WFS News: Rare pterosaur fossil reveals crocodilian bite 76m years ago

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

The fossilised neck bone of a flying reptile unearthed in Canada shows tell-tale signs of being bitten by a crocodile-like creature 76 million years ago, according to a new study published today [23 January] in the Journal of Palaeontology.

The juvenile pterosaur vertebra, discovered in Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, bears a circular four-millimetre-wide puncture mark from a crocodilian tooth.

TMP 2023.012.0237 in dorsal (1, 7, 13), ventral (2, 8, 14), right lateral (3, 9, 15), left lateral (4, 10, 16), anterior (5, 11, 17), and posterior (6, 12, 18) views. Upper images (1–6) show bone surface color, middle images (7–12) are ammonium chloride powder-coated, lower images (13–18) are schematic line drawings. For the line drawings (13–18), light and medium gray indicates bone surface, hatches indicate broken bone surface, light stipples indicate matrix infill creating natural internal mold, and dark stipples indicate matrix infill with no specific form. apf, accessory pneumatic foramen; lpf, lateral pneumatic foramen; nc, neural canal; ns, neural spine; tr, trace (i.e., feeding trace/tooth mark).

TMP 2023.012.0237 in dorsal (1, 7, 13), ventral (2, 8, 14), right lateral (3, 9, 15), left lateral (4, 10, 16), anterior (5, 11, 17), and posterior (6, 12, 18) views. Upper images (1–6) show bone surface color, middle images (7–12) are ammonium chloride powder-coated, lower images (13–18) are schematic line drawings. For the line drawings (13–18), light and medium gray indicates bone surface, hatches indicate broken bone surface, light stipples indicate matrix infill creating natural internal mold, and dark stipples indicate matrix infill with no specific form. apf, accessory pneumatic foramen; lpf, lateral pneumatic foramen; nc, neural canal; ns, neural spine; tr, trace (i.e., feeding trace/tooth mark).

Researchers from the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology (Canada), the University of Reading (UK) and the University of New England (Australia) say this rare evidence provides insight into predator-prey dynamics in the region during the Cretaceous Period.

The discovery was made during an international field course that took place in July 2023, led by Dr Brian Pickles from the University of Reading.

Ammonium chloride coated images (1, 2), CT-scan slice (3), and digital render (4) of TMP 2023.012.0237: (1) entire element in ventral view (anterior at right), with gray area approximating the missing portion; (2) detail of anterior end with tooth mark; (3, 4) outputs of CT-scan data: (3) two-dimensional slice through the tooth mark at plane indicated in 2.3; (4) solid three-dimensional render of the element. Solid vertical lines in (1, 2) show plane of slice in (3). Dashed lines in (3) show missing extent of bone surface at the point of the trace.

Ammonium chloride coated images (1, 2), CT-scan slice (3), and digital render (4) of TMP 2023.012.0237: (1) entire element in ventral view (anterior at right), with gray area approximating the missing portion; (2) detail of anterior end with tooth mark; (3, 4) outputs of CT-scan data: (3) two-dimensional slice through the tooth mark at plane indicated in 2.3; (4) solid three-dimensional render of the element. Solid vertical lines in (1, 2) show plane of slice in (3). Dashed lines in (3) show missing extent of bone surface at the point of the trace.

Dr Caleb Brown from the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology is the lead author of the paper.

He said: “Pterosaur bones are very delicate — so finding fossils where another animal has clearly taken a bite is exceptionally uncommon. This specimen being a juvenile makes it even more rare.”

Dinosaur Provincial Park has produced some of the most important dinosaur fossil discoveries ever made.

The punctured vertebra belongs to a young Azhdarchid pterosaur (Cryodrakon boreas), with an estimated wingspan of two metres.

Adults of this species would have been as tall as a giraffe with a wingspan in the region of 10m.

The researchers used micro-CT scans and comparisons with other pterosaur bones to confirm the puncture is not a result of damage during fossilisation or excavation, but an actual bite.

Dr Brian Pickles from the University of Reading and co-author of the paper said: “Bite traces help to document species interactions from this period. We can’t say if the pterosaur was alive or dead when it was bitten but the specimen shows that crocodilians occasionally preyed on, or scavenged, juvenile pterosaurs in prehistoric Alberta over 70 million years ago.”

The paper also shows that this new bone documents the first evidence in North America of ancient crocodilians opportunistically feeding on these giant prehistoric flying reptiles. Other examples of Azhdarchid bones with possible crocodilian bites have previously been found in Romania.

Journal Reference: Caleb M. Brown, Phil R. Bell, Holly Owers, Brian J. Pickles. A juvenile pterosaur vertebra with putative crocodilian bite from the Campanian of Alberta, CanadaJournal of Paleontology, 2025; 1 DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2024.12

University of Reading. “Rare pterosaur fossil reveals crocodilian bite 76m years ago.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 January 2025. <>.
@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: UK’s biggest ever dinosaur footprint site unearthed

These footprints were made 166 million years ago as a dinosaur walked across a lagoon

These footprints were made 166 million years ago as a dinosaur walked across a lagoon

The UK’s biggest ever dinosaur trackway site has been discovered in a quarry in Oxfordshire.

About 200 huge footprints, which were made 166 million years ago, criss-cross the limestone floor.

They reveal the comings and goings of two different types of dinosaurs that are thought to be a long-necked sauropod called Cetiosaurus and the smaller meat-eating Megalosaurus.

The longest trackways are 150m in length, but they could extend much further as only part of the quarry has been excavated.

“This is one of the most impressive track sites I’ve ever seen, in terms of scale, in terms of the size of the tracks,” said Prof Kirsty Edgar, a micropalaeontologist from the University of Birmingham.

“You can step back in time and get an idea of what it would have been like, these massive creatures just roaming around, going about their own business.”

