Image credit: Kelly Writers House
Complete recording and more info here.
PoemTalk Podcasts
PoemTalk #144, Discussing Michael McClure's "Ghost Tantras," feat. Selena Dyer, Jonathan Dick, Jerome Rothenberg
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #123, Discussing David Antin's "War", feat. Ariel Resnikoff, Jerome Rothenberg, and Diane Rothenberg
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #121, Discussing Jerome Rothenberg's "Galician Nights" and "Poland/1931", feat. Jake Marmer, Frank London, and Maria Damon
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #27, Discussing Robert Duncan's "Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow", feat. Jeffrey Robinson, Jerome Rothenberg, and Charles Bernstein
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #10, Discussing Gertrude Stein's "Portrait of Christian Bérard", feat. Jerome Rothenberg, Bob Perelman, and Lee Ann Brown
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #7, Discussing Jerome Rothenberg's "A Paradise of Poets", feat. Bob Holman, Randall Couch, and Jessica Lowenthal
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PennSound #52, with Jerome Rothenberg and Ariel Resnikoff
Complete recording (1:06:55): MP3
PennSound Podcast #1, with Jerome Rothenberg
Complete recording (15:41): MP3
Jerome Rothenberg records for the Rockdrill CD series
Rockdrill 6: Sightings, Jerome Rothenberg: Poems 1960-1983
Published by the Contemporary Poetics Research Centre, Optic Nerve for Birkbeck College, 2004.
Produced by Colin Still. Used with the permission of Colin Still.
- Twentieth Century Unlimited (0:36): MP3
- 'A Little Boy Lost' (0:57): MP3
- A Bodhisattava Undoes Hell (2:22): MP3
- Sightings #1, #2, #4 (2:55): MP3
- The Pirate (1:31): MP3
- The Water of the Flowery Mill (0:59): MP3
- Child of an Idumean Night (3:24): MP3
- from Poland/1931 'The Wedding,' Yiddish translation by Amos Schauss (0:59): MP3
- from Poland/1931 'The Wedding' (2:27): MP3
- from Poland/1931 'The Wedding,' music by Bertram Turetzky (3:05): MP3
- Portrait of a Jew Old Country Style (3:04): MP3
- Cokboy: Part One (7:03): MP3
- Cokboy: Part Two (7:08): MP3
- The Animals Are Coming, translation from Senecan Indian with Richard Johnny John (1:25): MP3
- Introduction to 'A Seneca Journal' (1:02): MP3
- from 'A Seneca Journal 1: A Poem of Beavers' (1:38): MP3
- Old Man Beaver's Blessing Song (1:33): MP3
- from The Dreamers (1:32): MP3
- The 13th Horse Song of Frank Mitchell (4:53): MP3
- from The First Horse Song of Frank Mitchell: 4-Voice Version (3:30): MP3
- The Chicago Poem (2:44): MP3
- The Chicago Poem, with music by George Lewis (3:53): MP3
- That Dada Strain (0:39): MP3
- That Dada Strain, with music by Bertram Turetzky (0:43): MP3
- Karawane (Hugo Ball), with music by Bertram Turetzky (1:57): MP3
- A Glass Tube Ecstasy for Hugo Ball, with music by Bertram Turetzky (1:53): MP3
- the Holy Words of Tristan Tzara (7:53): MP3
Rockdrill 7: Seedings, Jerome Rothenberg: Poems 1984-2003
Published by the Contemporary Poetics Research Centre, Optic Nerve for Birkbeck College, 2004.
Produced by Colin Still. Used with the permission of Colin Still.
