Choice is a wonderful thing.
We all love choice in our daily lives from what clothes you dressed in this morning, to what food you ate for lunch today, to what entertainment you will enjoy tonight.
What is true in our personal lives is
also true for learning in schools.
I have four children of my own, and each one thinks, learns, struggles, and succeeds differently.
As educators, rather than trying to force all children in a preset mold, we need to
meet them where they are,
accommodate for their struggles,
tap into their interests, and
help them grow as best as they can.
Thankfully technology can provide some assistance with this daunting task. One particular tool that can help us and our students is
Google Classroom. With Google Classroom we can
differentiate our students' learning at each step of a project:
- Beginning - Who the students are
- Middle - How the students learn
- End - What the students make
See below for details on how to use Classroom to differentiate at each of these steps through the beginning, middle, and end of a learning activity.