The dinosaurs left their mark as they walked across a tropical lagoon

The dinosaurs left their mark as they walked across a tropical lagoon

The tracks were first spotted by Gary Johnson, a worker at Dewars Farm Quarry, while he was driving a digger.

“I was basically clearing the clay, and I hit a hump, and I thought it’s just an abnormality in the ground,” he said, pointing to a ridge where some mud has been pushed up as a dinosaur’s foot pressed down into the earth.

“But then it got to another, 3m along, and it was a hump again. And then it went another 3m – hump again.”

Another trackway site had been found nearby in the 1990s, so he realised the regular bumps and dips could be dinosaur footprints.

“I thought I’m the first person to see them. And it was so surreal – a bit of a tingling moment, really,” he told BBC News.

This summer, more than 100 scientists, students and volunteers joined an excavation at the quarry which features on the new series of Digging for Britain.

The team found five different trackways.

Four of them were made by sauropods, plant-eating dinosaurs that walked on four legs. Their footprints look a bit like an elephant’s – only much much bigger – these beasts reached up to 18m in length.

Another track is thought to have been created by a Megalosaurus.

“It’s almost like a caricature of a dinosaur footprint”, explained Dr Emma Nicholls, a vertebrate palaeontologist from the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

“It’s what we call a tridactyl print. It’s got these three toes that are very, very clear in the print.”

The carnivorous creatures, which walked on two legs, were agile hunters, she said.

“The whole animal would have been 6-9m in length. They were the largest predatory dinosaurs that we know of in the Jurassic period in Britain.”

The environment they lived in was covered by a warm, shallow lagoon and the dinosaurs left their prints as they ambled across the mud.

“Something must have happened to preserve these in the fossil record,” said Prof Richard Butler, a palaeobiologist from the University of Birmingham.

“We don’t know exactly what, but it might be that there was a storm event that came in, deposited a load of sediments on top of the footprints, and meant that they were preserved rather than just being washed away.”

The team studied the trackways in detail during the dig. As well as making casts of the tracks, they took more than 20,000 photographs to create 3D models of both the complete site and individual footprints.

“The really lovely thing about a dinosaur footprint, particularly if you have a trackway, is that it is a snapshot in the life of the animal,” Prof Butler explained.

“You can learn things about how that animal moved. You can learn exactly what the environment that it was living in was like. So tracks give us a whole different set of information that you can’t get from the bone fossil record.”

One area of the site even reveals where the paths of a sauropod and megalosaurus once crossed.

The prints are so beautifully preserved that the team have been able to work out which animal passed through first – they believe it was the sauropod, because the front edge of its large, round footprint is slightly squashed down by the three-toed megalosaurus walking on top of it.

“Knowing that this one individual dinosaur walked across this surface and left exactly that print is so exhilarating,” said Dr Duncan Murdock from Oxford University.

“You can sort of imagine it making its way through, pulling its legs out of the mud as it was going.”

The future fate of the trackways hasn’t yet been decided but the scientists are working with Smiths Bletchington, who operate the quarry, and Natural England on options for preserving the site for the future.

They believe there could be more footprints, these echoes of our prehistoric past, just waiting to be discovered.

Source: article by Rebecca Morelle(Science Editor),Alison Francis (Senior Science Journalist), BBC.Com

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira,Riffin T Sajeev,Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: platypterygiid ichthyosaur,98-Million-Year-Old Ichthyosaur Fossil Uncovered in New Zealand

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

Paleontologists in New Zealand have discovered a partial skeleton of platypterygiid ichthyosaur dating to the Cretaceous period.

“Ichthyosaurs were a clade of secondarily aquatic marine reptiles that inhabited the seas for much of the Mesozoic Era, first appearing in the Early Triassic before their ultimate extinction at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary,” said University of Canterbury paleontologist George Young and his colleagues.

A pair of Platypterygius sp. Image credit: Dmitry Bogdanov / CC BY 3.0.

A pair of Platypterygius sp. Image credit: Dmitry Bogdanov / CC BY 3.0.

“Cretaceous ichthyosaurs were once thought of as a group with low diversity and disparity resulting from a long-term decline since the Jurassic.”

“However, recent work has produced a growing body of evidence that Cretaceous ichthyosaurs were much more diverse than previously thought.”

“Ichthyosaur fossils were first recorded in New Zealand by von Haast in 1861 from Mt Potts in the central South Island,” they added.

“Over the subsequent 150 years, fossil material of ichthyosaurs has been recovered from the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.”

The new New Zealand ichthyosaur was found in the Coverham area at the northern end of the Waiau Toa/Clarence valley.

The specimen is a disarticulated partial skeleton preserved within a concretion.

It dates back 98 million years ago to the Cretaceous period — approximately 4 million years before the final extinction of the ichthyosaurs.

“The material derives from a concretion that was found in situ within the Swale Siltstone Member of the Split Rock Formation, a siliciclastic unit deposited during the Cenomanian age and found throughout southern Marlborough and northernmost Canterbury in the New Zealand’s South Island,” the paleontologists said.

“All of New Zealand’s previously described Cretaceous ichthyosaur material comes from the North Island.”

The specimen is the most completely preserved individual ichthyosaur known from New Zealand.

It possesses a well-preserved pelvis and hindfin which have added to the known dataset of these elements which are so rarely preserved in Cretaceous species.

“Whilst the specimen is too fragmentary to formally name, this taxon shows an extreme reduction of the basioccipital extracondylar area, a scapula with a prominent acromion process and a strap-like scapula shaft, as well as a complete left pelvic girdle with an elongated depression on the anteroproximal face of the ischiopubis,” the researchers said.

They suggest that it is a late branching member of the platypterygiid ichthyosaurs, closely related to an Eastern Gondwanan species called Platypterygius australis and to many European Cretaceous ichthyosaurs.