- In the dark world, khurbn (0:42): MP3
- Dos Oysleydikn (The Emptying) (2:31): MP3
- In the dark world, khurbn [music by Charlie Morrow] (0:45): MP3
- Dos Oysleydikn (The Emptying) [music by Charlie Morrow] (2:38): MP3
- Dos Geshray (The Scream) [music by Charlie Morrow] (2:39): MP3
- Peroration for a Lost Town [music by Charlie Morrow] (6:04): MP3
- A Paradise of Poets (0:38): MP3
- Lorca Variations XXXIII: Second New York Poem (7:05): MP3
- Seedings (10:09): MP3
- Postlude to Seedings (2:21): MP3
- At Tsukiji Market, Tokyo (7:19): MP3
- New Improvisations (8:05): MP3
- Three Paris Elegies (5:00): MP3
- First Night Poem, for Jackson MacLow (3:41): MP3
- Autobiography 1997 (5:36): MP3
- Auschwitz-Birkenau (0:51): MP3
- Baba Yar (0:35): MP3
- The Case for Memory (0:49): MP3
- The Burning House (0:44): MP3
- Where God is Light (0:51): MP3
- A Real Man (0:50): MP3
- The Last Friend (0:43): MP3
- I Am Mad by Turns (0:59): MP3
- A Cruel Nirvana (0:52): MP3
- I Prefer a Poem with Spaces (1:04): MP3
- I Can't Say Who I Am (0:56): MP3
- I Come into the New World (1:19): MP3
"A Paradise of Poets" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 7.
Jerome Rothenberg Celebration/ Memorial
St. Mark's Church, New York, Nov. 6, 2024: MP4
Jerome Rothenberg Memorial
Milton Resnick - Pat Passloff Foundation, New York, June 24, 2024
Alex Paul Chapin & Geoffrey Dorfman, welcome
Charles Bernstein, MC
Bruce Andrews, Susan Bee, Lee Ann Brown, Steve Clay, Michael Heller, Bob Holman, Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese, Nicole Peyrafitte, and Cecilia Vicuña
Pierre Joris, eulogy
Charley Morrow, Kaddish
(1:41:30): MP3/audio & MP4/video
Gagosian Gallery at Marciano Foundation, inside Anselm Kiefer's "Exodus," Los Angeles, June 14, 2023
reading with Charles Bernstein (excerpt: "Poland/1931)"): MP4
Gagosian-produced video, published in Quarterly (Winter 2023) [& PennSound backup: MP4
Related: reading from Book of Infernos, #1-9, New York, September 27, 2022: MP4
Various talks and readings for Performed Poetics, a celebration of Jerome Rothenberg's 90th birthday and the works of Eric Mottram, King's College London, March 12-13, 2022
page for Rothenberg@90 Celebration London
90th Birthday Celebration at the Renee and Chaim Gross Foundation, New York City, December 12, 2021
- Sasha Davis and Mimi Gross: Welcome
- Matthew Rothenberg
- Steve Clay
- Jeffrey Robinson
- Al Filreis
- Pierre Joris
- Diane Rothenberg
- Jerome Rothenberg
Charles Bernstein and Pierre Joris, hosts
Video by Nicole Peyrafitte
Jerome Rothenberg performing several poems
Media.SAS mirror: MP4
Video by Al Filreis
Reading with Ariel Resnikoff for launch A Paradise of Hearing (English/Yiddish), May 23, 2021
The Swan #9, hosted by Joel Newberger. Rothenberg also
reads Yiddish translations of his poems, Resnikoff also reads from Unnatural
Bird Migrator. (Zoom, 60 min.): MP4
video, MP3 audio
Track list
- Introduction (1:51): MP3
- From Robert Duncan's "Symposium of the Whole" (JR) (1:52): MP3
- "A Paradise of Hearing," in English & Yiddish (JR & AR) (7:31): MP3
- Translated excerpt of Mikhl Likht's "Procession: II" (AR; translation by Resnikoff & Stephen Ross) (10:30): MP3
- "A Likht Variation, with Snakes & Stones" (JR) (6:23): MP3
- "Poland/1931, The Wedding," in English (JR; translation by Amos Schaus) (2:21): MP3
- "Poland/1931, The Wedding" in Yiddish (JR) (1:28): MP3
- "Yinglossia // Behind the Schola" (AR) (1:45): MP3
- "The King of the Jews," in English (JR; translation by Michael Taub) (1:15): MP3
- "The King of the Jews" in Yiddish (JR) (1:28): MP3
- "Yinglossia // Minkhe" (AR) (3:17): MP3
- "In the Dark Word, Khurbn", in English (JR) (0:46): MP3
- "In the Dark Word, Khurbn," in Yiddish (AR; translation by Luciano Mendes) (1:09): MP3
- "A Poem in Yellow after Tristan Tzara" in English (JR) (0:25): MP3
- "A Poem in Yellow after Tristan Tzara" in Yiddish (JR; translation by Rothenberg and Arie Galles) (0:23): MP3
- "That Dada Strain" in English (JR) (0:37): MP3
- "That Dada Strain" in Yiddish (JR; translation by Rothenberg and Arie Galles) (0:48): MP3
- "Yinglossia // Acute Pain" (AR) (2:17): MP3
- "Lullaby, a Story," in English & Yiddish (JR & AR; translation by Rothenberg) (1:04): MP3
- Toward an Omnipoetics (JR) (0:37): MP3
Reading and discussion of Rothenberg's poem, "A poem of fears, in seven installments, for David Antin" at the Kelly Writers House, February 2020
Poem Text: PDF
Reading of "Poland / 1931" in Yiddish and English:
Watch on Media.sas
Video by Herman Rappaport.
