Recommended Resources
Here is a curated collection of online resources you can read and use to boost your word games skills and enrich your knowledge about anagrams and cryptograms.
Here is a curated collection of online resources you can read and use to boost your word games skills and enrich your knowledge about anagrams and cryptograms.
A trusted resource to help everybody improving his vocabulary. Learn and practice support for beginners and intermediary level learners.
A list of tips for those preparing to take a Cambridge Assessment. No matter how old are you, there are always a lot of outside-the-classroom resources to help you improve your English vocabulary.
Teacher Education through School-based Support - TESS - India shares strategies for teaching vocabulary beyond traditional ways. They help teachers in getting faster results with their students.
Even before the digital era, BBC was committed to inspiring English language learners in their effort of learning the language. They suggested some fundamental ways to boost your learning performance through News, slang expressions, videos, and quizzes.
Oxford English Dictionary contains more than 600.000 words. It is the leading English dictionary of all times. It also includes historical presentations and meanings in time for each word.
Education First presents a curated collection of free English-learning resources. No matter what is your goal, you will find resources to boost your vocabulary, improve your grammar, enrich your knowledge about English Quotes, or simply test your level.
A useful learning resource, especially for those interested in expanding their aviation-related vocabulary.
American English is a resource center for teaching and learning American English language and promoting the culture. They are managed by the US Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Oklahoma State Department of Education presents a collection of resources for building academic vocabulary.
Wisconsin Department for Public Instruction offers a list of suggestions to teachers in order to enhance their capabilities of teaching vocabulary in science.
Most important English vocabulary lists to help you master the most common words.
Vocabulary Building Resources recommended by Saddleback College.
World Journal of Education presents a study about the correlation between anagram solution ability and reading fluency.
While solving anagram is beneficial for the brain, this study shows how insolvable anagrams were used to test the impact of stress on decision-making abilities.
During the time, anagram solving was used in many types of research in different fields. This study was about aggregate group behavior.
Do you know what the Saturn Puzzle is? The anagram which was used to announce the discovery of Titan - Saturn s moon - by the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens.
Another example of anagram use in education - an individual assignment to write recursive code for finding all anagram phrases that match a given word or phrase.
Wikipedia definition of the anagram.
National Archives Educator Resources presents an exercise as learning support about Zimmermann Telegram - the famous cryptogram about Mexico s vue_history.
In our technology-driven world, keeping personal information safe from prying eyes is becoming increasingly important. Thankfully, for the everyday user, cryptography is widely implemented, and we can be confident that only intended recipients can view sensitive information.
A simple explanation of enciphering and ciphers.
A more extended study of Cryptography for everybody. Terminology, ciphers, modern vs. classical cryptography.
Strings and Cryptography - Caesar ciphers - simple encryption and decryption programs.
A Stanford learning resource on Cryptography.
Introduction to Cryptography - A presentation at the University of Colorado
A Khan Academy course about cryptography
Wikipedia definition of cryptography.
A famous FBI contest for solving a murder case by decrypting a message.
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