She eventually arrived at an illustration of the Greek character Arachne, who had been discussed in the episode as an example of spiders' presence throughout human mythology.
Jørgensen took a Monarch submarine to the Norwegian island of Kvitøya, where she snapped photos of the site of Godzilla's battle with Tiamat and collected samples of the latter's blood. Satisfied, she descended beneath the waves in the submarine and took an underwater passageway into the Hollow Earth, arriving at Monarch Outpost #237. At her desk, she inserted a vial of Tiamat's blood into a machine and munched on a donut as a monitor displayed the sample's rate of decay as 0%. Just above her, in a giant cylindrical tank, the severed head of Tiamat began to stir. Jørgensen's mission and findings were later recapped by Bernie Hayes on Titan Truth.
Concept art
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