Watch on Media.sas
Video by Rosanna Albertini and Peter Kirby.
Complete audio (5:52): MP3
Technicians of the Sacred 50th Anniversary Celebration, September 28, 2017
Part One (43:24):
Watch on Media.sas
Part Two (46:23):
Watch on Media.sas
Complete audio: MP3
Reading for Outside-In / Inside-Out conference in Glasgow, October 8, 2016
Watch on Media.sas
Video by Pierre Joris.
Interviewed by Jake Marmer, with David Antin, San Diego, December 23, 2015
Complete recording (1:35:55): MP3
- How Jerome Rothenberg and David Antin met (1:37): MP3
- Writing and introductions to avant-garde poetry (6:16): MP3
- Translating poetry (1:45): MP3
- Antin and Rothenberg on initial inspirations (13:02): MP3
- Recognizing poetry (8:37): MP3
- On performing poetry (13:00): MP3
- Discussing "COKBOY" and talk poems (13:31): MP3
- Discussing the past in poetry (2:33): MP3
- Discussing imagination (6:27): MP3
- "Dissemblage" (9:18): MP3
- Removing the self (3:53): MP3
- Cage and "Nothing" (3:26): MP3
- Retrospection (4:14): MP3
- Critiques of Harold Bloom (5:12): MP3
- Poets and friendship (1:38): MP3
Reading and Launch of Barbaric Vast & Wild: Poems for the Millennium Vol. 5, The Poetry Project, October 14, 2015
- Introduction (21:15): MP3
- Conclusion (5:16): MP3
Hosted by Liz Peters and Ariel Yelen.
- Fantasy Reading Series Opening Remarks (2:08): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg Opening Remarks (3:36): MP3
- Introduction of Ariel Resnikoff (1:35): MP3
- Teachings of the Magic Kohl Rabi: I (1:32): MP3
- Author's Note (2:19): MP3
- 5 Prepositions (1:06): MP3
- From the Street Woman's Voice (Hebrew, Avoth Yeshurun) (2:02): MP3
- From the Street Woman's Voice (English Translation) (0:47): MP3
- Teachings of the Magic Kohl Rabi: II (0:35): MP3
- Ohio is not a Theoretical (For Bob Perelman) (1:43): MP3
- Interlude (0:35): MP3
- First Knowledge (Hebrew, Harold Schimmel) (1:32): MP3
- First Knowledge (English Translation) (0:35): MP3
- Waiting to be Anywhere (4:11): MP3
- Teachings of the Magic Kohl Rabi: III (0:27): MP3
- Golden Circle (Yiddish, Avrom Sutskever) (0:47): MP3
- Golden Circle (English Translation) (0:21): MP3
- Introduction to Mikhl Likht (with Stephen Ross) (1:14): MP3
- From Procession: I (Yiddish, Mikhl Likht) (2:47): MP3
- From Procession: I (English Translation, Resnikoff & Ross) (1:17): MP3
- From Procession: II (English Translation, Resnikoff & Ross) (5:04): MP3
- From YINGLOSSIA (4:20): MP3
- Teachings of the Magic Kohl Rabi: IV (0:54): MP3
- Not From Memory (0:51): MP3
- Introduction of Jerome Rothenberg (2:00): MP3
- Rothenberg Commentary on Yiddish Poetry (2:24): MP3
- a letter to Paul Celan in memory (2:07): MP3
- The Wedding (3:31): MP3
- The Wedding (Yiddish Translation, Amos Schauss) (3:04): MP3
- The King of the Jews (1:06): MP3
- The King of the Jews (Yiddish Translation) (1:18): MP3
- Murder Incorporated Sutra (for Robert Kelly) (5:45): MP3
- The Likht Variations, With Snakes & Stones (7:02): MP3
- At the Hotel Monopol (3:30): MP3
- From Procession: V (Rothenberg & Resnikoff together) (2:22): MP3
- Q&A and Closing Remarks (18:34): MP3
Complete reading (1:36:09): MP3
- A Further Witness (for Anselm Hollo) (2:19): MP3
The Book Undone: Thirty Years of Granary Books, Threads Talk Series, New York City, September 16, 2015
Jerome Rothenberg presentation (10:48): MP3
Watch on Media.sas
- Complete reading (1:09:01): MP3
Jerome Rothenberg at D.G. Wills Books, November 23, 2013
Introduced by David Antin.
