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Skyline of Rome, Italy

Rome (Roma in Italian) is the capital of Italy as well as its largest city. It is home to several world-renowned landmarks, including the Colosseum.


Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

Godzilla and Scylla clashing in Rome in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

In 2027, Rome was attacked by Scylla. She stomped through the streets with her claws and shot webbing at buildings, before being intercepted by Godzilla. The two Titans roared and charged at each other, and after a brief scuffle Godzilla hurled Scylla into the Victor Emmanuel II Monument. Godzilla leapt onto the arthropod Titan, who frantically tried to suffocate him with her tentacles and stab him with her claws to no avail. Godzilla fired his atomic breath directly into Scylla's face, obliterating her and ending her brief terror. After the fight, Godzilla rested inside the Colosseum for a few hours before suddenly waking up, alerted by the Iwi's distress call warning of the Skar King's attempt to take over the surface of the Earth, and left Rome on the River Tiber to prepare for his old enemy's return. Godzilla returned to the Colosseum a few days later after taking part in the defeat of Skar King, going back to sleep inside the Roman landmark.


Godzilla: Rage Across Time #4

Godzilla freeing himself from the Alps. Mountains near Rome in Godzilla: Rage Across Time

In 218 B.C., Godzilla, Hannibal, and a third party traversed an underground cavern that sewed through the Alps. Mountain Range. The three of them fought each other while closing in on Rome. Hannibal and his men eventually buried Godzilla beneath remnants of the cavern ceiling before continuing on toward the city. Alive and unharmed, Godzilla reawakened and freed himself with his atomic breath, firing up a beacon that sent the people of Rome into fear. The King of the Monsters subsequently destroyed Rome.

Scylla attacking Rome in Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted

Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted

After absorbing radiation from various sites across the world, Scylla attacked Rome. Titan Truth Podcast host Bernie Hayes commented on how the "Eternal City" of the ancient Roman Empire would not fair well from the aggressive Titan’s raid. However, after pursuing Scylla across the world, Godzilla intercepted her in Rome and prepared to battle her, in order to end her challenge to his reign and her disruption of the natural order.

Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons II - Sons of Giants

Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan and Hedorah converged in Rome in ancient times, called together by unknown means. The four kaiju battled each other until their true enemy appeared: King Ghidorah. Working together, the four kaiju were able to defeat Ghidorah and stop an Xilien invasion in the process. Some of the human survivors of the battle began to honor and worship kaiju as a secret society called the Sons of Giants.


GODZILLA: Project Mechagodzilla

Rome was attacked by several Rodans when they claimed the Italian Peninsula as their hunting grounds.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - The Official Movie Novelization

After Godzilla returned to the Colosseum, Monarch Director Hampton wondered if the Roman architecture reminded him of his lost temple in Hollow Earth.[1]


  • Godzilla sleeping in the Colosseum was directly inspired by director Adam Wingard's own cat Mischief sleeping in her nest.[2]
  • A poster for 2014's Godzilla featured Godzilla in the Colosseum, 10 years before he visited it in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.


This is a list of references for Rome. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]

  1. Keyes 2024, pp. 308.
  2. Owen, Phil (15 March 2024). "Godzilla X Kong And Godzilla Minus One Were Both Heavily Influenced By Cats". GameSpot.