However, it appears to be unrelated to the Cretaceous ichthyosaurs of Western Gondwana, suggesting potential regionalism amongst the Gondwanan Cretaceous ichthyosaur populations.

“The new New Zealand ichthyosaur adds to the known diversity of Gondwanan Cretaceous ichthyosaurs and may suggest a regionalized rather than cosmopolitan distribution of ichthyosaur populations around the margin of Cretaceous Gondwana,” the scientists conlcuded.

The findings appear in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

REFERENCE: George R.A. Young et al. A platypterygiid ichthyosaur from the Cenomanian of central New Zealand. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, published online October 30, 2024; doi: 10.1080/02724634.2024.2408391

Source : Article By Natali Anderson

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: World’s oldest lizard wins fossil fight

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

A storeroom specimen that changed the origins of modern lizards by millions of years has had its identity confirmed.

The tiny skeleton, unearthed from Triassic-aged rocks in a quarry near Bristol, is at least 205 million years old and the oldest modern-type lizard on record.

Recently, the University of Bristol team’s findings came under question, but fresh analysis, published today in Royal Society Open Science, proves that the fossil is related to modern anguimorphs such as anguids and monitors. The discovery shifts the origin of the whole lizard-snake group, called Squamata, back by 35 million years.

In the original study, Dr David Whiteside, Dr Sofia Chambi-Trowell and Professor Mike Benton, named the little critter Cryptovaranoides microlanius, meaning ‘hidden lizard, small butcher’ because of its identification as a lizard and its sharp teeth, probably used for cutting up prey animals for food. The Bristol team identified many anatomical features of the skull and skeleton that allowed them to place it well within Squamata, and even close to the Anguimorpha.

Figure 1. Images from the holotype NHMUK PV R36822 of C. microlanius, separate isolated bones referable to the taxon and a palatine of †Tanystropheus longobardicus for comparison. (a) Distal end of left humerus in anterior view exposed on the surface of the holotype rock showing an ectepicondylar and an entepicondylar foramen and the capitellum. (b) NHMUK PV 38911 isolated larger specimen of the distal end of left humerus of †Cryptovaranoides microlanius in (above) anterior and (below) posterior views showing similar features except the condyle of the capitellum. (c) Right maxilla, right vomer in ventral view, right septomaxilla in dorsal view and both premaxillae exposed on the surface of the holotype rock. (d) Scan of right septomaxilla in posteromedial view. (e) Scan of NHMUK PV R36822, mainly in ventral view, showing right lower jaw, orbitosphenoid, right jugal, right quadrate, basioccipital, sphenoid, anterior vertebrae and ribs as well as pectoral and forelimb bones. (f) Scan of left jugal in lateral view for comparison. (g,h) Fragment of right otoccipital from scan of NHMUK PV R36822 showing position of vagus foramen, in (g) medial and (h) lateral views. (i,j) NHMUK PV 38889, fragment of left exoccipital part of otoccipital in (i) lateral and (j) medial views, annotated to show vagus foramen. (k) Isolated right palatine NHMUK PV R 38916 of †Cryptovaranoides microlanius in ventral view, showing extent of the choanal sulcus (fossa). (l) Right palatine of †Tanystropheus longobardicus PIMUZ T 2484 showing position of choanal channel. Scale bars all 2 mm except (a) = 0.5 mm and (d) = 1 mm. Arrows show anterior.ant, anterior; at, atlas; ax, axis; ba, basioccipital; bi, bicapitate; cap, capitellum; cen, centrum; ch, choana; chn, channel; cv, cavity; ect, ectepicondyle; ent, entepecondyle (entepicondylar); fct, facet; fo, foramen (foramina); for, foramen; fos, fossa; hg, hypoglossal; hu, humerus (humeral); hyo, hyoid; in, intercentrum; ju, jugal; l., left; lj, lower jaw; msof, margin of suborbital fenestra; mx, maxilla (maxillary); ne, neural; od, odontoid; orbs, orbitosphenoid; oto, otoccipital; pcf, posterior of the choanal fossa; pm, premaxilla; posl, posterolateral; post, posterior; pmd, posteromedial; proc, process; pt, pterygoid; q, quadrate; r, right; ra, radius; raul, radioulnar; ri, rib; s, spine; sp, septomaxilla; sph, sphenoid; th, tooth (teeth); thr, tooth row; tr, trochlea; unc, unicapitate; vf, vagus foramen; vo, vomer (vomerine).

Figure 1. Images from the holotype NHMUK PV R36822 of C. microlanius, separate isolated bones referable to the taxon and a palatine of †Tanystropheus longobardicus for comparison. (a) Distal end of left humerus in anterior view exposed on the surface of the holotype rock showing an ectepicondylar and an entepicondylar foramen and the capitellum. (b) NHMUK PV 38911 isolated larger specimen of the distal end of left humerus of †Cryptovaranoides microlanius in (above) anterior and (below) posterior views showing similar features except the condyle of the capitellum. (c) Right maxilla, right vomer in ventral view, right septomaxilla in dorsal view and both premaxillae exposed on the surface of the holotype rock. (d) Scan of right septomaxilla in posteromedial view. (e) Scan of NHMUK PV R36822, mainly in ventral view, showing right lower jaw, orbitosphenoid, right jugal, right quadrate, basioccipital, sphenoid, anterior vertebrae and ribs as well as pectoral and forelimb bones. (f) Scan of left jugal in lateral view for comparison. (g,h) Fragment of right otoccipital from scan of NHMUK PV R36822 showing position of vagus foramen, in (g) medial and (h) lateral views. (i,j) NHMUK PV 38889, fragment of left exoccipital part of otoccipital in (i) lateral and (j) medial views, annotated to show vagus foramen. (k) Isolated right palatine NHMUK PV R 38916 of †Cryptovaranoides microlanius in ventral view, showing extent of the choanal sulcus (fossa). (l) Right palatine of †Tanystropheus longobardicus PIMUZ T 2484 showing position of choanal channel. Scale bars all 2 mm except (a) = 0.5 mm and (d) = 1 mm. Arrows show anterior.ant, anterior; at, atlas; ax, axis; ba, basioccipital; bi, bicapitate; cap, capitellum; cen, centrum; ch, choana; chn, channel; cv, cavity; ect, ectepicondyle; ent, entepecondyle (entepicondylar); fct, facet; fo, foramen (foramina); for, foramen; fos, fossa; hg, hypoglossal; hu, humerus (humeral); hyo, hyoid; in, intercentrum; ju, jugal; l., left; lj, lower jaw; msof, margin of suborbital fenestra; mx, maxilla (maxillary); ne, neural; od, odontoid; orbs, orbitosphenoid; oto, otoccipital; pcf, posterior of the choanal fossa; pm, premaxilla; posl, posterolateral; post, posterior; pmd, posteromedial; proc, process; pt, pterygoid; q, quadrate; r, right; ra, radius; raul, radioulnar; ri, rib; s, spine; sp, septomaxilla; sph, sphenoid; th, tooth (teeth); thr, tooth row; tr, trochlea; unc, unicapitate; vf, vagus foramen; vo, vomer (vomerine).