Watch on Media.sas
Complete reading (34:49): MP3
- "A Cruel Nirvana" (1:37): MP3
- "A Dream Narrative" (0:17): MP3
- "A First Narrative" (0:30): MP3
- "Hero: A Narrative" (2:54): MP3
- Introduction to "The Notebooks" (0:46): MP3
- "From the Book of Palaces" (1:35): MP3
- "A Letter to Paul Celan in Memory" (2:01): MP3
- "Conversation 6" (0:37): MP3
- "Conversation 7" (0:32): MP3
- "Conversation 10" (0:50): MP3
- "Conversation 13" (0:42): MP3
- "Conversation 15" (0:48): MP3
- Introduction to "The Variations" (1:52): MP3
- "Variations on the Hell of Measures" (1:58): MP3
- "Variations on the Hell of Thieves" (1:55): MP3
- Introduction to "Divigations" (0:58): MP3
- "Divigations 14: The Sound of Water" (1:29): MP3
- "Divigations 16: Where Memory and Dream Are One" (3:14): MP3
- "Divigations 17: The Final Word is Desecration" (1:31): MP3
- "Divigations 18: All That We Have in Common" (1:44): MP3
- "The 13th Horse Song of Frank Mitchell (White)" (3:11): MP3
- Introduction (5:50): MP3
- Old Man Beaver's Blessing Song (1:09): MP3
- I Come Into the New World (2:29): MP3
- Variations on the Hell of Measures (3:47): MP3
- Variations on the Hell of Thieves (2:10): MP3
- The Times Are Never Right (2:15): MP3
- A Poem of Miracles (9:44): MP3
- letter from Henry Munn (2:53): MP3
Complete reading (30:52): MP3
Reading from Cruel Nirvana at University of Michigan, April 2013
Video recording (1:05:22): MP4
Complete reading (1:01:56): MP3
Reading at Xavier University, April 13, 2011
- welcome by Norman Finkelstein, Xavier University (1:59): MP3
- welcome by Ken Ehrlich, Dean of Hebrew Union College (3:43): MP3
- introduction by Finkelstein (4:58): MP3
- opening comments by Rothenberg (5:25): MP3
from Poland/1931 (1974)
- the Wedding (Yiddish translation by Amos Schauss) (1:38): MP3
- the Wedding (2:16): MP3
- the Beadle's Testimony (2:00): MP3
- the Student's Testimony (6:15): MP3
from A Big Jewish Book: Poems & Other Visions of the Jews from Tribal Times to the Present (1977)
- Song for the Shekinah on the Feast of the Sabbath (by Isaac Luria, trans. Rothenberg) (3:27): MP3
from Poland/1931 (1974)
- Esther K. Comes to America: 1931 (4:40): MP3
from Khurbn & Other Poems (1989)
- excerpts from Pre-Face and other introductory comments (4:44): MP3
- In the Dark Word, Khurbn (0:34): MP3
- Dos Oysleydikn (the Emptying) (2:52): MP3
- Dos Geshray (the Scream) (2:43): MP3
from Gematria (1993)
- introductory comments (3:28): MP3
- the First Station: Auschwitz-Birkenau (0:46): MP3
- the Ninth Station: Treblinka (0:28): MP3
- the Thirteenth Station: Ravensbrück (0:50): MP3
- the Fourteenth Station: Stutthof (0:20): MP3
from The Burning Babe (2007)
introductory comments (1:09): MP3
- The Burning Babe (1:29): MP3
from Khurbn & Other Poems (1989)
- Peroration for a Lost Town (6:44): MP3
from Concealments & Caprichos (2010)
- introductory comments on "A Book of Concealments"(3:34): MP3
- Four Preludes (1:29): MP3
- Righting an Ancient Wrong (1:16): MP3
- Let it Be Ice (0:57): MP3
- The Times Are Never Right (1:11): MP3
- In the Book of Concealments (2:17): MP3
Threads Talk Series Presentation, "From the Voice to the Book, from the Book to the Voice: a Dialectic," May 7, 2010
- Introduction by Steve Clay (1:55): MP3
- Talk (29:55): MP3
- Discussion (38:11): MP3
Complete recording (1:10:55): MP3
Jerome Rothenberg's Segments:
Introduction with Jeffery Robinson (11:51): MP3
First Break (3:38): MP3
Second Break (3:02): MP3
Closing Poem (1:23): MP3