Countries Japan (HiroshimaNagasakiTokyo (ShinagawaGinza) • KobeOsakaNagoyaOkinawa (Cape Manzamo) • HokkaidoKyotoFukuoka) • China (Beijing) • Philippines (Manila) • New GuineaMarshall IslandsUnited States (New York CityAlaskaTexas) • United Kingdom (London) • France (Paris) • Italy (Venice) • GermanyRussia (Moscow) • Rolisica (New Kirk City)MuSelginaSeatopiaNorth KoreaSouth Korea
Geographic points Mount AsoMount FujiAokigaharaPacific Ocean (Bikini AtollOdo IslandIwato IslandKamiko IslandFaro IslandMatango IslandInfant IslandSergio IslandLetchi IslandSollgel IslandMonster IslandMondo IslandOgasawara Islands • (Monsterland) • Japan TrenchTokyo BayOsaka BaySagami BaySuruga Bay) • Arctic Ocean
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmericaAntarctica) • MysteroidPlanet RPlanet PairaVenusMarsJupiterPlanet XMoonGorathTerraPlanet Fire GodDark Gaseous Nebula of the OrionM Space Hunter NebulaPlanet PeacelandPlanet GarogaPlanet BulgarBlack Hole Planet 3
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingSEIKO HOUSE GINZATokyo TowerOsaka CastleSaikai BridgeHaneda AirportAtami CastleNagoya TV TowerNagoya CastleWakato BridgeKurobe DamArc de TriompheGodzilla TowerUnderground CaveAtlantis
Countries Japan (TokyoOsakaHokkaido (Sapporo) • FukuokaNagoyaYokohama (Minato Mirai 21) • KyotoKobeKagoshimaBeppuKumamotoOkinawaOmaezakiSendaiAshikaga) • China (Hong Kong) • PhilippinesMarshall IslandsRussiaSaradiaNorth KoreaSouth Korea
Geographic points Mount MiharaMount FujiAokigaharaLake AshiPacific Ocean (Tokyo BayBikini AtollLagos IslandBering SeaSea of OkhotskInfant IslandAdonoa IslandBaas IslandKowloon BaySuruga BayGodzillandGodzilla IslandMatango IslandBungo ChannelYakushimaNilai-Kanai Temple) • Arctic Ocean
Planets and continents Earth (Asia) • MarsJupiterMonster PlanetPlanet Torendeiru
Miscellaneous Ihama Nuclear Power PlantNational Diet BuildingSEIKO HOUSE GINZAFukuoka TowerSapporo TV TowerNagoya CastleNagoya TV TowerYokohama Landmark TowerYokohama Bay BridgeCosmo Clock 21Tokyo TowerKai Tak AirportTokyo Bay Aqua-LineTokyo Metropolitan Government BuildingTokyo Telecom CenterIkata Nuclear Power PlantHaneda AirportAriake ColiseumUnderworldAtlantis
Countries Japan (TokyoOkinawaTokaiManazuruHokkaido (Nemuro) • OsakaYokohamaTateyama) • United States (New York CityArizona) • France (Paris) • Australia (Sydney) • New Guinea (Papua New Guinea) • China (Shanghai) • Canada
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Tokyo BayKiganjimaInfant IslandOgasawara Islands (MagonotéHimago Island) • Japan Trench) • Atlantic Ocean (English Channel) • Mount MyokoLake IkedaMount FujiAokigaharaArea G
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmericaOceaniaAustraliaAntarctica) • GorathPlanet Fire God
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingTokyo TowerTokai Nuclear Power PlantYokohama Landmark TowerYokohama Bay BridgeSydney Opera HouseEiffel Tower
Countries Japan (Tokyo (KamataShinagawaGinza) • KamakuraMechagodzilla CityNigashio) • United Kingdom (London) • France (Paris) • GermanyUnited StatesIndiaMarshall Islands
Geographic points Mount FujiTanzawa PassPacific Ocean (Odo IslandTokyo BaySagami BayBikini AtollOgasawara IslandsBōsō Peninsula) • Atlantic Ocean (English Channel)
Planets and continents Earth (AsiaEuropeAmerica) • Kepler-452bTau Ceti eMoon
Miscellaneous National Diet BuildingTokyo TowerTokyo StationSEIKO HOUSE GINZAAratrumOratioUnion Compound India
American films
Countries United States (New York CityHawaiiNevadaSan FranciscoBostonSedonaPhoenixHobokenWashington, D.C.PensacolaAlaska) • France (French PolynesiaMontagnac) • Marshall IslandsJamaicaPhilippinesJapan (JanjiraTokyo) • VietnamMexico (Isla de Mara) • Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) • Germany (Munich) • Russia (Moscow) • United Kingdom (LondonGibraltar) • Spain (Cadiz) • Italy (Rome) • BarbadosNorway (Kvitøya) • Sudan (Jebel Barkal) • Peru (Machu Pichu) • Egypt (Cairo) • China (Hong Kong) • South Korea
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Bikini AtollSkull IslandTasman Sea) • Arctic OceanYunnan RainforestMount FujiInfant IslandVictoria Peak
Planets and continents Earth (AmericaEuropeAsiaOceaniaAntarctica)
Miscellaneous Empire State BuildingWorld Trade CenterMadison Square GardenBrooklyn BridgeHonolulu International AirportGolden Gate BridgeYucca Mountain Nuclear Waste RepositoryFenway ParkApex CyberneticsColosseumGreat PyramidChrist the Redeemer
Printed media
Countries United States (San FranciscoSan DiegoLos AngelesNew York CityTexasWashington, D.C.SeattleLas VegasAlaskaChicago) • Japan (Tokyo) • GermanyBrazil (São Paulo) • France (Paris) • GreeceItaly (PompeiiRome) • Ghana (Accra) • India (Mumbai) • Turkey (Istanbul) • North KoreaSouth Korea (Seoul) • Russia (Moscow) • MexicoVietnamJamaicaPeruCanada (Vancouver)
Geographic points Pacific Ocean (Monster IslandMonster IslandsInfant IslandMoansta IslandSatan AtollOgasawara IslandsBering Sea)
Planets and continents Earth (AmericaAsiaEuropeAntarctica)
Miscellaneous Alaskan PipelineGolden Gate BridgeGrand CanyonEiffel TowerChrist the RedeemerHellMultiverse


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