“We knew our paper would be controversial,” explained Dr Whiteside. “But we were confident that we had looked at every possible feature and compared it with everything we could.”

Professor Benton said: “We were therefore surprised, perhaps even shocked, that in 2023 another team of academics suggested that Cryptovaranoides was not a lizard or even a lizard relative, but in fact an archosauromorph, more closely related to crocodilians and dinosaurs.”

In checking their original work, and the questions posed in the rival paper, the Bristol team explored all the data, including the original specimen as well as the X-ray scans that show the details hidden within the rock. “We had the marvellous images from those CT scans as well as further access to the fossil which enabled us to check all their suggestions,” said Dr Chambi-Trowell. “We found that most of the concerns raised were wrong.”

Figure 2. Photographs and CT scan images of NHMUK PV R36822 holotype bones of †Cryptovaranoides microlanius and isolated quadrate, prefrontal and premaxillae. (a–c) Left side of holotype skull and lower jaw of †Cryptovaranoides microlanius. (a) Close-up of left lacrimal in medial view. (b) Left side of skull and lower jaw in medial view. (c) Computed tomography (CT) scan of left lacrimal in lateral view. (d) Holotype right quadrate CT scan in medial view. (e) Isolated left quadrate NHMUK PV R 37606 digitally removed from matrix. (f) CT scan image of holotype right pterygoid in ventromedial view. (g) CT scan of holotype left and right premaxillae in posteroventral views. (h) Isolated left premaxilla NHMUK PV R 38914 in posteroventral view. (i) Isolated right premaxilla NHMUK PV R 38913 in posterior view. (j) Isolated right prefrontal NHMUK PV R 38912 in medial view. (k) Lateral view of right prefrontal NHMUK PV R 38912 showing palpebral fossa. Scale bars all 2 mm except (a) which is 0.5 mm. Arrows show anterior. an, angular; ant, anterior; ar, articular; c, crest; con, condyle; conc, conch; cor, coronoid; ct, contact; den, dentary; dor, dorsal; ec, ectopterygoid; ep, epipterygoid; f, frontal; fct, facet; fo, foramen (foramina); fos, fossa; gr, groove; ju, jugal; l., left; lac, lacrimal; mar, missing anterior region; me, medial; mth, missing tooth; mx, maxilla (maxillary); nal, nasolacrimal; not, notch; olcw, olfactory chamber wall; pa, palatine; pal, palbebral; pm, premaxilla; post, posterior; proc, process; prf, prefrontal; pt, pterygoid; ram, ramus; re, resorption; q, quadrate; r, right; slf, shelf, th, tooth (teeth); trc, tract; ty, tympanic.

Figure 2. Photographs and CT scan images of NHMUK PV R36822 holotype bones of †Cryptovaranoides microlanius and isolated quadrate, prefrontal and premaxillae. (a–c) Left side of holotype skull and lower jaw of †Cryptovaranoides microlanius. (a) Close-up of left lacrimal in medial view. (b) Left side of skull and lower jaw in medial view. (c) Computed tomography (CT) scan of left lacrimal in lateral view. (d) Holotype right quadrate CT scan in medial view. (e) Isolated left quadrate NHMUK PV R 37606 digitally removed from matrix. (f) CT scan image of holotype right pterygoid in ventromedial view. (g) CT scan of holotype left and right premaxillae in posteroventral views. (h) Isolated left premaxilla NHMUK PV R 38914 in posteroventral view. (i) Isolated right premaxilla NHMUK PV R 38913 in posterior view. (j) Isolated right prefrontal NHMUK PV R 38912 in medial view. (k) Lateral view of right prefrontal NHMUK PV R 38912 showing palpebral fossa. Scale bars all 2 mm except (a) which is 0.5 mm. Arrows show anterior. an, angular; ant, anterior; ar, articular; c, crest; con, condyle; conc, conch; cor, coronoid; ct, contact; den, dentary; dor, dorsal; ec, ectopterygoid; ep, epipterygoid; f, frontal; fct, facet; fo, foramen (foramina); fos, fossa; gr, groove; ju, jugal; l., left; lac, lacrimal; mar, missing anterior region; me, medial; mth, missing tooth; mx, maxilla (maxillary); nal, nasolacrimal; not, notch; olcw, olfactory chamber wall; pa, palatine; pal, palbebral; pm, premaxilla; post, posterior; proc, process; prf, prefrontal; pt, pterygoid; ram, ramus; re, resorption; q, quadrate; r, right; slf, shelf, th, tooth (teeth); trc, tract; ty, tympanic.