Complete reading (1:46:24): MP3
Reading from Poems for the Millennium III Launch, Bowery Poetry Club, NY, March 3, 2009
Complete reading: (3:00): MP3
- Part One (8:40): MP3
- Part Two (3:44): MP3
- Part Three (7:54): MP3
- Part Four (9:34): MP3
April 28th Reading
- Al Filreis Introduction (7:57): MP3
- Matt Abess Introduction (4:43): MP3
- Jamie Lee Josselyn Introduction (1:51): MP3
- Three Paris Elegies (7:53): MP3
- The Announciation (2:42): MP3
- Aztec Definitions (4:10): MP3
- Arnhem Land (1:33): MP3
- Gift Event from the Kwakiutl (1:18): MP3
- Crazy Dog Events (1:12): MP3
- Poland/ 1931: The Wedding (4:28): MP3
- The Student's Testimony (7:04): MP3
- In the Dark Word Khurbn (3:50): MP3
- Dos Oysleydikin (The Emptying) (2:52): MP3
- Peroration for a Lost Town (7:01): MP3
- For the God of Europe (4:17): MP3
- The Burning Babe (1:43): MP3
- From The Book of Concealments, Righting an Ancient Wrong (1:55): MP3
- From The Book of Concealments, Larger than Life (0:55): MP3
- From The Book of Concealments, Let it Be Ice (0:54): MP3
- From The Book of Concealments, What Believers See (1:02): MP3
- From The Book of Concealments, The Mystery of Evil (2:02): MP3
- Night Poems in Memoriam Jackson Mac Low (14:48): MP3
- Old Man Beaver's Blessing Song (3:44): MP3
Complete reading (1:32:08): MP3, MOV
April 29th Discussion with Al Filreis
- Al Filreis introduction (4:20): MP3
- poetry and Treblinka (6:50): MP3
- Jewish identity (5:01): MP3
- Jewish dream (7:57): MP3
- "Technicians of the Sacred" (5:24): MP3
- Robert Duncan (7:54): MP3
- "The Burning Babe" and Robert Duncan (0:46): MP3
- on travel (3:49): MP3
- travel and elegy (2:42): MP3
- Paul Blackburn (4:25): MP3
- Surrealism, Dada and ethnopoetics (4:01): MP3
- contemporary American avant-poetics (1:48): MP3
- tensions within the avant-garde (4:06): MP3
- Secularism and poetics (4:54): MP3
- poetry in the classroom (2:13): MP3
- Paul Celan (5:52): MP3
- "A Letter to Paul Celan, in Memory, December 1975" (2:21): MP3
Complete recording (1:14:21): MP3, MOV
Highlight Reel
Watch on Media.sas
Jerome Rothenberg
Jerry and Diane come to our place for dinner. He had Susan had just collaborated on their fabulous Granary Book. The Burning Babe, so I asked Jerry about the central figure in the poem. (mp4, 1 min. 36 sec., 18.2 mb)
Complete reading (7:45): MP3
- Jerome Rothenberg & Charlie Morrow — In Memoriam: Jackson Mac Low (18:17):
- Charlie Morrow — Awakenings for Jackson Mac Low (15:52):
Appearing on Cross-Cultural Poetics #13 (hosted by Leonard Schwartz), 2003
Complete program (27:45): MP3
Rothenberg & the Klezmatics, 2002
Galician Nights, 2002 (6:26): MP3
[text: page
1, page
- His early introduction to the poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca, Lorca's use of the word "duende," and poetry as a kind of language people turn to in times of death (6:59): MP3
- His project Lorca Variations and the concept of "othering" (7:31): MP3
- Reading "Second New York Poem," and discussing the prophetic nature of the poem and his experience being in New York on September 11, 2001 (7:20): MP3
- Reading and discussing "Lorca Variation IXX, In A Time Of War," and discussing his anthology Poems for the Millennium (10:12): MP3
- Discussing the Dada movement and Robert Motherwell's anthology from the 50s and its influence on him, and reading "That Dada Strain" and "A Glass Tube Ecstasy" (12:07): MP3
Presented with the permission of Jerome Rothenberg and Paul Nelson.
Signature (2001)
- A Book of Witness (34:24): MP3
- Khurbn (12:06): MP3
- 14 Stations (8:34): MP3
- At Tsukiji Market Tokyo (8:06): MP3
- Paris Elegies (8:46): MP3
Produced by Charlie Morrow. All music and sound was composed, created and performed by Charlie Morrow. Originally published by Granary Books and Charles Morrow Associates in an edition of 100 copies on the occasion of Jerome Rothenberg's 70th Birthday Celebration at the Poetry Project, St. Mark's Church, NYC, Dec 12, 2001. Poems 1989, 1996, 1999, 2001 Jerome Rothenberg. Texts originally published by New Directions. Music and Sound © 2001 Other Media (ASCAP) NY, NY. All rights reserved.
Reading at San Diego State University, February 28, 2001
Complete reading (1:04:30): RealAudio
Radio Readings Project, April 24, 1999
- A Paradise of Poets (1:45): MP3
- At Tsukiji Market, Tokyo October 19, 1996 (8:40): MP3
- Three Paris Elegies (7:40): MP3
- New Improvisations (9:32): MP3
- Anger, a Dream & Pain (1:34): MP3
- First Night Poem for Jackson Mac Low - Variations & Collage (8:40): MP3
- Discussion (14:29): MP3
"A Paradise of Poets" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 7.
Wednesday Series: Book party for A Secret Location on the Lower East Side: Adventures in Writing 1960-1980. Robert Grenier, Jerome Rothenberg, St. Mark’s Church, NY, October 14, 1998
Recorded on audiocassette. Recording hosted by the Library of Congress.
- Side A (50:53): link
- Side B (48:17): link
- Aime Cesaire: Notebook of a Return to the Native Land (0:19): MP3
- Robert Duncan: Often I am Permitted to Return to a Meadow (1:15): MP3
- John Cage: Lecture on Nothing (2:10): MP3
- Marie Louise Kaschnitz: Who Would Have Thought It (1:49): MP3
- Alice Notley: Desamere (2:15): MP3
- Fujii Sadakazu: Where is Japanese Poetry (2:31): MP3
- Andrei Voznesensky: Back into the Future (0:25): MP3
- Maria Sabina: The Midnight Velada (4:13): MP3
- Rothenberg's "Lorca Variations" read by the author (3:30): MP3
- Rothenberg's "Three Paris Elegies" read by the author (7:40): MP3
- Rothenberg's "Night Poems for Jackson MacLow" read by the author (8:45): MP3
Performing "Khurbn/Hiroshima" by Charlie Morrow and Jerome Rothenberg, with Makoto Oda, Bread and Puppet Theater, Glover, VT, 1995
Incognito Lounge: Symposium on Surrealism, Santa Monica, CA, August 19, 1994
Organized by Douglas Messerli, with Will Alexander, David Antin, and Rothenberg.