Professor Benton added: “All the details of the skull, the jaws, the teeth, and the limb bones confirm that Cryptovaranoides is a lizard, not an archosauromorph.

“In our new paper, we provide great detail of every criticism made and we provide more photographs of the specimen and 3D images from the scans, so everyone can check the detail.”

Dr Whiteside concluded: “The result of all this had to be tested by a phylogenetic analysis.

“This is where we code hundreds of anatomical features in Cryptovaranoides and other modern and fossil lizards, as well as various archosauromorphs.

“We ran the analysis time after time, and it gave our original result, that the little Bristol reptile is indeed the world’s oldest modern-type lizard.”

Source : University of Bristol. “World’s oldest lizard wins fossil fight.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 26 November 2024. <

Ref: David I. Whiteside, Sofía A. V. Chambi-Trowell, Michael J. Benton. Late Triassic †Cryptovaranoides microlanius is a squamate, not an archosauromorphRoyal Society Open Science, 2024; 11 (11) DOI: 10.1098/rsos.231874

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Rare whitefly fossils found in New Zealand shed light on ancient forest life

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

Newly discovered insect fossils are so small they can barely be seen by the human eye but have been preserved in an extraordinary way. Published in the journal Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, a study reveals rare whitefly insect fossils have been found in Miocene age crater lake sediments at Hindon Maar, near Dunedin.

Credit: Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s12549-024-00628-z

Credit: Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s12549-024-00628-z

Adult whiteflies are tiny insects about 3mm in size, smaller if they are immature. The fossils found at Hindon Maar are about 1.5mm by 1.25mm and have been preserved in the position where they lived and died, attached to the underside of a fossil leaf.

Black with an oval-shaped body, they have some similarities to modern-day whiteflies—such as the shape and color—but differ in that all the segments of the body are distinctly defined by deep sutures.

Co-author Dr. Uwe Kaulfuss, of the University of Göttingen in Germany and former postdoctoral fellow in the University of Otago’s Department of Geology, discovered the tiny fossils during an excavation at Hindon earlier this year.

“Fossils of adult whitefly insects are not uncommon, but it takes extraordinary circumstances for the puparia—the protective shell the insect emerges from—to become fossilized,” Dr. Kaulfuss says.

“Some 15 million years ago, the leaf with the puparia must have become detached from a tree, blown into the small lake and sank to the deep lake floor to be covered by sediment and become fossilized. It must have happened in rapid succession as the tiny insect fossils are exquisitely preserved.

“The  and species described in our study reveals for the first time that whitefly insects were an ecological component in ancient forests on the South Island.”

Study co-author Emeritus Professor Daphne Lee, of Otago’s Department of Geology, says they add to the expanding insect fauna revealed in the maar.


“It was difficult to see much with the naked eye but once the fossils were under a microscope, we could see the amazing detail,” she says. “The fact that they are still in life position on the leaf is incredible and extremely rare. These little fossils are the first of their kind to be found in New Zealand and only the third example of such fossil puparia known globally.


“Until about 20 years ago, the total number of insects in the country older than the Ice Ages was seven and now we have 750. Almost all are housed in the Otago Geology Department collections.

“New discoveries such as these from  sites in Otago mean we’ve gone from knowing almost nothing about the role played by insects to a new appreciation of their importance in understanding New Zealand’s past biodiversity and the history of our forest ecosystems.”

Professor Lee says while most people are interested in big fossils—large charismatic ones—most animals in forests are insects.

“There are 14,000 insects in New Zealand and 90% are found nowhere else in the world,” she says. “Discovery of these minute fossils tells us this group of insects has been in Aotearoa New Zealand for at least 15 million years. This provides a well-dated calibration point for molecular phylogenetic studies.”

REf: owita Drohojowska et al, First Miocene whiteflies and psyllids (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodoidea and Psylloidea) from Aotearoa New Zealand, Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s12549-024-00628-z

Provided by : University Of Otago , Source:

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Mbiresaurus raathi,a long-neck plant-eating dinosaur found in Zimbabwe

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

Artistic reconstruction of Mbiresaurus raathi (in the foreground) with the rest of the Zimbabwean animal assemblage in the background. It includes two rhynchosaurs (at front right), an aetosaur (at left), and a herrerasaurid dinosaur chasing a cynodont (at back right)ANDREY ATUCHIN/VIRGINIA TECH

Artistic reconstruction of Mbiresaurus raathi (in the foreground) with the rest of the Zimbabwean animal assemblage in the background. It includes two rhynchosaurs (at front right), an aetosaur (at left), and a herrerasaurid dinosaur chasing a cynodont (at back right)

An international team of paleontologists have uncovered what they believe to be the oldest dinosaur skeleton ever discovered in Africa. The skeleton of the Mbiresaurus raathi — described as a long-neck plant-eating dinosaur — was found in northern Zimbabwe, according to a news release Wednesday from Virginia Tech. The Mbiresaurus raathi lived more than 230 million years ago, researchers said.

The Mbiresaurus raathi was about 6-feet-long, had a long tail, and weighed anywhere from 20 to 65 pounds. The Mbiresaurus raathi is considered a sauropodomorph, a long-necked dinosaur.

The mostly intact skeleton was found by Virginia Tech student Christopher Griffin and other paleontologists during two digs in Zimbabwe in 2017 and 2019. The international team of researchers who found the skeleton said its only missing parts were some of the hand and portions of the skull.

“The discovery of Mbiresaurus raathi fills in a critical geographic gap in the fossil record of the oldest dinosaurs, and shows the power of hypothesis-driven fieldwork for testing predictions about the ancient past,” Griffin said in a statement.

Based off their findings, the Mbiresaurus stood on two legs and had a relatively small head with serrated triangle-shaped teeth.