- Part 1 (51:37): MP3
- Part 2 (36:30): MP3
- Introduction by Dennis Tedlock (7:57): MP3
- on "Horse Songs" and total translation (2:33): MP3
- Horse Songs I (4:29): MP3
- on Seneca Journal (3:29): MP3
- Seneca Journal I (8:07): MP3
- on That Dada Strain (1:37): MP3
- That Dada Strain (0:34): MP3
- performing Hugo Ball's "Karawane" (0:58): MP3
- A Glass Tube of Ecstasy, for Hugo Ball (1:47): MP3
- on addressing the dead and Garcia Lorca (2:16): MP3
- The Lorca Variations I, Lorca's Spain: A Homage (1:56): MP3
- The Lorca Variations VII, Water (for Charles Bernstein) (1:24): MP3
- The Lorca Variations XV, Water Jets (1:17): MP3
- The Lorca Variations XXXIII, Second New York Poem (6:43): MP3
- The Lorca Variations VIII, Backwaters (0:41): MP3
- on Khurbn (1:45): MP3
- In the Dark Word, Khurbn (0:33): MP3
- Dos Oysleydikn (The Emptying) (3:33): MP3
- Dos Geshray (The Scream) (2:37): MP3
- on writing poems to accompany Arie Galles's drawings (1:33): MP3
- Third Station: Buchenwald (0:14): MP3
- Twelfth Station: Gross-Rosen (0:20): MP3
- Seventh Station: Dachau (0:12): MP3
- Ninth Station: Treblinka (0:34): MP3
- Eleventh Station: Maidanek (0:35): MP3
- Thirteenth Station: Ravensbruck (0:44): MP3
- Peroration for a Lost Town (5:00): MP3
Complete reading (1:04:16): MP3]
University of California, San Diego, c. 1993
- "Why was it the apple and not the pomegranate?" (0:35): MP3
- About Lorca Variations (0:44): MP3
- From Lorca Variations (5:24): MP3
- Old Man Beaver's Blessing Song (2:12): MP3
Complete reading (9:50): MP3
Reading at The Knitting Factory, NYC, December 4, 1988
As captured in the film Jack Kerouac's "Mexico City Blues",
produced by Vivien Bittencourt and Vincent Katz
High quality YouTube mirror: link
For full credits and list of readers, click here
Complete recording (2:01:24): MP3
For Poet's Voice and Contrabass, 1984
Poland / 1931
- The Wedding (3:48): MP3
- The King of the Jews (1:21): MP3
- The Beadle's Testimony (1:49): MP3
- The Rabbi's Testimony (1:50): MP3
- The 7 Melodies of Esther K (3:56): MP3
- Esther K. Comes to America (4:38): MP3
That Dada Strain
- Karawane (by Hugo Ball) (1:54): MP3
- A Glass Tube Ecstacy, for Hugo Ball (2:34): MP3
- London Onion (by Kurt Schwitters) (1:51): MP3
- The Holy Wars of Tristan Tzara (9:19): MP3
- Y-V (After Tristan Tzara) (1:56): MP3
Complete Recording (36:08): MP3
Performed by Jerome Rothenberg (voice), Jean-Charles Francois (percussion) and Bertram Turetzky (bass). Originally produced as a private cassette.
Reading at the University at Buffalo, April 18, 1980
Complete reading (47:00): MP3
Courtesy of The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
Lecture on oral performance at the University at Buffalo, April 17, 1980
- Side A (1:02:32) MP3
- Side B (37:51) MP3
Courtesy of The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
Horse Songs (four voices, 1978)
- Part 1 (24:20): MP3
- Part 2 (13:22): MP3
Horse Songs & Other Soundings, published by S-Press as tape #25/26 and as #31, 1975
Side 1 (From "The 17 Horse Songs of Frank Mitchell"):
- Horse Songs I (7:47): MP3
- Horse Songs X (4:25): MP3
- Horse Songs XI (4:09): MP3
- Horse Songs XII (5:57): MP3
- Horse Songs XIII (5:44): MP3
Side 2:
- Salamanca a Prophecy (A Seneca Journal) (0:26): MP3
- Shaking the Pumpkin - opening songs (13:26): MP3
- Medley of short poems from "Shaking the Pumpkin" & "A Seneca Journal" (3:08): MP3
- Seneca Journal 1 - "A Poem of Beavers" and "Old Man Beaver's Blessing Song" (10:11): MP3
Rothenberg discusses "Horse Songs" and "total translation" at UBUWEB.
Reading Navajo Songs at the University of Warwick, November 4, 1971
Complete recording (55:39): MP3
Courtesy of University of Warwick.
Reading Poland / 1931 at the University of Warwick, 1970s (Date Unknown)
Complete recording (36:06): MP3
Courtesy of the University of Warwick.
Private Reading and Translation of Primitive Poetry for Nathaniel Tarn, University at Buffalo, July 4, 1969
Complete recording (50:06): MP3
Courtesy of The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational
use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2018
Jerome Rothenberg. Used with permission of Jerome Rothenberg. Distributed
by PennSound. |