“These are Africa’s oldest-known definitive dinosaurs, roughly equivalent in age to the oldest dinosaurs found anywhere in the world.” Griffin said. “The oldest known dinosaurs — from roughly 230 million years ago, the Carnian Stage of the Late Triassic period — are extremely rare and have been recovered from only a few places worldwide, mainly northern Argentina, southern Brazil and India.”

Most of the Mbiresaurus skeleton is being kept in Virginia Tech’s Derring Hall to be cleaned and studied. However, it will eventually be transferred to the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe in Bulawayo, along with any additional fossils found in the area, the university said.

“The fact that the Mbiresaurus skeleton is almost complete makes it a perfect reference material for further finds,” Michel Zondo, a curator and fossil preparer at the museum, stated in a press release. “It is the first sauropodomorph find of its size from Zimbabwe, otherwise most of our sauropodomorph finds from here are usually of medium- to large-sized animals.”

Source: Article by  

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Mysterious 50-million-year-old fish to get a new genus

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

"Pegasus" volans, MCSNV T.293. Credit: Paleontology (2024). DOI: 10.1101/2024.08.19.608581

“Pegasus” volans, MCSNV T.293. Credit: Paleontology (2024). DOI: 10.1101/2024.08.19.608581

A pair of paleontologists, one with the Museum für Naturkunde, in Germany, the other from the Università degli Studi di Torino, in Italy, has found new evidence that an ancient fish, which has defied categorization for hundreds of years, may belong to fishes in the group Teleostei. Donald Davesne and Giorgio Carnevale have published a paper describing their analysis of the only two known fossil samples of the fish on the bioRxiv preprint server.

Back in the 1700s, a fossilized fish was found in the northern part of Italy. Its appearance was so unlike any other find that it was impossible to classify. Clearly it was a , but what family did it come from? No one could say. Giovanni Serafino Volta, a naturalist who worked to identify other fish, classified it within the genus Pegasus, which lumped it in with seamoths.

Since that time, others in the field have pointed out that the fish fossil bears no resemblance to seamoths. Still, no one else could come up with anything better, even after another specimen was found; thus, it has held on to its genus.

In this new effort, the researchers undertook an intensive study of both fossils, hoping to establish a true classification on the tree of life.

Like others before them, the researchers noted that the , which has been dated to approximately 50 million years ago, had a ribbon-like body. The researchers took pictures of the fossils using an  and observed them with a stereomicroscope. This allowed them to rule out classification within the oarfish family, one possibility suggested by others.

Artistic reconstruction of a living “Pegasus” volans feeding on bioluminescent plankton at night. Digital painting by Margaux Boetsch. Credit: bioRxiv (2024). DOI: 10.1101/2024.08.19.608581

The pair did note similarities between the fossils and cusk-eel larvae and also other fish in the Teleostei group—many have long  similar to those of the fossilized fish. They also noted that it had an exceptionally thick abdomen, which, they note, suggested it likely had a pouch further below that held its ; another finding that points to Teleostei.

On the other hand, the pair found no evidence suggesting that the fossils were larvae—instead, their  and ossified skeletons suggested they were adults. But the researchers suggest that the fossils could have simply matured, and therefore still exhibited larval traits.

The researchers acknowledge that they were unable to find any firm relationship between the fossils and any other type of fish, but still insist the ancient specimens need a —they plan to announce the one they have chosen for it when their paper is officially published.

Ref:Donald Davesne et al, An extraordinary larval-like teleost fish from the Eocene of Bolca, bioRxiv (2024). DOI: 10.1101/2024.08.19.608581

Source: Article by Bob Yirka ,

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

WFS News:Matching dinosaur footprints found on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

A topographic scan of the wing bones that were found broken into three pieces but still well-preserved

A topographic scan of the wing bones that were found broken into three pieces but still well-preserved

An international team of researchers led by SMU paleontologist Louis L. Jacobs has found matching sets of Early Cretaceous dinosaur footprints on what are now two different continents.

“We determined that in terms of age, these footprints were similar,” Jacobs said. “In their geological and plate tectonic contexts, they were also similar. In terms of their shapes, they are almost identical.”

The footprints, impressed into mud and silt along ancient rivers and lakes, were found more than 3,700 miles, or 6,000 kilometers, away from each other. Dinosaurs made the tracks 120 million years ago on a single supercontinent known as Gondwana—which broke off from the larger landmass of Pangea, Jacobs said.

“One of the youngest and narrowest geological connections between Africa and South America was the elbow of northeastern Brazil nestled against what is now the coast of Cameroon along the Gulf of Guinea,” Jacobs explained. “The two continents were continuous along that narrow stretch, so that animals on either side of that connection could potentially move across it.”

Matching dinosaur footprints found on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean
             Theropod footprint from Sousa Basin, Lower Cretaceous of northeastern Brazil. Credit: Ismar de Souza Carvalho

Most of the  were created by three-toed theropod dinosaurs. A few were also likely made by sauropods or ornithischians, said Diana P. Vineyard, who is a research associate at SMU and co-author of the study.

Other co-authors of the study were Lawrence J. Flynn in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University, Christopher R. Scotese in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Northwestern University and Ismar de Souza Carvalho at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and Centro de Geociências.

The study was published by New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science in a tribute to the late paleontologist Martin Lockley, who spent much of his career studying dinosaur tracks and footprints.

Matching dinosaur footprints found on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean
A long ornithopod trackway at Passagem das Pedra, Sousa Basin preserved in floodplain deposits of Lower Cretaceous. Credit: Ismar de Souza Carvalho

Dinosaur footprints tell the whole story

Africa and South America started to split around 140 million years ago, causing gashes in Earth’s crust called rifts to open up along pre-existing weaknesses.

As the  beneath South America and Africa moved apart, magma from the Earth’s mantle rose to the surface, creating new oceanic crust as the continents moved away from each other. And eventually, the South Atlantic Ocean filled the void between these two newly-shaped continents.

Signs of some of those major events were evident between both locations where the dinosaur footprints were found—at the Borborema region in the northeast part of Brazil and the Koum Basin in northern Cameroon. Half-graben basins—geologic structures formed during rifting as the Earth’s crust pulls apart and faults form—are found in both areas and contain ancient river and lake sediments.

Along with dinosaur tracks, these sediments contain fossil pollen that indicate an age of 120 million years.

Before the continental connection between Africa and South America was severed, “rivers flowed and lakes formed in the basins” Jacobs said.

“Plants fed the herbivores and supported a food chain. Muddy sediments left by the rivers and lakes contain , including those of meat-eaters, documenting that these river valleys could provide specific avenues for life to travel across the continents 120 million years ago.”

Provided by Southern Methodist University

Source :PHYS.ORG

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

WFS News: Gaiasia jennyae : Giant Fossil Discovery in Namibia Challenges Long-Held Evolutionary Theories

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

Researchers have unearthed a giant basal tetrapod fossil in Namibia, revealing new aspects of early land animal evolution and highlighting the importance of southern continents in the study of these ancient species.

An international team of paleontologists has discovered a fossilized giant basal tetrapod in Namibia. Basal tetrapods, early four-legged vertebrates with fingers and toes, lived around 280 million years ago during the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life. These ancient carnivores are among the earliest ancestors of all modern animals. The nearly complete 3-meter-long skeleton, discovered in the Ugab River valley in Damaraland, belongs to a new species named Gaiasia jennyae.

This groundbreaking finding challenges the previous assumption that early tetrapods were only found in the northern hemisphere and offers new insights into the evolution of land-dwelling animals.

Unearthing a New Species

In their study, recently published in Nature, the team searched for evidence of the earliest four-legged animals to set foot on land in the ancient supercontinent Gondwana. Gondwana, which existed from about 550 to 180 million years ago, included what are now South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, and India.

While conducting fieldwork in Namibia, the researchers spotted something exciting. “The nearly complete skeleton was preserved in mudstone from an ancient freshwater lake. As the soft tissue decomposed, gases formed that caused calcium carbonate to crystallise around the bones, creating a hard crust that protected them from being crushed as they were buried deeper,” explains Prof. Roger Smith, Distinguished Professor at the Evolutionary Studies Institute at Wits and Emeritus Research Associate at Iziko Museums, Cape Town.

Sibusiso Mtungata, a highly skilled fossil technician from the Iziko Museum, describes the discovery moment: “We had found isolated vertebrae of something big, so we were looking for a more complete skeleton. I came across two round cylinders of rock with bone in the middle which fitted together – and then a third. I called Roger over to help me find more, and as we walked upslope, he spotted a large flat rock which he recognised as the head. When we looked along the edge and saw rows of teeth, we knew we had finally found what we had been searching for – a nearly complete skull and skeleton!”

The Significance of Gaiasia

Prof. Claudia Marsicano from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, elaborates on the significance of the find. “As soon as I saw this enormous animal, I knew it was a different species. There is no record of giant basal tetrapods during the Carboniferous-Permian transition (approximately 299 million years ago) anywhere in the world, and certainly none from the southern continents that made up Gondwana. What caught my attention next was the structure of the front part of the skull, which was sticking out of the ground. It showed unusually interlocking large fangs.” It was an ambush predator that ate the fish that lived in the same lake.

Collecting the fossil took some time. “The skeleton had already weathered out of the rock, so there was no need for excavation, but the whole team spent hours searching for fragments that had fallen off the skull block and moved downslope,” says Mtungata. The skeleton was then taken to the Iziko South African Museum in Cape Town to be painstakingly prepared in the Karoo Fossil Laboratory, a process that took two years. “Mechanical preparation was a challenge because it was too large to CT scan, so I didn’t know what to expect – especially in the palate where teeth of all different sizes were everywhere. And there was up to 10cm of rock around the vertebrae that needed to be drilled away, creating so much red dust that we had to bring in a special extractor,” Mtungata explains.

Analysis and Exhibition

The fossil preparation revealed that the large, flattened skull was decorated with unusual patterns and had a unique palate structure. It had enormous, backward-curved fangs in both the upper and lower jaws, making its mouth unlike anything seen before. Initially thought to be a large amphibian, further study showed that the skull had features of much older, less evolved four-legged animals, previously found only in older rocks in the northern hemisphere.

“We named the new species Gaiasia jennyae. ‘Gaiasia’ is after Gaias, a nearby desert spring where the fossil was found. ‘Jennyae’ honours Professor Jennifer Clack, a world-renowned expert in early tetrapod evolution, who passed away in 2020,” explains Smith.

The new findings strongly suggest that early tetrapods were well-established in the cold-temperate regions of Gondwana as early as the Carboniferous-Permian transition. “This discovery challenges previous beliefs about early tetrapod distribution and evolution, which were mostly based on fossils from the northern hemisphere,” says Marsicano. “Our research shows a well-established early Permian fauna, with Gaiasia as an apex predator, in rocks from high-latitude Gondwana, now located in central Namibia. This challenges previous ideas and proves that the early history of tetrapods in Pangea during the Palaeozoic was much more complex than we thought.”

The specimen has been returned to Windhoek, where it will soon be on display in the Geological Museum of Namibia.

Reference: “Giant stem tetrapod was apex predator in Gondwanan late Palaeozoic ice age” by Claudia A. Marsicano, Jason D. Pardo, Roger M. H. Smith, Adriana C. Mancuso, Leandro C. Gaetano and Helke Mocke, 3 July 2024, Nature.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07572-0

Source: Article by BY UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND@Scitechdaily.

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev


WFS News: Giant Fossil Beans Unlock Secrets of Ancient Rainforests

@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev

Scans of a giant fossil legume revealed the extinct species is a relative of the modern black bean tree. Credit: Edward Spagnuolo

Scans of a giant fossil legume revealed the extinct species is a relative of the modern black bean tree. Credit: Edward Spagnuolo

Ancient fossil beans the size of modern limes may provide new insight into the evolution of today’s diverse Southeast Asian and Australian rainforests, according to Penn State researchers who identified the plants.

The researchers determined that the fossils, which are among the largest seeds in the fossil record, represent a now-extinct legume genus that lived in Southeast Asia and was closely related to modern Castanospermum, known as the black bean tree. This tree is only found today in the coastal rainforests of northern Australia and neighboring islands.

The study, conducted in collaboration with paleontologists from Indonesia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere in the United States, was recently published in the International Journal of Plant Sciences.

Insights from Eocene-Era Fossils

The fossils, discovered in Indonesian Borneo, date back to the Eocene period approximately 34 to 40 million years ago. They suggest that the ancestors of the black bean tree migrated from Asia into Australia during the tectonic-plate collision that brought the land masses together and allowed for an exchange of plants and animals between the continents. The collision of the Southeast Asian and Australian tectonic plates, which began about 20 million years ago and continues today, led to a large exchange of plant and animal species between the landmasses, the scientists said.

Giant bean fossils of the newly described extinct legume Jantungspermum gunnellii were found in Indonesian Borneo. The legumes were closely related to the Australian back bean tree, Castanospermum, found today only in lowland rainforests of northern Australia and neighboring islands. Credit: Edward Spagnuolo

Giant bean fossils of the newly described extinct legume Jantungspermum gunnellii were found in Indonesian Borneo. The legumes were closely related to the Australian back bean tree, Castanospermum, found today only in lowland rainforests of northern Australia and neighboring islands. Credit: Edward Spagnuolo

The findings provide the first macrofossil evidence of a plant lineage moving from Asia into Australia after the Asia-Australia tectonic collision, the researchers said. The fossils are also the oldest definite fossil legumes — the bean family — from the Malay Archipelago and the first fossil record anywhere of plants related to the black bean tree.

“These fossil seeds suggest that the ancient relatives of Castanospermum migrated into Australia from Southeast Asia during the tectonic collision event and later went extinct in Asia,” said Edward Spagnuolo, a doctoral student in the Department of Geosciences at Penn State and lead author of the study.

Overcoming Challenges in Fossil Collection

These findings challenge most of the existing direct macrofossil evidence for plant migrations, which represents lineages that moved from Australia into Asia. According to the scientists, the lack of direct evidence for movement from Asia to Australia is at least partially due to a poor plant fossil record in the Malay Archipelago, which includes the Philippines, Indonesia, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, and parts of Malaysia.

“It’s really hard to collect fossils in this part of the world,” Spagnuolo said. “Most surface rocks are destroyed by the heavy tropical rainfall or covered by vegetation, agriculture and buildings, so there are few places to look for fossils other than mine and quarry exposures. There is also very little paleontological infrastructure. We’re fortunate to have a partnership with Indonesian paleontologists at Institut Teknologi Bandung in Java, who make this work possible.”

Field Discoveries and Fossil Analysis

An international research team, including Peter Wilf, professor of geosciences at Penn State, collected the fossils in 2014 from the seams of a coal mine in South Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. The collection included three large beans, pollen samples, and about 40 leaves. Along with plants, the team also discovered diverse fossilized bird tracks, burrowing traces of marine invertebrates and fossil turtle remains, among other fossils recently published or under continued study.

The seeds are some of the largest in the fossil record, excluding coconuts and some other palms. They would have grown in a pod that most likely reached up to 3 feet long, or the length of a baseball bat, and fit up to five seeds, the scientists said.

After fieldwork, the fossils were loaned to Penn State, where the seeds underwent CT scan imaging. Spagnuolo and Wilf analyzed the fossil beans taxonomically, describing anatomical characters useful for identification, and found they most closely resembled modern Castanospermum, which has no previous fossil representatives.

“Although some of the characteristics of these fossils are common across legumes, there is no fossil or living legume group besides Castanospermum that has a combination of features closely matching the fossils,” Spagnuolo said. “That makes us confident with our identification.”

The fossil seeds were named Jantungspermum gunnellii. The genus name refers to the heart shape of the fossil — jantung means heart in Indonesian and spermum means seed in Latin. The species name honors the late Gregg Gunnell, a vertebrate paleontologist formerly of the Duke University Lemur Center, who led the field trip.

Legumes are a diverse family of flowering plants, with about 20,000 species alive today that include many large tropical trees, the scientists said. But despite their abundance and diversity in modern ecosystems, these seeds are the only definite legume fossils from before the Neogene period, the interval between 2.6 million and 23 million years ago, in the Southeast Asian wet tropics.

“The tropics are the most diverse biome on Earth,” Wilf said. “We know very little from the fossil record about how tropical ecosystems evolved, especially in Asia, even as extinction risks are rising quickly, and we lose vast areas every year to deforestation. The Penn State paleobotany group is working on this problem in the field with colleagues in several Asian countries, and the new giant fossil beans from Borneo are a fantastic example of the discovery potential.”

These findings confirm legumes’ presence in Southeast Asia and fill a critical hole in the fossil record, the scientists said.

“We have a great legume fossil record for much of the world but not Southeast Asia,” Spagnuolo said. “Our work highlights the neglected paleobotanical potential of this region and the need for more fossil sampling in the Malay Archipelago.”

Reference: “Giant Seeds of an Extant Australasian Legume Lineage Discovered in Eocene Borneo (South Kalimantan, Indonesia)” by Edward J. Spagnuolo, Peter Wilf, John-Paul Zonneveld, David Shaw, Aswan, Yan Rizal, Yahdi Zaim, Jonathan I. Bloch and Russell L. Ciochon, 25 July 2024,


@WFS,World Fossil Society, Athira, Riffin T Sajeev, Russel T Sajeev
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